Guyana / Animal production
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Section 2. (hh) “mark” means any indelible imprint, seal, non-reusabletag, microchip, ring or other recognised means of identifying a specimen, designed in such a manner as to render its imitation by unauthorised persons as difficult as possible;
Section 31. (2) A person shall not export an animal listed in the First Schedule, bred in captivity, unless the animal originates from a breeding operation registered by the Commission and such animal bred in captivity has been permanently marked, wherever practicable, in a manner so as to render alteration or modification by an unauthorised person as difficult as possible.
Section 48. The Commission may cause any specimen which is being imported or exported to be marked with such mark or other suitable means so as to prevent the imitation of the specimen by any person not authorised to import or export the specimen.
Section 64. (1) Every person who is granted a licence, permit or certificate shall keep for inspection by duly authorised officers, accurate books, documents, records or particulars in a register to be called the Wildlife Register relating to any specimen specified in the First,
Second and Third Schedules or any other wildlife showing –
(a) the number of specimens the person has imported,
exported, re-exported or introduced from the sea;
(b) the date of such importation, exportation, re-exportation or introduction from the sea;
(c) the geographical origin of the specimens exported;
(d) the mortality of specimens imported, exported, reexported or introduced from the sea;
(e) the morbidity, condition and quality of specimens
imported, exported, re-exported or introduced from the
sea; and (f) such other information as the Commission may require
Regulation 8. (1) Every holding premises shall keepa record of the bir,th acquisitions, sales, disposals and deaths of all animals . (2) The records kept pursuant to subsection ( I) shall provide the following information - (a) ident ification and scientific name; (b)origin (i.e. whether wild or captive-born, including identificati on of parents, where known, and previous locations, if any); (c)dates of entry into, collection, disposal from and to whom;
(d)date, or estimated date, of birth or; (e)sex (where known); (f) any distinctive markings, including tattoos, freeze-brands, rings or microchips;
(g) clinical data, inclucling details of and dates of any treatment given; (h) behavioural and life history data;
(i) date of death and the result of any post-mortem examination and laboratory investigations; G) where an escape has taken place, or damage or injury has been caused to, or by, an animal to persons or property -
(i) the reason for such escape, damage or injury; and
(ii) a summary of remedial measures n to prevent recurrence;
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Regulation 8. (1) Every holding premises shall keepa record of the bir,th acquisitions, sales, disposals and deaths of all animals . (2) The records kept pursuant to subsection ( I) shall provide the following information - (a) ident ification and scientific name; (b)origin (i.e. whether wild or captive-born, including identificati on of parents, where known, and previous locations, if any); (c)dates of entry into, collection, disposal from and to whom;
(d)date, or estimated date, of birth or; (e)sex (where known); (f) any distinctive markings, including tattoos, freeze-brands, rings or microchips;
(g) clinical data, inclucling details of and dates of any treatment given; (h) behavioural and life history data;
(i) date of death and the result of any post-mortem examination and laboratory investigations; G) where an escape has taken place, or damage or injury has been caused to, or by, an animal to persons or property -
(i) the reason for such escape, damage or injury; and
(ii) a summary of remedial measures n to prevent recurrence;