Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
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Regulation 4.
(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the Commission and the Scientific Committee, by notice, declare any wildlife to be classified for the purposes of these Regulations.
(2) For the purposes of these regulations wildlife may be classified in the following categories (a) Vulnerable Species which shall be listed in Part l of the First Schedule; (b) Endangered Species which shall be listed in Part II of the First Schedule; and (e) Critically Endangered Species which shall be listed in Part III of the First Schedule. (...)
(5) All changes in classification shall be published in the Official Gazette and on the website of the Commission.
Regulation 6 (1) The Commission shall, within twenty-one days of the commencement of each year, by notice published in the Official Gazette, declare a Closed Season in respect of wildlife specified in the notice.
Part I - Critically Endangered
Vouacopoua amerlcona
Caribbean electric ray - Narcine bancroftii
Leatherback turtle - Dermochelys coriacea
Hawksbill turtle - Eretmochelys imbricate
Part II - Endangered
Green turtle - Chelonia mydas
Sun parakeet - Aratinga solstitialis
Red siskin - Carduelis cucu/Jata
Hoary-throated spinetail - Synallaxis kol/ari
Giant otter - Pteronura brasiliensis
Part Ill - Vulnerable
Ant - Pheidole microgyna
Variegated electric ray - Diplobatis pictus
Beebe's Rocket Frog - Anomolaglossus beebei
Pebas Stubfoot frog - Ate/opus spumarius
Stefania ackawaio
Stefania ayangannoe
Stefania coxi
Sapito Rugoso Del McConell - Oreophrynella macconnelll
Sapito Rugoso Del Roraima - Oreophrynella gue/chii
Pacific Ridley turtle - Lepidoche/ys olivacea
Black caiman - Melanosuchus niger
Giant South American turtle - Podocnemis expansa
Ocelot - Leopordus pordolis
Oncilla - Leopordus tigrinus
Giant armadillo - Priodontes maximus
Guiana spider monkey - Ateles poniscus
Amazon river dolphin - Boto geoffrensis
Greater ghost bat - Diclidurus ingens
Guianan bonneted bat - Eumops mourus
Venezuelan fish-eating bat - Neusticomys venezuelae
Sperm whale - Physeter microcephalus
West Indian manatee - Trichechus monatus
Brock's yellow-eared bat - Vompyressa brocki
Giant anteater - Myrmecophaga tridoctyla
Margay - Leopardus wiedii
Jaguar - Ponthero onco
Bush dog - Speothos venaticus
Spectral bat - Vampyrum spectrum
Southern naked-tailed armadillo - Cabossous unicinctus
Jaguarundi - Puma yagouaroundi
Southern river otter - Luntro longicaudis
Puma - Puma concolor
Amazonian manatee - Trichehcus lnunguis
Rio Branco Antbird - Cercomacra carbonaria
Harpy eagle - Harpio harpyja
Crested eagle - Morphus guianensis
Olive-sided flycatcher - Contopus cooperi
Bearded tachuri - Polystictus pectora/is
White-chested emerald - Amozilia brevirostris
Glittering-throated emerald - Amazilio fimbriata
Plain-bellied emerald - Amazilio leucogoster
Black-throated emerald - Anthracothorax nigricollis
Scarlet macaw - Ara macao
Striped owl - Pseudoscops clomotor
Gray-breasted sabrewing - Compylopteris largipennis
Turkey vulture - Cathartes aura
Savanna vulture - Cathartes burrovianus
Forest vulture - Cathartes melambratus
Blue-chinned sapphire - Chlorostilbon notatus
Blue-tailed emerald - Chlorostilbon mellisugus
Mottled owl - Strix virgate
Brown violet-ear - Calbiri delphinae
Black vulture - Coragyps otratus
Racket-tailed coquette - Discosura longicaudus
Orange-breasted falcon - Falco deiroleucus
Peregrine falcon - Falco peregrinus
Bat falcon -Falco rufigu/aris
White-necked Jacobin -Florisuga mellivora
Ferruglnosus pygmy owl G/aucidium brasilianum
Rufous-breasted hermit Glaucis hirsutus
Long-billed star-throat Heliomaster /ongirostris
Black-eared fairy -Heliothryx auritus
Laughing falcon -Herpetotheres cachinnans
White-chinned sapphire- Hylocharis cyanus
Rufous-throated sapphire -Hylocharis sapphirina
Jabiru stork -Jabiru mycteria
Tufted coquette -Lophornis ornatus
Crested owl -Lophostrix cristata
lined forest falcon -Micrastur gi/vicollis
Slaty-backed forest falcon -Micrastur mirandollei
Barred forest falcon -Micrastur rufico//is
Collared forest falcon -Micrastur semitorquatus
Black nun-bird -Monasa atra
Tropical screech owl -Otus choliba
Vermiculated screech owl -Otus vermiculotus
Tawny-bellied screech owl -Otus watsanii
Straight-billed hermit -Phaetharnis bourcieri
Little hermit -Phaetharnis longuemareus
Reddish hermit -Phaethornis ruber
Long-tailed hermit -Phaethornis superciliosus
Whitetailed goldenthroat -Po/ytmus guainumbi
Green-tailed goldenthroat -Polytmus theresiae
Cock-of-the-rock -Rupicola rupicola
King vulture -Sarcoramphus papa
Burrowing owl -Athene cunicularia
Ornate hawk eagle -Spizaetus ornatus
Black hawk eagle -Spizaetus tyrannus
Black and white hawk eagle -Spizostur melanoleucus
Fork-tailed wood nymph -Thalurania furcate
Pale-tailed barbthroat -Threnetes niger
Crimson topaz -Topaza pella
Section 14 (extract) (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing - (...) (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife; (...)
