Legal hub/Egypt-AEWA

Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA)
The legal framework defines the concept of favourable conservation status of waterbirds.
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Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 1 al. 7 (extract) : [...] Environmental Pollution: Any change in environmental properties that leads directly or indirectly to undermining man's health, negatively impacting his ability to lead a normal life, or harming natural habitats, living organisms or biological diversity.[...] Article 28 (extract) : Practicing any of the following acts is prohibited: Firstly : Hunting, killing, catching birds [...] as well as possessing, transporting, importing and exporting or offering to sell such birds and animals, either dead or alive, as a whole, in part or their derivatives, or practicing activities that tend to destroy their natural habitats or properties or damage their nests, eggs or their offspring. The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these creatures and sites to which the provisions of the above mentioned paragraph shall apply. Secondly: Cutting or damaging plants as well as, possessing, transporting, importing and exporting, or offering them to sell as a whole, in part or their derivatives and products thereof, practicing any activities that tend to destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats. The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these plants. Thirdly: Collecting, possessing, transporting, or offering to sell kinds of fauna and flora fossils or changing their features; as well as destroying their distinguished geological formations or environmental features or harming their aesthetic value in the Natural Protected Areas. Fourthly: Trading in all endangered living organisms of fauna and flora species; their breeding or planting in sites other than their natural habitats without obtaining a license from Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these creatures and license conditions. [...] |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic level in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited : - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Hunting, taking or transporting any organisms or organic materials such as shells, corals, rocks or soil for any purpose; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected area; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Introducing exotic species to the protected area; - Contaminating the soil, water or air of the protected area in any way. - Constructing buildings, facilities, roads; driving vehicles, or engaging in any agricultural, industrial or commercial activities in the protected areas is prohibited without a permit from the concerned administrative authority in accordance with the rules, regulations and procedures to be determined by a decision of the Prime Minister. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Article 24 (extract) : [...] a) Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix 4 hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited. b) EAA, bound by the international agreements to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party, organizes hunting and gathering of wild animals and plants in the places and areas identified by EAA. It also determines the types, numbers or quantities of organisms allowed to be hunted or collected, and regulates the periods, method and fishing tools used […]. |
Presidential Decree No. 412 of November 22, 1998 on the approval of the Convention for the Conservation of African-European Migratory Waterfowl Asian and signed at The Hague on 20/8/1997
Article 1 : The Convention for the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds, signed at The Hague on 20/8/1997, is approved and is subject to ratification. |
Art. II-2
The legal framework allows for the precautionary principle to be taken into account in the implementation of conservation measures for migratory waterbirds.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 1618 of September 10, 2006 on protectd areas in the Northern islands of the Red Sea in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 3 (extract) : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic value in the protected areas are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited: [...] - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them or affect the genetic characteristics of these organisms. |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No.4 of February 3,1994 on the protection of the Environment
Article 1 al. 36 (extract) : [...] Environmental Impact Assessment: Studying and analyzing the environmental feasibility of proposed projects whose construction or activities might affect the safety of the environment. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 3 (extract) : Activities, behaviors, works or experiments in the areas surrounding the protected area, which are identified by the decree are prohibited [...] if they would affect the environment of the protected area or natural resources therein, unless permitted by the concerned administrative authority. Article 4 (extract) : The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with implementing the provisions of this Act and the executive decisions for the natural resource preservation and protection. Authority branches could be established in the governorates in which the protected areas are located. It specializes in the following: - Establishing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the protected area; - Monitoring environmental phenomena, taking the stock of land and marine organisms of the protected area, and creating a record for each protected areas [...]. |
Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014
Article 30 : The state commits to protecting fisheries, protecting and supporting fishermen, and empowering them to carry out their work without causing damages to eco-systems, in the manner organized by law. Article 32 al.1 (extract) : [...] Natural resources belong to the people. The state commits to preserving such resources, to their sound exploitation, to preventing their depletion, and to take into consideration the rights of future generations to them. Article 45 : The state commits to protecting its seas, beaches, lakes, waterways, groundwater, and protected areas. It is prohibited to encroach upon, pollute, or use them in a manner that contradicts their nature. Every citizen has the right to enjoy them as regulated by law. The state also commits to the protection and development of green space in urban areas; the protection of plants, livestock and fisheries; the protection of endangered species; and the prevention of cruelty to animals. All the foregoing takes place as regulated by law. |
Fatwa (legal Opinion) of the State Council, the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation Departments, Fatwa No. 1599 of October 23, 2021 on legality of fisheries activities in Wadi El Rayan protected area (extract)
[…] Despite the decision of the General Assembly of Fatwa and Legalization that such activities are banned as per fatwa No. 17 of 2 January 2017, and based on decision post revisiting the case by the Nature Protection Sector of the Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA), it is concluded that the activity of fisheries is necessary for the survival of the natural life in the Wadi Al-Rayan protected area, and there are no environmental harmful impacts resulting from engaging in fish farming activity on the protected environment of Wadi El Rayan. Regardless of these two reports, it is deemed necessary to notice what the General Assembly issued a fatwa that such authorized activity falls among the prohibited ones. Revisiting the ban of renewing the authorization to the Association to practice fish farming in Wadi Al-Rayan protected area without a legal proof is not allowed. This is boosted by the two reports conflict in terms of the area in which the activity is allowed to be carried out. Hence, both reports should be put ignored, according to what was repeated in the Fatwas, that estimating and balancing the expert work and opinions remains subject to the assessment of the General Assembly. For these reasons, the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation Divisions concluded the illegality of the activity sought, and the inadmissibility of renewing the permit previously issued by the Cooperative Society for Fish Farming in Fayoum to engage in fish farming activity in the Wadi El Rayan protected area. Thereby, confirming its previous fatwa supported by reasons […] |
Art. III-2 (a) et Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.1.1)
The legal framework:
- prohibits the taking of threatened waterbirds (i.e waterbirds belonging to populations listed in column A of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) and their eggs;
- prohibits any deliberate disturbance in their regard;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in these birds, their eggs or any parts or derivatives;
Except for populations of birds in categories 2 and 3 of column A marked with an asterisk, and for populations in category 4 of column A, for which hunting may exceptionally be permitted, provided that it is sustainable and is conducted within the framework of international species action plan.
- prohibits the taking of threatened waterbirds (i.e waterbirds belonging to populations listed in column A of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) and their eggs;
- prohibits any deliberate disturbance in their regard;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in these birds, their eggs or any parts or derivatives;
Except for populations of birds in categories 2 and 3 of column A marked with an asterisk, and for populations in category 4 of column A, for which hunting may exceptionally be permitted, provided that it is sustainable and is conducted within the framework of international species action plan.
