Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
3 answers
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Regulation 5. (3) Where the species to be re-classified or deleted is endemic to a particular area, the local authority(ies) or any other institution with jurisdiction over that area must be consulted before such re-classification or deletion.
Section 14. (1) (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife.
Section 6. (1) The functions of the Commission shall be to – (f) devise measures for the protection of endangered or threatened species of wildlife; (g) provide recommendations to the Minister on measures for the protection of endangered or threatened ecosystems and habitats of species of wildlife;(i) grant, amend and cancel licences, permits and certificates in respect of activities related to species of wildlife; (k) attach such terms and conditions to the grant to licences, permits and certificates as are approved by the Minister; (l) monitor and enforce compliance with the terms and conditions of licences, permits and certificates; (m) administer, promote and enforce compliance with the provisions of this Act and any other laws relating to wildlife; (s) on a periodic basis, assess and report on the status of species of wildlife in Guyana in consultation and collaboration with other institutions; (w) with the written approval of the Minister charge fees for such services as it provides as well as for such licences, permits, certificates and other permission that it may grant; (x) determine and cause to be published the annual “closed season” timeframe for the hunting, trapping and trade of species of wild fauna, which annual “closed season” timeframe shall be determined through the process of consultation with stakeholders and the conduct of scientific research on the said species and that of threatened species and species in population recovery in their natural habitat; such research shall include but not be limited to that of their nesting patterns, breeding cycles, reproduction units and mortality predictions; (y) promote cooperation with any agency of any country, international organisation, regional, national or other person or entity in matters relating to the conservation, management and sustainable use of wildlife;