Botswana / Food safety
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Bye-law 22 (extract):
(1) The meat inspector shall brand or stamp with the official mark of the council in such places and in such ways as he may deem advisable or necessary all carcasses, meat, offal and red offal submitted for examination and passed as healthy, sound, wholesome and fit for human consumption.
Regulation 12 (extract):
(2) Where fresh meat intended for sale for human consumption-
(a) has been passed fit for human consumption following ante-mortem and postmortem health inspections; and
(b) complies with the requirements of these Regulations,
it shall be marked with a health mark in accordance with the requirements of the Thirteenth Schedule.
Bye-law 21 (extract):
(1) The meat inspector shall brand or stamp with the official stamp mark of the Council in such places and in such ways as he may deem advisable or necessary all carcasses, meat, offal submitted for examination and passed as healthy and fit for human consumption.
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Regulation 12 (extract):
(3) No person shall remove, or cause or permit to be removed, from an abattoir or a farmed game meat plant, any blood or any carcass or part of a carcass or any offal intended for human consumption, or any offal from a slaughtered animal intended for sale for human consumption until it has been inspected in accordance with these Regulations.
Regulation 14 (extract):
(1) No person shall sell fresh meat for human consumption, except in conditions respect of animals slaughtered for local consumption as prescribed in regulation 5 (5) unless-
(d) it comes from the body of an animal which has been subjected to a postmortem health inspection in accordance with the Eleventh Schedule and which has shown no evidence of disease or other abnormal condition, except for traumatic lesions incurred shortly before slaughter or localised malformations or pathological changes, and it is established that these do not render unfit for human consumption those parts of the carcass or offal not affected by such lesions, malformations or changes;
(e) it has been given a health mark in accordance with the requirements of the Thirteenth Schedule;
Thirteenth Schedule (extract):
1. Health marking shall be carried out under the responsibility of the official veterinarian. For this
purpose, he or she shall keep and maintain under his or her responsibility-
(a) the instruments intended for meat health marking which he or she may hand over to auxiliaries only at the time of marking and for the length of time required for this purpose; and
(b) the labels and wrapping material when marked as provided for in this Schedule. The labels, seals and wrapping material shall be given to auxiliaries at the time when they are to be used and in the required number.
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Thirteenth Schedule:
1. Health marking shall be carried out under the responsibility of the official veterinarian. For this
purpose, he or she shall keep and maintain under his or her responsibility-
(a) the instruments intended for meat health marking which he or she may hand over to auxiliaries only at the time of marking and for the length of time required for this purpose; and
(b) the labels and wrapping material when marked as provided for in this Schedule. The labels, seals and wrapping material shall be given to auxiliaries at the time when they are to be used and in the required number.
2. The health mark shall be a mark consisting of two concentric circles of at least 35 mm diameter for the inner circle and at least 55 mm diameter for the outer circle bearing the following information-
(a) on the upper part, the name "BOTSWANA";
(b) in the centre, the veterinary approval number of the establishment; and
(c) on the lower part, the word "PASSED". The letters shall be at least 8 mm high and the figures at least 10 mm high.
3. Carcasses shall be stamped in ink and the mark placed as follows:
(a) Carcasses of cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, kids and pigs shall have at least four marks, namely at least one mark on each quarter;
(b) the skinned heads of cattle, calves, sheep, goats and pigs: one mark on either side;
(c) the tongues of cattle and calves, and the pluck of cattle, calves, pigs, sheep and goats: one mark;
(d) ostriches: two marks on each side, namely on the breast and thigh.
4. For purposes of removal from an abattoir, viscera that is not marked piece by piece, shall be marked by placing the mark on a label which shall be fastened to the viscera or the container.
5. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Schedule, the Director
may require or authorize the use of a method of roller marking at a particular abattoir, which marking
shall comply with the requirements specified in paragraph 2 of this Schedule.
6. Cuts obtained in licensed cutting plants from officially marked carcasses shall be stamped in ink in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Schedule, unless they are wrapped or packaged, and ribs shall be marked in a way making it possible to identify the slaughterhouse of origin.
7. Wrapping and packaging shall always be marked in accordance with paragraph 8 of this Schedule.
8. (1) Wrapped cut meat and offal, including sliced livers from bovine animals, shall bear a health mark in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Schedule. The mark shall include the veterinary approval number of the cutting plant, and not of the slaughter house. The mark shall be printed on the wrapping or applied to a label fixed to the wrapping. The Director may require that the mark bear a serial number. In the case of offal packaged in a slaughterhouse, the number included in the mark shall be the veterinary approval number of the slaughterhouse concerned.
(2) Packaging shall bear a health mark described in paragraph 2 of this Schedule, and shall be stamped on a seal fixed to the packaging in such a way that it is destroyed when the packaging is opened. The seal shall bear a serial number.
9. Meat from solipeds and its packaging shall be marked with a hexagonal stamp, of which size shall be at least 35 mm across. The mark shall bear the information referred to in paragraph 2 of this Schedule.
10. The ink to be used for the stamp shall be safe for use in foodstuffs intended for human consumption and approved by the Director.
Fifteenth Schedule (extract):
1. The occupier of a cold store shall ensure that fresh meat is-
(d) identifiable as to origin while it is being stored;