Botswana / Food safety
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Section 37 (extract):
(1) The Minister may, in writing, designate a person or class of persons to be an authorised officer or authorised officers, as the case may be, to discharge the functions under this Act.
Section 38 (extract):
(1) For the purposes of section 37, an authorised officer may, at any reasonable time
(a) enter, remain in and inspect any area, premises, body of water or vehicle;
(b) inspect anything found in or on any area, premises, body of water or vehicle;
Section 132:
The Director shall, through port health programme designate a number of environmental health officers and authorised officers as the Director considers appropriate as port health officers for the implementation of the programme, and ensure that appropriate facilities for the programme at
the points of entry are available.
Section 133 (extract)
(1) Port health officers shall, at points of entry
(a) implement port health programmes and ensure compliance with public health laws;
(d) monitor the quality of chemicals, safety of food and water including imported food and water and their certification documents;
Section 2 extract:
"official veterinary surgeon" means a registered veterinary surgeon designated under section 6 (1);
"veterinary officer" means a registered veterinary surgeon employed in the Ministry responsible for agriculture
Section 6:
(1) The Director may, in writing, designate official veterinary surgeons, meat inspectors and departmental officers to carry out any function that may arise under this Act.
(2) The Director may require any person working in a plant to undergo a medical examination and furnish a valid medical certificate.
Regulation 4 (extract):
(1) An authorised officer may, with regard to food premises—
(f) examine any appliance, product, material, object or substance that is found and that is used or suspected to be used, destined or intended for use in connection with the manufacture, treatment, grading, packing, marking, labelling, storage, conveyance, serving, administration or handling of any food or any other operation or activity in connection with any food, and open any package or container of the food, product, material, object or substance;
(g) where he has reason to suspect that the food is unsound or defective, adulterated, contaminated and not fit for human consumption, take some of the food contemplated in paragraph (e), in whatever kind of package or container as he may require, as a sample, for the purpose of testing or analysing by a public analyst—
(i) without payment, where the authorised officer has reason to suspect that the food is unsound or defective, adulterated, contaminated and not fit for human consumption; or
(ii) by offering payment to the person in charge, where the authorised officer is taking the sample for purposes of verifying compliance with any other requirement of the Act.
Regulation 2 (extract):
"OVS" means Official Veterinary Surgeon
"VO" means Veterinary Officer
Regulation 9:
(1) The Director may designate veterinary surgeons as OVSs and shall, in relation to any premises, appoint one or more OVSs or meat inspectors, as authorised officers in relation to the examination and seizure of meat, and the certification of fresh meat as healthy for human consumption.
(2) Any OVS or meat inspector appointed as an authorised officer under subregulation (1) shall be responsible for the following functions in relation to the premises referred to in that subregulation-
(a) the ante-mortem health inspection of animals in accordance with the Ninth Schedule;
(b) the postmortem health inspection of slaughtered animals in accordance with the Eleventh Schedule;
(c) where appropriate, the examination of the fresh meat of swine and equines for trichinellosis in accordance with paragraph 12 of Part IX of the Eleventh Schedule;
(d) the health marking of fresh meat in accordance with the Thirteenth Schedule; and
(e) ensuring the observance of the requirements of all the other Schedules in these Regulations.
(3) A meat inspector shall act under the supervision and responsibility of an OVS who is appointed to supervise and control the premises.
Section 2 (extract):
"authorized officer" means any health officer, or any suitably qualified person authorized in writing by the Permanent Secretary, or by a council with the approval of the
Permanent Secretary, a police officer of or above the rank of sergeant, or a customs and excise officer, for the purposes of this Act, and for the purpose of taking samples under section 6 and sending them to a public analyst;
"health officer" includes any health officer so appointed under section 4 of the Public Health Act, any medical practitioner registered under the Botswana Health Professions Act, any
health inspector, and any public health nurse employed by or so designated by the Minister;
"food" means any animal product, fish, fruit, vegetable, condiment, beverage and any other substance whatever, in any form, state or stage of preparation which is intended or
ordinarily used for human consumption, and includes any article produced, manufactured, sold or presented for use as food or drink for human consumption, including chewing gum, and any ingredient of such food, drink or chewing gum;
Section 5 (extract):
(3) A public analyst shall as soon as possible analyse or examine any sample sent to
him by an authorized officer under the provisions of this Act, and shall issue in respect thereof a
certificate specifying the results of such analysis or examination.
