Botswana / Consumption use
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Section 27 (extract):
(2) A bird licence issued to a citizen or a resident of Botswana shall be issued for one year, commencing on the day of issue.
Section 28 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a single game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt on the land specified in the licence one animal only of such species and kind, listed in Parts I and II of the Seventh Schedule, as may be specified in the licence, and for such period
only as may be therein specified.
Section 29 (extract):
(2) A small game licence shall be issued only to a person who is a citizen of Botswana, and shall be valid only for the period specified therein, and only one such licence may be held by one person at any one time.
Section 30 (extract):
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, a special game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt, on the land and during the period specified in the licence, animals of the kind and of the number therein specified.
Section 39:
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(a) the killing or capturing of any animal for the purposes of education or scientific research, providing specimens for museums, zoological gardens and similar institutions, or the breeding, farming or domestication of any animal;
(b) the killing or capturing of animals in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilization of wildlife; or
(c) the selling of animals killed or captured under the authority of a licence or permit and the selling of any meat, trophy or eggs from such animals, where the Director is satisfied that such selling is in the interests of wildlife conservation and the proper regulation of commercial development connected with wildlife.
(2) The Director shall not grant a permit authorizing the killing or capturing of any animal in a national park, game reserve or sanctuary for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (1), except only on the ground that, and where he is satisfied that, such killing or capturing is necessary for scientific purposes or for the protection of life or property, or in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilization of wildlife.
Regulation 3(extract)
(1) Subject to these Regulations, no person shall hunt a game animal listed under the Seventh Schedule of the Act, unless he has been issued with a licence as specified under subregulation (2) authorizing him to hunt that game animal.
(2) The following licences may be issued for the hunting of game animals-
(a) bird licence;
(b) single game licence;
(c) small game licence; or
(d) special game licence
Regulation 5 (extract):
(2) Any person who. engages in subsistence fishing using rod and line shall
(a) use a rod with a reel; and
(b) catch and keep more than ten fish per day, .
(3) Subsistence fishing using · other traditional fishing methods such as fishing baskets and traps shall only be undertaken in drying out wols in flood plains.
(4) Subject to subsection (2) any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall only use traditional fishing gear for the purpose of catching fish.
Regulation 6 (extract):
(1) A commercial fishing licence shall be in the form set out in the Second Schedule and shall be valid for three calendar years commencing on the date of its issue.
Regulation 13 (extract):
13. (1) The Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorising the -
(a) capturing of any fish for the breeding or farming of such fish;
(b) issuance of fishing quotas; or
( c) use of larger or smaller mesh sizes where necessary depending on the situation and reasons given. Regulation 16 (extract): (1) No person shall undertake recreational fishing in Botswana unless he or she is in possession of a recreational fishing licence issued by the
Regulation 17(extract): (1) Any person who intends to stage a recreational fishing competition shall apply to the Director for a recreational fishing competition permit, in Form K set out in Schedule 1, at least two months before the date of such
competition, giving the time and place thereof and the rules and conditions governing the competition for approval by the Director.
(2) A recreational fishing competition permit shall be issued by the Director on the payment of a fee of P5,000.
(3) No person shall participate in a recreational fishing competition unless he or she possesses a valid recreational fishing licence issued under regulation 16.
Regulation 18(extract):. ( 1) No person shall enter upon any land for the purpose of catching any fish without the written consent of the owner or occupier or by the duly appointed
representative of such owner or occupier; and any person who contravenes the provisions of this subregulation shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both.
Section 16A(extract):
(3) No person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in an order made in terms of subsection (1) or in terms of a permit under the provisions of this Act for such water.
Section 17 (extract):
(2) No person shall, except in accordance with the terms and conditions issued by the Director under section 39 or section 40, fish, hunt or capture any protected fish or game animal.
Section 19 (extract):
(3) No person shall engage in commercial or recretional fishing except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a license issued, or a permit issued in accordance with section 39.
Section 26A
A fishing license shall be in such form as may be prescribed , and may be a -
(a) commercial fishing license; or
(b) recreational fishing license.
Section 39 (extract):
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing -
(d) the capturing of any fish for breeding or farming of such fish subject to fishing quotas.
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Section 27 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a bird licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt such birds as are listed in Part III of the Seventh Schedule, in such areas, and in such
numbers as shall be specified in the licence. (2) A bird licence issued to a citizen or a resident of Botswana shall be issued for one year, commencing on the day of issue.
Section 28 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a single game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt on the land specified in the licence one animal only of such species and kind, listed in Parts I and II of the Seventh Schedule, as may be specified in the licence, and for such period
only as may be therein specified.
Section 29 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a small game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt within such area or areas as may be specified in the licence, animals of such species and kind, listed in Part II of the Seventh Schedule and of such numbers as may be specified in such licence. (2) A small game licence shall be issued only to a person who is a citizen of Botswana, and shall be valid only for the period specified therein, and only one such licence may be held by one person at any one time.
Section 30 (extract):
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, a special game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt, on the land and during the period specified in the licence, animals of the kind and of the number therein specified.
Section 39:
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(a) the killing or capturing of any animal for the purposes of education or scientific research, providing specimens for museums, zoological gardens and similar institutions, or the breeding, farming or domestication of any animal;
(b) the killing or capturing of animals in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilization of wildlife; or
(c) the selling of animals killed or captured under the authority of a licence or permit and the selling of any meat, trophy or eggs from such animals, where the Director is satisfied that such selling is in the interests of wildlife conservation and the proper regulation of commercial development connected with wildlife.
(2) The Director shall not grant a permit authorizing the killing or capturing of any animal in a national park, game reserve or sanctuary for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (1), except only on the ground that, and where he is satisfied that, such killing or capturing is necessary for scientific purposes or for the protection of life or property, or in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilization of wildlife.
