Botswana / Animal production
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Section 5 (extract):
(1) In this section, "authorized officer" means an officer of the Veterinary Department authorized by the President by order published in the Gazette to issue directions under this section and any such authorization may be of named persons or may be ex officio.
Section 11:
The President shall appoint an officer of the public service to be Registrar of Brands andmay appoint an officer of the public service to be Assistant Registrar of Brands who, subject to the directions of the Registrar, shall have the power to do any act or thing which may lawfully be done under this Act by the Registrar.
Section 12:
The Registrar shall keep a register of all brands and the proprietors thereof registered under the provisions of this Act.
Regulation 3 :
The Director may, subject to the laws governing the public service, assign-
(a) a public officer to be a stock traceability manager; and
(b) two or more public officers to be assistant stock traceability managers who shall,
subject to the directions of the stock traceability manager, have the power to do any act or thing
which may be lawfully done under these Regulations by the stock traceability manager.
Regulation 4:
A stock traceability manager shall-
(a) implement a stock traceability system which shall be used to trace all stock;
(b) keep and maintain an updated centralised stock information technology data management system;
(c) be the first point of call on any issue regarding traceability of stock; and
(d) carry on any other issues relating to traceability of stock.
Section 2 (extract):
"Director" means the Director of Veterinary Services, and includes the Deputy Director of Veterinary Services and any veterinary officer authorized by the Director;
"departmental officer" means any veterinary officer, livestock officer, stock inspector or veterinary assistant employed by the Government
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Regulation 7 (extract):
(1) The Director shall-
(b) carry out annual inspections of holdings which shall cover at least three percent of the registered holdings where selection of those holdings shall be risk based;
(c) verify during inspections, compliance with the following minimum standards-
(i) that there is notifications of events such as tagging, treatments, movements, ownership or transfer of animals,
(ii) that there is correct application of ear tags, and
(iii) that there is no tampering with ear tags.
(d) increase frequency of inspections of holdings where there is significant noncompliance, and the frequency of the inspections shall be determined by the level of noncompliance; and
(e) carry out on-spot or unannounced inspections of holdings
Regulation 17:
The Director-
(a) shall visit and inspect all portions of an approved export slaughter house or abattoir to ensure that-
(i) the export slaughter house or abattoir conforms to the best practice or standard of hygiene, and
(ii) there is compliance with these Regulations and any other law; and
(b) may require to be furnished with copies of the animal identification and trace-back records, within such time as he may specify.
Section 11:
(1) A departmental officer may enter on any land, building, shed, place, carriage, van, truck, vessel or aircraft containing or conveying or used for conveying animals for the purpose of inspecting or examining any stock, carcass, article or vehicle to ascertain whether or not the provisions of this Act are being properly carried out.
(2) Any person who obstructs a departmental officer in the exercise of his powers under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
Section 15 (extract):
(b) any stock, carcass, article or vehicle has been introduced into any place in Botswana without such permit as may be required for such introduction, or having been
introduced under a permit is moved or dealt with otherwise than in accordance with such permit, the Director or any departmental officer authorized by him may make such order as he thinks fit for all or any of the following purposes-
(i) directing that such stock, carcass, article or vehicle be seized and detained;
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Section 4 (extract):
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P200 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both.
Section 7:
Any person who in any zonal branding area brands cattle with the zonal symbol for any other zonal branding area, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P600 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.
Section 8:
Any person who, without lawful cause or excuse, blotches, defaces or otherwise renders illegible or in any way alters any zonal symbol branded on cattle, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P1200 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding four years, or to both.
Section 9:
Any person who, without lawful cause or excuse, brands any cattle of which he is not the owner with a zonal symbol without the authority of the owner of such cattle shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P600, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.
Regulation 21:
Any person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations, where no penalty is provided, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding P5000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both.