Legal Hub/Egypt - RAMSAR

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR)
The legal framework allows for the designation of suitable wetlands within the national territory for inclusion in a List of Wetlands of International Importance, which is maintained by the bureau of the Convention, with the boundaries of each wetland precisely described and also delimited on a map.
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Constitutional Court Decision No.265 of May 9, 2015 on the unconstitutionality of article 1 of the Prime Minister’s Decree to establish two protected areas in the regions of Wadi El-Rayan and Lake Qarun, and the Decree No. 264 of 1994 on the conditions for practicing activities in the protected areas (extract) :
[...] The petitioner claimed the unconstitutionality of Article I of the Prime Minister’s Resolution No. 943 of 1989 establishing two protected areas in the regions of Wadi El Rayan and Lake Qarun in Fayoum Governorate, and the unconstitutionality of Prime Minister’s Decree No. 264 of 1994 regarding the conditions, rules and procedures for the exercise of activities in the areas of protected areas , while the boundaries showing the spatial range of the two protected areas are neither identified nor their map published in the Official Gazette. [...]. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 1 (extract) : [...] Under the provisions of this Act, protected area means any land or coastal/inland water characterized by the living organisms, plants, animals, fish or natural resources of cultural, scientific, tourist or aesthetic value. It is identified as a protected area by a decree of the Prime Minister based on the proposal of the Cabinet’s Environmental Affairs Agency [...] |
Law No. 146 of October 2, 2021 on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries
Article 3 (extract) : The Organism («Organism for the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries») aims to protect, develop and exploit lakes, their seas, tourism, beaches and sanctuaries, and the protection and development of fisheries and aquatic organisms with the aim of developing National economy. The Organism, in order to achieve its goals, has the right to do whatever is necessary. In particular the following : 1- Laying down the general policy for the protection and development of the lakes, their seas, beaches and their sanctuaries of encroachment and pollution, and put into practice, and development. [...] Article 12 : It is prohibited to drain or backfill any areas of lakes, their drains or ponds subject to the supervision of the Organism, and which are determined by a decree of the President of the Republic, except for national purposes. |
Law No. 252 of October 29, 1959 on the private domain of the State
Article 2 (extract): The state's private property includes the following: (1) Amiri lands (which belong to the state) [...] (4) Abandoned properties (with a servitude) that a group has the right to use. (5) Public properties that have ceased to be of public benefit. [...] (8) Lands that are dead and empty. (9) Islands and lands that are naturally formed in public waters. (10) Mountains, forests, quarries, and sandstones that are not registered in the name of individuals or on which they have no acquired rights under the laws in force. (11) Real estate that belongs to the state by virtue of the laws in force. (12) All real estate and lands for which the ownership or disposal of individuals has not been proven for a valid reason permitted by the laws in force prior to the issuance of this law. [...] |
Law No. 131 of 1948 promulgating the Civil Code
Article 87 (extract) : 1) It is considered as public domains, real estate and movables properties belonging to the state or public legal persons, which are actually allocated for a public benefit or by virtue of a law, decree or decision of the competent Minister. 2) These properties should not be disposed of, seized or possessed by prescription. Article 88 (extract) : Public properties/domain lose their public character by ending their allocation for the public benefit. The allocation ends by virtue of a law, decree, or decision of the competent minister, or by act, or by the end of the purpose for which those funds were allocated for the public benefit. [...] |
Decree of the Prime Minister No. 1429 of October 27, 1985 on the establishment of two protected areas in the Lake Bardawil area (Zaraniq and Sabkha Al-Bardawil) and the coastal forest area extending from Al-Arish to the international borders in Rafah, North Sinai Governorate
Article 1 : Under the provisions of the aforementioned law No. 102 of 1983, the following two areas are considered protected areas , with their boundaries identified in the two attached maps: - Bardawil Lake District (Zaraniq and Sabkah Al Bardawil); - The coastal forest area extending from Al-Arish to the international border in Rafah. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 943 of August 1, 1989 on the establishment of two Protectecd areas in Wadi Al-Rayyan and Lake Qarun in the Fayoum Governorate
Article 1 : The exact translation is :”Two protected areas are considered in the application of the provisions of Law No. 102 of 1983 referred to, the Wadi El-Rayan region and the Qarun Lake region In Fayoum Governorate, according to the boundaries shown in the two attached maps. |
State Council, State Commissioners, Supreme Administrative Court, First District, State Commissioner Report on Appeal No. 12785 of the year 1958 to Supreme Judicial Court, filed by Ibrahim Mustafa Kamel against the Prime Minister and others related to the recommendation to abolish Warraq Hatra Island as a protected area (not binding) (extract) :
[...] every protected area - whether land or marine - has two elements and it is not possible to imagine its existence in the absence of one of them. 1) They have unique independent characteristics of high significance that necessitates subjecting them to a special regulation to ensure that their components are not endangered or jeopardized; 2) The spatial range of those areas is well-identified within which activities are confined. [...] |
Supreme Constitutional Court-Decision No. 20 of January 20, 1994 on the ruling of unconstitutionality of Article 1 of the Prime Minister Decree No. 450 of 1986 establishing protected areas in the Jebel Elba area in the Red Sea (extract)
[...] Since it was established that this map was not published, and its publication was a preliminary presumed to implement the punitive texts contained in the law regulating those protected areas, by demarcating the district in which it operates, the omission of publishing is ignorant of the place of the prohibited acts, and therefore lacks the property of certainty necessary for criminalization, including an attack on personal freedom [...]. |
Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 5 : The Agency shall formulate the general policy and lay down the necessary plans for the protection and promotion of the environment and follow up the implementation of such plans in coordination with the competent administrative authorities. The Agency shall have the authority to implement some pilot projects. The Agency shall be the national authority responsible for strengthening environmental relations between the ARE and other countries and regional and international organizations. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister regulation No. 338 of 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994t
Article 24 (extract) : [...] b - The Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA), bound by the international agreements to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party, organizes hunting and gathering of wild animals and plants in the places and areas identified by EAA. [...] |
