Botswana / Food safety
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Regulation 17 (extract):
(1) No person shall keep or permit to be kept in any lairage for a period exceeding 72 hours any animal intended for slaughter unless-
(a) the VO, an OVS or a meat inspector gives his or her consent to it being kept in a lairage for a period exceeding 72 hours, which consent shall only be given in exceptional circumstances; and
(b) it is isolated from animals in respect of which the consent under paragraph (a) has not been given.
(2) No person shall, unless directed by a VO, an OVS or a meat inspector, remove from an abattoir an animal intended for slaughter if it is intended that meat from it shall be sold for human consumption.
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Regulation 17:
(1) No person shall keep or permit to be kept in any lairage for a period exceeding 72 hours any animal intended for slaughter unless-
(a) the VO, an OVS or a meat inspector gives his or her consent to it being kept in a lairage for a period exceeding 72 hours, which consent shall only be given in exceptional circumstances; and
(b) it is isolated from animals in respect of which the consent under paragraph (a) has not been given.
(2) No person shall, unless directed by a VO, an OVS or a meat inspector, remove from an abattoir an animal intended for slaughter if it is intended that meat from it shall be sold for human consumption.
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Regulation 16 (extract):
(3) A VO, an OVS or a meat inspector-
(a) may require the detention in a lairage, or prohibit the slaughter, of any animal which, in his or her opinion, is so dirty as to be likely to prevent hygienic dressing operations if it is taken into the slaughter hall at that abattoir; and
(b) may require the occupier of the abattoir to clean the animal before presenting it for an ante-mortem inspection.
(4) In the case of a slaughtered and bled animal which is brought into a farmed game meat plant in accordance with regulation 18 or paragraph 1 (g) of the Seventh Schedule, a VO, an OVS or a meat inspector, may give notice that in his or her opinion any such animal is so dirty as being likely to prevent hygienic dressing operations if it is taken into the dressing room at that farmed game meat plant, and if such notice is given, the occupier of the premises shall not take the animal in.
Ninth Schedule (extract):
6. An animal which shows any of the conditions mentioned in paragraph 3(a) or (b) of this Schedule shall be taken to and kept in that part of the lairage provided for the isolation of animals which are diseased or injured or suspected of being diseased or injured. All animals found injured and not suffering from any disease shall be slaughtered at the earliest opportunity.
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Regulation 16 (extract):
(3) A VO, an OVS or a meat inspector-
(a) may require the detention in a lairage, or prohibit the slaughter, of any animal which, in his or her opinion, is so dirty as to be likely to prevent hygienic dressing operations if it is taken into the slaughter hall at that abattoir; and
(b) may require the occupier of the abattoir to clean the animal before presenting it for an ante-mortem inspection.