Guyana / Food safety
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Regulation 7. (1) An approval procedure shall be established by the Competent Authority for fishing vessels in accordance with Regulation 6 and resulting in registration and the provision of a registration number for these vessels complying with the requirements for fishing vessels laid down in Regulations 36 to 42 of Part DC.
(2) An approval procedure shall be established by the Competent Authority for the approval of official and Private landing sites, and - if applicable - for auctions, resulting in a registration and the provision of a registration number for these installations complying with the requirements for landing and unloading of fishery products laid down in Part X of these Regulations.
(3) An approval procedure shall be established by the Competent Authority for the approval of the sea port and airport facilities for offloading, transport and storage of fishery products resulting in registration and the provision of a registration number for these facilities complying with the requirements:
(a) for unloading of fishery products laid down in Part X;
(b) for transport of fishery products laid down in Regulation 196 to 209 of Part XI; and
(c) for storage of fishery products laid down in Regulation 180 to 195 of Part
XI of these Regulations.
(4) The approval procedure laid down in regulation 6 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the approval procedures described in regulation 7.
(5) Chemicals used for the following purposes shall be approved by the Competent Authority:
(a) for eradication of pests (insects, reptiles and rodents), and
(b) for cleaning and disinfecting premises in the establishments and surroundings.
Regulation 36. (1) The following conditions concerning construction and equipment shall apply to vessels:
(a) The sections of the vessels or the containers reserved for the storage of fishery products shall—
(i) be covered and self draining;
(ii) be well insulated;
(iii) have provision for holding a reasonable quantity of ice or have an alternative means of refrigeration;
(iv) not contain objects or products liable to transmit harmful
properties or abnormal characteristics of the foodstuffs.
These sections or containers shall be designed as to allow them to be cleaned easily and to ensure that melt water cannot remain in contact with fishery products.
(b) Decks used for fish handling may be constructed of one or more of the following materials, namely surface- coated aluminium, fiberglass, timber- sheathed or coated with an epoxy finish or similar.
Where fish does not normally come in contact with the deck and the timber is clean, sound and well caulked untreated timber is allowed on exposed decks.
(c) Where operations are carried out in daylight hours unenclosed fish handling areas on decks shall be effectively roofed over or protected by a substantial and easily erected awning.
(d) Water used at any stage of processing shall comply with the parameters of potable water, laid down in Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations or of clean sea water. Sea water intakes for vessels shall be located forward of any toilet or bilge discharge.
(e) Sinks, processing tables, equipment used for gutting, heading and the removal of fin and containers and
equipment in contact with the fishery products, shall be made of or coated with a material which is waterproof, resistant to decay, smooth and easy to clean and disinfect. When used they shall be completely clean.
(2) The following conditions concerning use and maintenance shall apply to the vessel:
(a) when used, the section of vessels or the containers reserved for the storage of fishery products shall be completely cleaned and, in particular, shall not be capable of being contaminated by the fuel used for the propulsion of the vessel or bilge water.
(b) after the fishery products have been unloaded, the containers, equipment and sections of vessels which are directly in contact with the fishery products shall be cleaned with potable water or clean water.
Regulation 37. (1) Additional hygiene conditions are applicable to the fishing vessels designed and equipped to preserve fishery products on board under satisfactory conditions for more than twenty-four (24) hours, other than those equipped for keeping fish, shellfish and molluscs alive without other means of conservation on board.
(2) When additional hygiene conditions are applicable for certain vessels, the general hygiene conditions applicable to fishery products on board all fishing vessels, laid down in regulation 36 of these Regulations are also applicable.
(3) The following conditions concerning construction and equipment shall apply:
(a) Fishing vessels shall be equipped with holds, tanks or containers for the storage of refrigerated or frozen fishery products at the temperature laid down by these Regulations. These holds shall be separated from the machinery space and the quarters reserved for the crew by partitions which are sufficiently impervious to prevent any contamination of the stored fishery products.
(b) The inside surface of the holds, tanks or containers shall be water proof and easy to wash and disinfect. It shall consist of a smooth material or failing that, smooth paint maintained in a good condition, not being capable of transmitting to the fishery products substances harmful to human health.
(c) The holds shall be designed to ensure that melt water cannot remain in contact with the fishery products.
(d) Containers used for the storage of products shall ensure their preservation under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and, in particular, allow drainage of water. When used they shall be completely clean.
(e) Refrigeration shall be carried out in refrigeration holds, refrigerated sea water tanks or other suitable equipment. Refrigeration capacity shall be sufficient to rapidly cool fish from ambient temperature to the temperature of melting ice and hold it at this temperature.