Section 6 (extract):
(1) An authorized officer may, in the proper execution of his duties under this Act, and at any time which is, in all the circumstances, reasonable-
(a) enter any premises where he believes any food is sold, prepared, preserved, packaged, stored or conveyed, examine such food and take samples thereof and examine anything that he believes is used or capable of being used for such
preparation, packaging, storing, or conveying;
4 answers
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Section 2 (extract):
"health officer" means
(a) a person designated to be a health officer in terms of section 20;
(b) a medical practitioner registered under the Botswana Health Professions Act (Cap. 61:02);
(c) an environmental health officer; or
(d) a community health nurse;
"environmental health officer" means an officer who possesses requisite training in environmental health and is recognised as such
Section 2 (extract):
"meat inspector" means-
(a) any person appointed by the Director, holding a Certificate in Meat Inspection from the Meat Inspection College of Botswana, or an equivalent qualification approved by the Director of Public Service Management; or
(b) any person who has received special training in the work of meat inspection and appointed by the Director as a meat inspector;
Section 2 (extract):
"veterinary surgeon" means a person registered as a veterinary surgeon under section 12(1)
Section 9:
(1) A person who wishes to be registered as a veterinary surgeon shall apply to the Registrar.
(2) The application referred to in subsection (1) shall be in the prescribed form, (or a form approved for the purpose by the Council), and shall be accompanied by-
(a) the prescribed application fee;
(b) proof of academic qualification , in the form of a degree, diploma, certificate or any other document, or a copy thereof certified by or on behalf of the university or institution which granted or issued the original thereof, that the applicant possesses the requisite qualifications for registration as a veterinary surgeon;
(c) a recent photograph of the applicant with his signature on the back and certified as a true likeness by a Commissioner of Oaths;
(d) written evidence, satisfactory to the Council, that the applicant is a person of good character and repute and a fit and proper person to be registered as a veterinary surgeon, from the-
(i) where the applicant is a non-citizen, an equivalent body of the applicant's country of origin, or
(ii) veterinary school from which the applicant obtained qualifications referred to under section 9(2)(b); and
(e) the names and addresses of three referees who must have known the applicant for at least two years and who would be prepared to certify in respect of the applicant's character and reputation to the Council.
(3) A person employed as a veterinary officer by the Government who applies for registration as a veterinary surgeon shall not be exempt from payment of the application fee.
(4) The referees referred to in subsection (2)(e) shall include the Chairperson or the Secretary of the Council, or an equivalent body of the applicant's country of origin.
Section 12:
(1) Where an applicant satisfies the requirements set out in section 9 for registration, the Registrar shall, subject to the provisions of section 10 and subsection (2) hereof, enter his or her name in the Register as a veterinary surgeon, together with the particulars specified in section 9(2).
(2) No person shall be registered as a veterinary surgeon if he or she has been struck off the Register, of any registering authority for veterinary surgeons outside Botswana, and has not been reinstated thereon, or if the Council or the High Court in Botswana or any equivalent body or court outside Botswana has not ordered that
his or her name be restored to the Register.
(3) The Registrar shall after registering a person as a veterinary surgeon, issue such person with a certificate of registration.
(4) There shall be paid by a veterinary surgeon, within three months of registration, an annual registration fee which shall be prescribed by the Minister.
Section 2 (extract):
"authorized officer" means any health officer, or any suitably qualified person authorized in writing by the Permanent Secretary, or by a council with the approval of the
Permanent Secretary, a police officer of or above the rank of sergeant, or a customs and excise officer, for the purposes of this Act, and for the purpose of taking samples under section 6 and sending them to a public analyst;
"health officer" includes any health officer so appointed under section 4 of the Public Health Act, any medical practitioner registered under the Botswana Health Professions Act, any
health inspector, and any public health nurse employed by or so designated by the Minister;
Section 5 (extract):
(1) The Minister shall appoint such public analysts from among suitably qualified persons as may be required for the purposes of this Act.
(2) A person shall not be appointed to be a public analyst for any area in which he is engaged directly or indirectly in any trade or business connected with the sale or processing of