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Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic level in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited: - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Hunting, taking or transporting any organisms or organic materials such as shells, corals, rocks or soil for any purpose; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected area ; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Constructing buildings, facilities, roads; driving vehicles, or engaging in any agricultural, industrial or commercial activities in the protected areas is prohibited unless a permit from the concerned administrative authority is obtained in accordance with the rules, regulations and procedures determined by a decision of the Prime Minister. Article 3 (extract) : Activities, behaviors, works or experiments in the areas surrounding the protected area, which are identified by the decree are prohibited [...] if they would affect the environment of the protected area or natural resources therein, unless permitted by the concerned administrative authority. |
Law No. 53 of September 10, 1966 on Agriculture
Article 117 (extract) : [...] Hunting, killing, capturing, owning, transporting, selling or offering for selling agriculture-useful birds and wild animals alive or dead is prohibited. [...]. Destroying the nests or exterminating some of the aforementioned birds are also prohibited. Article 118 : Growing harmful plants to the aforementioned birds without a license from the Ministry of Agriculture is prohibited. It is also prohibited for any person to leave these plants grow in their lands. The Minister of Agriculture shall issue a decision identifying the harmful plants. Importing mistletoe (stitched) and glue materials used to catch, sell, possess, handle or use birds, and setting up any kind of traps that are intended to catch birds are prohibi. Article 119 : Using cruelty with animals is prohibited. The Minister of Agriculture shall issue a decision specifying the cases to which this prohibition applies. |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No.162 issued on 29 July 2022 regarding the technical requirements regulating the hunting of wild birds for the 2022-2023 season.
Article 2 (extract) : “hunting of wild birds listed in the annex of the decision and listed in the law No 4 of the law of 1994 and its regulation as amended, should be declared from the period of 15 October 2022 to 31 march 2023 according to the requirements/instructions annexed to this decision. […]”. Annex : […] Second: Technical requirement organizing the activity of wild birds hunting for the season 2022-2023: 1- These instructions/requirements apply to the hunting activity for recreational purposes and hunting licenses for livelihood as well as amateur hunting as follow: 2- Species of wild birds allowed to be hunted in the Arab Republic of Egypt during the period from 15/10/2022 to 31/03/2023 according to the law No 4 of 1994 as amended by the Law No 9 of 2009 and its executive regu-lation: Arabic name/scientific name/English name 1 بلبول بط Anas acuta (Northern pintail) 2 خضاري بط Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard duck) 3 شهرمان بط Tadorna tadorna (Common shelduck ) 4 شرشير Anas crecca (Common Teal) 5 الغراب الهندي House crow (Indian) Corvus splendens 6 كيش Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler زرقاي أبو شوشة 7 Aythya fuligula Tufted duck 8 سماري Anas strepera Gadwall 9 قمري مطوق Streptopelia decaocto Collared dove 10 أوز مصري Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian goose 11 فرخة الماء Gallinula Moorhems 12 غر Coot Fulica 13 بكاشينة صغير Lymnocryptes minimus Jack snipe 14 شرشير صيفي Anas querquedula Garganey 15 حمام جبلي أو بري Columba livia Rock Pigeon 16 يمام بلدي Stigmatopelia senegalensis laughing dove 17عصفور بلدي Passer domesticus House sparrow 18 بكاشينة شائعة Gallinago gallinago Common snipe 19 ظاي Anas Penelope Wigeon 20 غراب البحر Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 21 مينا شائعة (هندي) Acridotheres trysts Common myna 3- “Hunting is prohibited in protected areas in Arab Republic of Egypt in application of the Law No 102 of 1983". 4. “Tools used for hunting ducks and other birds allowed to be hunted: - guns caliber (12, 16, 20) single or double-barreled are used - The use of multi-shot cartridges is prohibited and it is allowed to use the plastic bullet regulator which al-lows only two shots”.[…] 6- “It should be taken into account not to target species not allowed to be hunted such as Hamrai duck (Red Duck). In the event of accidental hunting of these species, they must be released”.[…] 14- "In case of violating these technical requirements/instructions, the licence is annulled and the licence holder is prevented from completing the activity during the current hunting season. The used nets and hunting tools become under Administrative reservation until the end of the fishing season”. Third: The environmental requirements for organizing the hunting of Egyptian Duck and birds authorized to be hunted in Lake Nasser. […] 3- "Foreign hunter is allowed to take 10 of Egyptian goose only and 10 birds in each other species allowed for hunting”. […] 6- “Hunting activity is stopped in Lake Nasser at the beginning of winter from 23/12/2022 until 09/01/2023 in order to evaluate the state of wild birds at the lake through the winter assessment program. The hunting activity will resume after that” 7- “The activity of recreational hunting in Lake Nasser ends on 21/03/2023” |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law- 4/1994
ANNEX 4 WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS THAT ARE PROHIBITED TO BE SHOT, HUNTED, KILLED, OR TRAPPED First: • A- Birds and animals stated on the list attached to the decree by the Minister of Agriculture No.28 of 1967, issued in implementation of the provisions of article No.117 of Law No.53 of 1966, promulgating the Law on Agriculture. • B- Any other birds or animals to be determined by International Conventions to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party. • C- Any other birds or animals for which a decree shall be issued by the Minister of Agriculture with the Agreement of EEAA. Second: Areas In which the Hunting and Shooting of these Birds and Animals is Prohibited • A- Areas indicated by virtue of the Minister of Agriculture's Decree No.472 of 1982: It is prohibited to shoot and hunt various kinds of birds and animals in the following areas of the two governorates of Sinai: • El Zalaniq, Sab Khet Al Bardaweel, and Al Tinah • St. Katherin and Mount Serial • Tiran Island Bird hunting and fishing, including sea shells, corals, oysters, and other marine creatures, shall be prohibited in the area between Taba and Ras Mohammed in the Gulf of Aqaba by using fishing nets, or by explosives. • B- Protected areasas defined by the Prime Minister's decrees in enforcement of Law No. 102 of 1983 • C- Regulation of hunting in North Sinai, by virtue of the Governor's Decree No. 442 of 1980 • D- Regulation of hunting in South Sinai by virtue of the Governor's Decrees No.15 of 1980, and No.16 of 1980. • E- Areas as specified by International Conventions to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party. • F- Any other areas to be defined by a decree from the concerned Authority in coordination with the EEAA. Article 23.1 (extract ) [...] Birds and Wild Animals Prohibited to Hunt, Kill or Catch [...] [...] ii. Any birds or animals prohibited by international agreements that Egypt is a party of. [...] |
Law No. 124 of August 18, 1983 on fisheries and aquaculture
Article 14 (extract) : [...] Unless licensed by the General Authority for Fisheries Development, constructing islands, bridges, or dams in lakes and their shores, or surrounding or draining any area of their water is prohibited, except for the following cases : [...] 1- Protecting agricultural land and estate from the lake water overspilling; b- Establishment of fish farms [...]. Exploiting the lake islands and their livestock rest areas for hunting birds and/or grazing is not allowed without a license from the General Authority for Fisheries Development.[...] |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 24 : Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited : - Applications for a obtaining a license shall be submitted in writing to the Ministry of Interior (MoI), indicating the species and number of birds or wild animals for which the hunting license is required, the purpose for which they will be hunted, the hunting period, the names of the person/persons to be licensed, and the method and weapons to be used in hunting. MoI shall pass the application to the EEAA in order to ascertain its importance. Article 28 (extract) : Practicing any of the following acts is prohibited : Firstly: Hunting, killing, catching birds [...] as well as possessing, transporting, importing and exporting or offering to sell such birds and animals, either dead or alive, as a whole, in part or their derivatives, or practicing activities that tend to destroy their natural habitats or properties or damage their nests, eggs or their offspring. The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these creatures and sites to which the provisions of the above-mentioned paragraph shall apply; Secondly: Cutting or damaging plants as well as, possessing, transporting, importing and exporting, or offering them to sell as a whole, in part or their derivatives and products thereof, practicing any activities that tend to destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats [...].. The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these plants. Thirdly: Collecting, possessing, transporting, or offering to sell kinds of fauna and flora fossils or changing their features; as well as destroying their distinguished geological formations or environmental features or harming their aesthetic value in the Natural Protected Areas. Fourthly: Trading in all endangered living organisms of fauna and flora species; their breeding or planting in sites other than their natural habitats without obtaining a license from Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). |