Appeal No. 7647 of November 19, 2012 overturning a ruling rejecting a lawsuit for the invalidity of two contracts of state property land (extract)
[...] court did not consider the argument of the protected areasby the Prime Minister’s decision No. 1429 of 1985 to establish two protected areas in the Bardawil Lake area (Al-Zaraniq and Sabkhat Al-Bardawil) and the coastal bush area extending from Al-Arish to the international borders in Rafah, north Sinai Governorate: [...] The overruled resolution did not investigate and proof that this land falls under the protected lands of the coastal bushes… identified by the Prime Minister’s Decree, or their conditions prior to this resolution, whether they contained living organisms, plants or animals, or natural resources that are of certain cultural, scientific, touristic or aesthetic value [...]. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1444 of May 14, 1998 on the establishment of a protected area in the Lake Burullus area in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
Article 1 (extract) : [...] Under the provisions of Law No. 102 of 1983, the Burullus Lake area in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate extending between longitude 30, 30, 00 W and longitude 31, 9, 40 E; and latitude 31, 21, 8 N up to latitudes 31, 35, 27 N, defined by area A B C D E F and G, is considered a protected areas as per the following borders identified on the attached map [...]. |
Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014
Article 32: Natural resources Natural resources belong to the people. The state commits to preserving such resources, to their sound exploitation, to preventing their depletion, and to take into consideration the rights of future generations to them. The state commits to making the best use of renewable energy resources, motivating investment, and encouraging relevant scientific research. The state works on encouraging the manufacture of raw materials, and increasing their added value according to economic feasibility. Disposing of the state’s public property is forbidden. Granting the right to exploit natural resources or a concession to a public utility shall take place by law for a period not exceeding 30 years. Granting the right to exploit quarries and small mines and salterns, or granting a concession to a public utility shall take place for a period not exceeding 30 years based on a law. The law sets the provisions for disposing of state private property, and the rules and procedures regulating such. Article 33: Ownership The state protects ownership, which is three types: Public ownership, private ownership, and cooperative ownership. Article 34: Public Property Public property is inviolable and may not be infringed upon. It is the duty of every citizen to protect it in accordance with the law. Article 35: Private property Private property is protected. The right to inherit property is guaranteed. Private property may not be sequestrated except in cases specified by law, and by a court order. Ownership of property may not be confiscated except for the public good and with just compensation that is paid in advance as per the law. Article 45 : The state commits to protecting its seas, beaches, lakes, waterways, groundwater, and protected areas. It is prohibited to encroach upon, pollute, or use them in a manner that contradicts their nature. Every citizen has the right to enjoy them as regulated by law. The state also commits to the protection and development of green space in urban areas; the protection of plants, livestock and fisheries; the protection of endangered species; and the prevention of cruelty to animals. All the foregoing takes place as regulated by law. Article 93 (extract) : International agreements and conventions [...] They (International agreements, Charters and conventions on Human Rights attested by Egypt) have the force of law after publication in accordance with the specified circumstances. |
The legal framework allows for:
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limNo..logy or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limNo..logy or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
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Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No.4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the Environment
Article 5 (extract) : […] For the fulfilment of its objects, the Agency (for the protection and promotion of the environment) may : [...] - Drafting a strategy for integrated environmental management for coastal zones. […] Article 28 (extract) : Practicing any of the following acts is prohibited : First) Hunting, killing, capturing birds, wild animals and aquatic living creatures, […] or performing acts that destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats […]. The species of these organisms and the areas to which the provisions of the previous paragraph apply are identified by the executive regulation of this law. Second) Cutting or damaging plants […] or performing acts that destroy their natural habitats or change their natural properties or habitats […]. The species of these plants are identified by the executive regulation of this law. Third) Collecting, possessing, transporting, or trading in fossils of all kinds of animals or plants, […] or affecting its aesthetic value in the protected areas. Fourth) Trading in all living endangered animal or plant organisms or cultivating them in other than their habitats without obtaining a license from the Environmental Affairs Agency […] Article 48 (extract) : In coordination with the concerned bodies, the Environment Minister shall fulfil the aforementioned objectives, as well as the goal of integrated environmental management of coastal zones. […] |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 1 (extract) : Under the provisions of this law, protected area means any area of land or coastal/inland water characterized by the living organisms, plants, animals, fish or natural resources of cultural, scientific, tourist or aesthetic value. […]. Article 2: Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic value in the protected area are strictly prohibited. |
Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt for the year 2014
Article 45 : The state commits to protecting its seas, beaches, lakes, waterways, groundwater, and Protected areas. It is prohibited to encroach upon, pollute, or use them in a manner that contradicts their nature. Every citizen has the right to enjoy them as regulated by law. The state also commits to the protection and development of green space in urban areas; the protection of plants, livestock and fisheries; the protection of endangered species; and the prevention of cruelty to animals. All the foregoing takes place as regulated by law. |
The legal framework allows:
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
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Decree of prime Minister No. 1310 of June 6, 2017 on 06-06-2017 on amending some provisions of the Decision No. 1969 of 1998 establishing Protected areas
Article 1 : The following islands are excluded from the scope of application of the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 1969 of 1998: Wardan Al-Kubra - Wardan Al-Sughra - Al-Qiraatien - Abu Ghaleb - Abu Awad - Umm Dinar - Dahab - Al-Qursaya - Al-Warraq - Kafr) (Barakat - Al-Raqqa - Helwan Al-Balad - Al-Shobak Al-Bahriya - Al-Ayat - Kafr Al-Rifai - Al-Desimi - Al-Karimat. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 3379 of December 6, 1996 on the the amendment of Resolution No. 1429 of 1985 establishing Protected areas in the Bardawil Lake area (Al-Zaraniq), Sabkhat al-Bardawil) and the coastal forest area extending from Al-Arish to the international border in Rafah, North Sinai Governorate.
