Botswana / Consumption use
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Section 2 (extract):
"hunt" means and includes-
(a) kill, injure, shoot at or follow; (b) wilfully disturb or molest by any method;
(c) lie in wait for, or search for, with intent to kill, injure or shoot at.
Section 2 (extract):
"commercial fishing" means the catching of fish by the use of factory made gill nets or any gill net made out of factory made materials such as leads, twines, corks, etc;
"recreational fishing" means fishing done on the basis of leisure and sport, using rod and line
"subsistence fishing" means catching fish using traditional fishing gear for personal and household consumption which shall not be for sale
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Section 20. Landholder's privileges
(1) A person shall be entitled to landholder's privileges under this section if-
(a) he is the owner of private land or the owner of not less than a quarter undivided share in private land in Botswana;
(b) in the case of land elsewhere than in a game reserve or national park, he is the occupier of such land under an agreement of lease or of purchase granted to him by
the State or a land board other than for the purpose of hunting;
30. Special game licence
(1) Regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of special game licences in
respect of any animals other than protected game animals to citizens of Botswana who are
principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food, and such
regulations may provide for-
(c) he is the occupier of private land in Botswana and has occupied that land for the immediately preceding period of not less than three months and has the written
permission of the owner of the land to enjoy landholder's privileges in respect of that land, which written permission shall be in such form as may be prescribed.
(2) A person shall be entitled to enjoy landholder's privileges under this section if-
(a) he is the bona fide employee of any person such as is referred to in subsection (1)(a) or (1)(b) and has the written permission of that person to enjoy landholder's privileges
in respect of the land in question, which written permission shall be in such form as may be prescribed;
(b) he is the bona fide employee of any person such as is referred to in subsection (1)(c) and has the written permission of the owner of the land in question to enjoy landholder's privileges in respect of such land, which written permission shall be in such form as may be prescribed;
(c) he is the spouse or child of any person such as is referred to in subsection (1)(a) or (1)(b);
(d) he is the spouse or child of any person such as is referred to in subsection (1)(c) or (2)(b) and has the written permission of the owner of the land in question to enjoy landholder's privileges in respect of that land, which written permission shall be in such form as may be prescribed;
(e) he is the spouse or child of any person such as is referred to in subsection (2)(a) and has the written permission of the employer of that person to enjoy landholder's privileges in respect of the land in question, which written permission shall be in such form as may be prescribed.
(3) No person shall be entitled to landholder's privileges or to enjoy landholder's privileges under this section unless he is a citizen or resident of Botswana, or, being a company, has its
registered office in Botswana, or at least 51% of its beneficial shareholders are citizens of Botswana, or the Minister has, by notice in writing, declared, in the interests of wildlife
management, that such person shall be entitled to such privileges.
(4) A person shall be entitled to landholder's privileges or to enjoy landholder's privileges under this section only in respect of the land from which in terms of this section the privileges
are derived.
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, an individual entitled to landholder's privileges or to enjoy landholder's privileges in accordance with the provisions of subsection (1) or subsection (2) may, subject to such fees as may be prescribed, hunt and kill, without a licence or permit, any animals, other than protected and partially protected game animals, within the limits of the land in respect of which he is entitled to or to enjoy such privileges, but shall not kill any animal which is listed in the Eighth Schedule in excess of the number specified in relation to that animal in the second column of that Schedule within any one period such as is specified in the corresponding entry in the third column of that Schedule.
(6) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (5) shall be guilty of an offence and, where no other penalty is provided under this Act in respect of the hunting of the
animal concerned, shall be liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(7) Where, in any case such as is referred to in subsection (2), the owner or occupier of land has given written permission under this section to another person to enjoy landholder's
privileges in respect of that land, the owner or occupier may, by notice in writing to that person, at any time withdraw such permission, and such notice shall have the effect of cancelling that person's entitlement to enjoy landholder's privileges in respect of that land with effect from the time when the notice is personally delivered to him.
