Zambia / Animal health
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2; Interpretations- "Notifiable diseas" means an animal diseas or any diseas which fulfills one or more of the flowing conditions and which the Minister may, by statutory instrument, declare; (a) is not indigenous or native to Zambia; (b) spreads rapidly with serious economic consequences; (c) is of major importance in the international trade of animals or animal products; (d) is common to human beings and animals; or (e) for which any particular control measures have been prescribed.
Section 4 (extract)- "(2) The Director shall, in the execution of the functions of the Department as specified under subsection (1) —(c) categorise diseases into lists and maintain lists of all notifiable diseases according to the criteria prescribed under this Act."
63(1); The Minister may declare an animal disease emergency where- (a) an introduced disease is capable of spreading rapidly; (b) the presence, impact and extent of the disease, the potential spread and its rate of spread, requires emergence eradication measures to eliminate the disease; (c) a disease is of immediate or potential danger to the health of other animals or to human health; (d) a Group 1 notifiable disease is detected in any area in Zambia; or (e) the animal was diseased at the time of slaughter.
9(1); The provisions of this Act, unless otherwise expressed, shall, so far as they concern notifiable diseases, apply to anthrax, black water fever, epidermic cerebro-spinal menengitis or cerebro-spinal fever, asiatic cholera, diphtheria or membranous croup, dysentry, enteric and typhoid fever (including para-typhoid fever), erysipelas, glanders, leprosy, plague, acute anterior poliomyelitis, puerperal fever (including septicaemia, pyemia, septic pelvic cellulitis or other serious septic condition occuring during puerperal state), rabies, relapsing fever, scalantina or scarlet fever, sleeping sickness or human trypanosomiasis, smallpox or any disease resembling small pox, typhus fever, all forms of tuberculosis which are clinically recognizable apart from reaction to the tuberculin test, undulant fever and yellow fever.(2) The Minister may, by statutory notice- (a) declare that any infectious disease other than those specified in subsection (1) shall be notifiable diseases under this Act [...]
59(1); In this Regulation and in the Second Schedule- "Scheduled disease" means any disease or condition mentioned in column 1 of the Second Schedule.
60(2); The provisions of regulation 59 and the Second Schedule shall mutatis mutandis to every child and every employee and for that purpose any reference therein-
SECOND SCHEDULE- Exclusion from school on account of infectious disease; Scarlet fever or scalatina after disinfection and sore throat; Diphtheria; Measles; German Measles (Rubella); Whooping cough; Chickenpox; Smallpox; Inlfuenza; Paratyphoid; Dysentry; Typhus; Mumps; Tuberculosis of lungs; Leprosy; Syphilis; Acute Poliomyelitis; Epidermic cerebrospinal menengitis; Erysipelas; Trachoma (chronic granula eyelids); Scabies or itch; Ringworm of scalp; Ringworm of body; Favus or yellow ringworm measles; Contagious impetigo; Lice (pediculosis); Vulvo vaginitis;
2(4); A vaccinating veterinarian shall issue a vaccination certificate for African Horse sickness and Rabies to an owner of an animal vaccinated against African Horse sickness and Rabies
SCHEDULE- Anthrax; Black leg; Haemorrhagic septicaemia; Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia (CBPP); Foot and Mouth Disease; Lumpy Skin disease; African Horse; Newcastle disease
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Section 17 (extract)- "(1) An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with any disease shall immediately inform the nearest officer, police officer, agriculture officer, veterinary surgeon, district executive officer, chief or village headman"
10(1); Where an inmate of any building in Zambia used for human habitation is suffering from any notifiable infectious disease, unless such building is a hospital in which persons suffering notifiable infectious diseases are received, the following provisions shall have effect- (a) the head of the family to which such inmate (in this Act referred to as "patient") belongs, and in his default the nearest relatives of the patient present in the building or in their default the person in charge of or in attendance of the patient, and in default of any such person the occupier of the building shall, as soon as he becomes aware that the patient is suffering from any notifiable infectious disease to which this Act applies, send notice thereof to the nearest Medical Officer.
Section 17 (extract)- "(1) An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with any disease shall immediately inform the nearest officer, police officer, agriculture officer, veterinary surgeon, district executive officer, chief or village headman"
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Section 18 (extract)- "(1) An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with any disease shall— (a) as far as is practicable, keep such animal separate from other animals that are not infected; (b) prevent the movement of such animal outside the infected area; and (c) prevent the sale of such infected animal."
7(1); The owner of a carcass of any stock which has died, or may reasonably be suspected of having died, of any disease shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that no person other than the veterinary officer or person authorized by a veterinary officer in the course of his official duties or a veterinary surgeon in the course of his professional duties shall mutilate such carcass in any way; (2) The owner of any carcass to which subregulation (1) applies shall, unless otherwise directed by a veterinary officer, forthwith dispose of the said carcass by burrial at a depth of not less than six feet. (3) for the purpose of this Act, "owner" shall include any person include any person or persons in control of a carcass.
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Section 18 (extract)- "(1) An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with any disease shall— (a) as far as is practicable, keep such animal separate from other animals that are not infected; (b) prevent the movement of such animal outside the infected area; and (c) prevent the sale of such infected animal.(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years, or to both."
7(1); The owner of a carcass of any stock which has died, or may reasonably be suspected of having died, of any disease shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that no person other than the veterinary officer or person authorized by a veterinary officer in the course of his official duties or a veterinary surgeon in the course of his professional duties shall mutilate such carcass in any way; (2) The owner of any carcass to which subregulation (1) applies shall, unless otherwise directed by a veterinary officer, forthwith dispose of the said carcass by burrial at a depth of not less than six feet. (3) for the purpose of this Act, "owner" shall include any person include any person or persons in control of a carcass.
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Section 14 (extract)- "(1) An owner of land on which livestock are kept shall provide facilities for the handling and housing of livestock and disease control facilities for the humane maintenance of such livestock.(2) An owner of land who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both."
Section 17 (extract)- "(1) An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with any disease shall immediately inform the nearest officer, police officer, agriculture officer, veterinary surgeon, district executive officer, chief or village headman. (4) A person who contravenes this section commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both."
Section 18 (extract)- " (3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years, or to both."
Regulation 5(4): Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Regulation shall be guilty of an offense.