Consumption use

Guyana / Consumption use
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Regulation 13.(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to buy, sell or otherwise deal in wildlife on a local, commercial basis shall, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Commercial Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
Regulation 9 (extract)
(1) Fishery products, caught in natural environment and intended to be placed on the market shall:
(a) have been caught and where appropriate handled for bleeding, heading, gutting, and the removal of fins, chilled or frozen, prepared or processed, on board vessels in accordance with the hygiene rules established in Regulations 36 to 42 of Part LX.
(b) have been handled, during and after landing, in accordance with the requirements laid down in Part X of these regulations.
(c) have been handled and, where appropriate packaged, prepared, processed, frozen, defrosted or stored hygienically in plants approved in ([...])
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Regulation 13.(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to buy, sell or otherwise deal in wildlife on a local, commercial basis shall, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Commcrcial Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require. (2) A Wildlife Cornmercial Licence shall - (a) be in such forro as the Commission determines; (b) require the licensee to demonstrate knowlcdge and skills of handling, holding and care of the wildlife; (e) require the settlement of ali debts to the holders of Wildlife Trapping Licences or Wildlife Collecting Licences; (d) be valid for up to a period of one year; (e) be renewed annually on application; (f) not be transferable; (g) be valid in respect of a single place of business; (h) be exhibited in a prominent place of the business premises; and (i) be subject to such othcr terms and conditions as specified by the Commission. (3) A Wildlife Commercial Licence may- (a) specify the sizes, numbers and species ofwiJdlife to be acquired; and (b) specify the area in which the activity is to take place. (4) Every holder of a Licence shall maintain a record of alI receipts and disposals of wildlife (including bushmeat and wild plants); and the record shall be available at ali reasonable times for inspcction by an Officer.
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Regulation 13.(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to buy, sell or otherwise deal in wildlife on a local, commercial basis shall, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Commcrcial Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
Section 49. (1) (a) Any person who proposes to engage in the commercial importation of wildlife shall, before commencing such activities –(i) apply to the Commission for a Commercial
Import Licence; (ii) provide proof of the sole occupation of holding premises licensed in accordance with Part X; and (iii) submit to an interview before the Commission.
Commercial Export Licence. (b) Any person who proposes to engage in the commercial
exportation of wildlife shall, before commencing such activities – (i) apply to the Commission for a Commercial Export Licence; (ii) provide proof of the sole occupation of holding premises licensed in accordance with Part X; and (iii) submit to an interview before the Commission
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Regulation 13.(1) Any person who proposes to engage in activities to buy, sell or otherwise deal in wildlife on a local, commercial basis shall, before commencing such activities, apply to the Commission for a Commcrcial Licence giving such particulars as the Commission shall require.
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Regulation 13. (4) Every holder of a Licence shall maintain a record of aJI receipts and disposals of wildlife (including bushmeat and wild plants); and the record shall be available at ali reasonable times for inspcction by an Officer.
Regulation 117. (1) A "supplier quality assurance agreement" document, which is signed by both, the supplier and the customer shall be available. A register is used to record all information about the incoming material. (2) The following shall be recorded: species, weight, origin, temperature, quality condition of product, accepted and rejected fish, reason of reject, etc. (3) When there is no official inspection on the landing sites, the official inspectors will cross-check the control and the evaluation of the fish quality and the safety done by the quality managers at the reception of the establishments and recorded in the registers.
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Regulation 108 (3). Raw material inspection, handling and storagfe of accepted raw material shall be worked ou of instructions, and shall be documented by delivery records and product quality records, enabling also traceability of the products
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Section 9. (1) (b) to advise the Commission of the measures which should be taken including the establishment of quotas, to limit the grant of export permits when the population status of
a species of wild flora and fauna so requires;(3) The annual export quota established on the advice of the Wildlife Scientific Committee shall be published in the Gazette and where necessary be guided by the decisions of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.
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Section 78. (1) If an authorised person suspects that an offence contrary to this Act has been committed the authorised person may – (a) detain and seize any specimen which the authorised person reasonably suspects is kept in contravention of this Act; (b) seize anything which the authorised person reasonably suspects to be transported, acquired or traded in
contravention of this Act. (2) If any premises to be entered and searched under section 77 is a residential premises, the authorised person must first apply to a magistrate for a search warrant. (3) Any expenses incurred under this section as a result of seizure, including costs of custody, transportation and disposal of specimens or of maintaining live animals and plants during the time of seizure, is recoverable as a debt from the person in whose custody the species or specimen was seized. (4) Anything seized under this section shall be listed in writing by the authorised officer and a copy of the list shall be given to the person in whose custody the thing was seized. (5) Having seized any wildlife, an officer may do one or more of the following as is appropriate to ensure its survival – (a) take it to a place the officer considers appropriate; (b) give it accommodation, food, rest, water or other appropriate living conditions; (c) if the officer reasonably believes it requires veterinary or other treatment, the treatment should be arranged.
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Regulation 13. (5) A person who sells, possesses for sale, exposes or offers for sale any wildlife except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a Wildlife Cornrnercial licence commits an offence and shall be liable to the penahies prescribed under paragraph B of the Sixth Schedule ofthe Act.
a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars nor more than
five hundred thousand dollars