Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
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Regulation 2 (extract) (o) "hunting" means chasing, driving, flushing, attracting, pursuing, worrying, following after or on the trail of, searching for, shooting , stalking or lying in wait for wildlife, whether or not the wildlife is then or subsequently captured, killed, taken or wounded, but does not include -
(i) trapping or attempting to trap wildlife, or
(ii) stalking, attracting, searching for or lying in wait for wildlife by an unarmed person solely for the purpose of watching, filming or taking pictures of wildlife; (...)
Regulation 10(1) Licences in relation to wildlife under these regularions shall be in such form as may be prescribed, and shall be of the following kinds -
(a) a Wildlife Trapping Licence;
(b) a Wildlife Collecting Licence;
(c) a Wildlife Commercial Licence;
(d) a Wildlife Recreational Licence;
(e) a Captive Wildlife Licence; or
(f) a Special Wildlife Licence.
Regulation 14. No person shall sell, expose for sale, possess, or offer for sale wildlife, including wild plants and animals to be used in the bushmcat trade, except in accordance with the terms and conditions either of a Wildlife Collecting Licence or a Wildlife Commercial Licence issued by the Commission.
Regulation 15 (extract)
(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to hunt or trap wildlife for non-commercial purposes, shall prior to commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Wildlife Recreational Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
Regulation 17 (extract)
(1) The Commission may, for such time and subject to such conditions as it deems fit, grant a Special Wildlife Licence which shall entitle the holder to hunt, keep or confine in captivity any wildlife specified therein for any of
the following purposes -
(a) scientific research;
(b) collection of wildlife for zoological parks or botanical gardens, museums and similar institutions;
(c) any other purpose that the Commission may deem appropriate.
Section 14 (extract) (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing - (...) (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife; (...)
Section 87 A Community Council has authority over the members of the Amerindian Community and may regulate the exercise of their traditional rights over State lands.
Hunting guidelines within Wapichan Wiizi
Each village has guidelines to ensure the land stays plentiful. Check with the village council
for information.
Common hunting guidelines in Wapichan Wiizi are:
• Hunt only what you need for your family’s own consumption and for sharing within the village.*
For visitors
We welcome visitors that respect our village guidelines to keep our lands wild and our traditions alive.
• Upon arrival, check in with the village office.
• Ask village permission to hunt.*
• Show your valid collecting/trapping license from the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC).
• Pay the village hunting permit fee.
• Report species and quantities hunted before leaving.
*For commercial hunting: If you plan to hunt and sell outside the village land, please contact the GWCMC for national level requirements and approach the village. Some villages do not authorize commercial hunting.
General application: Any individual who harvests wildlife species from the natural environment for subsistence use or for sale
Class application -
Class I: A person who harvests for subsistence use and is not a recreational hunter
Class II: A person who harvests for sale
Class III : A legally recognised Indigenous village council
General application: Any individual who extracts wildlife species WHETHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART OR ANY DERIVATIVE from its natural environment and transports these species for sale
Class application:
Class I: Middlemen
Class II: Collectors of wild plants not used for structural purposes
Class III: Pet shops
General application: Any individual who engages in the sale of wildmeat and/or live animals at a single place of business
Class application -
Class I - Individuals or institutions who sell live animals at a single place of business
Class IA: Large Scale vendors
Class IB: Medium scale
Classs IC: Small Scale
Class II - Restaurants which sell wildmeat
Class III - Establishments which sell wild meat
Class IIIA: Large Scale vendors
Class IIIB: Medium scale
Class IIIC: Small scale
General application: Individuals or groups who hunt for personal pleasure and do not engage in commerce
Class application -
Class I Individual
Class II Group
Class III Individual
Class IV Individual
Class IV Individual, Non-Resident
General application: Individuals or institutions who house more than a total of eight specimens including more than two
specimens of any one species of wildlife for the purpose of captive breeding, ranching or pleasure.