Law No. 688 issued on 15-12-1954 regarding permission to the Minister of War/Defense to grant the right to exploit fishing, shellfish, ducks, geese and quail in Lakes Bardawil and Zaranik Port Said
Article 1 : The Minister of War has been authorized to grant Messrs Ahmed and Saleh Mohamed Zakri the right to exploit catching fish, shellfish, ducks, geese and quail in the Bardawil and Zaranik lakes in Port Said from 1 January 1956 to 31 December 1970, in accordance with the terms attached to this Act. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 90 of January 22, 1990 on the ban on hunting high-beaked curlews and birds similar to it
Article 1 (extract) : Hunting, killing, or catching the high-beaked curlew and similar-shape birds is prohibited. Of those birds are : European Water Crown; Small curry; Black-tailed godwit Limosa Limosa; Guilt striped bouquet. European Water Curlew; Burhinus oedicnemus stone-curlew; Small Curlew Limosa lapponica […] Trading in, possessing these bird species, or damaging their natural environment is prohibited. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Article 23 (extract) : [...] In applying the provisions of Article (28) of the Environmental Law, the Annex (4) (attached to this regulation) specifies the types of animal and plant living organisms concerned with this article [...] Article 24 (extract) : [...] Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited. Appendix 4 : First : Hunting, killing, trading, raising, possessing, transporting, exporting, importing or trading in, live or dead birds, wild animals and living animal and aquatic organisms or parts of them or their derivatives is prohibited. The list includes as per item 1, Article 28 all wild birds (except the birds that are allowed to be hunted according to seasons and numbers shown in the following attached list). A list of birds allowed to be hunted with a license from the Environmental Affairs Agency, according to the prescribed quotas and seasons: Northern pintail Anas acuta Mallard duck Anas platyrhynchos Common shelduck Tadorna tadorna Common Teal Anas cress Common Pochard Aythya ferina Tufted duck Aythya flagella Garganey Anas querquedula Gadwall Anas striper Collared dove Streptopelia decaocto Egyptian goose Alopochen Aegyptiacus Moorhems Gallinula Coot Fulica Jack snipe Gallinago media Common quail Coturnix coturnix Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Rock Pigeon Columba livia Laughing dove Stigmatopelia senegalensis House sparrow Passer domesticus Common snipe Gallinago gallinago wigeon Anas penelope Cormrat Phalacrocorax carbo Areas where killing and capturing of birds, wild animals and aquatic organisms is prohibited by this Annex as well as the destruction of its natural habitat or change of its natural properties are: 1- Areas of interest to resident and migratory wild birds, including wetland areas, lakes, and the Nile River Stream, the migration routes, the routes of movement of resident wild birds, and the areas declared in the Ramsar Convention in which the Arab Republic of Egypt is party. [...] |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 28 of 1967 regarding the identification of types of birds useful for agriculture and wild animals to which the stipulated ban applies about it in Article No. 117 of Law No. 53 of 1966 promulgating the Agriculture Law.
Article 1 : The prohibition stipulated in article No. 117 of Act No. 53 of 1966 referred to, shall apply to birds beneficial to agriculture and wild animals shown in the two lists attached to this decision. The Department of Veterinary Medicine may license hunting some of these animals and birds for scientific or touristic purposes. Article 2 : Hunting or exporting quail during the period from February 15 to the end of June of each year is prohibited. Placing nets or nests or using any other means of fishing at a distance of less than 500 meters from the seashore is prohibited. Regarding quail fishing by nets, the length of the position of one net should not exceed thirty meters, and nets should not be less than twenty meters apart. In case of using nests for hunting, they should be five meters apart from all sides. List of birds beneficial for agriculture Sturnus Sp. Oriolus Sp. Alaudidae Sp. Anthus Sp. Motacilla Sp. Regulus Sp. Lanius Sp. Pycnonotus Sp Muscicapa Sp Phylloscopus Sp Locustella Sp. Lociniola Sp Hypolais Sp Acroccphalus Sp Sylvia Sp Erythropygia Sp Scotocerca Sp Prinia Sp Crateropus Sp Turdus Sp Monticola Sp Oenanthe Sp cercomela Sp Saxicola Sp no Phoenicurus Sp Luscinia Sp Erithacus Sp Hirundo Delichon Sp Riparia Sp Apus Sp Caprimulgus Sp Merops Sp Upupa Sp Coracias Sp Jynx Sp Phoenecopterus ruber ntiquorum (flamingo) Clamator Sp Cuculus Sp Centropus Sp Ciconia Sp Plegadis Sp Ardca Sp Egretta Sp Ardeola Sp Columba Sp Burhinus Sp Pluvianus Sp Cursorius Sp Gruidae Sp Vancllus Sp Hoplopterus Sp Glarcola Sp |
Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014
Article 45 : The state commits to protecting its seas, beaches, lakes, waterways, groundwater, and protected areas. It is prohibited to encroach upon, pollute, or use them in a manner that contradicts their nature. Every citizen has the right to enjoy them as regulated by law. The state also commits to the protection and development of green space in urban areas; the protection of plants, livestock and fisheries; the protection of endangered species; and the prevention of cruelty to animals. All the foregoing takes place as regulated by law. |
Presidential Decree Law No.2975 concerning the approval of the African Convention for the Preservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the annex attached thereto, which was approved by the African Summit in its meeting held in Algeria on 9/28/1968, with reservation on the condition of ratification
Article 1 : the approval of the African Convention for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the annex attached to it, which was approved by the African Summit Conference at its meeting held in Algeria on 9/28/1968 with reserve. |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No. 229 of August 20, 2017 on the permit for hunting wild quails and summer firs/shippers
Article 1 (extract) : Hunting wild quails and summer chirpers is permitted from 1 September 2017 until 15 November 2017 in the following coastal governorates only: North Sinai, Port Said, Damietta, Dakahlia, Kafr El-Sheikh, Beheira, Alexandria, Marsa Matrouh (as per the conditions annexed to this decision) [...]. Article 1 (extract) : Conditions/Requirements : [...]. 5- The license applicant is obligated to release all other birds that may fall into the nets, such as grazing birds, predators, sparrows, songbirds and others, after ensuring their safety.[...]; 7- Hunting is prohibited inside the protected areas[...]; 11- Using ultrasonic acoustic devices, sound devices, other techniques for hunting permitted birds is strictly prohibited. [...]. |
Art. III-2 (b) et Art. IV (Plan d'Action, para. 2.1.2 et 3)
The legal framework:
- prohibits the taking of vulnerable waterbirds (i.e. waterbirds listed in Column B of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) during their various stages of reproduction and rearing and during their return to their breeding grounds;
- prohibits the use of all indiscriminate means of taking and the use of all means capable of serious disturbance, except for livelihood purposes where the taking is sustainable;
- provides for limits on the taking of such birds and adequate controls to ensure the limits are observed;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in, birds, eggs and any parts or derivatives taken in contravention of the above requirements.