Regulation 6(extract)
(2) A bird licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt the species of birds specified in the licence at the maximum rate thereof, within the specified open seasons set out in the
Fifth Schedule.
(3) A holder of a bird licence shall ensure that the necessary endorsements related to the number of his bird licence and the returns thereof, in accordance with regulation 5 are made
on the hunting card. Regulation 7 (extract):
(2) A single game licence shall entitle a holder to hunt one individual of the species specified in the hunting quota notice published in the Gazette as endorsed on the licence
and the holder shall not hold licences in excess of the maximum number specified in the Seventh Schedule.
(3) A holder shall ensure that appropriate endorsements that relate to the number of his single game licence are made on the hunting card.
(4) The Director of DWNP may require the holder to be accompanied by an escort whilst engaged in a hunting activity.
(5) A single game licence issued for the hunting of a specific game animal in a controlled hunting area shall be valid for the duration of the open season.
(6) A single game licence shall be issued from the DWNP district office of the district in which the hunting will take place.
(7) A holder of a single game licence shall hunt species specified on the licence during the period specified in the permit as set out in the Eleventh Schedule.
(8) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder shall carry in his possession, at all times the original single game licence
Regulation 8 (extract):
(2) A small game licence shall entitle a holder thereof to hunt the species and maximum number of animals specified in the Ninth Schedule.
(3) A small game licence shall be valid for the period specified therein.
(4) A holder shall ensure that the necessary endorsements that relate to the number of his small game licence are made on the hunting card.
(5) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder shall carry in his possession at all times, the original small game licence.
Regulation 9 (extract)
(2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year.
(3) The special game licence may only be issued to citizens who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering of veld products for their food and such other criteria as
may be determined by the Director.
(4) A holder shall make the necessary endorsements of any animal killed in the licence thereof.
(5) A holder shall not sell the special game licence, trophy or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof.
(6) A holder may, in the presence of the wildlife officer, endorse his special game licence with the particulars of a hunter who may hunt on behalf of the holder.[...]
(8) Any holder who sells the special game licence or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof shall have his licence withdrawn forthwith and shall not be entitled to
any other hunting licences for a period of three years.
Regulation 14:
(1) An application for a permit to capture or kill a game animal, in the form set out in the Seventeenth Schedule, shall be made only where the capture or killing is intended to be-
(a) for education and scientific purposes, and protection of life or property;
(b) in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilisation of wildlife, or
breeding, farming or domestication of any animal; and
(c) for the selling of a game animal killed, or the meat, trophy or eggs of such animal.
(2) A permit granted for purposes stated in subregulation (1) shall be in the form set out in the Eighteenth Schedule.
(3) A permit issued under this regulation shall be subject to such terms, conditions and requirements as may be endorsed on the permit.
(4) A permit shall be issued on payment of an appropriate fee as set out in the Thirty-Sixth Schedule.
Regulation 5 (extract):
( 1) Any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall be a citizen of Botswana. (2) Any person who. engages in subsistence fishing using rod and line shall
(a) use a rod with a reel; and
(b) catch and keep more than ten fish per day, .
(3) Subsistence fishing using · other traditional fishing methods such as fishing baskets and traps shall only be undertaken in drying out wols in flood plains.
(4) Subject to subsection (2) any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall only use traditional fishing gear for the purpose of catching fish.
Regulation 7 (extract):
(1) A commercial fishing licence shall be in Form B set out in Schedule I and shall be valid for one open season or part thereof, from the date of its issue.
(2) A commercial fishing licence shall not be transferable and the holder shall carry the original copy thereof at all times while fishing.
(3) The holder of a commercial fishing licence shall make it available for inspection when required to do so by an authorised officer.
(4) The holder of a commercial fishing licence shall submit monthly catch and effort data indicating the type and number of fish caught in Form C set out in Schedule I to the Director. '
(5) No person shall be a licence holder of more than one commercial fishing licence at any given time.
(6) If a commercial fishing licence is lost or destroyed, the licence holder shall, within 30 days of such loss or destruction, report the event in writing to an authorised officer.
Regulation 14 (extract) (1) Every permit issued under regulation 13 shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Director deems fit to impose in each case, and such terms and conditions or requirements shall be endorsed on the permit Regulation 16 (extract): (1) No person shall undertake recreational fishing in Botswana unless he or she is in possession of a recreational fishing licence issued by the
Director. [...] ( 4) Recreational fishing shall be done -
(a) on a catch and release basis; and
(b) using a single fishing rod, line or hook. (5) A seasonal recreational fishing permit in Form J, set out in Schedule 1 shall be issued to a fishing camp.
(6) Seasonal recreational fishing shall be done -
(a) on a catch and release basis; and
(b) using a single fishing rod, line or hook.
(6) The holder of a seasonal recreational fishing permit shall submit monthly catch and effort data in Form C, set out in Schedule 1
Regulation 17(extract): (1) Any person who intends to stage a recreational fishing competition shall apply to the Director for a recreational fishing competition permit, in Form K set out in Schedule 1, at least two months before the date of such
competition, giving the time and place thereof and the rules and conditions governing the competition for approval by the Director.
(2) A recreational fishing competition permit shall be issued by the Director on the payment of a fee of P5,000.
(3) No person shall participate in a recreational fishing competition unless he or she possesses a valid recreational fishing licence issued under regulation 16.
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Sectionn 27 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a bird licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt such birds as are listed in Part III of the Seventh Schedule, in such areas, and in such numbers as shall be specified in the licence.
Section 28 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a single game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt on the land specified in the licence one animal only of such species and kind, listed in Parts I and II of the Seventh Schedule, as may be specified in the licence, and for such period only as may be therein specified.
Section 29 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a small game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt within such area or areas as may be specified in the licence, animals of such species and kind, listed in Part II of the Seventh Schedule and of such numbers as may be specified in such licence.