Article 1 (extract) : The text of Article One of the aforementioned Prime Minister’s Resolution No. 1439 of 1985 shall be replaced by the following text : Under the provisions of Act No. 102 of 1983, the Bardawil Lake area (Zaraniq and Sabkhat al-Bardawil) and the bush area in North Sinai Governorate are considered protected areas as per the borders shown in the attached map : [...]. |
Decree Prime Minister No 1777 of September 7, 2020 on the amendment of some provisions of Resolution n° 143 of 2003 establishing a Protected area in the Wadi Al-Jamal region-Hamata in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 1 : The boundaries of the protected area of Wadi El-Gamal - Hamata in the Red Sea Governorate, established by Prime Minister’s Decree No. 143 of 2003, are modified as per the coordinates demonstrated in the table and map attached to this decision. |
Decree of Prime Minister No 2423 of October 24, 2019 on Amendment of some coordinates of the Protected areas.
Article 1 : The coordinates of the Protected areas located in Ashtoum El-Gamil and Tenis Island in Port Said Governorate, referred to in Article I of the aforementioned Prime Minister’s Decree No. 2780 of 1998, are modified so that the protected areas is approximately 48,275.18 acres, equivalent to 202,795,976 m2, as demonstrated in the attached figure and coordinates table. |
Decree of prime Minister No. 1219 of July 6, 2002 on the establishment of a protected area in Siwa, Matrouh Governorate
Article 4 : It is possible to declare other areas protected or expand the area of the declared zones in case of availability of adequate environmental studies. |
Decree of Prime Minister No 3155 of December 25, 2019 on the amendment of some provisions of Resolution n° 943 of 1989 regarding the establishment of two protected areas in Wadi Al-Rayan and Lake Qarun in the Fayoum Governorate
Article 1 : The boundaries of the Qarun protected area established by the aforementioned Prime Minister’s Decree No. 943 of 1989, shall be modified according to the attached coordinates. |
State Council, State Commissioners Supreme Administrative Court, First District State Commissioner Report on Appeal No. 12785 of the year 1958 to High Judicial Court, filed by Ibrahim Mustafa Kamel against the Prime Minister and others related to the recommendation to abolish Warraq Hatra Island as a protected area (not binding) (extract)
[...] For these reasons, the ruling [...] accepting the appeal in form, and on the matter by annulling the contested judgment and rule again : 1) To cancel the decision issued by the Prime Minister’s Decree No. 1969 of 1998 regarding the consideration of Warraq Hatra island a Protected area; and annul all associated consequences. |
The legal framework allows:
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
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Law No. 48 of June 26, 1982 on the Protection of the Nile River and Waterways from Pollution
Article 2 : Dumping, in water channels, of solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes from houses, shops or commercial, industrial, touristic buildings or from sewage is strictly prohibited without a prior license issued by the Ministry of Irrigation that are aligned with the regulations and criteria stipulated in the Minister of Irrigation resolution based on the Minister of Health’s recommendations. Article 3 : The Ministry of Health (MoH) shall frequently test samples of the treated liquid wastes of the establishments which have the permit to drain waste water in the water channels in the identified periods. MoH shall also test other samples when requested by the Ministry of Irrigation. The MoH is responsible for taking samples for analysis with costs covered by the license-holding institution from the money deposited by the institution from which expenses are withdrawn by MoH for sample taking, transportation and analysis. The Ministry of Irrigation and the concerned party will be advised of the analysis result. If the liquid wastes drained in the water channels do not meet the measures and specifications mentioned in the license and has no hazardous impact, the concerned party is requested within 3 months to take action by treating the wastes and testing the samples in order to meet the required specifications and measures. In case the treatment is not completed within 3 months or it turned out that liquid wastes are improperly treated, the Ministry of Irrigation shall withdraw the license from that institution and hence shall stop draining waste water through administrative actions. If the test result does not meet the specifications and measures stipulated in the Act’s regulations and has a direct dangerous pollution effect on the water channels, the Ministry of Irrigation will advise the concerned body to discontinue the dumping the source of pollution, otherwise the Ministry will carry out the operation itself at the expense of the concerned body or shall stop draining waste water through administrative actions. Article 5 : The owners of House-Boats or touristic House-Boats floating on the river Nile or its two branches are requested to find a system to treat or gather and discharge the wastes in the sewage drain. Dumping waste water in the Nile or in the water channels is prohibited. House-Boats will be frequently inspected by assigned engineers to apply regulation of the Act. In case of none-compliance with regulations, a fixed period of 3 months is given to the House-Boat's owner to treat wastes and stop source of harm. If treatment is not achieved during the fixed period, the license will be withdrawn. |
Law No. 124 of August 18, 1983 on Fisheries and Aquaculture
Article 14 (extract) : [...] Unless licensed by the General Authority for Fisheries Development, constructing islands, bridges, or dams in lakes and their shores, or surrounding or draining any area of their water is prohibited, except for the following cases: 1- Protecting agricultural land and estate from the lake water overspilling; [...] b- Establishment of fish farms. Exploiting the lake islands and their livestock rest areas for hunting birds and/or grazing is not allowed without a license from the General Authority for Fisheries Development. [...] |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No.4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the Environment
Article 73 : Constructing any establishment within 200 meters of the Egyptian coastlines without the agreement of EAA and the competent administrative authority is prohibited. The executive regulations of this Act establish the related procedures and conditions to be followed. Article 74 : Taking any measures that may affect or alter the configuration of the natural coastline either inwards or outwards is prohibited without the agreement of EAA and the concerned authority. The executive regulations of this Act shall regulate the related procedures and conditions to be followed. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 (extract) : [...] Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic level in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited: - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Hunting, taking or transporting any organisms or organic materials such as shells, corals, rocks or soil for any purpose; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected areas ; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Introducing exotic species to the protected areas [...] Article 7 : Without violating any harder penalty stipulated in another Act, whoever violates the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of this Act and the decisions for implementing it, shall be fined a minimum 500 and a maximum 5,000 Egyptian pounds, and/or imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year. In case of recidivism, the violator shall be fined a minimum 3,000 and a maximum 10,000 Egyptian pounds and/or imprisonment for a period of no less than one year. In addition, the violator shall be charged with the costs of removal or repair determined by the concerned administrative authority or its branches in the governorates, in addition to the confiscation of the machines, tools or devices used in committing the violation. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 303 of March 22, 1987 on the issuance of the executive regulations for the Fishing and Livestock Law Aquatic and fish farm Organization