- prohibits the taking of vulnerable waterbirds (i.e. waterbirds listed in Column B of Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA) during their various stages of reproduction and rearing and during their return to their breeding grounds;
- prohibits the use of all indiscriminate means of taking and the use of all means capable of serious disturbance, except for livelihood purposes where the taking is sustainable;
- provides for limits on the taking of such birds and adequate controls to ensure the limits are observed;
- prohibits the possession, utilization of, and trade in, birds, eggs and any parts or derivatives taken in contravention of the above requirements.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law- 4/1994 (extract)
ANNEX 4 : WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS THAT ARE PROHIBITED TO BE SHOT, HUNTED, KILLED, OR TRAPPED First: • A- Birds and animals stated on the list attached to the decree by the Minister of Agriculture No.28 of 1967, issued in implementation of the provisions of article No.117 of Law No.53 of 1966, promulgating the Law on Agriculture. • B- Any other birds or animals to be determined by International Conventions to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party. • C- Any other birds or animals for which a decree shall be issued by the Minister of Agriculture with the Agreement of EEAA. Second: Areas In which the Hunting and Shooting of these Birds and Animals is Prohibited • A- Areas indicated by virtue of the Minister of Agriculture's Decree No.472 of 1982: It is prohibited to shoot and hunt various kinds of birds and animals in the following areas of the two governorates of Sinai: • El Zalaniq, Sab Khet Al Bardaweel, and Al Tinah • St. Katherin and Mount Serial • Tiran Island Bird hunting and fishing, including sea shells, corals, oysters, and other marine creatures, shall be prohibited in the area between Taba and Ras Mohammed in the Gulf of Aqaba by using fishing nets, or by explosives. • B- Protected areasas defined by the Prime Minister's decrees in enforcement of Law No. 102 of 1983 • C- Regulation of hunting in North Sinai, by virtue of the Governor's Decree No. 442 of 1980 • D- Regulation of hunting in South Sinai by virtue of the Governor's Decrees No.15 of 1980, and No.16 of 1980. • E- Areas as specified by International Conventions to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party. • F- Any other areas to be defined by a decree from the concerned Authority in coordination with the EEAA. Article 23.1 (extract) : [...] Birds and Wild Animals Prohibited to Hunt, Kill or Catch [...] ii. Any birds or animals prohibited by international agreements that Egypt is a party of. [...] |
Law No. 124 of August 18, 1983 on fisheries and aquaculture
Article 14 (extract) : [...] Unless licensed by the General Authority for Fisheries Development, constructing islands, bridges, or dams in lakes and their shores, or surrounding or draining any area of their water is prohibited, except for the following cases: 1- Protecting agricultural land and estate from the lake water overspilling; b- Establishment of fish farms [...] Exploiting the lake islands and their livestock rest areas for hunting birds and/or grazing is not allowed without a license from the General Authority for Fisheries Development.[...] |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 24 : Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited. - Applications for a obtaining a license shall be submitted in writing to the Ministry of Interior (MoI), indicating the species and number of birds or wild animals for which the hunting license is required, the purpose for which they will be hunted, the hunting period, the names of the person/persons to be licensed, and the method and weapons to be used in hunting. MoI shall pass the application to the EEAA in order to ascertain its importance. Article 28 (extract): Practicing any of the following acts is prohibited: Firstly: Hunting, killing, catching birds [...] as well as possessing, transporting, importing and exporting or offering to sell such birds and animals, either dead or alive, as a whole, in part or their derivatives, or practicing activities that tend to destroy their natural habitats or properties or damage their nests, eggs or their offspring. [...] The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these creatures and sites to which the provisions of the above-mentioned paragraph shall apply; Secondly: Cutting or damaging plants as well as [...], possessing, transporting, importing and exporting, or offering them to sell as a whole, in part or their derivatives and products thereof, practicing any activities that tend to destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats. [...] The Executive Regulation of this law shall determine species of these plants. Thirdly: Collecting, possessing, transporting, or offering to sell kinds of fauna and flora fossils [...]. or changing their features; as well as destroying their distinguished geological formations or environmental features or harming their aesthetic value in the Natural Protected Areas. Fourthly: Trading in all endangered living organisms of fauna and flora species; their breeding or planting in sites other than their natural habitats without obtaining a license from Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). Appendix 4 First: Hunting, killing, trading, raising, possessing, transporting, exporting, importing or trading in, live or dead Birds, wild animals and living animal and aquatic organisms or parts of them or their derivatives is prohibited. The list includes as per item 1, Article 28 [...] - All wild birds (except the birds that are allowed to be hunted according to seasons and numbers shown in the following attached list); [...] - Areas where killing and capturing of birds, wild animals and aquatic organisms is prohibited by this Annex as well as the destruction of its natural habitat or change of its natural properties; - Areas of interest to resident and migratory wild birds, including wetland areas, lakes, and the Nile River Stream, the migration routes, the routes of movement of resident wild birds, and the areas declared in the Ramsar Convention in which the Arab Republic of Egypt is party. [...] |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic level in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited : - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Hunting, taking or transporting any organisms or organic materials such as shells, corals, rocks or soil for any purpose; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected area; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Introducing exotic species to the protected area. - Contaminating the soil, water or air of the protected area in any way. - Constructing buildings, facilities, roads; driving vehicles, or engaging in any agricultural, industrial or commercial activities in the protected areas is prohibited without a permit from the concerned administrative authority in accordance with the rules, regulations and procedures to be determined by a decision of the Prime Minister. Article 3 (extract) : Activities, behaviors, works or experiments in the areas surrounding the protected area, which are identified by the decree are prohibited [...] if they would affect the environment of the protected area or natural resources therein, unless permitted by the concerned administrative authority. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 90 of January 22, 1990 on the ban on hunting high-beaked curlews and birds similar to it
Article 1 (extract) : Hunting, killing, or catching the high-beaked curlew and similar-shape birds is prohibited. Of those birds are: European Water Crown; Small curry; Black-tailed godwit Limosa Limosa; Guilt striped bouquet. European Water Curlew; Burhinus oedicnemus stone-curlew; Small Curlew Limosa lapponica […] Trading in, possessing these bird species, or damaging their natural environment is prohibited. |
