Botswana / Food safety
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Section 3:
No person shall export or cause to be exported, either by rail, road or otherwise, from Botswana any calf skin, hide or skin except under a permit issued by the District Commissioner of the district from which such calf skin, hide or skin is to be exported or by a Government Veterinary Officer, Stock Inspector or some other official authorized thereto by the President by notice published in the Gazette.
Section 62 (extract):
(1) No person shall, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit granted to him by the Director under subsection (3), export from or import into or transport through or re-export from Botswana any animal, or trophy, meat or eggs thereof.
Regulation 23:
( 1) No person shall export from Botswana any fresh or processed fish without an export permit issued by an authorised officer.
(2) An application for an export permit shall be in Form N set out in Schedule 1 and accompanied by a fee set out in Schedule 2.
(3) A permit in terms of this regulation shall be in Form O set out in Schedule 1 and shall be valid for a period of 30 days from the date of issue.
( 4) A person who exports fish without an export permit commits an offense and is liable to a fine not exceeding P500, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both.
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Regulation 24:
In respect of the export of meat or meat products, the requirements imposed by the importing country for production, storage and transport must be met.
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Regulation 24:
In respect of the export of meat or meat products, the requirements imposed by the importing country for production, storage and transport must be met.
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Section 62 (extract):
(5) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P10 000 and to imprisonment for 7 years: Provided that-
(a) where the contravention is in respect of a rhinoceros or any trophy thereof, the penalty shall be a fine of P100 000, and imprisonment for 10 years; or
(b) where the contravention is in respect of an elephant or any trophy thereof, the penalty shall be a fine of P50 000, and imprisonment for 10 years.
Regulation 23 (extract):
( 4) A person who exports fish without an export permit commits an offense and is liable to a fine not exceeding P500, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both.