(f) Waterproof and separate storage room shall be provided for the storage of cartons, ship to shore containers and the like.
(g) Artificial lighting shall be provided where necessary and where handling, processing and inspection takes place at night and below deck and in enclosed processing areas.
The intensity of illumination shall be a minimum of: 220 lux in the processing area, 540 lux where the product is being inspected.
(h) Sanitary facilities including toilet and shower facilities shall be sufficient in number for the normal complement of crew. Any toilet shall be equipped with not hand/elbow operable wash basin located in the toilet room or immediately outside the door. A berth shall be available for each member of the crew and when required for a Fisheries Officer and a Veterinary Public Health Inspector.
(i) Hydraulic circuits shall be protected in such a way as to ensure no oil leakages can contaminate product.
(4) The following conditions concerning use and maintenance shall apply to vessels:
(a) The working decks, the equipment and the holds, tanks and containers shall be cleaned each time they are used for this purpose. Disinfecting, the removal of insects or rat extermination shall be carried out whenever necessary.
(b) Cleaning products, detergents and disinfectants, insecticides, rodenticides and all potentially toxic substances shall be stored in locked premises or cupboards physically separated from fish cartons and ship to shore containers. Their use shall not present any risk of contamination of the fishery products.
Regulation 38.(1) General hygiene conditions applicable to fishery products on board all fishing vessels laid down in regulation
36 of these Regulations are applicable to fishery products caught on board fishing vessels equipped for freezing.
(2) Additional hygiene conditions applicable to the fishing vessels designed and equipped to preserve fishery products on board under satisfactory conditions for more than 24 hours laid down in regulation 37 of these Regulations are applicable.
(3) If fishery products are frozen on board, this operation shall be carried out in accordance with following conditions :
(a) Fishing vessels shall have freezing equipment, sufficiently powerful:
(i) to achieve rapid reduction in temperature (-18° C)
(ii) to keep products in storage rooms (-18° C)
(iii) to freeze whole fish in brine intended for canning (-9° C)
(b) Fresh products to be frozen shall comply with the requirements of the conditions for the fresh products laid down in regulation 162 of these Regulations.
(c) Temperature recording devices in storage rooms shall be located in a place where they can easily be read.
The temperature sensor of the recorder shall be located in the area furthest away from the cold storage, where the temperature in the storage room is the highest. Temperature charges shall be available at least during the period in which the products are stored.
(d) A freezer shall be physically separated from the hold in which the frozen food is stored, provided with separated refrigeration.
(e) If the freezer is located within a storage hold where frozen food is stored, it shall be separately refrigerated, provided with doors of a material that ensures its efficiency
when operating and effectively divides the freezer from the hold.
Freezer holds, blast freezers, plate freezers and the like shall be capable of reducing the temperature of fish undergoing freezing to -18° C or colder.
(f) A waterproof, hygienic and separate storage room shall be provided for the storage of cartons (first and second envelope).
(g) On prawn trawlers, prawns can be packed and frozen whole or headed when the hygienic conditions comply with the requirements laid down in the general, the additional and the specific hygiene conditions laid down in regulation 36, 37 and 38 of these Regulations.
When prawns are headed before packing and freezing, special hygiene measures have to be taken to prevent contamination by the environmental circumstances.
here freezing in brine is used, the brine shall not be a source of contamination for the fish.
Regulation 39. (1) General hygiene conditions applicable to fishery products on board all fishing vessels laid down in regulation 36 of these Regulations are applicable for CSW and RSW vessels.
(2) Additional hygiene conditions applicable to the fishing vessels designed and equipped to preserve fishery products on board under satisfactory condition for more than 24 hours, laid down in regulation 37 of these Regulations are applicable.
(3) Fishing vessels equipped for chilling of fishery products in cooled seawater (CSW) (chilled by ice) or in refrigerated sea water (RSW) (chilled by mechanical means) shall comply with the following requirements.
(a) Tanks shall be equipped with adequate sea water filling and drainage installations and shall incorporate devices for achieving uniform temperature throughout the tanks;
(b) Tanks shall have a means of recording temperature connected to temperature sensor positioned in the section of the tank where temperatures are highest;
(c) The operation of the tank or container system shall secure a chilling rate which ensures the mix of fish and seawater reaches 3° C at the most six hours after loading and 0° C at the most after sixteen hours;
(d) After each unloading, the tanks circulation systems and containers shall be completely emptied and thoroughly cleaned using potable or clean seawater and should only be filled with clean seawater, and
(e) The date and the number of the tank shall be clearly indicated on the temperature recordings, which shall be kept available for the Inspection Service.