Prime Minister’s Decree No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister’s regulation No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Article 23 (extract) : [...] In applying the provisions of Article (28) of the Environmental Law, the Annex (4) (attached to this regulation) specifies the types of animal and plant living organisms concerned with this article [...] Article 24 (extract) : [...]: Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited. Appendix 4 : First: Hunting, killing, trading, raising, possessing, transporting, exporting, importing or trading in, live or dead birds, wild animals and living animal and aquatic organisms or parts of them or their derivatives is prohibited. The list includes as per item 1, Article 28 all wild birds (except the birds that are allowed to be hunted according to seasons and numbers shown in the following attached list). A list of birds allowed to be hunted with a license from the Environmental Affairs Agency, according to the prescribed quotas and seasons: Northern pintail Anas acuta Mallard duck Anas platyrhynchos Common shelduck Tadorna tadorna Common Teal Anas cress Common Pochard Aythya ferina Tufted duck Aythya flagella Garganey Anas querquedula Gadwall Anas striper Collared dove Streptopelia decaocto Egyptian goose Alopochen Aegyptiacus Moorhems Gallinula Coot Fulica Jack snipe Gallinago media Common quail Coturnix coturnix Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Rock Pigeon Columba livia Laughing dove Stigmatopelia senegalensis House sparrow Passer domesticus Common snipe Gallinago gallinago wigeon Anas penelope Cormrat Phalacrocorax carbo Areas where killing and capturing of birds, wild animals and aquatic organisms is prohibited by this Annex as well as the destruction of its natural habitat or change of its natural properties are : 1- Areas of interest to resident and migratory wild birds, including wetland areas, lakes, and the Nile River Stream, the migration routes, the routes of movement of resident wild birds, and the areas declared in the Ramsar Convention in which the Arab Republic of Egypt is party. [...] |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 28 of 1967 regarding the identification of types of birds useful for agriculture and wild animals to which the stipulated ban applies about it in Article No. 117 of Law No. 53 of 1966 promulgating the Agriculture Law
Article 1 : The prohibition stipulated in article No. 117 of Act No. 53 of 1966 referred to, shall apply to birds beneficial to agriculture and wild animals shown in the two lists attached to this decision. The Department of Veterinary Medicine may license hunting some of these animals and birds for scientific or touristic purposes. Article 2 :Hunting or exporting quail during the period from February 15 to the end of June of each year is prohibited. Placing nets or nests or using any other means of fishing at a distance of less than 500 meters from the seashore is prohibited. Regarding quail fishing by nets, the length of the position of one net should not exceed thirty meters, and nets should not be less than twenty meters apart. In case of using nests for hunting, they should be five meters apart from all sides. List of birds beneficial for agriculture) Sturnus Sp. Oriolus Sp. Alaudidae Sp. Anthus Sp. Motacilla Sp. Regulus Sp. Lanius Sp. Pycnonotus Sp Muscicapa Sp Phylloscopus Sp Locustella Sp. Lociniola Sp Hypolais Sp Acroccphalus Sp Sylvia Sp Erythropygia Sp Scotocerca Sp Prinia Sp Crateropus Sp Turdus Sp Monticola Sp Oenanthe Sp cercomela Sp Saxicola Sp Phoenicurus Sp Luscinia Sp Erithacus Sp Hirundo Delichon Sp Riparia Sp Apus Sp Caprimulgus Sp Merops Sp Upupa Sp Coracias Sp Jynx Sp Phoenecopterus ruber ntiquorum (flamingo) Clamator Sp Cuculus Sp Centropus Sp Ciconia Sp Plegadis Sp Ardca Sp Egretta Sp Ardeola Sp Columba Sp Burhinus Sp Pluvianus Sp Cursorius Sp Gruidae Sp Vancllus Sp Hoplopterus Sp Glarcola Sp |
Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014
Article 45 : The state commits to protecting its seas, beaches, lakes, waterways, groundwater, and protected areas. It is prohibited to encroach upon, pollute, or use them in a manner that contradicts their nature. Every citizen has the right to enjoy them as regulated by law. The state also commits to the protection and development of green space in urban areas; the protection of plants, livestock and fisheries; the protection of endangered species; and the prevention of cruelty to animals. All the foregoing takes place as regulated by law. |
Law No. 53 of September 10, 1966 on Agriculture
Article 117 (extract) : [...] Hunting, killing, capturing, owning, transporting, selling or offering for selling agriculture-useful birds and wild animals alive or dead is prohibited [...]. Destroying the nests or exterminating some of the aforementioned birds are also prohibited. Article 118 : Growing harmful plants to the aforementioned birds without a license from the Ministry of Agriculture is prohibited. It is also prohibited for any person to leave these plants grow in their lands. The Minister of Agriculture shall issue a decision identifying the harmful plants. Importing mistletoe (stitched) and glue materials used to catch, sell, possess, handle or use birds, and setting up any kind of traps that are intended to catch birds are prohibited. Article 119 : Using cruelty with animals is prohibited. The Minister of Agriculture shall issue a decision specifying the cases to which this prohibition applies. |
Presidential Decree Law No.2975 concerning the approval of the African Convention for the Preservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the annex attached thereto, which was approved by the African Summit in its meeting held in Algeria on 9/28/1968, with reservation on the condition of ratification
Article 1 : the approval of the African Convention for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources and the annex attached to it, which was approved by the African Summit Conference at its meeting held in Algeria on 9/28/1968 with reserve. |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No.162 issued on 29 July 2022 regarding the technical requirements regulating the hunting of wild birds for the 2022-2023 season
Article 2 (extract) : “hunting of wild birds listed in the annex of the decision and listed in the law No 4 of the law of 1994 and its regulation as amended, should be declared from the period of 15 October 2022 to 31 march 2023 according to the requirements/instructions annexed to this decision. […]”. Annex :(extract) Second: Technical requirement organizing the activity of wild birds hunting for the season 2022-2023: 1- These instructions/requirements apply to the hunting activity for recreational purposes and hunting licenses for livelihood as well as amateur hunting as follow: 2- Species of wild birds allowed to be hunted in the Arab Republic of Egypt during the period from 15/10/2022 to 31/03/2023 according to the law No 4 of 1994 as amended by the Law No 9 of 2009 and its executive regu-lation: Arabic name/scientific name/English name 1 بلبول بط Anas acuta (Northern pintail) 2 خضاري بط Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard duck) 3 شهرمان بط Tadorna tadorna (Common shelduck ) 4 شرشير Anas crecca (Common Teal) 5 الغراب الهندي House crow (Indian) Corvus splendens 6 كيش Anas clypeata Northern Shoveler زرقاي أبو شوشة 7 Aythya fuligula Tufted duck 8 سماري Anas strepera Gadwall 9 قمري مطوق Streptopelia decaocto Collared dove 10 أوز مصري Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian goose 11 فرخة الماء Gallinula Moorhems 12 غر Coot Fulica 13 بكاشينة صغير Lymnocryptes minimus Jack snipe 14 شرشير صيفي Anas querquedula Garganey 15 حمام جبلي أو بري Columba livia Rock Pigeon 16 يمام بلدي Stigmatopelia senegalensis laughing dove 17عصفور بلدي Passer domesticus House sparrow 18 بكاشينة شائعة Gallinago gallinago Common snipe 19 ظاي Anas Penelope Wigeon 20 غراب البحر Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 21 مينا شائعة (هندي) Acridotheres trysts Common myna 3- “Hunting is prohibited in protected areas in Arab Republic of Egypt in application of the Law No 102 of 1983". 4. “Tools used for hunting ducks and other birds allowed to be hunted: - guns caliber (12, 16, 20) single or double-barreled are used - The use of multi-shot cartridges is prohibited and it is allowed to use the plastic bullet regulator which al-lows only two shots”.[…] 6- “It should be taken into account not to target species not allowed to be hunted such as Hamrai duck (Red Duck). In the event of accidental hunting of these species, they must be released”.[…] 14- "In case of violating these technical requirements/instructions, the licence is annulled and the licence holder is prevented from completing the activity during the current hunting season. The used nets and hunting tools become under Administrative reservation until the end of the fishing season”. Third: The environmental requirements for organizing the hunting of Egyptian Duck and birds authorized to be hunted in Lake Nasser. […] 3- "Foreign hunter is allowed to take 10 of Egyptian goose only and 10 birds in each other species allowed for hunting”. […] 6- “Hunting activity is stopped in Lake Nasser at the beginning of winter from 23/12/2022 until 09/01/2023 in order to evaluate the state of wild birds at the lake through the winter assessment program. The hunting activi-ty will resume after that” 7- “The activity of recreational hunting in lake Nasser ends on 21/03/2023” |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No. 229 of August 20, 2017 on the permit for hunting wild quails and summer firs/ shippers