(8) The owner or occupier of land in respect of which he is entitled to landholder's privileges shall not give permission to any other person to hunt and kill any game animal on such land unless such other person is either the holder of a valid licence or permit entitling or authorizing him to hunt and kill such animal on such land, or is otherwise entitled to hunt and kill such animal on such land, and any owner or occupier who contravenes the provisions of this subsection and has failed to take all reasonable steps to satisfy himself that such other person was so entitled or authorized to hunt and kill such animal on that land shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Section 30:
(1) Regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of special game licences in respect of any animals other than protected game animals to citizens of Botswana who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food, and such regulations may provide for —
(a) the types of special game licence which may be issued;
(b) the animals for the hunting of which each type of special game licence may be issued;
(c) the categories of persons to whom such licences may be issued;
(d) the periods for which such licences may be issued; and
(e) the maximum number of animals of each species and kind which may be hunted by virtue of such a licence in any one period, and the area or areas within which they may be hunted.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, a special game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt, on the land and during the period specified in the licence, animals of the kind and of the number therein specified.
(3) The holder of a special game licence shall not be entitled to and shall not be issued with any other type of licence.
Regulation 2 (extract):
"commercial fishing" means the catching of fish by the use of factory made gill nets or any gill net made out of factory made materials such as leads, twines, corks, etc;
"recreational fishing" means fishing done on the basis of leisure and sport, using rod and line
"subsistence fishing" means catching fish using traditional fishing gear for personal and household consumption which shall not be for sale
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Regulation 13: Enjoyment of landholder's privileges
(1) Any person entitled to landholder's privileges in terms of section 20 of the Act shall be registered with the DWNP before exercising any privileges as a landholder.
(2) An application for registration to enjoy landholder's privileges shall be in the form set out in the Thirteenth Schedule.
(3) Registration of landholder's privileges shall be in the form set out in the Fourteenth Schedule.
(4) Registration of landholder's privileges for profit shall be in the form set out in the Fifteenth Schedule.
(5) A person entitled to landholder's privileges shall maintain a record of every animal killed, in the form set out in the Sixteenth Schedule.
(6) A landholder's privileges shall be valid for one calendar year and may be re-registerednbefore or on the 15th February of each calendar year.
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Regulation 2 (extract):
"subsistence fishing" means catching fish using traditional fishing gear for personal and household consumption which shall not be for sale
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(6) Where a licensed citizen uses a traditional bow and arrow to hunt a game animal for subsistence purposes, such person shall be exempted from the provisions of subregulations (2), (3), and (4).
Regulation 5: ( 1) Any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall be a citizen of Botswana.
(2) Any person who. engages in subsistence fishing using rod and line shall -
(a) use a rod with a reel; and
(b) catchand keep more than ten fish per day.
(3) Subsistence fishing using · other traditional fishing methods such as fishing baskets and traps shall only be undertaken in drying out pools in flood
(4) Subject to subsection (2) any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall only use traditional fishing gear for the purpose of catching fish.
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Section 26:
Licences to hunt game shall be in such form as may be prescribed, and shall be of the following kinds-
(a) a bird licence;
(b) a single game licence;
(c) a small game licence; or
(d) a special game licence of a kind prescribed under section 30. Section 39(extract):
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(a) the killing or capturing of any animal for the purposes of education or scientific research, providing specimens for museums, zoological gardens and similar institutions, or the breeding, farming or domestication of any animal;
Regulation 3:
(1) Subject to these Regulations, no person shall hunt a game animal listed under the Seventh Schedule of the Act, unless he has been issued with a licence as specified under subregulation (2) authorizing him to hunt that game animal. (2) The following licences may be issued for the hunting of game animals-
(a) bird licence;
(b) single game licence;
(c) small game licence; or
(d) special game licence (3) Subregulation (1) shall not apply to an area where the owner enjoys rights of ownership in animals in terms of section 83 of the Act, provided the species listed in the Seventh Schedule of the Act are hunted, with the exception of elephants.
(4) Any person who contravenes subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 4 (extract):
(1) No person shall engage in commercial fishing without a commercial fishing licence. Regulation 16 (extract): (1) No person shall undertake recreational fishing in Botswana unless he or she is in possession of a recreational fishing licence issued by the
Director. [..] (5) A seasonal recreational fishing permit in Form J, set out in Schedule 1 shall be issued to a fishing camp. Regulation 17(extract): (1) Any person who intends to stage a recreational fishing competition shall apply to the Director for a recreational fishing competition permit, in
Form K set out in Schedule 1, at least two months before the date of such competition, giving the time and place thereof and the rules and conditions governing the competition for approval by the Director.