Section 87 A Community Council has authority over the members of the Amerindian Community and may regulate the exercise of their traditional rights over State lands.
Hunting guidelines within Wapichan Wiizi
Each village has guidelines to ensure the land stays plentiful. Check with the village council
for information.
Common hunting guidelines in Wapichan Wiizi are: (...)
• Leave pregnant wildlife to reproduce.
• Let young animals grow; only hunt adults.
• Let the leader of the peccary pack live. (...)
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Part I - Critically Endangered
Vouacopoua amerlcona
Caribbean electric ray - Narcine bancroftii
Leatherback turtle - Dermochelys coriacea
Hawksbill turtle - Eretmochelys imbricate
Part II - Endangered
Green turtle - Chelonia mydas
Sun parakeet - Aratinga solstitialis
Red siskin - Carduelis cucu/Jata
Hoary-throated spinetail - Synallaxis kol/ari
Giant otter - Pteronura brasiliensis
Part Ill - Vulnerable
Ant - Pheidole microgyna
Variegated electric ray - Diplobatis pictus
Beebe's Rocket Frog - Anomolaglossus beebei
Pebas Stubfoot frog - Ate/opus spumarius
Stefania ackawaio
Stefania ayangannoe
Stefania coxi
Sapito Rugoso Del McConell - Oreophrynella macconnelll
Sapito Rugoso Del Roraima - Oreophrynella gue/chii
Pacific Ridley turtle - Lepidoche/ys olivacea
Black caiman - Melanosuchus niger
Giant South American turtle - Podocnemis expansa
Ocelot - Leopordus pordolis
Oncilla - Leopordus tigrinus
Giant armadillo - Priodontes maximus
Guiana spider monkey - Ateles poniscus
Amazon river dolphin - Boto geoffrensis
Greater ghost bat - Diclidurus ingens
Guianan bonneted bat - Eumops mourus
Venezuelan fish-eating bat - Neusticomys venezuelae
Sperm whale - Physeter microcephalus
West Indian manatee - Trichechus monatus
Brock's yellow-eared bat - Vompyressa brocki
Giant anteater - Myrmecophaga tridoctyla
Margay - Leopardus wiedii
Jaguar - Ponthero onco
Bush dog - Speothos venaticus
Spectral bat - Vampyrum spectrum
Southern naked-tailed armadillo - Cabossous unicinctus
Jaguarundi - Puma yagouaroundi
Southern river otter - Luntro longicaudis
Puma - Puma concolor
Amazonian manatee - Trichehcus lnunguis
Rio Branco Antbird - Cercomacra carbonaria
Harpy eagle - Harpio harpyja
Crested eagle - Morphus guianensis
Olive-sided flycatcher - Contopus cooperi
Bearded tachuri - Polystictus pectora/is
White-chested emerald - Amozilia brevirostris
Glittering-throated emerald - Amazilio fimbriata
Plain-bellied emerald - Amazilio leucogoster
Black-throated emerald - Anthracothorax nigricollis
Scarlet macaw - Ara macao
Striped owl - Pseudoscops clomotor
Gray-breasted sabrewing - Compylopteris largipennis
Turkey vulture - Cathartes aura
Savanna vulture - Cathartes burrovianus
Forest vulture - Cathartes melambratus
Blue-chinned sapphire - Chlorostilbon notatus
Blue-tailed emerald - Chlorostilbon mellisugus
Mottled owl - Strix virgate
Brown violet-ear - Calbiri delphinae
Black vulture - Coragyps otratus
Racket-tailed coquette - Discosura longicaudus
Orange-breasted falcon - Falco deiroleucus
Peregrine falcon - Falco peregrinus
Bat falcon -Falco rufigu/aris
White-necked Jacobin -Florisuga mellivora
Ferruglnosus pygmy owl G/aucidium brasilianum
Rufous-breasted hermit Glaucis hirsutus
Long-billed star-throat Heliomaster /ongirostris
Black-eared fairy -Heliothryx auritus
Laughing falcon -Herpetotheres cachinnans
White-chinned sapphire- Hylocharis cyanus
Rufous-throated sapphire -Hylocharis sapphirina
Jabiru stork -Jabiru mycteria
Tufted coquette -Lophornis ornatus
Crested owl -Lophostrix cristata
lined forest falcon -Micrastur gi/vicollis
Slaty-backed forest falcon -Micrastur mirandollei
Barred forest falcon -Micrastur rufico//is
Collared forest falcon -Micrastur semitorquatus
Black nun-bird -Monasa atra
Tropical screech owl -Otus choliba
Vermiculated screech owl -Otus vermiculotus
Tawny-bellied screech owl -Otus watsanii
Straight-billed hermit -Phaetharnis bourcieri
Little hermit -Phaetharnis longuemareus
Reddish hermit -Phaethornis ruber
Long-tailed hermit -Phaethornis superciliosus
Whitetailed goldenthroat -Po/ytmus guainumbi
Green-tailed goldenthroat -Polytmus theresiae
Cock-of-the-rock -Rupicola rupicola
King vulture -Sarcoramphus papa
Burrowing owl -Athene cunicularia
Ornate hawk eagle -Spizaetus ornatus
Black hawk eagle -Spizaetus tyrannus
Black and white hawk eagle -Spizostur melanoleucus
Fork-tailed wood nymph -Thalurania furcate
Pale-tailed barbthroat -Threnetes niger
Crimson topaz -Topaza pella
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Regulation 4. (3) Any institution or individual in possession of traditional knowledge scientific or anecdotal inforrnation indicating that the status of any species of wildlife has changed shall present such infonnation to the Commission. (4) The Commission shall wherever possible, investigate all credible information and make the necessary addition(s) or deletion(s) to the Schedule(s).