Article 27 (extract) : [...] First: The following fishing crafts are permitted in the northern lakes (Manzala - Burullus - Idku - Mariout); Second: In Lake Bardawil, fishing is allowed using the following methods : [...] Third: The following fishing methods are permitted in the Great and Small Bitter Lakes, Lake Timsah and the Suez Canal : [...] Fifth: The following fishing methods are permitted in the Rayan depressions:[...] Article 28 (extract) : Fishing in all lakes by dragging nets to the shore of the lake is prohibited [...]. Article 29 (extract) : [...] Fishing licenses are not issued to motor-operated boats of any kind in Lakes Manzala, Burullus, Edko, Mariout and Qarun. [...] Article 30 (extract) : [...] The Minister of Agriculture may issue a decision to prohibit all forms of fishing/or fishing using specific methods in the sea or lakes for specific periods [...] Article 33 (extract) : [...] Without violating the provisions of the Irrigation and Drainage Act, the Authority shall issue licenses for : 1- Building bridges or barriers to protect agricultural lands and real estate from the water lakes when necessary; 2 - Exploiting the lakes islands, beaches and resting stations for grazing livestock and hunting birds as per the rules and regulations established by the Authority. Article 34 (extract): Cutting or removing reeds stalks or branches and lake weeds without a prior permit from the Authority as per the following rules and regulations [...] |
Fatwa (binding) of the Presidency of the Republic, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Planning, Local Development and Investment No.215 of April 24, 2010 (extract):
[...] The Prime Minister’s Decree (No. 943 1989 modified by the Decree of 2954 of 1997 to establish a protected area on a plot of land owned by the state, private property in accordance with Law No. 102 of 1983, which provides all the elements of allocating state property for public benefit, and attaches them to public state property that may not be disposed of, seized or possessed by statute of limitations [...] . This decision, defining an area of land characterized by living organisms, plants, animals, fish or natural phenomena of cultural, scientific, touristic or aesthetic value, and prohibiting the conduct of any activities or procedures that lead to the destruction or deterioration of the situation the protected areas, this decision amounts to allocating this area of land for a purpose of public benefit.[...] |
Decree of the Prime Minister No. 1444 of May 14, 1998 on the establishment of a protected area in the Lake Burullus area in Kafr El-Sheikh Govenorate
Article 3 (extract) : [...] Actions, activities or procedures that destroy or degrade the natural environment, harm fauna or flora, or affect the aesthetic value in the aforementioned protected area is prohibited [...]. |
Water Resources and Irrigation Act 2021
Article 84 (extract) : It is prohibited to carry out any of the following actions: 1- Wasting or dilapidating water resources by exceeding the prescribed or authorized quantities or by disbursing them in unnecessarily private or public drain or in a covered drainage network, [...] or in unauthorized purposes […]. 2- Obstructing the flow of water in the Nile and its branches, waterways or a drainage network […]. 6- Backfilling by throwing silt or sand and the like into the course of the Nile River, its branches or the streams. Article 88 : It is prohibited to establish any facilities or works on the seashores of the State for a distance of two hundred meters from the shoreline to the land, except after the approval by the Ministry. Article 89 (extract) : Without prejudice to the provisions of the Environmental Law promulgated by Law No. 4 of 1994, if it appears to the competent engineer that there are works in violation of the previous articles of this law in the seashores. […] He is entitled to take the necessary legal measures to stop the work and remove it immediately […] at the expense of the violator and collect removal costs […]. Article 91 (extract): It is prohibited to carry out any work that affects the nature of the beach or alters its direction in the sea water or to retreat from it except after the approval of the Ministry and based on the recommendation of the competent higher committee […]. |
Fatwa (binding) of the Directorate's Fatwa No.658 of August 19, 1996 on the Limits of Permit to Exercise Activities in protected areas (extract) :
[...] Therefore, the activity of shrimp and fish farming in protected areas is against the law. That is because if the protected area has such creatures, the multiplication of them in a commercial way leads to a disruption of the ecological balance in it. If the protected is not its home, then the activity is nothing more than the introduction of alien species to it, and both are prohibited by law and forbidden by the legislator.[...] |
The legal framework allows for:
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of techNo..logical developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of techNo..logical developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
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Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 4 (extract) : [...] The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with: - Developing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the protected area; - Monitoring environmental phenomena; - Taking stock of land and marine organisms of the protected area; - Maintaining a record for each protected area; - Exchanging related information and expertise with concerned international bodies and countries. |
Presidential Decree No. 549 of December 23, 1990 on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the authorities of the European Community to finance the Ras Mohammed protected area project
Article 1 (extract) : [...] The Memorandum of Understanding between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the authorities of the European Community was indorsed for the project of Ras Mohammed protected area, signed on June 13, 1989, with ratification provisions reserved. Appendix 1 6-3 : The Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) shall consist of 2 marine biology specialists, and 2 land biology specialists. An area continuous monitoring program will be implemented by EMU members across for collecting necessary biological and physical information. [...] The collected information is recorded on the main map of the protected area to be used in evaluating the success of the management strategy.[...] |
The legal framework allows for the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether included in the List or not, and for their wardening.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 1969 of June 25, 1998 on the consideration of the islands located within the course o the Nile in the North, central and south of the valley, the delta barrages and the two branches of Rashid Damietta as a protected area
Article 4 : The governors of the regions affiliated to the protected areas mentioned above shall take appropriate arrangements for guarding the protected areas. |
Decree of Prime Minister No.2728 of October 25, 2015 modifying the Decree of Prime Minister No. 264 of 1994 on the conditions, rules and procedures for carrying out activities in the protected areas
