Botswana / Consumption use
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Section 15 (extract):
(4) In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned.
Section 32 (extract):
The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.
8.3. Responsibilites of the Department of Animal Health and Prodution:
c) Collaborate with DWNP in the provision and operation of wildlife quarantine facilities, including the provision of vertinary services.
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Section 15 (extract):
(4) In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned.
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Section 15 (extract):
(4) In his duties relating to the development of wildlife management areas, their management plans and their administration, the Director shall consult with the land boards and district councils responsible for the areas concerned.
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8.1.Under this Policy, Government's role will be limited to the promotion and facilitation of game ranching in the coauntry. This includes creating a conducive environment for the private sector to take the lead in the game racnhing industry. Nevertheless there are certain responsibilities for the Government that pertain to the game ranching industry. For clarification, the specific roles of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks and the Department of Animal Health and Production in game ranching are provided below. 8.2 Responsibilities of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks
a) The approval and registration of game ranchers in accordance with the Wildlife Conservations and National Parks Act of 1992 and the regulations developed thereunder.
b)The monitoring of the operations of game ranches to ensure compliance with ethe Wildlife Conservations and National Parks Act of 1992 and the regulations developed thereunder.
c) The approval, monitoring and inspection of any wildlife holding and aution facilities.
d)To provide guidelines for the development of managment plans for game ranches and, where required, provide specific assistance in the development of such plans,
e) The provision of research, extension and training concerning game ranching.
f)The issuance of permits for live capture, export and import of wildlife.
g) The approval and licensing of any game capture outfit that operates, or wishes to operate, in Botswana.
h) The provision of wildlife quarantine facility in accordance with the guidleines and requirements of the Department of Animal Health and Prodution at a location that facilitate the movement of game in Botswana.
8.3. Responsibilites of the Department of Animal Health and Prodution:
a) To monitor and advise on animal helath aspects in game ranches.
b) The provision of veterinary services on game ranches.
c) Collaborate with DWNP in the provision and operation of wildlife quarantine facilities, including the provision of vertinary services.
d) The issuance of veterinary permits for the movement, import and export of all wildlife species,
e)The approval and registration of wildlife veterinarians employes by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, game ranchers and game capture companies/orgnaisations.
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6.2.5Government will facilitate wildlife conservation, utilisation and management through the provision of an enabling environment. Government will decentralise its responsibilities to District level and to the level of individual protected areas. The government will set standards and guidelines for wildlife and protected area management in order for the industry to produce desirable economic outputs.