Class application: Individuals or institutions who hold more than 8 specimens for captive breeding, ranching or pleasure
General application: Individuals or institutions who hold wildlife for scientific research, collection purposes
Class application: Scientific research
Class I A Student
Class IB Academic Institution
Class IB Commercial Institution
Class II National Collection
Class III Private collections held for profit
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Regulation 11 (2) A Wildlife Trapping Licence shall - (a) be in such form as the Commission determines; (b) specify the equipment which may be used, with special consideration of the requirement for humane trapping; (e) require the licensee lo demonstrate knowledge and skills of trapping, handling and care of the wildlife thus trapped; (d) be valid for up to a period of one year, and may (e) be renewable annually on application; (f) not be transferable; and (g) be subject to such other terms and conditions as specified by the Commission. (3) A Wildlife Trapping Licence may - (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be trapped; and (b) specify the location(s) from which they may be trapped.
Regulation 12 (2) A Wildlife Collecting Licence shall - (a) be in such form as the Commission determines; (b) require the licensee to demonstrate knowledge and skills of handling, holding and care of the wildlife collected; (e) be valid for up to a period of one year; (d) be renewable annually on application; (e) not be transferable; and (f) be subject to such other terms and conditions as specified by the Commission. (3) A Wildlife Collecting Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which the activity is to take place.
Regulation 13(2) A Wildlife Commercial Licence shall - (a) be in such form as the Commission determines; (b) require the licensee to demonstrate knowledge and skills of handling, holding and care of the wildlife; (c) require the settlement of all debts to the holders of Wildlife trapping Licences or Wildlife Collecting Licences; (d) be valid for up to a period of one year; (e) be renewed annually on application; (f) not be transferable; (g) be valid in respect of a single place of business; (h) be exhibited in a prominent place of the business premises; and (i) be subject to such other terms and conditions as specified by the Commission. (3) A Wildlife Commercial Licence may- a) specify the sizes, numbers and species ofwiJdlife to be acquired; (b) specify the area in which the activity is to take place.
Regulation 15(2) A Wildlife Recreational Licence shall - (a) be in such form as the Commission determines; (b) specify the equipment which may be used; (e) where a firearm is to be used, include a copy of a valid licence or permit far the firearm; (d) specify the weapons that are prohibited; (e) be valid for the duration of stated period of activity; (f) not be transferable; and (g) be subject to such other terms and conditions as specified by the Commission.(3) A Wildlife Recreational Licence may - (a) specify the maximum number of specimens which may be taken or be in the possession or control of the person authorised by the licence, or which particular specimens may be taken orbe in the possession or control of that person; (b) specify the sizes and species of wildlife to be hunted; and (e) specify the area in which the activity is to take place.
Regulation 17(2) A Special Wildlife Licence shall - (a) be in such formas the Comrnission determines; (b) not be transferable; (e) specific to a particular location or area; and (d) be valid for the period specified therein. (3) A Special Wildlife Licence may -a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlifc to be hunted; and (b) specify the area in which the activity is to take place.
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Regulation 11 (3) A Wildlife Trapping Licence may - (a) specify the sizes, numbers and spccics of wildlife to be trapped; and (b) specify the location(s) from which they may be trapped.
Regulation 12(3) A Wildlife Collecting Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species of wildlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which tbe activity is to take place.
Regulation 13 (3) A Wild1ife Commercial Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species ofwiJdlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which the activity is to take place.
Regulation 15(3) A Witdlife Recreational Licence may - (a) specify the maximum numberof specimens which may be taken or be in the possession or control of the person authorised by the licence, or which particular specimens may be taken orbe in the possession or control of that person; (b) specify the sizes and species of wildlife to be hunted; and (e) specify the area in wbich the activity is to take place.
