Botswana / Animal health
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Section 7 (extract):
(1) No person, including a person employed by the Government as a veterinary officer or otherwise, shall-
(a) practise veterinary medicine;
(b) hold himself out, or allow himself to be held out, as a veterinary surgeon; or
(c) hold himself out, or allow himself to be held out, as qualified to practise veterinary medicine, unless he is
registered, in accordance with the provisions of this Part, to practise as a veterinary surgeon.
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Section 47 (extract):
Any person who-
(a) contravenes the provisions of section 7(1);
(d) fraudulently makes, or causes or permits to be made, any false or incorrect entry in the Register or any
copy thereof;
(e) fraudulently procures or attempts to procure himself or herself or any other person to be registered; or
(f) being a veterinary surgeon, allows a person whose name is not entered on the Register to practise veterinary surgery on, or from an office in, the premises used by such veterinary surgeon in the performance of his professional duties, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P6 000, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to both.
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Section 21:
(1) A veterinary surgeon may purchase, keep, use, prescribe or supply without licence, any goods, poisons or drugs required solely for the treatment of animals under his or her care in the course of his or her practice.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as exempting a veterinary surgeon from the provisions of any
statute which regulates the purchase, importation and use of veterinary biologicals or drugs.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section and section 25(1), an animal or herd shall be considered to be under the care of a veterinary surgeon if the following conditions are met-
(a) the veterinary surgeon has been given responsibility for the health of the animal or herd in question by
the owner or the owner's agent; and
(b) the veterinary surgeon gives the animal or herd on-going and continuing care.
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Section 7 (extract):
(3) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as precluding an unregistered person, authorised by the Council, from providing, performing or giving, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 1, any treatment, test, advice, diagnosis or attendance which is specified in that Schedule.
(4) The Council shall maintain a list of all unregistered persons authorised by it to carry out, in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 1, any treatment, test, advice, diagnosis or attendance which is specified in that Schedule.
1. Any non-surgical treatment given to an animal by-
(a) its owner;
(b) a member of the household of which the owner is a member; or
(c) a person in the employment of a person referred to in paragraph (a) or (b).
2. Any non-surgical treatment provided, or advice given, otherwise than for personal gain or material advantage, by persons engaged or employed in farming other than the persons referred to in paragraph 1, in relation to any animal owned for the purpose of agriculture.
3. The rendering, in an emergency, of first aid for the purpose of saving an animal's life or relieving pain.
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Section 9 (extract):
(1) A person who wishes to be registered as a veterinary surgeon shall apply to the Registrar.
(2) The application referred to in subsection (1) shall be in the prescribed form, (or a form approved for the purpose by the Council), and shall be accompanied by-
(b) proof of academic qualification , in the form of a degree, diploma, certificate or any other document, or a
copy thereof certified by or on behalf of the university or institution which granted or issued the original thereof,
that the applicant possesses the requisite qualifications for registration as a veterinary surgeon;
(d) written evidence, satisfactory to the Council, that the applicant is a person of good character and repute
and a fit and proper person to be registered as a veterinary surgeon, from the-
(i) where the applicant is a non-citizen, an equivalent body of the applicant's country of origin, or
(ii) veterinary school from which the applicant obtained qualifications referred to under section 9(2)(b); and
(e) the names and addresses of three referees who must have known the applicant for at least two years and who would be prepared to certify in respect of the applicant's character and reputation to the Council.
(4) The referees referred to in subsection (2)(e) shall include the Chairperson or the Secretary of the Council,
or an equivalent body of the applicant's country of origin.
Section 10 :
Without prejudice to any other steps the Council may take for the purpose of satisfying itself that a person has the requisite knowledge and skill to qualify him or her for registration to practise veterinary surgery in Botswana, the Council may, for that purpose, require such person to sit for examinations held for the purposes of this section by or under arrangements made by the Council.
Section 11:
(1) The requisite qualifications for registration as a veterinary surgeon, referred to in section 9(2)(b), shall be such qualifications as the Minister, acting on the advice of the Council, may prescribe.
(2) No person shall be registered under this Act unless he or she is resident in Botswana.
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Section 44:
The Council shall revoke the licence of a veterinary surgeon under this Act Part if such veterinary surgeon is
convicted of an offence under this Act.