Article 1 : Hunting wild quails and summer chirpers is permitted from 1 September 2017 until 15 November 2017 in the following coastal governorates only: North Sinai, Port Said, Damietta, Dakahlia, Kafr El-Sheikh, Beheira, Alexandria, Marsa Matrouh (as per the conditions annexed to this decision) [...]. Article 1 : Conditions/Requirements : [...]. 5- The license applicant is obligated to release all other birds that may fall into the nets, such as grazing birds, predators, sparrows, songbirds and others, after ensuring their safety. [...]; 7- Hunting is prohibited inside the protected areas[...]; 11- Using ultrasonic acoustic devices, sound devices, other techniques for hunting permitted birds is strictly prohibited. [...]. |
Art. III-2 and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.1.3)
The legal framework requires that any exemption from the AEWA conservation requirements mentionned above (requirements relating to both threatened and vulnerable waterbirds), where they exist, meet the conditions laid down in the Agreement.
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Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 28 (extract) : Practicing any of the following acts is prohibited : First) Hunting, killing, capturing birds, wild animals and aquatic living creatures, […] or performing acts that destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats […]. The species of these organisms and the areas to which the provisions of the previous paragraph apply are identified by the executive regulation of this law. Second) Cutting or damaging plants […] or performing acts that destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats […]. The species of these plants are identified by the executive regulation of this law. Third) Collecting, possessing, transporting, or trading in fossils of all kinds of animals or plants, […] or affecting its aesthetic value in the protected areas. Fourth) Trading in all living endangered animal or plant organisms or cultivating them in other than their habitats without obtaining a license from the Environmental Affairs Agency. […] |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 (extract) : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic value in the protected area are strictly prohibited. [...]. |
Law No. 688 issued on 15-12-1954 regarding permission to the Minister of War to grant the right to exploit fishing, oysters, ducks, geese and quail in Lakes Bardawil and Zaranik Port Said
Article 6 (extract) : [...] The tenant must abide by the Act’s rules, regulations and orders issued regarding fishing or bird hunting [...]. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 90 of January 22, 1990 on the ban on hunting high-beaked curlews and birds similar to it
Article 1 (extract) : Hunting, killing, or catching the high-beaked curlew and similar-shape birds is prohibited. Of t birds are: European Water Crown; Small curry; Black-tailed godwit Limosa Limosa; Guilt striped bouquet. European Water Curlew; Burhinus oedicnemus stone-curlew; Small Curlew Limosa lapponica […] Trading in, possessing these bird species, or damaging their natural environment is prohibited. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Article 24 (extract) : [...] Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited.[...] |
Art. III-2 (b) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.2.1, 4.3.7)
The legal framework allows for any use of waterbirds to be sustainable for the species and for the ecosystems that support them and to be based on the best available knowledge of their ecology.
In particular, the legal framework provides for:
- the phasing out of the use of lead shot for hunting in wetlands;
- the principle of sustainable use, as defined by AEWA;
- measures to reduce, and as far as possible eliminate, illegal taking.
In particular, the legal framework encourages:
- the creation of hunters' associations or organisations;
- the establishment of proficiency tests for hunters, including bird identification;
- the establishment of cooperation programmes between all stakeholders to develop sensitive and appropriate ecotourism in wetlands where populations of birds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA are concentrated;
- the implementation of measures to minimise the incidental killing and bycatch in fishing gear as well as unsustainable fishing.
In particular, the legal framework provides for:
- the phasing out of the use of lead shot for hunting in wetlands;
- the principle of sustainable use, as defined by AEWA;
- measures to reduce, and as far as possible eliminate, illegal taking.
In particular, the legal framework encourages:
- the creation of hunters' associations or organisations;
- the establishment of proficiency tests for hunters, including bird identification;
- the establishment of cooperation programmes between all stakeholders to develop sensitive and appropriate ecotourism in wetlands where populations of birds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA are concentrated;
- the implementation of measures to minimise the incidental killing and bycatch in fishing gear as well as unsustainable fishing.
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Law No. 146 of October 2, 2021 on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries
Article 1 (extract) : The following expressions shall have the meanings indicated next to each of them in the application of the provisions of this law and its implementing decisions: […] Living aquatic resources: All living aquatic organisms, plant, animal and microscopic, and their genetic resources, large and migratory, residing in marine or inland waters and visiting these waters, such as birds, turtles and other invertebrates. It also includes the organisms that live on the seabed or in its subsoil and what is formed inside the bodies of these living organisms or after their death. Article 3 (extract) : The Organism («Organism for the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries») aims to protect, develop and exploit lakes, their seas, tourism, beaches and sanctuaries, and the protection and development of fisheries and aquatic organisms with the aim of developing national economy […]. Article 14 : It is prohibited, without a license from the Organism, to exploit the islands of the lakes, their seas and rest areas in herding cattle and hunting birds. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 303 of March 22, 1987 on the issuance of the executive regulations for the Fishing and Livestock Law Aquatic and fish farm Organization
Article 4 (extract) : [...] Having nets that do not conform with specifications, unlicensed weapons, or unpermitted fishing machines on boats is prohibited. Possessing them in is not allowed in, or near, fishing sites [...]. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Article 24 (extract) : [...] b- The Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA), bound by the international agreements to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party, organizes hunting and gathering of wild animals and plants in the places and areas identified by EAA.[...]. |
Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.2.2, 2.4, 4.3.4)
The legal framework:
- provides for the adoption of national single species action plans for the populations listed in Column A of Table 1 with a view to improving their overall conservation status
- encourages the adoption of re-establishment plans for these populations when they are being re-established in parts of their traditional range from which they had disappeared;
- encourages the cooperation with other Parties for the adoption of single species management plans for populations which cause significant damage, in particular to crops and to fisheries.