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Section 31 (extract)
(1) Every application for the issue of a licence referred to in section 26 shall be made to a licensing officer in such form as may be prescribed, and any licensing officer to whom such an application is made may, provided that the applicant is of or above the age of 15 years and subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) and any regulations made under this Act, issue the licence applied for on payment of such fee as may be prescribed for that licence.[...]
(6) Where a licensing officer issues a licence under this section, other than a bird licence, a special game licence or a small game licence, there shall be attached to such licence as an integral part thereof a register in the prescribed form, and a detachable return in the prescribed form shall be annexed to every licence other than a bird licence and a small game licence.
(7) A licence issued under this section shall bear the stamp of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks in red, and no licence shall be valid or accepted unless it is the original licence and bears such stamp.
(8) A licence issued under this section shall be personal to the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferable, and may not be amended to permit hunting thereunder to be transferred from one controlled hunting area to another, except only under and in accordance with regulations made under this Act.
Regulation 6 (extract):
(1) A bird licence, in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of a fee specified in the Fifth Schedule.
Regulation 7 (extract):
(1) A single game licence, in the form set out in the Sixth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of the appropriate fee specified in the Seventh Schedule.
Regulation 8 (extract)
(1) A small game licence, in the form set out in the Eighth Schedule, shall be issued on payment of a fee specified in the Ninth Schedule
Regulation 9(extract):
(1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge.
Regulation 11:
(1) Where a licensing officer approves an application for a licence or permit made under the provisions of these Regulations, he shall-
(a) issue a hunting card, licence or permit endorsed with the name, address and identity number of a holder;
(b) witness the holder or duly authorised representative thereof signing the hunting card, licence or permit;
(c) apply his own printed name, signature and identity number in the appropriate place on the hunting card, licence or permit;
(d) apply an official stamp in red ink immediately on top of such licensing officer's signature; and
(e) advise the holder of any further conditions or requirements as may be endorsed on the licence or permit.
(2) A licensing officer shall, in the exercise of his functions, comply with such furtherdirections as may be given by the Director.
Regulation 14 (extract) :
(2) A permit granted for purposes stated in subregulation (1) shall be in the form set out in the Eighteenth Schedule
Regulation 7(extract)
(1) A commercial fishing licence shall be in Form B set out in Schedule I and shall be valid for one open season or part thereof, from the date of its issue.
Regulation 16 (extract):
(1) No person shall undertake recreational fishing in Botswana unless he or she is in possession of a recreational fishing licence issued by the Director.
(2) A licence under subregulation (1) shall be in Form I set out in Schedule 1 and shall be accompanied by a fee set out in Schedule 2. [...] (5) A seasonal recreational fishing permit in Form J, set out in Schedule 1 shall be issued to a fishing camp.
Regulation 17 (extract)
(4) A recreational fishing competition permit shall be in Form L set out in Schedule 1.
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Section 27 (extract):
(2) A bird licence issued to a citizen or a resident of Botswana shall be issued for one year, commencing on the day of issue.
Section 28 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a single game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt on the land specified in the licence one animal only of such species and kind, listed in Parts I and II of the Seventh Schedule, as may be specified in the licence, and for such period only as may be therein specified.
Section 29 (extract):
(2) A small game licence shall be issued only to a person who is a citizen of Botswana, and shall be valid only for the period specified therein, and only one such licence may be held by one person at any one time.
Section 30 (extract):
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, a special game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt, on the land and during the period specified in the licence, animals of the kind and of the number therein specified.
Regulation 6(extract):
(4) A bird licence issued to a-
(a) citizen of Botswana shall be valid for one calendar year, commencing on the day of its issue; or
(b) person who is not a citizen of Botswana may be valid for one week, one month or one calendar year, as may be required, commencing on the day of its issue.
Regulation 8 (extract):
(3) A small game licence shall be valid for the period specified therein.
Regulation 9(extract): (2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year
Regulation 6 (extract)
(1) A commercial fishing licence shall be in the form set out in the Second Schedule and shall be valid for three calendar years commencing on the date of its issue.
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Regulation 6 (extract):
(1) A bird licence, in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of a fee specified in the Fifth Schedule.