Regulation 17 (2) A Special Wildlife Licence shall - (a) be in such formas the Comrnission determines; (b) not be transferable; (e) specific to a particular location or area
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Regulation 11(2) A Wildlife Trapping Licence shall - (a) be in such form as the Commission determines;
(b) specify the equipment which may be used, with special consideration of the requirement for humane trapping;
Regulation 15(2) A Wildlife Recreational Licence shall - (a) be in such form as the Commission determines; (b) specify the equipment which may be used; (e) where a firearm is to be used, include a copy of a valid licence or permit far the firearm; (d) specify the weapons that are prohibited;
Regulation 24 Any person who uses any device or method specified in the Fourth Schedule for the collecting of wildlife shall be guilty ofan offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph B of the Sixth Schedule of the Act.
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Regulation 11 (2) A Wildlife Trapping Licence shall -(d) be valid for up to a period of one year and may (e) be renewable annually on application;
Regulation 12 (2) A Wildlife Collecting Licence shall - (c) be valid for up to a period of one year; (d) be renewable annually on application;
Regulation 13 (2) A Wildlife Cornmercial Licence shall - (d) be valid for up to a period of one year; (e) be renewed annually on application;
Regulation 15 (2) A Wildlife Recreational Licence shall- (e) be valid for the duration of stated period of activity.
Regulation 17 (2) A Special Wildlife Licence shall - (d) be valid for the period specified therein.
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Regulation 11(5) Every holder of a Wildlife Trapping Licence shall submit, on or before the date specified in the licence, a report that accurately sets out the numbers, dates and places ofwildlife trapped by the holder.
Regulation 12(5) Every holder of a licence shall submit, on or before the date specified in the licence, a report that accurately sets out the nwnbers, dates and places ofwildlife collected by the holder.
Regulation 13(4) Every holder of a Licence shall maintain a record of alI receipts and disposals of wildlife (including bushmeat and wild plants); and the record shall be available at all reasonable times for inspcction by an Officer.
Regulation 15(5) Every holder of a Wildlife Rccreational Liccnce shall submit, on or befare the date spccificd in the licence, a report that accurately sets out the numbers, dates and places of wildlife trapped or hunted by the holder.
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Wildlife Trapping Licence FEES $10,000 - $100,000 Wildlife Collecting Licence $10,000 - $100,000 Wildlife Commercial Licence $20,000 - $200,000 Wildlife Recreational Licence $50,000 - $300,000 Captive Wildlife Licence $50,000 Special Wildlife Licence $5,000 - $100,000
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Regulation 11. (7) On an application by a Village Council, the Comrnission may grant a single Wildlife Trapping Licence to that Village Council, on any or ali of the following terms and conditions -
(a) the licence shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Commission deems necessary for the conservation of wildlife and maintenance of biodiversity; (b) the licence shall be used for the benefit of the Village; (c) the licence shall provide for the minimum and maximum number of persons who may trap wildlife under the licence; (d) no single member of the Village shall be permitted, without approval from the Village Council, to collect wildlife by virtue of the Licence granted to the Village under this regulation.
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Regulation 10. (2) The Commission shall not grant a licence under these Regulations unless it is satisfied that the action authorised will not be detrimental to the survival of the population of the species concerned.
Regulation 11.(1) Upon application to the Commission, a person may be issued, subject to such terms and conditions speciticd in the licence, a licence, hereinafter referred to as the "Wildlife Trapping Licence", that would permit the holder of such liccnce to trap wildlife.
Regulation 12.(1) Upon application to the Commission, a person may be issued, subjcct to such terms and conditions specifled in the licence, a llcence, hereinafter referred to as the "Wildlife Collecting Licence", that would permit tbe holder of such licence to collect wildlife.
Regulation 13.(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to buy, sell or otherwise deal in wildlife on a local, commercial basis shaU, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Commcrcial Licencc giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
Regulation 15. (1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to hunt or trap wildlife for non-commercial purposes, shall prior to commencing such activities, apply to the Cornmission for a Wildlife Recreational Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
Regulation 17. (1) The Commission may, for such time and subject to such conditions as it deems fit, grant a Special Wildlife Licence which shall entitle the holder to hunt, keep or confine in captivity any wildlife specified therein for any of the following purposes - (a) scientific research; (b) collection of wildlife for zoological parks or botanical gardens, museums and similar institutions; (e) any other purpose that the Commission may deem appropriate. (4) A Licence under paragraph (l)(a) shall not be required - (a) where the scientiíic research concemed with wildlife, is within the scope of a Research Pcrmit granted by the Environmental Protection Agency; and (b) the researcher has obtained a certificate, to the effect that the Commission has no objection to the conduct of the research.