Section 30 (extract):
(1) Regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of special game licences in respect of any animals other than protected game animals to citizens of Botswana who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food, and such regulations may provide for-
(a) the types of special game licence which may be issued;
(b) the animals for the hunting of which each type of special game licence may be issued;
(c) the categories of persons to whom such licences may be issued;
(d) the periods for which such licences may be issued; and
(e) the maximum number of animals of each species and kind which may be hunted by virtue of such a licence in any one period, and the area or areas within which they
may be hunted.
Regulation 7 (extract): (5) A single game licence issued for the hunting of a specific game animal in a controlled hunting area shall be valid for the duration of the open season. (6) A single game licence shall be issued from the DWNP district office of the district in which the hunting will take place. Regulation 10 (extract): (1) No person shall hunt in a controlled hunting area without a controlled hunting area permit.
Regulation 4 (extract):
2) A fishing licence shall be limited to the area specified in the licence.
Section 16A(extract):
(2) For the purpose of fish conservation within controlled fishing waters the Minister may -
(a) make regulations for the more effective control, protection, introduction, movement and sale of fish, use and sale of gill nets, the control of fishing waters in which fishing may be carried on or prohibition of fishing, the use of some types of fishing methods in such waters and the use of fishing vessels.
(3) No person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in an order made in terms of subsection (1) or in terms of a permit under the provisions of this Act for such water.
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Section 24: (extract):
(9) The hunting or capture of animals on game farms or ranches may be permitted throughout the year, and at night, and in respect of animals of any age or either sex, as provided for under this Act, but unlawful methods of hunting or capture as specified under sections 55 and 57 may only be used with the written permission of the Director.
Section 55:
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) no person shall hunt or capture any game animal by night or use any dazzling light for the purpose of hunting or capturing any game animal, and any person who contravenes the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and without derogation from his liability under any other provision of this Act shall be liable to a fine of P5 000 and to imprisonment for 5 years.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall apply to the holder of a valid permit granted under this Act which specifically authorizes the holder thereof to kill or to capture any game animal by night or by means of a dazzling light, or to any person acting in accordance with the terms of section 46(1) or section 47(1).
Section 57 (extract):
(1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), no person shall-
(a) whilst he is in or on any vehicle, aircraft or mechanically propelled vessel, discharge any weapon at or towards any game animal;
(b) use any vehicle, aircraft or mechanically propelled vessel in such manner as to drive, stampede or disturb any animal for any purpose;
(c) use any vehicle or mechanically propelled vessel for the purpose of capturing any game animal; or
(d) in any vehicle or mechanically propelled vessel approach nearer than 200 metres to any animal for the purpose of hunting or capturing the animal.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall apply to the use of a vehicle, aircraft or mechanically propelled vessel for-
(a) the hunting or capture of any animal by any person acting in accordance with the provisions of section 46(1) or section 47(1);
(b) the hunting or capture of any animal by the holder of a valid permit granted under this Act which authorizes the use of a vehicle, aircraft or mechanically propelled vessel in the hunting or capture of such animal; or
(c) the driving away of any animal from any Government aerodrome or any licensed aerodrome by any person concerned with the maintenance of such aerodrome, or the driving away of any animal from an emergency landing ground by any person when it is necessary so to drive the animal to ensure the safety of any aircraft which is on, or about to land on, or about to take off from such emergency landing ground.
(3) Nothing in subsection (1) shall apply to the use of a mechanically propelled vessel for the hunting of any waterfowl specified in Part III of the Seventh Schedule or the hunting or capture of any crocodile or sitatunga.
(4) No person shall, for the purpose of hunting or capturing of any animal, drive or surround such animal by means of fire or, for the purpose of such hunting or capturing, cause any grass or bush fire, or use any other method of hunting or capture which the Minister may, by regulations, declare to be unlawful.
(5) No person shall, except under and in accordance with the written permission of a licensing officer, use for the purpose of hunting or capturing any animal any immediate means other than a hunting rifle, a shotgun or a dog used subject to such limitations as may be imposed by regulations: Provided that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any person acting in accordance with the provisions of section 46(1) or section 47(1), or to the extent that regulations made for the purposes of section 30 provide otherwise in respect of persons hunting in accordance with the provisions of a special game licence.
Regulation 37:
(1) Except for game animals listed under the Seventh Schedule of the Act, no person shall hunt a game animal by bow and arrow.
(2) A hunter shall, when hunting small and medium game animals by bow and arrow, be equipped with a long bow of 22,3kg draw mass or a crossbow of 55kg draw mass, and throw a hunting arrow of a minimum of 400 grains.
(3) When hunting large game animals by bow and arrow the hunter shall be equipped with a longbow of 26,8kg draw mass or a crossbow of 65kg draw mass and throw a hunting arrow of a minimum of 500 grains.
(4) When engaged in hunting by bow and arrow-
(a) arrows shall be tipped with hunting broadheads of steel and two cutting blades with a minimum overall cutting width of 2,5cm; and
(b) crossbows shall have a minimum draw length of 40cm and fire arrows of a minimum of 45cm length.
(5) For the purposes of hunting by bow and arrow, all animals listed under the Seventh Schedule of the Act, shall be classed as small or medium game animals, other than, zebra, kudu, gemsbok, blue wildebeest, hartebeest, tsessebe, sable and eland which shall be classed as large game animals.
(6) Where a licensed citizen uses a traditional bow and arrow to hunt a game animal for subsistence purposes, such person shall be exempted from the provisions of subregulations (2), (3), and (4).
Regulation 38 (extract):
(1) No person shall hunt a game animal, other than a leopard, by use of bait.
(2) Hunting by use of bait shall be subject to the following conditions-
(a) live animals shall not be used as bait;
(b) hunting shall take place between 1600 hours and 1800 hours;
(c) the hunting blinds shall be vacated outside these hunting periods;
(d) only three baits shall be allowed and non-utilised baits are to be removed after the termination of each hunt;
(e) no baits shall be placed within five kilometres of a boundary of a national park, game reserve or international boundary unless specified by the Director;
(f) artificial lures including the use of taped calls or any other device shall not be used;
(g) hunting blinds shall be temporary and shall be removed after each hunt;
(h) baits shall be on trees at least three metres above ground.
