Zimbabwe / Animal production
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Section 8 (extract) -
(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), no person shall sell any fertilizer, farm feed or
remedy unless—
(a) it is registered under this Act; and
(b) it is packed in the prescribed manner; and
(c) the container in which it is sold complies with the prescribed requirements and is branded, labelled, marked or sealed in the prescribed manner; and
(d) it is of the composition, efficacy, fineness and purity specified in the application for its registration and possesses all other properties specified in such. application.
Section 10 -
(1) Any person who sells any fertilizer or farm feed shall give to the purchaser at the time of delivery or send to him at the time of dispatch an invoice setting forth such particulars in respect of such fertilizer or farm feed as may be prescribed
Section 59 Regulations
(1) Subject to subsection (4), the Minister may by regulation prescribe anything which by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or which, in his or her opinion, is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act.
(2) Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide for—(f) the books and records to be kept and the estimates, returns and information to be furnished by producers, processors and buyers of products of biotechnology to the Authority or any other person;
Section 7 (extract) -
( 1) all local manufacturers of farm feed shall ensure that- (…)
(b) they must submit sample and declare nutritional composition for registration; and
(2) All importers of farm feeds shall ensure that- (…)
(f) they incorporate Zimbabwean registration number, name and physical address of the local distributor, and details of manufacturer on the label.
(3) All exporters of farm feeds shall ensure that- (...)
(b) the feed and feedmill must be registered prior to application for export permit.
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Section 28 Returns to be furnished by registered users
(1) Every registered user of a product of biotechnology shall, in the form and manner and within the time required by the Authority, furnish the Authority with such returns or other information in connection with his or her use of the product as the Authority considers will assist it in discharging its functions.