Regulation 7 (extract):
(1) A single game licence, in the form set out in the Sixth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of the appropriate fee specified in the Seventh Schedule.
Regulation 8 (extract):
(1) A small game licence, in the form set out in the Eighth Schedule, shall be issued on payment of a fee specified in the Ninth Schedule.
Regulation 9 (extract):
(1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge.
Regulation 14(extract):
(4) A permit shall be issued on payment of an appropriate fee as set out in the Thirty-Sixth Schedule.
Regulation 5 (extract):
(2) An authorised officer may issue a commercial fishing licence to anyone who -[...]
(d) has paid a fee of P200. Regulation 16(extract): ( 2) A licence under subregulation (1) shall be in Form I set out in Schedule 1 and shall be accompanied by a fee set out in Schedule 2. Regulation 17 (extract): A recreational fishing competition permit shall be issued by the Director on the payment of a fee of P5,000.
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Section 26:
Licences to hunt game shall be in such form as may be prescribed, and shall be of the following kinds-
(a) a bird licence;
(b) a single game licence;
(c) a small game licence; or
(d) a special game licence of a kind prescribed under section 30.
Regulation 16 (extract):
(5) A seasonal recreational fishing permit in Form J, set out in Schedule 1 shall be issued to a fishing camp.
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Section 31:
(1) Every application for the issue of a licence referred to in section 26 shall be made to a licensing officer in such form as may be prescribed, and any licensing officer to whom such an application is made may, provided that the applicant is of or above the age of 15 years and subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) and any regulations made under this Act, issue the licence applied for on payment of such fee as may be prescribed for that licence.
(2)(a) A licensing officer may, before issuing any licence, require the applicant to appear before him in person, to produce for inspection proof of his identity and age and such other information as he considers necessary or desirable, and any arms certificate or permit granted to him in terms of the Arms and Ammunition Act entitling him to have arms in his possession, and if the applicant fails to appear, or fails to satisfy the licensing officer on any matter arising out of his application, the licensing officer may refuse to grant the licence applied for.
(b) A licensing officer may, before issuing any licence, require the applicant to undergo such tests as he considers necessary or desirable to satisfy himself that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be granted a licence.
(3) The previous holder of a licence who has failed, without a satisfactory explanation, to keep, maintain and produce for inspection when so requested, the register required to be kept and maintained in accordance with the provisions of section 38, or has failed, without a satisfactory explanation, to submit the return required to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of section 38 (3), shall have any current licence cancelled and shall not be eligible for the issue of a licence for the following season.
(4) A licensing officer shall not issue a licence to a person who is not a citizen or a resident of Botswana unless he is satisfied that such person will, at all times when hunting, be accompanied by a professional hunter, and may in any other instance when issuing a licence add as a condition of such issue that the holder of the licence shall not hunt without being accompanied by such person as he may stipulate.
(5)(a) Any person aggrieved by the refusal of a licensing officer to issue the licence applied for, or by any request made by the licensing officer under subsection (2), or by any condition imposed by the licensing officer under subsection (4), may ask that the matter be referred to the Director for his decision, and the Director, after such further enquiries as he considers necessary, confirm the decision of the licensing officer, or reverse it, or vary it to such extent as he considers desirable.
(b) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Director under paragraph (a) may appeal therefrom to the Minister, and the Minister's decision thereon shall be final.
(6) Where a licensing officer issues a licence under this section, other than a bird licence, a special game licence or a small game licence, there shall be attached to such licence as an integral part thereof a register in the prescribed form, and a detachable return in the prescribed form shall be annexed to every licence other than a bird licence and a small game licence.
(7) A licence issued under this section shall bear the stamp of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks in red, and no licence shall be valid or accepted unless it is the original licence and bears such stamp.
(8) A licence issued under this section shall be personal to the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferable, and may not be amended to permit hunting thereunder to be transferred from one controlled hunting area to another, except only under and in accordance
with regulations made under this Act.
Section 33 (extract):
(1) A person who has been convicted of any contravention of the provisions of the game laws of Botswana or any other country shall be disqualified for the grant of a licence under this Act for a period of three years from the date of such conviction, or for such other period as the Minister may determine in any particular case.