Regulation 21:
(1) No person shall catch fish by -
(a) setting nets across a lagoon entrance, or river channel;
(b) drive fishing;
(c) seining;
(d) using a mosquito net, monofilament net or any other net which is not authorised by the Director;
(e) using any chemical, poison, poisonous plant or any noxious or other injurious substance;
(f) using any explosive, firearm or electrical device;
(g) using any light to lure or attract the fish;
(h) using a net within 100 metres of a bridge, culvert or spillway when water is flowing through such structures; or
(i) using batteries or other non-factory-made floats and sinkers.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subregulation (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not
exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding
P500, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (1), the Director may authorise the use of seining and drive fishing by permits granted in terms of regulation 13.
Section 16A(extract):
(2) For the purpose of fish conservation within controlled fishing waters the Minister may -
(a) make regulations for the more effective control, protection, introduction, movement and sale of fish, use and sale of gill nets, the control of fishing waters in which fishing may be carried on or prohibition of fishing, the use of some types of fishing methods in such waters and the use of fishing vessels.
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Section 2 (extract):
"open season", in relation to any game animal, other than a protected game animal, and any area, means the period declared by the Minister under section 36 as the period during which such game animal may be lawfully hunted in such area.
Section 36:
The Minister may, from time to time, by order published in the Gazette, declare the period during which game animals may be hunted, either throughout Botswana or in any defined part of Botswana, and such order may make different provisions in respect of different areas, different species of game animals or in respect of animals of a specified sex.
Section 55:
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) no person shall hunt or capture any game animal by night or use any dazzling light for the purpose of hunting or capturing any game animal, and any person who contravenes the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and without derogation from his liability under any other provision of this Act shall be liable to a fine of P5 000 and to imprisonment for 5 years.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall apply to the holder of a valid permit granted under this Act which specifically authorizes the holder thereof to kill or to capture any game animal by night or by means of a dazzling light, or to any person acting in accordance with the terms of section 46(1) or section 47(1).
Section 56:
No person shall hunt or capture any game animal during the closed season, and any person who contravenes the provisions of this section shall, without prejudice to his liability to be prosecuted under any other section of this Act, be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P5 000 and to imprisonment for 5 years: Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to the holder of a valid permit granted under this Act which specifically authorizes the holder thereof to hunt or capture such
game animal during the closed season, or to the holder of a special game licence issued under section 30(2), or to any person acting in accordance with the provisions of section 46(1) or section 47(1).
Regulation2 (extract):
"open season" means the period of time stipulated under regulation 11 as the period during which fish may be caught;
Regulation 12:
12. (1) The period of time during which fish may be caught shall be the period beginning on 1st March and ending on 31st December every year.
(2) Any person who catches fish during the period beginning on 1st January and ending on 28th or 29th February shall be guilty of an offence and liable, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding three months, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding P500, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both.
(3) The Director shall cancel the licence or permit of any person who has been convicted of a second offence under this regulation and such person shall be banned from fishing for the next two open seasons.
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Section 38:
(1) Every single game licence holder shall, in animals the register attached to his licence, make a record of any animal killed by him, including any animal killed by accident or in error, and any animal deemed to have been killed by him in terms of such licence under section 44, and any animal wounded by him.
(2) Where under this section any person is required to keep and maintain a register, he shall-
(a) where an animal is killed or deemed to have been killed by him, at the time of the killing where possible, and in any event before the animal is moved or dismembered, record the event in such register, and the date and time of the killing;
(b) where an animal is wounded, record the date time and circumstances. of the event in such register as soon as pursuit of the wounded animal is abandoned.
(3) Every licence holder shall, in addition to keeping and maintaining a register under this section, within thirty days of the termination of hunting, or of the termination of his licence, or the termination of the hunting season, whichever is the soonest, submit to a licensing officer the return attached to his licence, duly completed, whether or not any animals were killed or wounded by him in accordance with the terms of the licence.
(4) Any person who, being required under this section to keep and maintain a register, or submit a return within the specified period-
(a) fails to do so;
(b) fails to record therein any particular which he is required to record therein;
(c) makes, or is party to the making of, any false entry therein;
(d) fails to produce his register upon the request of a licensing officer or any other person entitled under this Act to request its production; or
(e) fails to furnish a true copy of his register to a licensing officer within twenty one days of being requested to do so by a licensing officer, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Regulation 7 (extract):
(4) The holder of a commercial fishing licence shall submit monthly catch and effort data indicating the type and number of fish caught in Form C set out in Schedule I to the Director. '
Regulation 16 (extract) :
6) The holder of a seasonal recreational fishing permit shall submit monthly catch and effort data in Form C, set out in Schedule 1.
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Section 31 (extract):
(1) Every application for the issue of a licence referred to in section 26 shall be made to a licensing officer in such form as may be prescribed, and any licensing officer to whom such an application is made may, provided that the applicant is of or above the age of 15 years and subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) and any regulations made under this Act, issue the licence applied for on payment of such fee as may be prescribed for that licence.
Regulation 6 (extract):
(1) A bird licence, in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of a fee specified in the Fifth Schedule. Regulation 7 (extract): (1) A single game licence, in the form set out in the Sixth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of the appropriate fee specified in the Seventh Schedule. Regulation 8 (extract): (1) A small game licence, in the form set out in the Eighth Schedule, shall be issued on payment of a fee specified in the Ninth Schedule. Regulation 9 (extract): (1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge. Regulation 14(extract) (4) A permit shall be issued on payment of an appropriate fee as set out in the Thirty-Sixth Schedule.