Article 1 (extract) : The text of Article 1 of the referred to Prime Minister’s Decree No. 264 of 1994 shall be replaced by the following text: Constructing buildings, facilities, roads; driving vehicles, or engaging in any agricultural, industrial or commercial activities in the protected areas is prohibited unless a permit from the Environmental Affairs Agency is obtained in accordance with the following terms and conditions: a) That the construction of buildings, facilities, or construction of roads is for the benefit of developing the protected area, and that the authorized activity does not harm the nature of the area, wildlife, marine life, plants, or the aesthetic value of protected areas. b) The authorized activities are consistent with the type and classification of the protected area [...]. c) That the areas in which activities are permitted within the protected area and the buildings and constructions attached to them in the areas less sensitive than the protected area, harmonized with the nature and topography of the protected area, aligned with the management plan and zoning map, and approved by the Board of Directors of the Environmental Affairs Agency. d) The protected area's weather, water and geological conditions are taken into consideration [...]. |
Decree of the Prime Minister No. 1429 of October 27, 1985 on the establishment of two protected areas in the Lake Bardawil area (Zaraniq and Sabkha Al-Bardawil) and the coastal forest area extending from Al-Arish to the international borders in Rafah, North Sinai Governorate
Article 1 : Under the provisions of the aforementioned law No. 102 of 1983, the following two areas are considered protected areas , with their boundaries identified in the two attached maps: - Bardawil Lake District (Zaraniq and Sabkah Al Bardawil); - The coastal forest area extending from Al-Arish to the international border in Rafah. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1444 of May 14, 1998 on the establishment of a protected area in the Lake Burullus area in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
Article 1 (extract) : [...] Under the provisions of Law No. 102 of 1983, the Burullus Lake area in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate extending between longitude 30, 30, 00 W and longitude 31, 9, 40 E; and latitude 31, 21, 8 N up to latitudes 31, 35, 27 N, defined by area A B C D E F and G, is considered a protected areas as per the following borders identified on the attached map [...]. Article 3 : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic level in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited : - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Hunting, taking or transporting any organisms or organic materials such as shells, corals, rocks or soil for any purpose; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected area ; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Introducing exotic species to the protected area even if these species do not affect the technological diversity of this protected area. |
Fatwa (legal Opinion) of the State Council, the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation Departments, Fatwa No. 1599 of October 23, 2021 on legality of fisheries activities in Wadi El Rayan protected area (extract)
[...] The activity authorized by the Cooperative Society for Fisheries in Fayoum to establish a project for hatchery farms, breeding and fattening fish on an area of 1,300 acres in the Wadi El Rayan region is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of Act No. (102) of 1983 on protected areas [...]. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 943 of August 1, 1989 on the establishment of two protected areas in Wadi Al-Rayyan and Lake Qarun in the Fayoum Governorate
Article 1 : Two protected areas are considered in the application of the provisions of Law No. 102 of 1983 referred to, the Wadi El-Rayan region and the Qarun Lake region in Fayoum Governorate, according to the boundaries shown in the two attached maps. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1219 of July 6, 2002 on the establishment of a protected area in Siwa, Matrouh Governorate
Article 5 : In coordination with the concerned authorities, the Governor of Matrouh shall oversee the implementation of the provisions of this decision. |
Fatwa (legal Opinion) of the State Council, the General Assembly of the Fatwa and Legislation Departments, No. 727 of April 28, 2019 on banning all fisheries activities in Wadi El Rayan protected area in Fayoum, according to Protected areas Act No. 102 of 1983 (extract) :
[...] Being aware of the importance of preserving and protecting the environment and providing the necessary conditions for the natural life of flora and fauna, the legislator issued Act No. 102 of 1983 regarding protected areas , and erecting a fence for protection of lands or water identified by the Prime Minister’s decision, and includes live plant, animal, or fish organisms; or natural resources of cultural, practical, touristic or aesthetic value, where the legislator has prohibited activities, actions or measures that destroy, damage, or degrade the elements of the natural environment, harm wildlife, marine life, or plants, or affect the aesthetic value of the protected area [...]. |
The legal framework allows that, whenever a wetland included in the List is exceptionally deleted or restricted, any loss of wetland resources is compensated, in particular by creating additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.
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Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 28 (extract) : [...] Compensation: Means compensation for all kinds of damage caused by pollution resulting from: 1) violating laws and international conventions which Arab Republic of Egypt is a party thereto, 2) incidents involving toxic and any other harmful substances, 3) pollution resulting from ship collision/capsizing or arising during ship loading/unloading, or caused by any other accidents. Compensation includes making up for environmental and traditional damage, as well as costs of restoring matters to their original state or remedying the environment. [...] |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 7 (extract) : Without violating any harder penalty stipulated in another Act, whoever violates the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of this Act and the decisions for implementing it, shall be fined [...]. In addition, the violator shall be charged with the costs of removal or repair determined by the concerned administrative authority or its branches in the governorates, in addition to the confiscation of the machines, tools or devices used in committing the violation. Article 8 (extract) : [...] Fines and removal expenses shall be immediately collected through administrative actions. [...] |
Law No. 146 of October 2, 2021 on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries
Article 3 (extract) : The Organism («Organism for the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries») aims to protect, develop and exploit lakes, their seas, tourism, beaches and sanctuaries, and the protection and development of fisheries and aquatic organisms with the aim of developing National economy. The Organism, in order to achieve its goals, has the right to do whatever is necessary. In particular the following : [...] 15 - Preparing an emergency plan and coordinating between the concerned authorities to prepare disaster response programs in lakes and to protect fisheries. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1219 of July 6th, 2002 on the establishment of protected areas in Siwa, Matrouh Governorate
Article 5 : in coordination with the concerned authorities, the Governor of Matrouh shall oversee the implementation of the provisions of this decision. |
The legal framework allows for the promotion of research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.
