Botswana / Consumption use
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Section 60 (extract):
(1) No person shall, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit granted in terms of section 39(1)(c), sell any fish, game animal or non-designated animal, or the meat, eggs or trophy of any such animal:
Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to-
(i) the holder of a trophy dealer's licence, or to any person in effecting a sale to the holder of a trophy dealer's licence in accordance with the terms and conditions of that licence; or
(ii) any person entitled to landholder's privileges, or to enjoy landholder's privileges, in accordance with section 20 in respect of any land, in effecting a sale, with the written approval of the Director, of any fish, game animal or the meat, eggs or trophy of any game animal lawfully killed on that land by such person; or
(iii) the sale of a trophy where a single game licence pertaining to that trophy is handed over with the trophy, or to the sale of a trophy obtained in accordance with the terms of a small game licence, or to the sale of a trophy obtained outside a national park or a game reserve by the holder of a special game licence, where the buyer records and retains the number of the licence and the name and address of the holder of such licence.
(iv) fish which are not reared and sourced from aquaculture or a fish farm.
(2) Any fish, game animal or non-designated animal, or the meat, eggs or trophy of any such animal found in any shop, store or other place of business, shall be presumed to have been acquired for the purpose of sale, and the person in whose possession it is found shall be presumed to have dealt therewith in contravention of the provisions of this section unless he is the holder of a valid permit granted to him in terms of section 39(1)(c) or unless he proves to the contrary.
Section 61:
(1) No person shall purchase from another person any fish, game animal or non-designated animal or the meat, eggs or trophy thereof without satisfying himself, by reasonable evidence, that such other person is the holder of a valid permit granted to him in terms of section 39(1)(c) authorizing him to sell such animal, meat, eggs or trophy, or that he is entitled to do so in accordance with the provisions of section 60 or by virtue of regulations made under section 30, and any person who contravenes the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P2 000 and to imprisonment for 2 years.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), a person shall not be guilty of an offence under that subsection if he purchases such animal, meat, eggs or trophy-
(a) from a stall at any fete, bazaar or other like function which is open to the public;
(b) from any person who lawfully exhibits his goods for sale in any road, street or other public place; or
(c) in the ordinary course of business from a person who carries on business in a shop, store or other fixed place of business.
Regulation 14 (extract):
(1) No person shall sell fresh meat for human consumption, except in conditions ... animals slaughtered for local consumption as prescribed in regulation 5 (5) unless-
(a) it has been obtained from licensed premises;
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Section 39 (extract):
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(c) the selling of animals killed or captured under the authority of a licence or permit and the selling of any meat, trophy or eggs from such animals, where the Director is satisfied that such selling is in the interests of wildlife conservation and the proper regulation of commercial development connected with wildlife.
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Section 39 (extract):
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(c) the selling of animals killed or captured under the authority of a licence or permit and the selling of any meat, trophy or eggs from such animals, where the Director is satisfied that such selling is in the interests of wildlife conservation and the proper regulation of commercial development connected with wildlife.
Section 60 (extract):
(2) Any game animal or non-designated animal, or the meat, eggs or trophy of any such animal found in any shop, store or other place of business, shall be presumed to have been acquired for the purpose of sale, and the person in whose possession it is found shall be presumed to have dealt therewith in contravention of the provisions of this section unless he is the holder of a valid permit granted to him in terms of section 39(1)(c) or unless he proves to the contrary.
Regulation 14 (extract):
(1) An application for a permit to capture or kill a game animal, in the form set out in the Seventeenth Schedule, shall be made only where the capture or killing is intended to be-
(c) for the selling of a game animal killed, or the meat, trophy or eggs of such animal.
(2) A permit granted for purposes stated in subregulation (1) shall be in the form set out in the Eighteenth Schedule.
(3) A permit issued under this regulation shall be subject to such terms, conditions and requirements as may be endorsed on the permit.
(4) A permit shall be issued on payment of an appropriate fee as set out in the Thirty-Sixth Schedule
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Section 39:
(1) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Director may, acting in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister, grant permits authorizing-
(c) the selling of animals killed or captured under the authority of a licence or permit and the selling of any meat, trophy or eggs from such animals, where the Director is satisfied that such selling is in the interests of wildlife conservation and the proper regulation of commercial development connected with wildlife.
Section 62 (extract):
(1) No person shall, except under and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit granted to him by the Director under subsection (3), export from or import into or transport through or re-export from Botswana any animal, or trophy, meat or eggs thereof.
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Regulation 26 (extarct):
(1) The occupier of any licensed premises;
(d) shall take all necessary measures to ensure that, at all stages of production, the requirements of these Regulations are complied with and carry out checks (including any microbiological checks the Director may require) on the general hygiene of conditions of production in his or her establishment to ensure that
equipment and, if necessary, fresh meat, complies with the requirements of these Regulations;
(e) shall keep a record of the results of the checks referred to in paragraph (d) and make it available to a VO, an OVS or a meat inspector, upon request;
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Section 60 (extract):
(3) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of P1000 and to imprisonment for 1 year.