Human wildlife conflict

Suriname / Human wildlife conflict
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Article 20 [extract]: In addition to the persons designated in Article 134 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the persons designated for this purpose by or under this Act, who shall draw up their minutes on the oath, shall be responsible for tracing the offences established for that purpose by the Director or the Head as his replacement, [...]
Article 26:
In addition to the officials designated by or pursuant to Article 134 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, special investigating officers are designated by the Minister for the investigation of the offences punishable by or pursuant to this Act. The officials referred to in Article 27 paragraph 1 are not charged with the investigation.
Article 27 (1):
On the recommendation of the Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry, persons employed by the Subdirectorate for Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries are specially charged by the Minister with supervising and controlling compliance with the provisions of or pursuant to this Act.
Article 1 J [extract]:
[…] For the Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environment the special tasks are as follows
a) Ensuring proper spatial planning and promoting this in the general sense of the word, all this in consultation with relevant ministries and institutes including, the Ministries of Regional Development, Public Works, Land Policy and Forest Management, Natural Resources and Agriculture , Animal Husbandry and Fisheries;
b) Developing and coordinating national spatial planning policy, geared as much as possible to the long-term and short-term development planning that is established within the framework of the policy objectives of the Government, all this as provided for in the Planning Act with all associated adjustments and changes;
c)The development of structural and zoning plans as provided for in the urban development law with all associated adjustments and changes, as well as monitoring compliance with these plans at the rural, urban and regional level;
d) Maintaining and periodically updating a country information file;
e) The production and coordination of the national base map of Suriname;
f) As part of the development process of structural and zoning plans, the identification and registration of public areas as well as the establishment of restrictions arising from cultural, environmental, social, historical, scientific or other considerations in so far as they are in the public interest;
g) Taking care of the topography, cartography, soil survey and soil mapping of all soils located in the national territory of the Republic of Suriname;
h) Ensuring compliance with statutory rules and regulations with regard to spatial planning, geodesy and the environment, if necessary in an interdepartmental context;
i) Creating and promoting the conditions necessary for the protection of nature and for the maintenance of the ecological balance;
j) The preparation of an environmental policy plan;
k) coordinating and monitoring the implementation of national environmental policy; this in collaboration with the relevant ministries and agencies;
l) Identifying and establishing national priorities with regard to the environment which are part of the national environmental strategy as included in the Suriname Development Plan;
m) Preparing national environmental legislation and updating existing environmental (related) laws;
n) Supervising the implementation and compliance with the obligations of the environmental treaties;
o) Developing and maintaining cooperation mechanisms and partnerships in order to meet national and international environmental obligations in an efficient and effective manner; .
p) Promoting population participation in environmental activities in Suriname;
q) Encouraging the use of environmentally friendly technologies;
r) Checking compliance with environmental rules and regulations in production activities, and
s) Stimulating environmental education in Suriname in consultation with the Ministry responsible for education.
Article 1 K [extract]:
[…] For the Ministry of Land Policy and Forest Management the special tasks are as follows
Caring for:
(a) topography, mapping, geodesy, soil research and soil mapping;
(b) the land use, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
(c) a targeted land issue, in cooperation with the appropriate ministries, where necessary in a departmental context;
(d) the land registry and public registers for mortgage canteen;
(e) the control of the lawful and efficient use of allocated land, where necessary in an interdepartmental context;
(f) monitoring compliance with rules and regulations relating to geodesy;
(g) the inventory, exploration, optimal exploitation and management of the forest resource, flora and fauna;
(h)responsible nature management and nature conservation, and
(i) monitoring compliance with rules and regulations relating to the production of wood and wood products, flora and fauna.
Article 6 (1) [extract]: For the Ministry of Justice and Police, the special tasks are defined as follows:
The care of [...]
m. the internal security of the State and the maintenance of public order and tranquility, the prevention of infringements thereof and the protection of persons and goods.
Article 3 [extract]: The general management of nature reserves rests with the Head of the Suriname Forest Service (LBB), who is seeking the advice of the Nature Conservation Commission. [...]
Article 4: The Head of the Suriname Forest Service can, on the advice of the Nature Conservation Commission, close a nature reserve to the public in whole or in part. It shall be prohibited to enter an area closed under the previous paragraph, except with written authorization from the Head of The Forest Management and subject to the conditions laid down therein.
Article 6: The prohibitions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to persons designated by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, to whom a special authorization has been granted or ordered to carry out, subject to the conditions laid down by that Head, for the purposes of scientific, educational, cultural or other purposes.
Article 7: The Head of the Suriname Forest Service may grant written authorization to certain persons to exercise a holding in an unseeded part of a nature reserve in accordance with a plan approved by him, or to cooperate in the pursuit of a holding, subject to expressly reservations that no damage or harm to the reserve as such is caused by such persons or undertakings.
The Head of the Suriname Forest Service may grant written authorization to certain persons, in order to collect, graze or fish in certain areas of nature reserves, pastures or fishing under conditions he has designated.