Regulation 18.( 1) The Commission may revoke, suspend or modify a licence during its currency for any of the following reasons - (a) the holder of a licence made a misrepresentation or wilful omission in obtaining the licence or in any report submitted to the Commission or in any other way obtained the licence improperly; (b) the holder of a licence is contravening any material condition of the licence; (e) in the public interest for the benefit ofwildlife conservation and maintenance of biodiversity;
(d) there are changes in circurnstances relating to the licence; (e) the holder of a licence - (i) dies;
(ii) becomes bankrupt; (iii) goes into liquidation or receivership; (iv) has been found guilty of an offence under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Control) Act; (v) has been found guilty of an offence under the Anti• Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Act; or (vi) becomes a party to an amalgamation; (f) any other change, situation or activity relating to the use of a licence that, in the judgment of the Commission, is not consistent with the Act or these Regulations.
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Regulation 11. (2) A Wildlife Trapping Licence shall - (f) not be transferable;
Regulation 12 (2) A Wildlifc Collecting Licence shall - (e) not be transferable;
Regulation 13. (2) A Wildlife Commercial Licence shall - (f) not be transferable;
Regulation 15. (2) A Wildlife Recreational Licence shall - (f) not be transferable;
Regulation 17 (2) A Special Wildlife Licence shall - (b) not be transferable
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Regulation 11. (2) A Wildlife Trapping Licence shall -(d) be valid for up to a period of one year and may (e) be renewable annually on application;
Regulation 12. (2) A Wildlife Collecting Licence shall - (e) be valid for up to a period of one year; (d) be renewable annually on application;
Regulation 13. (2) A Wildlife Cornmercial Licence shall - (d) be valid for up to a period of one year; (e) be renewed annually on application;
Regulation 15.(2) A Wildlife Recreational Licence shall- (e) be valid for the duration of stated period of activity.
Regulation 17 (2) A Special Wildlife Licence shall - (d) be valid for the period specified therein.
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Regulation 19.(1) The Minister may, in consultation with Village Councils and Amerindian Communities, in order to ensure the continuance of the traditional rights of Amerindians within the boundaries of Village Lands and any extensions thereof, exempt any Amerindian or group of Amerindians from the provisions of these Regulations relating to the collecting of wildlife or the keeping or confining of any animal in captivity.
(2) Where the Minister grants the exemption to any Amerindian or group of Amerindians under paragraph (1) it shall be a condition of in such exemption that such Amerindians shall not use such wildlife for any other purpose other than subsistence or medicinal purposes or such other purpose as the Minister may specify.
(3) An exemption granted under this Regulation shall be monitored by the Village Council or Community Council responsible for the Amerindian or group of Amerindians to whom the exemption was granted.
Section 2. In this Act- "traditional right" means any subsistence right or privilege, in existence at the date of the commencement of this Act, which is owned legally or by custom by an Amerindian Village or Amerindian Community and which is exercised sustainably in accordance with the spiritual relationship which the Amerindian Village or Amerindian Community has with the land, but it does not include a traditional mining privilege;
Section 14 (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may, in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing- (e).the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife.
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Section 2. In this Act- "traditional right" means any subsistence right or privilege, in existence at the date of the commencement of this Act, which is owned legally or by custom by an Amerindian Village or Amerindian Community and which is exercised sustainably in accordance with the spiritual relationship which the Amerindian Village or Amerindian Community has with the land, but it does not include a traditional mining privilege.
