Guyana / Animal health
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Section 45. (1) The Minister may, on the advice of the Authority, make subsidiary legislation for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (I), the Minister may make regulations providing for any of the following - (d) the registration, importation, manufacture, distribution and sale of any veterinary biological, veterinary medicine or animal feed;
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Regulation 117 (1) No drug manufacturer shall sell a drug in the finished pharmaceutical form in which it is sold to the general public unless the drug has been manufactured, packaged, preserved, stored, labelled, and tested under suitable conditions, and a certificate to this effect has been issued by the Government Analyst, on the advise of the Drug Advisory Committee.
Section 2. (extract) In this Act- The practice of pharmacy includes- the compounding and dispensation of pharmaceuticals ([...]) in response to prescriptions given by a duly registered medical practitioner, dental practitioner, medex or veterinarian. Section 8.(l)The Registrar shall keep and maintain a Register in Form 1 in the Second Schedule to be known as the Register of Pharmacists, in which the Registrar shall cause to be entered the name and other particulars required by the Council of every person registered as a pharmacist under this Act.
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Section 12.(l)A practising pharmacist who desires to practise Pharmacy in Guyana in any year shall, in the month of January of that year, cause his name to be registered in the Annual Register of Practising
Pharmacists/Temporary Pharmacists in Form 5 in the Second Schedule and obtain a licence in Form 6 in the said Schedule of such registration, from the Registrar for the prescribed annual fee.
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Section 23. ( 1) If in any proceedings referred to in sections 21 and 22 the pharmacist or practicing pharmacist is found to be guilty of misconduct in a professional respect the Council may after informing the Minister (b) suspend his registration for any period not exceeding one year; (c) direct the Registrar to remove his name from the register.
Section 24. (1) The Council may remove from the Register the name of a pharmacist or practising pharmacist -
(a) who is found guilty of professional misconduct as provided in
section 23(1);
(b) whose name has been ordered to be so removed by the High Court;
(c) who has had his qualification for registration withdrawn or cancelled by the university, college or other body by which it was awarded;
(d) who has requested the Council in writing so to do.
(2) A suspension of the registration of a pharmacist or practising pharmacist pursuant to this Act shall, while the suspension continues in force, have the same effect as a removal of the name of the suspended person from the Register.