Regulation 5.(1) The Minister may, from time to time, on recommendation of the Commission, by notice published in the Gazette, delete or re-classify any wildlife or species of wildlife under this regulation and there upon that wildlife or species of wildlife is deleted or re-classified as the case may be.
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Regulation 6. (4) The notice shall be - (a) posted on the Commission's website; (b) published twice in a daily newspaper of general circulation throughout Guyana; and (e) communicated in any other manner as is best calculated to bring it to the attention of persons likely to be interested in the notice.
Section 6 (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to – (n) disseminate information and promote education, training and awareness of wildlife conservation, management, sustainable use, the international wildlife trade and implementation of the Convention;
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Regulation 4. (3) Any institution or individual in possession of traditional knowledge scientific or anecdotal information indicating that the status of any species of wildlife has changed shall present such information to the Commission (9) Where it appears to the Commission, bascd on scientific data, that it will be for the benefit of wildlife conscrvation and maintenance of biodiversity that a particular species be classified, the Commission may make a recommendation to the Minister to do so.
Regulation 5. (3) Where the species to be re-classified or deleted is endemic to a particular area, the local authority(ies) or any other institution witb jurisdiction over that area must be consulted before such re-classificarion or deletion.
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Section 28. (extract) Every young person has the ([...]) opportunity for responsible participation ([...]) 29. (extract) Women's participation in the various management and decision-making processses ([…]) shall be encouraged and facilitated by laws enacted for that purpose or otherwise.
Section 149F. (1) Every woman is entitled to equal rights and status with men in all spheres of political, economic and social life.All discrimination againts women on the basis of gender or sex are illegal (2) Every woman is entitled to equal access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion and in social, political and cultural activity .
Section 212 S. (2) (extract) The Indigenous Peoples' Commission shall consist of persons from each of the cathegories referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b), (c) appointed by the President as follows- (b) three persons, at least one being a woman nominated by the Toshaos Council and two persons including one woman nominated by Amerindian Organisations ([...])
Section 212 T. (extract) ([...]) the functions of the Indigenous Peoples' Commission are to- (f) promote consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples especially with regard to their participarion in national decision making and other decisions that affect their lives
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Regulation 4.(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the Commission and the Scientific Committee, by notice, declare any wildlife to be classified for the purposes of these Regulations. (2) For the purposes of thcse rcgulations wildlife may be classified in the following categories (a) Vulnerable Species whicb shall be listed in Part l of the First Schedule; (b) Endangered Species which shall be listed in Part II of the First Schedule; and (e) Critically Endangered Species which shall be listcd in Par All changes in classification shall be published in the Official Gazette and on the website of thc Commission
Section 3.
(1) This Act applies to all wildlife species including those listed in –
(a) the First Schedule which lists all species included in Appendix I of the Convention;
(b) the Second Schedule which lists all species included in Appendix II of the Convention;
(c) the Third Schedule which lists all species included in Appendix III of the Convention. Amendment of First, Second and Third Schedules.
(2) (a) The First, Second and Third Schedules are automatically amended when amendments to Appendices I, II or III of CITES enter into force as amendments to the CITES Appendices, provided that: (i) Guyana has not entered a reservation to the amendments; and (ii) the amendments are published in the Gazette
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Regulation 4. (8) A person commits an offence by collecting, holding in captivity, hunting, killing or otherwise molesting the wildlife referred in paragraph (7) above, and is liable, notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations, to the penalty specified in paragraph E of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act.
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Regulation 4. (8) A person commits an offence by collecting, holding in captivity, hunting, killing or otherwise molesting the wildlife referred in paragraph (7) above, and is liable, notwithstanding any other provision of these Regulations, to the penalty specified in paragraph E of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act.