- provides for the adoption of national single species action plans for the populations listed in Column A of Table 1 with a view to improving their overall conservation status
- encourages the adoption of re-establishment plans for these populations when they are being re-established in parts of their traditional range from which they had disappeared;
- encourages the cooperation with other Parties for the adoption of single species management plans for populations which cause significant damage, in particular to crops and to fisheries.
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Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 4 (extract) : [...] The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with: - Implementation of the provisions of this Act [...]; - Preparing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the protected area ; - Exchanging information and experiences with countries and concerned international bodies [...]; |
Art. III-2 (c), (e) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.3.6, 4.3.9, 4.3.11)
The legal framework allows for the identification of sites and habitats of waterbirds present on the national territory as well as the implementation of measures for the protection, management, rehabilitation and restoration of these sites and habitats, such as :
- the development and publication of national inventories of sites and habitats of waterbirds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the establishment of protected areas with management plans, and the prohibition of access to breeding areas of colonially-nesting waterbirds,
- carrying out environmental impact assessments for activities that may affect waterbird habitats listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA;
- the control of different forms of pollution which may be detrimental to waterbird habitats;
- the rehabilitation/restoration of degraded areas (by pollution or otherwise) that used to contain sites and habitats of importance for waterbirds in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA.
- the development and publication of national inventories of sites and habitats of waterbirds listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the establishment of protected areas with management plans, and the prohibition of access to breeding areas of colonially-nesting waterbirds,
- carrying out environmental impact assessments for activities that may affect waterbird habitats listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA;
- the control of different forms of pollution which may be detrimental to waterbird habitats;
- the rehabilitation/restoration of degraded areas (by pollution or otherwise) that used to contain sites and habitats of importance for waterbirds in Table 1 of Annex 3 to AEWA.
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Law No. 48 of June 26, 1982 on the Protection of the Nile River and Waterways from Pollution.
Article 4 : Authorizing the establishment of any facilities that result in waste discharged into waterways is prohibited. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 2318 of September 12, 2009 on the establishment of a higher council to protect the Nile River and waterways from pollution
Article 1 : A Higher Council shall be established, headed by the Council of Ministers, to protect the Nile River and waterways from pollution. Article 28 : It is prohibited to fish in all lakes by dragging nets to the shore of the lake, as well as the crafts of luqafa and bagpipes and any other craft that is proven to be damageable, according to what the authority proposes in this regard after taking the opinion of the qualitative union of fishermen. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture No. 1140, January 11, 2007 on the reform of the National Committee to follow up the implementation of CITES
Article 4 : Requests by importers and exporters of wild animals and birds are submitted to the Central Administration of Zoos and Wildlife Conservation (CAZWC). Those requests are then examined by a committee established by the Head of CAZWC and the Director General of the General Administration for Wildlife Conservation […] for conformity with the laws and the ministerial decisions regulating work in the field of wildlife. Then, such requests are passed to the ad hoc Scientific Committee […]. Article 7 (extract) : Endangered birds illegally imported to Egypt are delivered to CAZWC […] after making sure that they are free of diseases, provided that health certificates are issued accordingly. |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 19 : Every natural or legal person, public or private, shall be committed to presenting a study of Environmental Impact Assessment of the establishment or the project to the concerned administrative body or the licensing authority prior to commencing the implementation thereof. The study shall be carried out in accordance with the elements, designs, specifications, bases and pollutants loads determined by Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency EEAA in coordination with the concerned administrative bodies. Article 69 : All establishments, including public places and commercial, industrial, touristic and service ones, are prohibited to directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally discharge or dump any untreated substances, wastes or liquids which may cause pollution along the Egyptian sea shores or adjoining waters either. Each day of such prohibited discharge shall be considered as a separate violation. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 (extract) : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, affect its aesthetic value in the protected area is strictly prohibited. - Introducing exotic species to the protected area is strictly prohibited. [...] |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 303 of March 22, 1987 on the issuance of the executive regulations for the Fishing and Livestock Law Aquatic and fish farm Organization
Article 33 (extract) : Without violating the provisions of the Irrigation and Drainage Act, the Authority shall issue licenses for : 1- Building bridges or barriers to protect agricultural lands and real estate from the water lakes when necessary; 2 - Exploiting the lakes islands, beaches and resting stations for grazing livestock and hunting birds as per the rules and regulations established by the Authority. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Annex 4 (extract) : Areas where killing and capturing of birds, wild animals and aquatic organisms is prohibited by this Annex as well as the destruction of its natural habitat or change of its natural properties are : 1- Areas of interest to resident and migratory wild birds, including wetland areas, lakes, and the Nile River Stream, the migration routes, the routes of movement of resident wild birds, and the areas declared in the Ramsar Convention in which the Arab Republic of Egypt is party. [...] |
Presidential Decree No. 316 of September 10, 1994 on the reorganization of the National Center
Article 2 (extract) : The National Water Research Center aims to conduct research and studies [...] and to preserve (water) from deterioration and pollution. |
Constitution of Egypt of January 15, 2014
Article 44 (extract) : The state commits to protecting the Nile River, maintaining Egypt’s historic rights thereto, rationalizing and maximizing its benefits, not wasting its water or polluting it. Article 45 : The state commits to protecting its seas, beaches, lakes, waterways, groundwater, and protected areas. It is prohibited to encroach upon, pollute, or use them in a manner that contradicts their nature. Every citizen has the right to enjoy them as regulated by law. The state also commits to the protection and development of green space in urban areas; the protection of plants, livestock and fisheries; the protection of endangered species; and the prevention of cruelty to animals. All the foregoing takes place as regulated by law. |
Water Resources and Irrigation Act 2021
Article 84 (extract): It is prohibited to carry out any of the following actions: 1- Wasting or dilapidating water resources by exceeding the prescribed or authorized quantities or by disbursing them in unnecessarily private or public drain or in a covered drainage network, [...] or in unauthorized purposes […]. 2- Obstructing the flow of water in the Nile and its branches, waterways or a drainage network […]. 6- Backfilling by throwing silt or sand and the like into the course of the Nile River, its branches or the streams […]. Article 88 : It is prohibited to establish any facilities or works on the seashores of the State for a distance of two hundred meters from the shoreline to the land, except after the approval by the Ministry. Article 89 (extract): Without prejudice to the provisions of the Environmental Law promulgated by Law No. 4 of 1994, if it appears to the competent engineer that there are works in violation of the previous articles of this law in the seashores. […] He is entitled to take the necessary legal measures to stop the work and remove it immediately […] at the expense of the violator and collect removal costs […]. Article 91 (extract) : It is prohibited to carry out any work that affects the nature of the beach or alters its direction in the sea water or to retreat from it except after the approval of the Ministry and based on the recommendation of the competent higher committee […]. |
Fatwa (legal Opinion) of the State Council, the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation Departments, Fatwa No. 1599 of October 23, 2021 on legality of fisheries activities in Wadi El Rayan protected area (extract) :
[…] Law Act No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on Protected areasprohibited: Transferring or disturbing living land plants or marine organisms or organic materials such as shells or coral to and from protected areas, introducing exotic species to NR in order to preserve the ecological balance therein. Therefore, the activity of shrimp and fish farming in NR is rendered illegal. For the commercial multiplication of such creatures in NRs leads to a disruption of the ecological balance. If the rprotected area is not their original habitat, then the activity is considered introduction of exotic species, and, hence, prohibited by law and forbidden by the legislator […]. |
Art. III-2 (g) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.5)
The legal framework prohibits the introduction of Non-native animal or plant species which may be detrimental to the conservation of waterbirds and allows for the adoption of measures to prevent their accidental release and organise, where appropriate, the taking of already introduced specimens when they pose a potential hazard to native waterbirds.