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Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 4 (extrait) : [...] The administrative authority [...] is entrusted with : - Implementation of the provisions of this Act [...]; - Developing the necessary programs and studies for the advancement of the natural protected area; - Monitoring environmental phenomena; - Taking stock of land and marine organisms of the protected area; - Maintaining a record for each protected area; - Informing and educating the public on the objectives and purposes of establishing protected areas; Exchanging information and experiences with countries and concerned international bodies [...] |
Law No. 146 of October 2, 2021 on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries Article 3 (extract) : The Organism («Organism for the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries») aims to protect, develop and exploit lakes, their seas, tourism, beaches and sanctuaries, and the protection and development of fisheries and aquatic organisms with the aim of developing national economy. The Organism, in order to achieve its goals, has the right to do whatever is necessary, in particular the following: [...]
2 - Exploiting and developing the potentials of lakes, their wells, beaches, sanctuaries, and resources and conduct the necessary research and studies for this, and he may seek the assistance of other specialized agencies, whether national or foreign, and prepare the necessary economic and social projects for the protection and development of those lakes, their beaches and their sanctuaries in the light of the results of those research. [...] . |
Presidential Decree No. 549 of December 23, 1990 on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the authorities of the European Community to finance the Ras Mohammed protected area project
Article 1 (extract) : [...] The Memorandum of Understanding between the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the authorities of the European Community was indorsed for the project of Ras Mohammed protected area, signed on June 13, 1989, with ratification provisions reserved. Appendix 1 6-3 : The Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) shall consist of 2 marine biology specialists, and 2 land biology specialists. An area continuous monitoring program will be implemented by EMU members across for collecting necessary biological and physical information. [...] The collected information is recorded on the main map of the protected area to be used in evaluating the success of the management strategy. [...] |
The legal framework allows for increase of waterfowl populations through management on appropriate wetlands.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
ANNEX 4 WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS THAT ARE PROHIBITED TO BE SHOT, HUNTED, KILLED, OR TRAPPED First: A- Birds and animals stated on the list attached to the decree by the Minister of Agriculture No.28 of 1967, issued in implementation of the provisions of article No.117 of Law No.53 of 1966, promulgating the Law on Agriculture. B- Any other birds or animals to be determined by International Conventions to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party. C- Any other birds or animals for which a decree shall be issued by the Minister of Agriculture with the Agreement of EEAA. Second: Areas In which the Hunting and Shooting of these Birds and Animals is Prohibited A- Areas indicated by virtue of the Minister of Agriculture's Decree No.472 of 1982: It is prohibited to shoot and hunt various kinds of birds and animals in the following areas of the two governorates of Sinai: - El Zaranik, Sab Khet Al Bardaweel, and Al Tinah - St. Katherin and Mount Serial - Tiran Island Bird hunting and fishing, including sea shells, corals, oysters, and other marine creatures, shall be prohibited in the area between Taba and Ras Mohammed in the Gulf of Aqaba by using fishing nets, or by explosives. B- Protected areasas defined by the Prime Minister's decrees in enforcement of Law No. 102 of 1983 C- Regulation of hunting in North Sinai, by virtue of the Governor's Decree No. 442 of 1980 D- Regulation of hunting in South Sinai by virtue of the Governor's Decrees No.15 of 1980, and No.16 of 1980. E- Areas as specified by International Conventions to which the Arab Republic of Egypt is a party. F- Any other areas to be defined by a decree from the concerned Authority in coordination with the EEAA. Article 23.1 (extract) : [...] Birds and Wild Animals Prohibited to Hunt, Kill or Catch [...] [...] ii. Any birds or animals prohibited by international agreements that Egypt is a party of. [...] |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 24 (extract) : [...] Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited. […]. |
Law No. 102 of July 31, 1983 on protected areas
Article 2 (extract) : Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic value in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited : - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Hunting, taking or transporting any organisms or organic materials such as shells, corals, rocks or soil for any purpose; [...] |
Law No. 146 of October 2, 2021 on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries
Article 14 : It is prohibited, without a license from the Organism, to exploit the islands of the lakes, their seas and rest areas in herding cattle and hunting birds. |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 90 of January 22, 1990 on the ban on hunting high-beaked curlews and birds similar to it
Article 1 (extract) : Hunting, killing, or catching the high-beaked curlew and similar-shape birds is prohibited. Of those birds are : European Water Crown; Small curry; Black-tailed godwit Limosa Limosa; Guilt striped bouquet. European Water Curlew; Burhinus oedicnemus stone-curlew; Small Curlew Limosa lapponica […] Trading in, possessing these bird species, or damaging their natural environment is prohibited. |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1095 of August 25, 2011 on the amendment of some provisions of the Prime Minister Decree of Prime Minister No. 338 of February 28, 1995 issuing the Executive Regulations for Environment Law-4/1994