Regulation 108. (2) The unloading of fishery products at the establishment's jetty, shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Unloading and landing equipment shall be constructed of material which is easy to clean and disinfect and shall be kept in a good state of repair and cleanliness;
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Regulation 9. (1) Fishery products, caught in natural environment and intended to be placed on the market shall:
(a) have been caught and where appropriate handled for bleeding, heading, gutting, and the removal of fins, chilled or frozen, prepared or processed, on board vessels in accordance with the hygiene rules established in Regulations 36 to 42 of Part LX.
(b) have been handled, during and after landing, in accordance with the requirements laid down in Part X of these regulations.
(c) have been handled and, where appropriate packaged, prepared, processed, frozen, defrosted or stored hygienically in plants approved in
accordance with regulation 6 of these Regulations in compliance with the requirements of Regulations 46 to 74 of Part XI.
(d) have been appropriately packaged in accordance with the requirements laid down in regulation 173 of these Regulations.
(e) have been given an identification mark in accordance with regulation 174 of these Regulations
(f) have been certified in accordance with the conditions laid down in regulation 15 of these Regulations
(g) be stored and transported under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(h) be prepared and/or processed in accordance with the Quality Assurance programme established in Part XI and in accordance with the Safety Assurance programme established in Part XIII of these Regulations.
(i) not contain substances or food additives prohibited by these Regulations or not included in the positive list as referred to in Part XII of these regulations.
(j) not contain any substance in excess of any maximum quantity or proportion permitted by the provisions laid down in Part XII of these Regulations.
(k) be dispatched to harbours, for frozen products, and airports, for fresh products, and stored there under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with the requirements laid down in Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(2) Aquaculture products harvested and intended to be placed on the market shall:
(a) be slaughtered under appropriate conditions of hygiene.
(b) not be soiled with earth, slime or faeces.
(c) Be kept chilled in accordance with the requirements laid down in these regulations if not processed immediately after being slaughtered.
(d) have been handled and, where appropriate packaged, stored hygienically in plants approved in accordance with regulation 6 of these Regulations in compliance with the requirements of Regulations 46 to 74 of Part XI.
(e) have been appropriately packaged in accordance with the requirements laid down in regulation 173 of these
(f) have been given an identification mark in accordance with regulation 174 of these Regulations
(g) have been certified in accordance with the conditions laid down in regulation 15 of these Regulations
(h) be stored and transported under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(i) be prepared and/or processed in accordance with the Quality Assurance programme established in Part XI and in accordance with the Safety Assurance programme established in Part XIII of these Regulations.
(j) not contain substances or food additives prohibited by these Regulations or not included in the positive list as referred to in Part XII of these regulations.
(k) not contain any substance in excess of any maximum quantity or proportion permitted by the provisions laid down in Part XII of these Regulations.
(1) be dispatched to harbours, for frozen products, and airports, for fresh products, and stored there under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with the requirements laid down in Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations. (3) Where gutting is possible from a technical commercial, and hygienical viewpoint—
(a) it shall be carried out as quickly as possible after the products have been caught or landed
(b) or, they shall be frozen on the vessel immediately in case the products are not gutted after having been caught.
Regulation 36. (3) The following conditions shall apply to the handling and storage of fishery products on board :
(a) as soon as they are taken on board, the fishery products shall be protected from contamination and from the effects of the sun or any other source of heat. When they are washed, the water used shall be either fresh water complying with the parameters set out in Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations or clean seawater, so as not to impair their quality or wholesomeness.
(b) the fishery products must be chilled immediately with ice, and stored in insulated containers or holds. However in the case of fishing vessels where cooling in not possible from a practicable point of view, the fishery products must not be kept on board for more than eight hours.
(c) the fishery products shall be handled and stored in such a way as to prevent bruising. The use of spiked instruments shall not be tolerated for the moving of large fish or fish, which might injure the handler, provided the flesh of these products, is not damaged;
(d) fishery products shall undergo, if applicable, cold treatment as soon as possible after loading, complying with the conditions laid down in Regulation 38 (3) (a) of this document,
(e) ice used for chilling of products shall be made from potable water or clean sea water. Before use it shall be stored under conditions which prevents its contamination, and
(f) where fish is headed and/or gutted on board such operation shall be carried out hygienically and the products shall be washed immediately and thoroughly with potable water or clean sea water. The viscera and parts, which may pose a threat to public health, shall be removed and set apart from products intended for human consumption. Livers and roes intended for human consumption shall be refrigerated or frozen.