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Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 (extract) : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, affect its aesthetic value in the protected area is strictly prohibited. - Introducing exotic species to the protected area is strictly prohibited. [...] Article 4 (extract) : [...] The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with : - Implementation of the provisions of this Act [...]; - Developing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the protected area; - Monitoring environmental phenomena; - Taking stock of land and marine organisms of the protected area; - Maintaining a record for each protected area [...]. |
Art. III-2 (h), (i) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 4.3.12, 5.2, 5.7, 6.1)
The legal framework allows for the development and implementation of research and monitoring programmes for migratory waterbirds, as well as the harmonisation of monitoring methods and the organisation of relevant training. In particular, it allows for:
- the regular monitoring of the bird populations listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the undertaking of studies on the impact of hunting and trade on the populations listed in Table 1 and on the importance of these forms of utilization to the local and national
- the undertaking of studies on the nature and scale of the effects of lead fishing weights on waterbirds.
- the regular monitoring of the bird populations listed in Table 1 of Annex 3 of AEWA;
- the undertaking of studies on the impact of hunting and trade on the populations listed in Table 1 and on the importance of these forms of utilization to the local and national
- the undertaking of studies on the nature and scale of the effects of lead fishing weights on waterbirds.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 1618 of May 9, 2006 on protected areas in the Northern islands of the Red Sea in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 2 : The Environmental Affairs Agency undertakes to carry out the functions stipulated in Act No. 102 of 1983 on protected areas. |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 5 (extract) : The Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA) shall develop the general policy, devise the necessary plans for environment preservation and development, and follow up on the plans implementation in coordination with the concerned administrative authorities. EAA may undertake the implementation of some pilot projects [...]. To achieve its objectives, EAA shall set a plan for environmental training, oversee its implementation, [...] management and oversee the protected areas [...]. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 4 (extract) : The administrative authority is entrusted with implementing the provisions of this Act and the executive decisions for the natural resource preservation and protection. Authority branches could be established in the governorates in which the protected areas are located [...]. It specializes in the following: - Establishing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the protected area; - Monitoring environmental phenomena, taking the stock of land and marine organisms of the protected area, and creating a record for each protected area [...]. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1969 of June 25, 1998 on the consideration of the islands located within the course o the Nile in the North, central and south of the valley, the delta barrages and the two branches of Rashid Damietta as a protected area
Article 2 : The Environmental Affairs Agency undertakes the rules and regulations stipulated in Act No. 102 of 1983 and Act No. 4 of the year 1994 for protected areas. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 450 of December 4, 1986 on the establishment of protected areas in the Jebel Elba area in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 5 (extract) : [...] The Executive Council undertakes the functions that aim at developing and promoting the aforementioned mentioned protected areas. It has the authority of: Developing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the protected area; - Monitoring environmental phenomena; - Taking stock of land and marine organisms of the protected area; - Maintaining a record for each protected area; - Managing and coordinating natural protected area-related activities [...]. |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No.162 issued on 29 July 2022 regarding the technical re-quirements regulating the hunting of wild birds for the 2022-2023 season
Article 2 (extract) : “hunting of wild birds listed in the annex of the decision and listed in the law No 4 of the law of 1994 and its regulation as amended, should be declared from the period of 15 October 2022 to 31 march 2023 according to the requirements/instructions annexed to this decision. These instructions/requirements are mon-itored trough follow-up patrols to ensure their implementation”. […] |
Art. III-2 (j) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 6.3, 6.4)
The legal framework allows for the adoption of measures to improve the level of awareness of the general public with regard to conservation of migratory birds.
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Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 5 (extract) : The Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA) shall develop the general policy, devise the necessary plans for environment preservation and development, and follow up on the plans implementation in coordination with the concerned administrative authorities. [...] EAA may undertake the implementation of some pilot projects [...].Develop programs for public environmental education and assist their implementation. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 4 (extract) : The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with implementing the provisions of this Act and the decisions in order to preserve and protect the protected areas. [...] It is concerned with the following : [...] - Informing and educating the public about the goals and purposes of establishing protected areas. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 450 of December 4, 1986 on the establishment of protected areas in the Jebel Elba area in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 5 (extract) : The Executive Council undertakes the functions that aim at developing and promoting the aforementioned mentioned protected areas. It has the authority of : [...] Informing and educating the public on the objectives and purposes of establishing protected areas. |
Art. III-2 (d), (f), (k), (l) and Art. IV (Action Plan, para. 2.3, 5.8)
The legal framework allows for cooperation and mutual assistance between the Parties for the implementation of the Agreement, including the adoption of the following measures:
- The exchange of information and results of research, monitoring, conservation and education programmes;
- The restoration of transboundary wetlands;
- The establishment of procedures for developing and implementing emergency measures in the event of exceptionally unfavourable or dangerous situations for waterbirds.
- The exchange of information and results of research, monitoring, conservation and education programmes;
- The restoration of transboundary wetlands;
- The establishment of procedures for developing and implementing emergency measures in the event of exceptionally unfavourable or dangerous situations for waterbirds.
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Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 4 (extract) : The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with implementing the provisions of this Act and the executive decisions for the protected areas preservation and protection. [...] It is concerned with : […] - Exchanging information and experiences with countries and concerned international bodies. |
Article V and Art IV (Action Plan, para. 2.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 2.4, 4.2.2)
The legal framework designates the institutionnal bodies responsible for the implementation of AEWA, for the preparation and transmission to the Secretariat of a report on the implementation of AEWA as well as the regular transmission of the information required by AEWA.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 1618 of May 9, 2006 on protected areas in the Northern islands of the Red Sea in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 2 : The Environmental Affairs Agency undertakes to carry out the functions stipulated in Act No. 102 of 1983 on protected areas. |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 5 (extract) : The Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA) shall develop the general policy, devise the necessary plans for environment preservation and development, and follow up on the plans implementation in coordination with the concerned administrative authorities. EAA may undertake the implementation of some pilot projects [...]. To achieve its objectives, EAA shall set a plan for environmental training, oversee its implementation, [...] management and oversee the protected areas [...]. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1969 of June 25, 1998 on the consideration of the islands located within the course o the Nile in the North, central and south of the valley, the delta barrages and the two branches of Rashid Damietta as a protected area
Article 2 : The Environmental Affairs Agency undertakes the rules and regulations stipulated in Act No. 102 of 1983 and Act No. 4 of the year 1994 for protected areas. |