Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
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Section 6. (2) (a) The Commission, with the written consent of the Minister, may delegate to any institution, person or body, the Commission’s powers and functions under this Act (other than this power of delegation) subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit. (b) The delegation described in paragraph (a) shall be in writing. (c) The delegate institution, person or body shall comply with any directions of the Commission in exercising powers or functions under the delegation. (d) The Commission may, in the instrument of delegation, and with the written approval of the Minister authorize the sub-delegation of specified functions and powers subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit; in such a case, the institution, person or body to whom or which such sub-delegation may be made, shall be identified in the instrument of delegation. (e) Where the power to delegate conferred by paragraph (a) is exercised, the Commission shall cause the name or title of the delegate institution, person or body and the subject matter of the delegation to be published in the Gazette. (f) A power or duty delegated by the Commission under this section shall, if exercised or performed by the delegate, be exercised or performed in accordance with the instrument of delegation.
Section 11. The Minister may, in writing, delegate any of the Minister’s powers, other than the power to make subsidiary legislation under this Act, to the Commission subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit.
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Section 5. (1) The Commission may appoint committees as it may deem fit to examine and report to it on any matter arising out of or in connection with any of its functions.
(2) Any such committee shall consist of at least two members of the Commission together with such other persons, whether members of the Commission or not. Section 6 (2) (a) The Commission, with the written consent of the Minister, may delegate to any institution, person or body, the Commission’s powers and functions under this Act (other than this power of delegation) subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit.
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Section 6. (2) (a) The Commission, with the written consent of the Minister, may delegate to any institution, person or body, the Commission’s powers and functions under this Act (other than this power of delegation) subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit. (b) The delegation described in paragraph (a) shall be in writing. (c) The delegate institution, person or body shall comply with any directions of the Commission in exercising powers or functions under the delegation. (d) The Commission may, in the instrument of delegation, and with the written approval of the Minister authorize the sub-delegation of specified functions and powers subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit; in such a case, the institution, person or body to whom or which such sub-delegation may be made, shall be identified in the instrument of delegation. (e) Where the power to delegate conferred by paragraph (a) is exercised, the Commission shall cause the name or title of the delegate institution, person or body and the subject matter of the delegation to be published in the Gazette. (f) A power or duty delegated by the Commission under this section shall, if exercised or performed by the delegate, be exercised or performed in accordance with the instrument of delegation.
Section 11. The Minister may, in writing, delegate any of the Minister’s powers, other than the power to make subsidiary legislation under this Act, to the Commission subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister may think fit.