Regulation 5 (extract):
(2) An authorised officer may issue a commercial fishing licence to anyone who -[...]
(d) has paid a fee of P200. Regulation 16(extract): ( 2) A licence under subregulation (1) shall be in Form I set out in Schedule 1 and shall be accompanied by a fee set out in Schedule 2. Regulation 17 (extract): A recreational fishing competition permit shall be issued by the Director on the payment of a fee of P5,000.
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Regulation 16 (extract):
(5) A seasonal recreational fishing permit in Form J, set out in Schedule 1 shall be issued to a fishing camp.
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Section 31:
(1) Every application for the issue of a licence referred to in section 26 shall be made to a licensing officer in such form as may be prescribed, and any licensing officer to whom such an application is made may, provided that the applicant is of or above the age of 15 years and subject to the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) and any regulations made under this Act, issue the licence applied for on payment of such fee as may be prescribed for that licence.
(2)(a) A licensing officer may, before issuing any licence, require the applicant to appear before him in person, to produce for inspection proof of his identity and age and such other information as he considers necessary or desirable, and any arms certificate or permit granted to him in terms of the Arms and Ammunition Act entitling him to have arms in his possession, and if the applicant fails to appear, or fails to satisfy the licensing officer on any matter arising out of his application, the licensing officer may refuse to grant the licence applied for.
(b) A licensing officer may, before issuing any licence, require the applicant to undergo such tests as he considers necessary or desirable to satisfy himself that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be granted a licence.
(3) The previous holder of a licence who has failed, without a satisfactory explanation, to keep, maintain and produce for inspection when so requested, the register required to be kept and maintained in accordance with the provisions of section 38, or has failed, without a satisfactory explanation, to submit the return required to be submitted in accordance with the provisions of section 38 (3), shall have any current licence cancelled and shall not be eligible for the issue of a licence for the following season.
(4) A licensing officer shall not issue a licence to a person who is not a citizen or a resident of Botswana unless he is satisfied that such person will, at all times when hunting, be accompanied by a professional hunter, and may in any other instance when issuing a licence add as a condition of such issue that the holder of the licence shall not hunt without being accompanied by such person as he may stipulate.
(5)(a) Any person aggrieved by the refusal of a licensing officer to issue the licence applied for, or by any request made by the licensing officer under subsection (2), or by any condition imposed by the licensing officer under subsection (4), may ask that the matter be referred to the Director for his decision, and the Director, after such further enquiries as he considers necessary, confirm the decision of the licensing officer, or reverse it, or vary it to such extent as he considers desirable.
(b) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Director under paragraph (a) may appeal therefrom to the Minister, and the Minister's decision thereon shall be final.
(6) Where a licensing officer issues a licence under this section, other than a bird licence, a special game licence or a small game licence, there shall be attached to such licence as an integral part thereof a register in the prescribed form, and a detachable return in the prescribed form shall be annexed to every licence other than a bird licence and a small game licence.
(7) A licence issued under this section shall bear the stamp of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks in red, and no licence shall be valid or accepted unless it is the original licence and bears such stamp.
(8) A licence issued under this section shall be personal to the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferable, and may not be amended to permit hunting thereunder to be transferred from one controlled hunting area to another, except only under and in accordance
with regulations made under this Act.
Section 33 (extract):
(1) A person who has been convicted of any contravention of the provisions of the game laws of Botswana or any other country shall be disqualified for the grant of a licence under this Act for a period of three years from the date of such conviction, or for such other period as the Minister may determine in any particular case.
Section 39 (extract):
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(a) the killing or capturing of any animal for the purposes of education or scientific research, providing specimens for museums, zoological gardens and similar institutions, or the breeding, farming or domestication of any animal;
(2) The Director shall not grant a permit authorizing the killing or capturing of any animal in a national park, game reserve or sanctuary for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (1), except only on the ground that, and where he is satisfied that, such killing or capturing is necessary for scientific purposes or for the protection of life or property, or in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilization of wildlife.
(3) The Director may, acting in accordance with any instructions as may be given by the Minister, delegate any of the powers referred to in subsection (1)(c) to a licensing officer.
Section 41:
(1) Every permit issued under this Act shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed and to all such other terms, conditions and requirements as the Minister, the Director or the licensing officer, as the case may be, deems fit to impose in each case, and as shall be endorsed on the permit, and any person to whom such permit is issued who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the terms, conditions or requirements subject to which it is issued shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P1 000 and to imprisonment for 1 year, and where the contravention is in respect of the killing or capturing of any animal, shall be liable to the same penalties as are provided in sections 17, 18 and 19 in respect of the hunting or capture of the same animal.
(2) The applicant for any permit which may be issued under this Act shall pay such fees as may be prescribed, unless the Minister, in any particular case, and for good cause, grants exemption from the payment of such fees.
(3) The Minister may, at any time, and without assigning a reason therefor, cancel, amend or modify a permit issued under this Act, forthwith so informing the holder of the permit, and such holder shall return such permit to the Minister for cancellation, amendment or modification, as the case may be, within 21 days from the date of his being so informed.
(4) Any permit holder who is required under subsection (3) to return such permit and who fails to do so within the period prescribed, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Regulation 6:Issue of a bird licence
(1) A bird licence, in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of a fee specified in the Fifth Schedule.
(2) A bird licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt the species of birds specified in the licence at the maximum rate thereof, within the specified open seasons set out in the
Fifth Schedule.
(3) A holder of a bird licence shall ensure that the necessary endorsements related to the number of his bird licence and the returns thereof, in accordance with regulation 5 are made
on the hunting card.
(4) A bird licence issued to a-
(a) citizen of Botswana shall be valid for one calendar year, commencing on the day of its issue; or
(b) person who is not a citizen of Botswana may be valid for one week, one month or one calendar year, as may be required, commencing on the day of its issue.
(5) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder of a bird licence shall carry in his possession, at all times the original bird licence.
