Botswana / Food safety
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Section 5 (extract):
(1) There is hereby established a council to be known as the National Health Council.
(2) The Council shall consist of
(a) an eminent health professional of Botswana, who shall be the chairperson; and
(b) the following members appointed by the Minister, in writing
(i) a representative of the Ministry responsible for agriculture,
(ii) a representative of the Ministry responsible for education and skills development,
(iii) a representative of the Ministry responsible for finance and development planning,
(iv) a representative of the Ministry responsible for sport, youth and culture,
(v) a representative of the Ministry responsible for infrastructure, science and technology,
(vi) a representative of the Ministry responsible for transport and communications,
(vii) a representative of the Ministry responsible for local government,
(viii) a representative of the Ministry responsible for wildlife and the environment,
(ix) a representative of the Ministry responsible for labour,
(x) a representative of the Ministry responsible for trade and industry,
(xi) a representative of the Ministry responsible for minerals, energy and water resources,
(xii) a representative of the Botswana Health Professions Council,
(xiii) a representative of the Attorney-General's Chambers,
(xiv) a representative of the faculty responsible for health sciences at the University of Botswana,
(xv) a representative of the Botswana Bureau of Standards,
(xvi) one medical practitioner representing private health providers,
(xvii) a representative of the department responsible for environmental health at the University of Botswana,
(xviii) a representative from non-governmental organisations,
(xix) a representative of the Dikgosi,
(xx) two representatives from development partners, and
(xxi) two other persons appointed by the Minister, who have suitable expert knowledge or experience to assist the Council in the discharge of its duties.
Section 6:
(1) The Council shall be an advisory body to the Minister.
(2) The Council shall
(a) at the request of the Minister, or may, of its own accord, advise the Minister on
(i) policy concerning any matter that is likely to protect, promote, improve and maintain the health of the population,
(ii) legislation pertaining to health matters,
(iii) norms and standards for the establishment of health facilities,
(iv) the implementation of health policy, and
(v) the integration of national strategy for health research; and
(b) consider appeals on matters relating to the implementation of public health policies.
(3) For the purposes of performing its functions, the Council may, in its discretion, consult or receive representations from any person, body or authority.
Section 46:
(1) An authorised officer may require an interpreter, a police officer or any other person to assist him or her to conduct inspection.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), an authorised officer may reasonably require the assistance of an interpreter, police officer or any qualified person in the cause of his or her duties or in conducting inspection and may only require assistance from unqualified person in exceptional circumstances.
Section 131:
The Director shall consult the departments responsible for customs and immigration as well as other authorities relevant to the establishment of points of entry for purposes of port health services.
Section 24:
(1) Where, in respect of the same goods, controls other than customs controls, are to be performed by competent Government agencies other than the Revenue Service, the Revenue Service shall, in close cooperation with those other agencies, endeavour to have those controls, wherever possible, performed at the same time and place as customs controls, with the Revenue Service having the coordinating role in achieving this.
(2) In the framework of customs controls, the Revenue Service and other competent Government agencies may, in order to facilitate the processing of goods moved between Botswana and other territories, and to minimise risk and combat fraud, exchange with other customs administrations and competent agencies data received in the context of the movement or storage of goods, and the results of any control.
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Section 131:
The Director shall consult the departments responsible for customs and immigration as well as other authorities relevant to the establishment of points of entry for purposes of port health services.
Section 24:
(1) Where, in respect of the same goods, controls other than customs controls, are to be performed by competent Government agencies other than the Revenue Service, the Revenue Service shall, in close cooperation with those other agencies, endeavour to have those controls, wherever possible, performed at the same time and place as customs controls, with the Revenue Service having the coordinating role in achieving this.
(2) In the framework of customs controls, the Revenue Service and other competent Government agencies may, in order to facilitate the processing of goods moved between Botswana and other territories, and to minimise risk and combat fraud, exchange with other customs administrations and competent agencies data received in the context of the movement or storage of goods, and the results of any control.
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Section 131:
The Director shall consult the departments responsible for customs and immigration as well as other authorities relevant to the establishment of points of entry for purposes of port health services.
Section 24:
(1) Where, in respect of the same goods, controls other than customs controls, are to be performed by competent Government agencies other than the Revenue Service, the Revenue Service shall, in close cooperation with those other agencies, endeavour to have those controls, wherever possible, performed at the same time and place as customs controls, with the Revenue Service having the coordinating role in achieving this.
(2) In the framework of customs controls, the Revenue Service and other competent Government agencies may, in order to facilitate the processing of goods moved between Botswana and other territories, and to minimise risk and combat fraud, exchange with other customs administrations and competent agencies data received in the context of the movement or storage of goods, and the results of any control.
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Regulation 6:
(1) The Minister shall, after consultation with the Board, issue a food safety alert, warning consumers about food on the market which have been found to be hazardous to the health or safety of consumers.
(2) For the purpose of subRegulation(1), the food safety alert shall be published-
(a) in the Gazette; and
(b) in at least one issue of a news paper with a wide circulation in Botswana.
(3) If the food is manufactured or already on the market, the food safety alert shall be followed by a food recall initiated by the Minister.
Regulation 17 (extract):
(3) The Minister shall keep a local authority or any other relevant Government agency informed on the conduct of an authorised officer in relation to the responsibilities provided for in this regulation and the local authority or any other relevant Government agency shall be guided by any instructions that the Minister may issue.
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Regulation 3:
(1) The Minister shall by notice published in the Gazette designate a public officer to be the Controller of Imports.
(2) The Controller may delegate any of his duties or functions under this Act to any public officer.