Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
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Section 14 (extract) (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, a Village Council may in the exercise of its functions, make rules governing - (...) (e) the protection and sustainable management of wildlife including restrictions on hunting, fishing, trapping, poisoning, setting fires and other interference with wildlife; (...)
Section 87 A Community Council has authority over the members of the Amerindian Community and may regulate the exercise of their traditional rights over State lands.
Hunting guidelines within Wapichan Wiizi
Each village has guidelines to ensure the land stays plentiful. Check with the village council
for information.
Common hunting guidelines in Wapichan Wiizi are:
• Hunt only what you need for your family’s own consumption and for sharing within the village. (...)
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Regulation 13.(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to buy, sell or otherwise deal in wildlife on a local, commercial basis shall, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Commercial Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
Hunting guidelines within Wapichan Wiizi
Each village has guidelines to ensure the land stays plentiful. Check with the village council
for information.
Common hunting guidelines in Wapichan Wiizi are:
• Hunt only what you need for your family’s own consumption and for sharing within the village.*
For visitors
We welcome visitors that respect our village guidelines to keep our lands wild and our traditions alive.
• Upon arrival, check in with the village office.
• Ask village permission to hunt.*
* For commercial hunting: If you plan to hunt and sell outside the village land, please contact the GWCMC for national level requirements and approach the village. Some villages do not authorize commercial hunting.
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Section 52. (1) Every person who exports, imports or re-exports a live animal or plant shall, where it is transported by land, sea or air, prepare it for transportation and transport it in accordance with the IATA
Regulations. (2) A person who fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence.
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Regulation 108. (1) A procedure to implement supplier quality and safety assurance has to be worked out, applicable for all steps from fishing ground up to raw material storage at the factory to ensure that raw materials received are safe for food manufacturing use and comply with the required quality and safety level.(3) Raw material inspection, handling and storage of accepted raw material shall be worked out in instructions, and shall be documented by delivery records and product quality records, enabling also traceability of the products.
Regulation 174. (1) It shall be possible to trace for inspection purposes the plant of dispatch of consignments of fishery products, by means of labelling and by the accompanying
documents. For that purpose, without prejudice of the provisions concerning labelling of food products laid down in other Regulations, at least the following information shall
appear on the packaging or, in the case of non-packaged products in the accompanying documents—
Section 2. In this Act- (hh) “mark” means any indelible imprint, seal, non-reusable tag, microchip, ring or other recognised means of identifying a specimen, designed in such a manner as to render its imitation by unauthorised persons as difficult as possible. Section 31. (1) A person shall not import or re-export an animal listed in the First Schedule, bred in captivity, unless the animal originates from a breeding operation registered by the Authority of the country of export and such animal bred in captivity has been permanently marked, wherever practicable, in a manner so as to render alteration or modification by an unauthorised person as difficult as possible. (2) A person shall not export an animal listed in the First Schedule, bred in captivity, unless the animal originates from a breeding operation registered by the Commission and such animal bred in captivity has been permanently marked, wherever practicable, in a manner so as to render alteration or modification by an unauthorised person as difficult as possible. Section 48. The Commission may cause any specimen which is being imported or exported to be marked with such mark or other suitable means so as to prevent the imitation of the specimen by any person not authorised to import or export the specimen.
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Regulation 13. (4) Every holder of a Licence shall maintain a record of alI receipts and disposals of wildlife (including bushmeat and wild plants); and the record shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by an Officer.
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Regulation 13. (5) A person who sells, possesses for sale, exposes or offers for sale any wildlife except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Wildlife Cornrnercial licence commits an offence and shall be liable to the penahies prescribed under paragraph B of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act.
A fine of not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars nor more than
five hundred thousand dollars