Article 24 (extract) : [...] a) Issuing licenses for the hunting or collecting birds and wild animals referred to in Appendix (4) hereof except for scientific research, overcoming an epidemic or for such other purposes as are approved by the EAA is prohibited. [...] Appendix 4 : First : Hunting, killing, trading, raising, possessing, transporting, exporting, importing or trading in, live or dead Birds, wild animals and living animal and aquatic organisms or parts of them or their derivatives is prohibited. The list includes as per item 1, Article 28 all wild birds (except the birds that are allowed to be hunted according to seasons and numbers shown in the following attached list). A list of birds allowed to be hunted with a license from the Environmental Affairs Agency, according to the prescribed quotas and seasons: Northern pintail Anas acuta Mallard duck Anas platyrhynchos Common shelduck Tadorna tadorna Common Teal Anas cress Common Pochard Aythya ferina Tufted duck Aythya flagella Garganey Anas querquedula Gadwall Anas striper Collared dove Streptopelia decaocto Egyptian goose Alopochen Aegyptiacus Moorhems Gallinula Coot Fulica Jack snipe Gallinago media Common quail Coturnix coturnix Turtle dove Streptopelia turtur Rock Pigeon Columba livia Laughing dove Stigmatopelia senegalensis House sparrow Passer domesticus Common snipe Gallinago gallinago wigeon Anas penelope Cormrat Phalacrocorax carbo Areas where killing and capturing of birds, wild animals and aquatic organisms is prohibited by this Appendix as well as the destruction of its natural habitat or change of its natural properties are: 1- Areas of interest to resident and migratory wild birds, including wetland areas, lakes, and the Nile River Stream, the migration routes, the routes of movement of resident wild birds, and the areas declared in the Ramsar Convention in which the Arab Republic of Egypt is party. (…) |
Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 28 of 1967 regarding the identification of types of birds useful for agriculture and wild animals to which the stipulated ban applies about it in Article No. 117 of Law No. 53 of 1966 promulgating the Agriculture Law
Article 1 : The prohibition stipulated in article No. 117 of Law No. 53 of 1966 referred to, shall apply to birds beneficial to agriculture and wild animals shown in the two lists accompanying this decision. The Department of Veterinary Medicine may license hunting some of these animals and birds for scientific or touristic purposes. Article 2 (extract) : It is prohibited to hunt. […] |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1444 of May 23, 1998 on the establishment of a protected area in the Lake Burullus area in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate
Article 3 (extract) : [...] Taking actions, activities or procedures that destroy or degrade the natural environment, harm fauna or flora, or affect the aesthetic level in the aforementionedprotected area. In particular, the following are prohibited: - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild land or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected area; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Introducing exotic animal or plant species to the protected area even if these species do not affect the biological diversity of this protected area [...]. |
Law No. 53 of September 10, 1966 on Agriculture
Article 117 (extract) : [...] Hunting, killing, capturing, owning, transporting, selling or offering for selling agriculture-useful birds and wild animals alive or dead is prohibited. [...]. Destroying the nests or exterminating some of the aforementioned birds are also prohibited. |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No.162 issued on 29 July 2022 regarding the technical requirements regulating the hunting of wild birds for the 2022-2023 season
Article 2 (extract) : “hunting of wild birds listed in the annex of the decision and listed in the law No 4 of the law of 1994 and its regulation as amended, should be declared from the period of 15 October 2022 to 31 march 2023 according to the requirements/instructions annexed to this decision. […]”. Annex : (extract) Second: Technical requirement organizing the activity of wild birds hunting for the season 2022-2023: 1- These instructions/requirements apply to the hunting activity for recreational purposes and hunting licenses for livelihood as well as amateur hunting as follow: 2- Species of wild birds allowed to be hunted in the Arab Republic of Egypt during the period from 15/10/2022 to 31/03/2023 according to the law No 4 of 1994 as amended by the Law No 9 of 2009 and its executive regu-lation: Arabic name/scientific name/English name 1 بلبول بط Anas acuta Northern pintail 2 خضاري بط Anas platyrhynchos Mallard duck 3 شهرمان بط Tadorna tadorna Common shelduck 4 شرشير Anas crecca Common Teal 5 الغراب الهندي House crow (Indian) Corvus splendens 6 كيش Anas clypeata (Northern Shoveler زرقاي أبو شوشة 7 Aythya fuligula Tufted duck 8 سماري Anas strepera Gadwall 9 قمري مطوق Streptopelia decaocto Collared dove 10 أوز مصري Alopochen aegyptiacus Egyptian goose 11 فرخة الماء Gallinula Moorhems 12 غر Coot Fulica 13 بكاشينة صغير Lymnocryptes minimus Jack snipe 14 شرشير صيفي Anas querquedula Garganey 15 حمام جبلي أو بري Columba livia Rock Pigeon 16 يمام بلدي Stigmatopelia senegalensis laughing dove 17عصفور بلدي Passer domesticus House sparrow 18 بكاشينة شائعة Gallinago gallinago Common snipe 19 ظاي Anas Penelope Wigeon 20 غراب البحر Phalacrocorax carbo Cormorant 21 مينا شائعة (هندي) Acridotheres trysts Common myna 3- “Hunting is prohibited in protected areas in Arab Republic of Egypt in application of the Law No 102 of 1983". 4. “Tools used for hunting ducks and other birds allowed to be hunted: - guns caliber (12, 16, 20) single or double-barreled are used - The use of multi-shot cartridges is prohibited and it is allowed to use the plastic bullet regulator which al-lows only two shots”. […] 6- “It should be taken into account not to target species not allowed to be hunted such as Hamrai duck (Red Duck). In the event of accidental hunting of these species, they must be released”.[…] 14- "In case of violating these technical requirements/instructions, the licence is annulled and the licence holder is prevented from completing the activity during the current hunting season. The used nets and hunting tools become under Administrative reservation until the end of the fishing season”. Third: The environmental requirements for organizing the hunting of Egyptian Duck and birds authorized to be hunted in Lake Nasser. […] 3- "Foreign hunter is allowed to take 10 of Egyptian goose only and 10 birds in each other species allowed for hunting”. […] 6- “Hunting activity is stopped in Lake Nasser at the beginning of winter from 23/12/2022 until 09/01/2023 in order to evaluate the state of wild birds at the lake through the winter assessment program. The hunting activi-ty will resume after that” 7- “The activity of recreational hunting in lake Nasser ends on 21/03/2023” |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 943 of August 1st, 1989 on the establishment of two protected areas in Wadi Al-Rayyan and Lake Qarun in the Fayoum Governorate
Article 3 (extract) : [...] Actions, behaviors, activities or procedures that would destroy, damage or deteriorate the natural resources, or harm wildlife, marine or plant life, or affect its aesthetic level in the protected area are strictly prohibited. In particular, the following are prohibited : - Hunting, transporting, killing or disturbing wild or marine organisms, or doing actions that would eliminate them; - Damaging or transferring plants located in the protected area; - Destroying geographical formations, or areas that are home to breeding animal or plant species; - Introducing exotic species to the protected area [...]. |