(6) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 7: Issue of a single game licence
(1) A single game licence, in the form set out in the Sixth Schedule, shall be issued on the payment of the appropriate fee specified in the Seventh Schedule.
(2) A single game licence shall entitle a holder to hunt one individual of the species specified in the hunting quota notice published in the Gazette as endorsed on the licence
and the holder shall not hold licences in excess of the maximum number specified in the Seventh Schedule.
(3) A holder shall ensure that appropriate endorsements that relate to the number of his single game licence are made on the hunting card.
(4) The Director of DWNP may require the holder to be accompanied by an escort whilst engaged in a hunting activity.
(5) A single game licence issued for the hunting of a specific game animal in a controlled hunting area shall be valid for the duration of the open season.
(6) A single game licence shall be issued from the DWNP district office of the district in which the hunting will take place.
(7) A holder of a single game licence shall hunt species specified on the licence during the period specified in the permit as set out in the Eleventh Schedule.
(8) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder shall carry in his possession, at all times the original single game licence.
(9) A single game licence may be transferred once only among citizens only.
(10) In this regulation, "escort" means a person designated by the Director to escort a hunter.
(11) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 8: Issue of a small game licence
(1) A small game licence, in the form set out in the Eighth Schedule, shall be issued on payment of a fee specified in the Ninth Schedule.
(2) A small game licence shall entitle a holder thereof to hunt the species and maximum number of animals specified in the Ninth Schedule.
(3) A small game licence shall be valid for the period specified therein.
(4) A holder shall ensure that the necessary endorsements that relate to the number of his small game licence are made on the hunting card.
(5) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder shall carry in his possession at all times, the original small game licence.
(6) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 9: Issue of a special game licence
(1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge.
(2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year.
(3) The special game licence may only be issued to citizens who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering of veld products for their food and such other criteria as
may be determined by the Director.
(4) A holder shall make the necessary endorsements of any animal killed in the licence thereof.
(5) A holder shall not sell the special game licence, trophy or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof.
(6) A holder may, in the presence of the wildlife officer, endorse his special game licence with the particulars of a hunter who may hunt on behalf of the holder.
(7) The holder shall not be entitled to and shall not be issued with any other type of licence.
(8) Any holder who sells the special game licence or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof shall have his licence withdrawn forthwith and shall not be entitled to
any other hunting licences for a period of three years.
(9) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence. Regulation 14:
(1) An application for a permit to capture or kill a game animal, in the form set out in the Seventeenth Schedule, shall be made only where the capture or killing is intended to be-
(a) for education and scientific purposes, and protection of life or property;
(b) in the interests of the conservation, management, control or utilisation of wildlife, or
breeding, farming or domestication of any animal; and
(c) for the selling of a game animal killed, or the meat, trophy or eggs of such animal.
(2) A permit granted for purposes stated in subregulation (1) shall be in the form set out in the Eighteenth Schedule.
(3) A permit issued under this regulation shall be subject to such terms, conditions and requirements as may be endorsed on the permit.
(4) A permit shall be issued on payment of an appropriate fee as set out in the Thirty-Sixth Schedule.
Regulation 6: (1) An application for a commercial fishing licence shall be made in Form A set out in Schedule 1.
(2) An authorised officer may issue a commercial fishing licence to anyone who-
(a) is a citizen of Botswana;
(b) is over the age of 18;
( c) has not been convicted of an offence under the Act, or the Wildlife Conservation and National Parks Act; and
(d) has paid a fee of P500. Regulation 13: (1) The Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as
may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorising the -
(a) capturing of any fish for the breeding or farming of such fish;
(b) issuance of fishing quotas; or
( c) use of larger or smaller mesh sizes where necessary depending on the situation and reasons given.
(2) Permits issued in terms of subregulation (1) shall be issued on payment of a fee of P100 for every hundred fish intended to be caught by the applicant.
(3) A permit issued under this regulation shall be in Form H set out in Schedule 1. Regulation 14: (1) Every permit issued under regulation 13 shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Director deems fit to impose in each case, and such terms and conditions or requirements shall be endorsed on the permit.
(2) Any person to whom a permit is issued under regulation 13 who contravenes any of its terms, conditions or requirements shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both.
(3) The Director may, at any time and without assigning a reason therefor, cancel, amend or modify a permit issued under regulation 13, forthwith so informing the holder of such permit, and such holder shall return the permit to the Director for cancellation, amendment or modification, as the case may be, within 21 days from the date of his or her being so informed.
(4) Any permit holder who is required under subregulation (3) to return such permit and who fails to do so within the period specified, shall be guilty of an offence and liable, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding P500, or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months. Regulation 16: (1) No person shall undertake recreational fishing in Botswana unless he or she is in possession of a recreational fishing licence issued by the Director.
(2) A licence under subregulation (1) shall be in Form I set out in Schedule 1 and shall be accompanied by a fee set out in Schedule 2. Regulation 17 (extract): (1) Any person who intends to stage a recreational fishing competition shall apply to the Director for a recreational fishing competition permit, in Form K set out in Schedule 1, at least two months before the date of such competition, giving the time and place thereof and the rules and conditions governing the competition for approval by the Director.
(2) A recreational fishing competition permit shall be issued by the Director on the payment of a fee of P5,000.
(3) No person shall participate in a recreational fishing competition unless he or she possesses a valid recreational fishing licence issued under regulation 16.
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Section 31 (extract):
(8) A licence issued under this section shall be personal to the person to whom it is issued and shall not be transferable, and may not be amended to permit hunting thereunder to be transferred from one controlled hunting area to another, except only under and in accordancewith regulations made under this Act.
Regulation 7(extract): (9) A single game licence may be transferred once only among citizens only.
