Botswana / Food safety
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Regulation 2 (extract):
"animal" means-
(a) any domestic animal of the following species-
(i) bovine animals,
(ii) swine,
(iii) sheep,
(iv) goats, and
(v) equines; and
(b) farmed game;
Seventh Schedule, Part I:
1. The occupier of every farmed game handling facility shall ensure that-
(a) farmed game intended for slaughter there undergoes adequate inspection by a VO, OVS or meat inspector;
(b) the Director is informed at least 72 hours in advance of the date and time on which farmed game is to be slaughtered in such premises;
(c) the premises have a suitable place for gathering farmed game where ante-mortem health inspections can be carried out;
(d) the premises have suitable and sufficient accommodation, facilities and equipment for the slaughter of farmed game and for the bleeding and handling of the bodies of such animals;
(e) farmed game animals are subjected to ante-mortem health inspection in accordance with the Ninth Schedule not more than 72 hours prior to slaughter;
(f) after shooting or stunning, the bodies of farmed game animals are bled in an approved manner;
(g) the bodies of slaughtered farmed game are hung as quickly as possible after bleeding and are transported as soon as practicable under satisfactory hygienic conditions to a farmed game meat plant for the purpose of dressing and postmortem inspection; and are accompanied during transport to the facility by the certificate referred to in the Twenty-Third Schedule; and if the bodies of slaughtered farmed game cannot be transported so as to reach the farmed game meat plant within one hour of slaughter, they are transported there in an approved container or vehicle in which the ambient temperature is maintained at between 0ºC and 4ºC;
(h) the equipment used for the slaughter and bleeding of farmed game is of a durable, impermeable and corrosion-resistant material not liable to taint the meat;
(i) the equipment referred to in subparagraph (h) of this Part is cleaned and disinfected in accordance with paragraph 3 (d) of Part I of the Eighth Schedule; and
(j) ensure that all equipment and implements which come into contact with farmed game are kept in a good state of repair and all fixtures, fittings and equipment are kept clean.
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Seventh Schedule , Part I:
1. The occupier of every farmed game handling facility shall ensure that-
(f) after shooting or stunning, the bodies of farmed game animals are bled in an approved manner;
(g) the bodies of slaughtered farmed game are hung as quickly as possible after bleeding and are transported as soon as practicable under satisfactory hygienic conditions to a farmed game meat plant for the purpose of dressing and postmortem inspection; and are accompanied during transport to the facility by the certificate referred to in the Twenty-Third Schedule; and if the bodies of slaughtered farmed game cannot be transported so as to reach the farmed game meat plant within one hour of slaughter, they are transported there in an approved container or vehicle in which the ambient temperature is maintained at between 0ºC and 4ºC;
1. (1) The occupier and persons engaged in the handling of fresh meat shall ensure that-
(m) evisceration is carried out immediately after flaying or depilation as appropriate and completed-
(i) not later than 45 minutes after stunning,
(ii) in the case of religious slaughter, not later than 30 minutes after bleeding, or
(iii) in the case of the slaughtered and bled bodies of farmed game brought into an abattoir or farmed game plant in accordance with subparagraph (e) of Part I of the Seventh
Schedule, as soon as possible;
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Tenth Schedule (extract):
(q) subject to paragraph 3 of the Twelfth Schedule, fresh meat is placed without undue delay in a refrigeration room and is brought progressively to an internal temperature of not more than 7ºC for carcasses, half carcasses, half carcasses cut into three wholesale cuts and quarter carcasses and 3ºC for offal, and is subsequently kept constantly at or below that temperature: Provided that fresh meat shall not be required to be refrigerated where-
(i) it is removed from any abattoir or farmed game meat plant within 24 hours of slaughter for delivery to cutting premises or butchers’ shops,
(ii) such transportation can be completed within one hour, and
(iii) it is kept under hygienic conditions before removal from such premises;
Twelfth Schedule (extract):
3. Notwithstanding anything in paragraph 2 of this Schedule or paragraph 1 (1) (p) of the Tenth Schedule-
(a) fresh meat may be cut up without first being chilled, subject to the following conditions-
(i) the fresh meat is transferred directly and without risk of contamination from an abattoir or farmed game meat plant to cutting premises within the same group of buildings;
(ii) cutting up takes place without delay; and
(iii) as soon as cutting up, wrapping and packaging are completed the fresh meat is placed immediately in the refrigerated room and is brought progressively to an internal temperature of not more than 7ºC for cut fresh meat and 3ºC for offal;