Section 57. Nothing in this Act shall, except where expressly stated, be construed to prejudice or alter any traditional right over State lands and State forests save that where leases have been granted traditional rights shall be exercised subject to the rights of private leaseholders existing at the date ofcommencement of this Act.
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Regulation 11.(5) Every holder of a Wildlife Trapping Licence shall submit, on or before the date specified in the licence, a report that accurately sets out the numbers, dates and places ofwildlife trapped by the holder.
Regulation 12. (5) Every holder of a licence shall submit, on or before the date specified in the licence, a report that accurately sets out the nwnbers, dates and places ofwildlife collected by the holder.
Regulation 13. (4) Every holder of a Licence shall maintain a record of alI receipts and disposals of wildlife (including bushmeat and wild plants); and the record shall be available at all reasonable times for inspcction by an Officer.
Regulation 15.(5) Every holder of a Wildlife Rccreational Liccnce shall submit, on or befare the date spccificd in the licence, a report that accurately sets out the numbers, dates and places of wildlife trapped or hunted by the holder.
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Regulation 11. (8) A person who - (a) engages in the trapping of wildlife without a Wildlife Trapping Licence; or
(b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Trapping Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule of the Act. (9) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (6) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Trapping Licence.
Regulation 12. (6) A person who - (a) collects wildlife without a Wildlife Collecting Licence; or(b) contravenes the tenns and conditions ofthe Wildlife Collecting Licence,
commits an offence and shall be liable to the penaltics prcscribed under paragraph A ofthe Sixth Schedule ofthe Act and shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licencc for a period of two years. (7) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (5) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licence.
Regulation 13. (5) A person who sells, possesses for sale, exposes or offers for sale any wildlife except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Wildlife Cornrnercial licence commits an offence and shall be liable to the penahies prescribed under paragraph B of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act.
Regulation 14. No person shall sell, expose for sale, posscss, or offer for sale wildlife, including wild plants and animals to be used in the bushmeat trade, except in accordance with the terms and conditions either of a Wildlife Collecting Licence or a Wildlife Commercial Licence issued by the Commission.
Regulation 15. (6) A person who - a) engages in the recreational trapping or hunting of wildlife on a non-commercial basis without a WildJife Recreational Liccnce; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Recreational Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the pcnalties prescribcd under paragraph C of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act. (7) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (5) shall be permanently disqualificd from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Recreational Licence.
A fine of not less than four hundred thousand dollars nor more than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars and imprisonment for not more than six months
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Regulation 11. (8) A person who - (a) engages in the trapping of wildlife without a Wildlife Trapping Licence; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Trapping Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties prescribed under paragraph A of the Sixth Schedule of the Act. (9) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (6) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Trapping Licence.
Regulation 12. (6) A person who - (a) collects wildlife without a Wildlife Collecting Licencc; or (b) contravenes the tenns and conditions ofthe Wildlife Collecting Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penaltics prcscribed under paragraph A ofthe Sixth Schedule ofthe Act and shall be disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licencc for a period of two years. (7) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (5) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Collecting Licence.
Regulation 13. (5) A person who sells, possesses for sale, exposes or offers for sale any wildlife except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Wildlife Cornrnercial licence commits an offence and shall be liable to the penahies prescribed under paragraph B of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act.
Regulation 14. No person shall sell, expose for sale, posscss, or offer for sale wildlife, including wild plants and animals to be used in the bushmeat trade, except in accordance with the terms and conditions either of a Wildlife Collecting Licence or a Wildlife Commercial Licence issued by the Commission.
Regulation 15. (6) A person who - a) engages in the recreational trapping or hunting of wildlife on a non-commercial basis without a Wildlife Recreational Licence; or (b) contravenes the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Recreational Licence, commits an offence and shall be liable to the pcnalties prescribcd under paragraph C of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act. (7) A person who is convicted of an offence for the second time under paragraph (5) shall be permanently disqualified from holding or obtaining a Wildlife Recreational Licence.
A fine of not less than four hundred thousand dollars nor more than seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars and imprisonment for not more than six months