Regulation 9 (extract): (6) A holder may, in the presence of the wildlife officer, endorse his special game licence with the particulars of a hunter who may hunt on behalf of the holder
Regulation 7 (extract):
(2) A commercial fishing licence shall not be transferable and the holder or any person authorised by the holder shall carry the original copy thereof at all times while fishing
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Section 27 (extract):
(2) A bird licence issued to a citizen or a resident of Botswana shall be issued for one year, commencing on the day of issue.
Section 28 (extract):
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a single game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt on the land specified in the licence one animal only of such species and kind, listed in Parts I and II of the Seventh Schedule, as may be specified in the licence, and for such period only as may be therein specified.
Section 29 (extract):
(2) A small game licence shall be issued only to a person who is a citizen of Botswana, and shall be valid only for the period specified therein, and only one such licence may be held by one person at any one time.
Section 30 (extract):
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder, a special game licence shall entitle the holder thereof to hunt, on the land and during the period specified in the licence, animals of the kind and of the number therein specified.
Regulation 6(extract): (4) A bird licence issued to a-
(a) citizen of Botswana shall be valid for one calendar year, commencing on the day of its issue; or
(b) person who is not a citizen of Botswana may be valid for one week, one month or one calendar year, as may be required, commencing on the day of its issue. Regulation 8 (extract): (3) A small game licence shall be valid for the period specified therein. Regulation 9(extract): (2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year
Regulation 6 (extract)
(1) A commercial fishing licence shall be in the form set out in the Second Schedule and shall be valid for three calendar years commencing on the date of its issue.
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Section 30 (extract):
(1) Regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of special game licences in respect of any animals other than protected game animals to citizens of Botswana who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food, and such
regulations may provide for-
(a) the types of special game licence which may be issued;
(b) the animals for the hunting of which each type of special game licence may be issued;
(c) the categories of persons to whom such licences may be issued;
(d) the periods for which such licences may be issued; and
(e) the maximum number of animals of each species and kind which may be hunted by virtue of such a licence in any one period, and the area or areas within which they may be hunted.
Regulation 9 (extract)
(1) A special game licence, in the form set out in the Tenth Schedule, shall be issued free of charge.
(2) The special game licence shall be valid for a period of one year.
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Regulation 5 (extract):
(2) Any person who. engages in subsistence fishing using rod and line shall
(a) use a rod with a reel; and
(b) catch and keep more than ten fish per day, .
(3) Subsistence fishing using · other traditional fishing methods such as fishing baskets and traps shall only be undertaken in drying out pools in flood plains.
(4) Subject to subsection (2) any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall only use traditional fishing gear for the purpose of catching fish.
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Section 30 (extract):
(1) Regulations made under this Act may provide for the issue of special game licences in respect of any animals other than protected game animals to citizens of Botswana who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering veld produce for their food, and such regulations may provide for-
(a) the types of special game licence which may be issued;
(b) the animals for the hunting of which each type of special game licence may be issued;
(c) the categories of persons to whom such licences may be issued;
(d) the periods for which such licences may be issued; and
(e) the maximum number of animals of each species and kind which may be hunted by virtue of such a licence in any one period, and the area or areas within which they may be hunted.
Regulation 9 (extract)
(3) The special game licence may only be issued to citizens who are principally dependent on hunting and gathering of veld products for their food and such other criteria as may be determined by the Director.
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Section 34. Hunting card: (1) There shall be issued together with the first licence, other than a special game licence, to be granted to any person, a hunting card in the prescribed form, on which the holder thereof shall enter particulars of all licences, permits or other authorizations issued to or held by such person, and such other information as may be prescribed. (2) A hunting card shall be personal to the person to whom it is issued, shall not be transferable and shall be carried by the holder at all times whilst hunting. (3) When a hunting card has no room for further entries the holder may apply to a licensing officer for the issue of a new card, and any such new card issued shall be endorsed by the licensing officer to indicate whether it is a second or subsequent card, and shall be pinned or attached to the previous card or to all the previous cards, as the case may be. (4) The holder of a hunting card shall make it available for inspection- (a) when required to do so by a wildlife officer; (b) whenever the holder applies for another licence. (5) The loss of a hunting card shall be reported to a wildlife officer or to a police officer without delay and in any case within 30 days of the loss being detected, and if the loss is so reported, a licensing officer may issue a new hunting card to replace the one lost, on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, but shall endorse on such card the fact that it is a duplicate card. (6) Any person who- (a) makes a false statement to a licensing officer for the purpose of obtaining a hunting card; (b) uses another person's hunting card; (c) obtains or attempts to obtain another person's hunting card; (d) fails to record on it information which he is required to record on it, or records on it information which he knows or ought to know is false or misleading; or (e) refuses or fails to produce it for inspection when required to do so in accordance with the provisions of subsection (4), shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for six months. Section 38. Register of animals killed
(1) Every single game licence holder shall, in animals the register attached to his licence, make a record of any animal killed by him, including any animal killed by accident or in error, and any animal deemed to have been killed by him in terms of such licence under section 44, and any animal wounded by him.
(2) Where under this section any person is required to keep and maintain a register, he shall-
(a) where an animal is killed or deemed to have been killed by him, at the time of the killing where possible, and in any event before the animal is moved or dismembered,
record the event in such register, and the date and time of the killing;
(b) where an animal is wounded, record the date time and circumstances. of the event in
such register as soon as pursuit of the wounded animal is abandoned.
(3) Every licence holder shall, in addition to keeping and maintaining a register under this section, within thirty days of the termination of hunting, or of the termination of his licence, or
the termination of the hunting season, whichever is the soonest, submit to a licensing officer
the return attached to his licence, duly completed, whether or not any animals were killed or
wounded by him in accordance with the terms of the licence.