Decision of the Minister of Environment No. 229 of August 20, 2017 on the permit for hunting wild quails and summer firs/shippers
Article 1 (extract) : Hunting wild quails and summer chirpers is permitted from 1 September 2017 until 15 November 2017 in the following coastal governorates only: North Sinai, Port Said, Damietta, Dakahlia, Kafr El-Sheikh, Beheira, Alexandria, Marsa Matrouh (as per the conditions annexed to this decision) [...]. Article 1 Conditions/Requirements (extract) : [...]. 5- The license applicant is obligated to release all other birds that may fall into the nets, such as grazing birds, predators, sparrows, songbirds and others, after ensuring their safety. [...]; 7- Hunting is prohibited inside the protected areas [...]; 11- Using ultrasonic acoustic devices, sound devices, other techniques for hunting permitted birds is strictly prohibited. [...]. |
The legal framework allows for the training of personnel in wetland research, management and wardening.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 1618 of September 10, 2006 on protected areas in the Northern islands of the Red Sea in the Red Sea Governorate
Article 2 : The Environmental Affairs Agency undertakes to carry out the functions stipulated in Act No. 102 of 1983 on protectd areas. |
Environmental Law No.9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No. 4 of February 3, 1994 on the protection of the environment
Article 5 (extract) : The Environmental Affairs Agency (EAA) shall develop the general policy, devise the necessary plans for environment preservation and development, and follow up on the plans implementation in coordination with the concerned administrative authorities. EAA may undertake the implementation of some pilot projects [...]. To achieve its objectives, EAA shall set a plan for environmental training, oversee its implementation, [...] management and oversee the protected areas [...] |
Decree of Prime Minister No. 1969 of June 25, 1998 on the consideration of the islands located within the course of the Nile in the North, central and south of the valley, the delta barrages and the two branches of Rashid Damietta as protected area
Article 2 : The Environmental Affairs Agency undertakes the rules and regulations stipulated in Act No. 102 of 1983 and Act No. 4 of the year 1994 for protectd areas. |
The legal framework encourages:
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
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Decree of Prime Minister No. 539 of October 28, 1980 on the formation of the Ministerial Committee for Environmental Affairs
Article 4 (extract) : The Technical Secretariat (of the Ministerial Committee for Environmental Affairs) undertakes the following: [...] Follow up on the implementation of the committee’s decisions, organize the exchange of information between ministries, authorities, local authorities and foreign similar bodies and international institutions [...] |
Law No. 146 of October 2, 2021 on the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries
Article 3 (extract) : The Organism («Organism for the Protection and Development of Lakes and Fisheries») aims to protect, develop and exploit lakes, their seas, tourism, beaches and sanctuaries, and the protection and development of fisheries and aquatic organisms with the aim of developing national economy. The Organism, in order to achieve its goals, has the right to do whatever is necessary. In particular the following: 12- Cooperating with international and regional bodies in all subjects related to the protection and development of lakes and fisheries, in accordance with the provisions of the technical and economic cooperation agreements concluded in this regard, and the follow-up of the implementation of these agreements. Article 5 (extract) : The Board of Directors of the Agency is the supreme authority dominating the affairs of the Agency and managing its affairs and setting the general policy that facilitates it and for it to take decisions as necessary to achieve the goals for which it was established, and within the framework of the national State plan, and the Board, in particular, has the following : [...] 2 - Studying legislation and agreements related to the protection and development of lakes and fisheries and proposing what he deems appropriate in this regard. |
Presidential Decree No. 413 of April 27, 2000 on the approval of the Protocol on Specially protected area and Biodiversity in the Mediterranean, signed in Barcelona
Article 1 : The Protocol on Specially Protected Areas and the Biological Diversity of the Mediterranean, signed in Barcelona on 10/6/1995, is approved with reservations on the condition of ratification. Article 4 (extract) : The Technical Secretariat (of the Ministerial Committee for Environmental Affairs) undertakes the following : [...] Follow up on the implementation of the committee’s decisions and organize the exchange of information between ministries, authorities, local authorities and similar bodies abroad and international institutions. [...] Article 5 (extract) : [...] Each party may establish areas enjoying special protection in marine and coastal areas, provided that they are subject to its sovereignty or national jurisdiction. 2- If a party establishes a protected area in an area under its sovereignty or national jurisdiction that transcends the boundaries and borders of an area under the sovereignty or national jurisdiction of an other party, the competent authorities of the two parties cooperate with each other in order to reach agreement on measures to be taken, among other things to study the possibilities of establishing the other For a protected area to correspond with it or to adopt any other appropriate measures. 3- If a party desires to establish a protected area in an area under its sovereignty or national jurisdiction adjacent to the borders and to the borders of an area subject to the sovereignty or national jurisdiction of a state No..t party to this protocol, the party tries to cooperate in that state as indicated in the previous paragraph. [...] |
Presidential Decree No. 549 of December 23, 1990 on the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the authorities of the European Community to finance the Ras Mohammed protected area project (extract)
Appendix 1 6-3 : The Environmental Monitoring Unit (EMU) shall consist of 2 marine biology specialists, and 2 land biology specialists. An area continuous monitoring program will be implemented by EMU members across for collecting necessary biological and physical information. [...] The collected information is recorded on the main map of the protected area to be used in evaluating the success of the management strategy. [...] |