Section 39 (extract): (1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such
directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(a) the killing or capturing of any animal for the purposes of education or scientific research, providing specimens for museums, zoological gardens and similar institutions, or the breeding, farming or domestication of any animal;[....](2) The Director shall not grant a permit authorizing the killing or capturing of any animal in a national park, game reserve or sanctuary for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (1), except only on the ground that, and where he is satisfied that, such killing or capturing is necessary for scientific purposes or for the protection of life or property, or in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilization of wildlife.
(3) The Director may, acting in accordance with any instructions as may be given by the Minister, delegate any of the powers referred to in subsection (1)(c) to a licensing officer.
Section 40:(1) Every permit issued under this Act shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed and to all such other terms, conditions and requirements as the Minister, the Director or the licensing officer, as the case may be, deems fit to impose in each case, and as shall be endorsed on the permit, and any person to whom such permit is issued who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the terms, conditions or requirements subject to which it is issued shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P1 000 and to imprisonment for 1 year, and where the contravention is in respect of the killing or capturing of any animal, shall be liable to the same penalties as are provided in sections 17, 18 and 19 in respect of the hunting or capture of the same animal.
(2) The applicant for any permit which may be issued under this Act shall pay such fees as may be prescribed, unless the Minister, in any particular case, and for good cause, grants exemption from the payment of such fees.
(3) The Minister may, at any time, and without assigning a reason therefor, cancel, amend or modify a permit issued under this Act, forthwith so informing the holder of the permit, and such holder shall return such permit to the Minister for cancellation, amendment or modification, as the case may be, within 21 days from the date of his being so informed.
(4) Any permit holder who is required under subsection (3) to return such permit and who fails to do so within the period prescribed, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Regulation 6:
(1) A bird licence, in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of a fee specified in the Fifth Schedule.
(2) A bird licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt the species of birds specified in the licence at the maximum rate thereof, within the specified open seasons set out in the Fifth Schedule.
(3) A holder of a bird licence shall ensure that the necessary endorsements related to the number of his bird licence and the returns thereof, in accordance with regulation 5 are made on the hunting card.
(4) A bird licence issued to a-
(a) citizen of Botswana shall be valid for one calendar year, commencing on the day of its issue; or
(b) person who is not a citizen of Botswana may be valid for one week, one month or one calendar year, as may be required, commencing on the day of its issue.
(5) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder of a bird licence shall carry in his possession, at all times the original bird licence.
(6) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 7: Issue of a single game licence
(1) A single game licence, in the form set out in the Sixth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of the appropriate fee specified in the Seventh Schedule.
(2) A single game licence shall entitle a holder to hunt one individual of the species specified in the hunting quota notice published in the Gazette as endorsed on the licence and the holder shall not hold licences in excess of the maximum number specified in the Seventh Schedule.
(3) A holder shall ensure that appropriate endorsements that relate to the number of his single game licence are made on the hunting card.
(4) The Director of DWNP may require the holder to be accompanied by an escort whilst engaged in a hunting activity.
(5) A single game licence issued for the hunting of a specific game animal in a controlled hunting area shall be valid for the duration of the open season.
(6) A single game licence shall be issued from the DWNP district office of the district in which the hunting will take place.
(7) A holder of a single game licence shall hunt species specified on the licence during the period specified in the permit as set out in the Eleventh Schedule.
(8) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder shall carry in his possession, at all times the original single game licence.
(9) A single game licence may be transferred once only among citizens only.
(10) In this regulation, "escort" means a person designated by the Director to escort a hunter.
(11) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 8:
(1) A small game licence, in the form set out in the Eighth Schedule, shall be issued on payment of a fee specified in the Ninth Schedule.
(2) A small game licence shall entitle a holder thereof to hunt the species and maximum number of animals specified in the Ninth Schedule.
(3) A small game licence shall be valid for the period specified therein.
(4) A holder shall ensure that the necessary endorsements that relate to the number of his small game licence are made on the hunting card.
(5) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder shall carry in his possession at all times, the original small game licence.
(6) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 9: Issue of a special game licence
(1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge.
(2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year.
(3) The special game licence may only be issued to citizens who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering of veld products for their food and such other criteria as
may be determined by the Director.
(4) A holder shall make the necessary endorsements of any animal killed in the licence thereof.
(5) A holder shall not sell the special game licence, trophy or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof.