(4) Any person who, being required under this section to keep and maintain a register, or submit a return within the specified period-
(a) fails to do so;
(b) fails to record therein any particular which he is required to record therein;
(c) makes, or is party to the making of, any false entry therein;
(d) fails to produce his register upon the request of a licensing officer or any other person entitled under this Act to request its production; or
(e) fails to furnish a true copy of his register to a licensing officer within twenty one days
of being requested to do so by a licensing officer, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P500 and to imprisonment for 6 months
Regulation 5. Issue of a hunting card: (1) A hunting card, in the form set out in the Second Schedule, shall be issued to each applicant issued with a licence under regulation 11. (2) A holder of a hunting card shall enter particulars of all licences, permits or other hunting authorisations issued to or held by such person in the hunting card. (3) When a hunting card has no room for further entries, the holder of the hunting card may apply to a licensing officer for the issue of a new hunting card which shall be endorsed by the licensing officer to indicate whether it is a second or subsequent card. (4) Whilst engaged in a hunting activity, the holder of a hunting card shall carry in his possession, at all times the original hunting card. (5) The holder of a hunting card shall submit the card for inspection when required to do so by a wildlife officer and whenever the holder thereof applies for another licence. (6) A duplicate hunting card may be issued as a replacement for a lost hunting card upon payment of a fee prescribed in the Third Schedule. (7) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence.
Regulation 7 (extract):
(4) The holder of a commercial fishing licence shall submit monthly catch and effort data indicating the type and number of fish caught in Form C set out in Schedule I to the Director. '
Regulation 16 (extract) :
6) The holder of a seasonal recreational fishing permit shall submit monthly catch and effort data in Form C, set out in Schedule 1.
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Section 32 (extract):
(2) “The Director may, after consultation with the appropriate local authorities and land boards, determine the number of animals of each species, or of a particular sex, that may be hunted during any season in any specified controlled hunting area, or any other specified area, and shall cause to be displayed a notice to this effect, at offices of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, and at such other places as he may determine.”
Para 3.1 (extract): The following principles will be adhered to in implementing the Policy: [...]
(b) encourages Decentralized and participatory wildlife management with greater involvement of communities, the private sector and non-governmental organizations which is all for public benefit and sustainable development of the ecosystem Participatory and decentralised quota setting for commercial, recreational and subsistence use based on stock assessments, local knowledge and the pre-cautionary principle.
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Section 3. Fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual
Whereas every person in Botswana is entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, the right, whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex, but subject to respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest to each and all of the following, namely—
(a) life, liberty, security of the person and the protection of the law;
(b) freedom of conscience, of expression and of assembly and association; and
(c) protection for the privacy of his home and other property and from deprivation of property without compensation, the provisions of this Chapter shall have effect for the purpose of affording protection to those rights and freedoms subject to such limitations of that protection as are contained in those provisions, being limitations designed to ensure that the enjoyment of the said rights and freedoms by any individual does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of others or the public interest.
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Regulation 6 (extract) (6) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence. Regulation 7 (extract): (11) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an
offence. Regulation 8 (extract) (8) Any holder who sells the special game licence or meat of the animal killed in respect of the licence thereof shall have his licence withdrawn forthwith and shall not be entitled to any other hunting licences for a period of three years.
(9) Any person who contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence. Regulation 44. Offences and penalties Any person guilty of an offence under these Regulations for which no penalty is provided shall be liable on first conviction to a fine not exceeding P5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years and on the second and subsequent convictions to a fine of P1,000 and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or both.
Regulation 5 (extract):
(2) Any person who. engages in subsistence fishing using rod and line shall
(a) use a rod with a reel; and
(b) catch and keep more than ten fish per day, .
(3) Subsistence fishing using · other traditional fishing methods such as fishing baskets and traps shall only be undertaken in drying out wols in flood plains.
(4) Subject to subsection (2) any person who engages in subsistence fishing shall only use traditional fishing gear for the purpose of catching fish.
( 5) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding P200 orto imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both.
Regulation 7 (extract):
7) Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this regulation shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding P200 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both. Regulation 17 (extract) : (5) Any person who stages a recreational fishing competition without a recreational fishing permit shall be guilty of an offence and liable in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding P500, or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding 12 months, or to both.
(6) Without prejudice to any sentence passed under subregulation (5), a person may in addition to such sentence be banned from undertaking any commercial fishing, recreational fishing or staging or participating in a recreational fishing competition for five years.
Regulation 24:
Any person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations for which no specific penalty is provided shall be guilty of an offence and liable in the case of a first conviction, to a fine .not exceeding P200, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding P500, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both.
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Section 31 (extract):
(5)(a) Any person aggrieved by the refusal of a licensing officer to issue the licence applied for, or by any request made by the licensing officer under subsection (2), or by any condition imposed by the licensing officer under subsection (4), may ask that the matter be referred to the Director for his decision, and the Director, after such further enquiries as he considers necessary, confirm the decision of the licensing officer, or reverse it, or vary it to such extent as he considers desirable.
(b) Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Director under paragraph (a) may appeal therefrom to the Minister, and the Minister's decision thereon shall be final. Section 42. Appeal to the Minister
Any person who is aggrieved by the refusal of a licensing officer or the Director to grant a permit under section 39 or section 40, or by any terms and conditions imposed by them in accordance with the provisions of section 41(1), may appeal against that refusal or those terms and conditions to the Minister, whose decision thereon shall be final.
Regulation 15:
Any person who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Director to grant a permit under regulation 13, or by any terms imposed by the Director to grant a permit under regulation 13, may appeal against the refusal or the terms and conditions to the Minister within 30 days.
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Section 30 (extract):
(3) The holder of a special game licence shall not be entitled to and shall not be issued with any other type of licence.
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Section 32 (extract):
(3) Any person who makes any statement which to his knowledge or which he should have known is false or in any way misleading in connection with an application for a licence, which leads to or is likely to lead to his being issued with more licences than he is entitled to, or to the issue of licences purporting to entitle him to hunt more animals than he is entitled to hunt, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P1 000 and to imprisonment for one year.