Botswana / Animal health
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Section 19:
The Director may, in writing, delegate any of his or her functions or powers under this Act to any person, class of persons, public authority or agency.
Section 11 (extract):
(5) A Council may delegate any of its functions to the bodies under subsection (3) or to any other person in line with Government policies and may with reasons revoke or amend any delegation made under this section and may attach conditions to the delegation, including general or particular directions, as to the manner in which any delegated power is to be
(6) A delegation under subsection (5) may include the power to sub-delegate.
Section 22 (extract):
(1) A Council-
(a) with Subordinate Authorities may appoint not more than two committees; and
(b) without Subordinate Authorities may appoint not more than seven committees, either of a general or special nature, consisting of not more than 12 members, for the purpose of transacting the business or performing any act or duty, which in the judgment of the Council or
Subordinate Authority would more conveniently be performed by means of a committee and may delegate to any committee the powers, except the power to make bye-laws and any power to raise revenue by rate or otherwise. [...]
(4) A Council or Subordinate Authority may revoke or amend any delegation made under subsection (1) and may attach conditions to the amended delegation, including general or particular directions, as to the manner in which any delegated power is to be exercised.
Section 31:
A Council may enter into an agreement with any one or more Councils in appointing from among their respective members a joint committee of the Councils for any purposes in which they are jointly interested, and may delegate to the joint committees, with or without restriction or conditions, any powers or functions of the Councils relating to the purpose for which the joint committee was formed, except the power to make bye-laws or the power to raise money by rate or otherwise.
Regulation 24 (extract):
(3) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette, delegate any person by name, or the person for the time being holding the office designated by him, to exercise any of the powers vested in him under subregulation (1) hereof, for a period not exceeding three months at any one time subject to such conditions, exceptions and qualifications as he may prescribe; and thereupon the person so delegated shall have and exercise such powers, subject as aforesaid.
(4) Any delegation made under subregulation (3) shall be revocable by the Minister at any time by notice published in the Gazette, and no such delegation shall prevent the exercise of any power by the Minister.
Section 5 (extract):
(4) The Chief Executive Officer may, subject to the provisions of this Act, delegate the exercise of any of his or her powers under this Act, to any senior officer of the Authority.
Section 5 (extract):
(1) In the absence of any other provisions made by regulations under this Act, the following provisions shall apply to all infected areas-
(c) the Director or any person authorized by him may require the owner of any animal within the infected area to isolate such animal from other animals within the infected area or to remove such animal from such area;
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Section 11 (extract):
(5) A Council may delegate any of its functions to the bodies under subsection (3) or to any other person in line with Government policies and may with reasons revoke or amend any delegation made under this section and may attach conditions to the delegation, including general or particular directions, as to the manner in which any delegated power is to be exercised.
Section 37 (extract):
The Town Clerk or Council Secretary shall be the head of the administration of the relevant Council and shall-
(i) supervise and co-ordinate the activities of all delegated services and officers working on those services;
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Section 37 (extract):
The Town Clerk or Council Secretary shall be the head of the administration of the relevant Council and shall-
(i) supervise and co-ordinate the activities of all delegated services and officers working on those services;