Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
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Regulation 6.(1) The Commission shall, within twenty-one days ofthe commencement of each year, by notice published in the Official Gazette, declare a Closed Season in respect ofwildlife specified in the notice. (2) The Commission in consultation with the Wildlife Scientific Committee, and considering the traditional knowledge and traditional hunting practices of Arnerindians, from time to time, by notice published in the Official Gazette, declare such Closed Season, in addition to that specified in paragraph (1), in respect of wildlife specified in the notice, and may place such restrictions on the taking and or disposal of such wildlife as deemed necessary. (3) The Commission may, from time to time by notice published in the Official Gazette, vary the provisions and operations of a notice spccified in paragraph
Section 14 (extract) (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing - (...) (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife; (...)
Section 87 A Community Council has authority over the members of the Amerindian Community and may regulate the exercise of their traditional rights over State lands.
Hunting guidelines within Wapichan Wiizi
Each village has guidelines to ensure the land stays plentiful. Check with the village council
for information.
Common hunting guidelines in Wapichan Wiizi are:
• Leave pregnant wildlife to reproduce.
• Let young animals grow; only hunt adults.
Section 6. (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to –(x) determine and cause to be published the annual “closed season” timeframe for the hunting, trapping and trade of species of wild fauna, which annual “closed season” timeframe shall be determined through the process of consultation with stakeholders and the conduct of scientific research on the said species and that of threatened species and species in population recovery in their natural habitat; such research shall include but not be limited to that of their nesting patterns, breeding cycles, reproduction units and mortality predictions;
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Regulation 6. (2) The Commission in consultation with the Wildlife Scientific Committee, and considering the traditional knowledge and traditional hunting practices of Amerindians, from time to time, by notice published in the Official Gazette, declare such Closed Season, in addition to that specified in paragraph (1), in respect of wildlife specified in the notice, and may place such restrictions on the taking and or disposal of such wildlife as deemed necessary. (3) The Commission may, from time to time by notice published in the Official Gazette, vary the provisions and operations of a notice spccified in paragraph
Section 6. (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to –(x) determine and cause to be published the annual “closed season” timeframe for the hunting, trapping and trade of species of wild fauna, which annual “closed season” timeframe shall be determined through the process of consultation with stakeholders and the conduct of scientific research on the said species and that of threatened species and species in population recovery in their natural habitat; such research shall include but not be limited to that of their nesting patterns, breeding cycles, reproduction units and mortality predictions;
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Section 28. (extract) Every young person has the ([...]) opportunity for responsible participation ([...]) 29. (extract) Women's participation in the various management and decision-making processses ([…]) shall be encouraged and facilitated by laws enacted for that purpose or otherwise.
Section 149F. (1) Every woman is entitled to equal rights and status with men in all spheres of political, economic and social life.All discrimination againts women on the basis of gender or sex are illegal (2) Every woman is entitled to equal access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion and in social, political and cultural activity .
Section 212 S. (2) (extract) The Indigenous Peoples' Commission shall consist of persons from each of the cathegories referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) appointed by the President as follows- (b) three persons, at least one being a woman nominated by the Toshaos Council and two persons including one woman nominated by Amerindian Organisations ([...])
Section 212 T. (extract) ([...]) the functions of the Indigenous Peoples' Commission are to- (f) promote consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples especially with regard to their participarion in national decision making and other decisions that affect their lives
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Regulation 2. (f) "Closed Season" means the period or periods specified under regulation 6 during which it is illegal to capture, kill, hunt, or molest by any method or take in whole or in part any animal and any attempt to capture, kill, hunt, molest by any method and every act of assistance to take such animal shall have corresponding meaning;
Regulation 29.(l) Any person who is guilty of the contravention of any provision of these Regulations for which no penalty is otherwise expressly provided by these Regulations, shall be liable to the penalty prescribed under paragraph of A the Sixth Schedule of the Act. (2) Any person who is convicted of an offence relating to the collecting of wildlife is liable to an additional penalty of not more than twice the market value of the wildlife in relation to which the offence is committed.
A fine of not less than seventy thousand dollars nor more than three hundred
thousand dollars