(6) A holder may, in the presence of the wildlife officer, endorse his special game licence with the particulars of a hunter who may hunt on behalf of the holder.
(7) The holder shall not be entitled to and shall not be issued with any other type of licence.
(8) Any holder who sells the special game licence or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof shall have his licence withdrawn forthwith and shall not be entitled to any other hunting licences for a period of three years.
(9) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 14:
(1) An application for a permit to capture or kill a game animal, in the form set out in the Seventeenth Schedule, shall be made only where the capture or killing is intended to be-
(a) for education and scientific purposes, and protection of life or property;
(b) in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilisation of wildlife, or breeding, farming or domestication of any animal; and
(c) for the selling of a game animal killed, or the meat, trophy or eggs of such animal.
(2) A permit granted for purposes stated in subregulation (1) shall be in the form set out in the Eighteenth Schedule.
(3) A permit issued under this regulation shall be subject to such terms, conditions and requirements as may be endorsed on the permit.
(4) A permit shall be issued on payment of an appropriate fee as set out in the Thirty-Sixth Schedule.
Regulation 6:
(1) An application for a commercial fishing licence shall be made in Form A set out in Schedule 1.
(2) An authorised officer may issue a commercial fishing licence to anyone who-
(a) is a citizen of Botswana;
(b) is over the age of 18;
( c) has not been convicted of an offence under the Act, or the Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act; and
(d) has paid a fee of P500. Regulation 16: (1) No person shall undertake recreational fishing in Botswana unless he or she is in possession of a recreational fishing licence issued by the
(2) A licence under subregulation (1) shall be in Form I set out in Schedule 1 and shall be accompanied by a fee set out in Schedule 2. Regulation 17 (extract): (1) Any person who intends to stage a recreational fishing competition shall apply to the Director for a recreational fishing competition permit, in Form K set out in Schedule 1, at least two months before the date of such competition, giving the time and place thereof and the rules and conditions governing the competition for approval by the Director.
(2) A recreational fishing competition permit shall be issued by the Director on the payment of a fee of P5,000.
(3) No person shall participate in a recreational fishing competition unless he or she possesses a valid recreational fishing licence issued under regulation 16.
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Regulation 7(extract) (9) A single game licence may be transferred once only among citizens only.
Regulation 9 (extract) (6) A holder may, in the presence of the wildlife officer, endorse his special game licence with the particulars of a hunter who may hunt on behalf of the holder
Regulation 7 (extract):
(2) A commercial fishing licence shall not be transferable and the holder or any person authorised by the holder shall carry the original copy thereof at all times while fishing
Section 31 (extract):
(8) A licence issued under this section shall be personal to the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferable, and may not be amended to permit fishing or hunting thereunder to be transferred from one controlled hunting area or controlled fishing waters to another, except in a manner as may be prescribed.
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Section 30: (1) Regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of special game licences in respect of any animals other than protected game animals to citizens of Botswana who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food, and such regulations may provide for-
(a) the types of special game licence which may be issued;
(b) the animals for the hunting of which each type of special game licence may be issued;
(c) the categories of persons to whom such licences may be issued;
(d) the periods for which such licences may be issued; and
(e) the maximum number of animals of each species and kind which may be hunted by virtue of such a licence in any one period, and the area or areas within which they may be hunted.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, a special game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt, on the land and during the period
specified in the licence, animals of the kind and of the number therein specified.
(3) The holder of a special game licence shall not be entitled to and shall not be issued with any other type of licence. Section 31 (extract): (6) Where a licensing officer issues a licence under this section, other than a bird licence, a
special game licence or a small game licence, there shall be attached to such licence as an integral part thereof a register in the prescribed form, and a detachable return in the prescribed form shall be annexed to every licence other than a bird licence and a small game licence.
Regulation 9 (extract)
(1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge.
(2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year.
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Section 20 (extract):
(8) The owner or occupier of land in respect of which he is entitled to landholder's privileges shall not give permission to any other person to hunt and kill any game animal on such land unless such other person is either the holder of a valid licence or permit entitling or authorizing him to hunt and kill such animal on such land, or is otherwise entitled to hunt and kill such animal on such land, and any owner or occupier who contravenes the provisions of this subsection and has failed to take all reasonable steps to satisfy himself that such other person was so entitled or authorized to hunt and kill such animal on that land shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.