Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
3 answers
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Regulation 11(3) A Wildlife Trapping Licence may - (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be trapped;
Regulation 12(3) A Wildlife Collecting Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which tbe activity is to take place.
Regulation 13. (3) A Wildlife Commercial Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be acquired;
Regulation 15. (3) A Wildlife Recreational Licence may - (a) specify the maximum number of specimens which may be taken or be in the possession or control of the person authorised by the licence, or which particular specimens may be taken or be in the possession or control of that person; (b) specify the sizes and species of wildlife to be hunted;
Regulation 17 (3) A Special Wildlife Licence may (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be hunted;
Setion 14 (extract)
(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may, in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing - (…) (b) the occupation and use of Village lands;
(c) access to sites of sacred or cultural significance;
(d) the management, use, preservation, protection and conservation of Village lands and resources or any part thereof;
(e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife; (...)
Section 9. (1) The functions of the Wildlife Scientific Committee shall be,
but are not limited to, the following – (b) to advise the Commission of the measures which should
be taken including the establishment of quotas, to limit the grant of export permits when the population status of a species of wild flora and fauna so requires; (3) The annual export quota established on the advice of the Wildlife Scientific Committee shall be published in the Gazette and where necessary be guided by the decisions of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.
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3 answers
document title
Regulation 11(3) A Wildlife Trapping Licence may - (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be trapped; and (b) specify the location(s) from which they may be trapped.
Regulation 12(3) A Wildlife Collecting Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which tbe activity is to take place.
Regulation 13. (3) A Wild1ife Commercial Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which the activity is to take place.
Regulation 15. (3) A Witdlife Recreational Licence may - (a) specify the maximum numberof specimens which may be taken or be in the possession or control of the person authorised by the licence, or which particular specimens may be taken orbe in the possession or control of that person; (b) specify the sizes and species of wildlife to be hunted; and (e) specify the area in wbich the activity is to take place.
Regulation 17 (2) A Special Wildlife Licence shall - (a) be in such formas the Comrnission determines; (b) not be transferable; (e) specific to a particular location or area.
Setion 14 (extract)
(1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may, in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing - (…) (b) the occupation and use of Village lands;
(c) access to sites of sacred or cultural significance;
(d) the management, use, preservation, protection and conservation of Village lands and resources or any part thereof;
(e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife; (...)
Hunting guidelines within Wapichan Wiizi
Each village has guidelines to ensure the land stays plentiful. Check with the village council
for information.
Common hunting guidelines in Wapichan Wiizi are:
• Hunt only what you need for your family’s own consumption and for sharing within the village.* For commercial hunting: If you plan to hunt and sell outside the village land, please contact the GWCMC for national level requirements and approach the village. Some villages do not authorize commercial hunting.
• Leave pregnant wildlife to reproduce.
• Let young animals grow; only hunt adults.
• Let the leader of the peccary pack live.
• If using fire for hunting, avoid uncontrolled fires that may kill wildlife or destroy their habitat.
• Practice traditional hunting methods (such as bows and arrows or traditional traps)
• Respect our sacred sites: hunt elsewhere.
For visitors
We welcome visitors that respect our village guidelines to keep our lands wild and our traditions alive.
• Upon arrival, check in with the village office.
• Ask village permission to hunt.*
• Show your valid collecting/trapping license from the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC).
• Pay the village hunting permit fee.
• Report species and quantities hunted before leaving.
1 answer
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Regulation 4. (3) Any institution or individual in possession of traditional knowledge scientific or anecdotal information indicating that the status of any species of wildlife has changed shall present such infonnation to the Commission.
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Regulation 11. (8) A person who -(b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Trapping Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule of the Act. (9) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (6) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Trapping Licence.
Regulation 12. (6) A person who - (a) collects wildlife without a Wildlife Collecting Licence; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Collecting Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule of the Act and shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licence for a period of two years. (7) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (5) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licence.
Regulation 13. (5) A person who sells, possesses for sale, exposes or offers for sale any wildlife except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Wildlife Commercial licence commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph B of the Sixth Schedule of the Act.
Regulation 14. No person shall sell, expose for sale, possess, or offer for sale wildlife, including wild plants and animals to be used in the bushmeat trade, except in accordance with the terms and conditions either of a Wildlife Collecting Licence or a Wildlife Commercial Licence issued by the Commission.
Regulation 15. (6) A person who - a) engages in the recreational trapping or hunting of wildlife on a non-commercial basis without a Wildlife Recreational Licence; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Recreational Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph C of the Sixth Schedule of the Act. (7) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (5) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Recreational Licence.
A fine of not less than four hundred thousand dollars nor more than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars and imprisonment for not more than six months