(4) Staff assigned to handling of fishery products shall be required to maintain a high standard of cleanliness for themselves and their clothes.
Regulation 37. (5) The following conditions concerning handling and storage of fishery products on board vessels shall apply:
(a) Ice for chilling of fishery products shall be used in such a way and in such quantities, so that by unloading of the fishery products, they still have the temperature of melting ice.
(b) The water inlet for vessels, having an intake system for seawater, shall be located in front of the outlet for waste and sewerage water.
(c) Fishing vessels that use seawater to wash up and process, shall do so in uncontaminated waters and whilst the vessel is moving in open waters.
(d) Fishing vessels that use seawater and anchor at secure harbourages to wash up and process shall ensure that:
(i) waters are uncontaminated and meet the requirements of clean seawater;
(ii) toilet facilities are not operated unless self contained;
(iii) the vessel is far enough from the shore and in deep water.
clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) shall not apply to vessels that use a self-contained water system and the water meets the requirements laid down in Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations.
Regulation 38.(1) General hygiene conditions applicable to fishery products on board all fishing vessels laid down in regulation
36 of these Regulations are applicable to fishery products caught on board fishing vessels equipped for freezing.
(2) Additional hygiene conditions applicable to the fishing vessels designed and equipped to preserve fishery products on board under satisfactory conditions for more than 24 hours laid down in regulation 37 of these Regulations are applicable.
(3) If fishery products are frozen on board, this operation shall be carried out in accordance with following conditions :
(a) Fishing vessels shall have freezing equipment, sufficiently powerful:
(i) to achieve rapid reduction in temperature (-18° C)
(ii) to keep products in storage rooms (-18° C)
(iii) to freeze whole fish in brine intended for canning (-9° C)
(b) Fresh products to be frozen shall comply with the requirements of the conditions for the fresh products laid down in regulation 162 of these Regulations.
(c) Temperature recording devices in storage rooms shall be located in a place where they can easily be read.
The temperature sensor of the recorder shall be located in the area furthest away from the cold storage, where the temperature in the storage room is the highest. Temperature charges shall be available at least during the period in which the products are stored.
(d) A freezer shall be physically separated from the hold in which the frozen food is stored, provided with separated refrigeration.
(e) If the freezer is located within a storage hold where frozen food is stored, it shall be separately refrigerated, provided with doors of a material that ensures its efficiency
when operating and effectively divides the freezer from the hold.
Freezer holds, blast freezers, plate freezers and the like shall be capable of reducing the temperature of fish undergoing freezing to -18° C or colder.
(f) A waterproof, hygienic and separate storage room shall be provided for the storage of cartons (first and second envelope).
(g) On prawn trawlers, prawns can be packed and frozen whole or headed when the hygienic conditions comply with the requirements laid down in the general, the additional and the specific hygiene conditions laid down in regulation 36, 37 and 38 of these Regulations.
When prawns are headed before packing and freezing, special hygiene measures have to be taken to prevent contamination by the environmental circumstances.
here freezing in brine is used, the brine shall not be a source of contamination for the fish.
Regulation 43. (2) During unloading and landing, contamination of fishery products shall be avoided. It shall in particular be ensured that—
(a) unloading and landing operations proceed rapidly;
(b) fishery products are placed without unnecessary delay in a protected environment at the temperature required on the basis of the nature of the product and, where necessary, in ice in transport, storage or market facilities, or in plant;
(c) equipment and handling practices that cause unnecessary damage to the edible parts of the fishery products are not authorised.
Regulation 158. (1) Fishery products shall be processed rapidly, without delay and shall always be treated in a hygienic manner.
(2) All necessary and reasonable actions and precautions shall be taken in order to minimise the contamination of fish.
(3) Fish shall never be placed on the floor without the protection of appropriate fish boxes. Also the fish boxes shall never be placed directly on the floor but on a pallet.
(4) Fishery products from different harvests or from different fishing boats should, ideally, not be mixed together. Keeping them separate will prevent contamination between lots and enable easier identification in case of subsequent rejection.
(5) During preparation or processing, the temperature of the fishery products shall be maintained at a temperature determined by management of the establishment and approved by the Competent Authority. The time- temperature combination shall be used as guideline.
(6) Should operation cease, the processing of fish which has already started should be finished or alternatively the fish should be transferred to a chiller or adequately iced.
(7) Deteriorated and damaged product and extraneous material shall be removed from the processing area immediately, in order to avoid contamination of the fish.
(8) Fishery products which have become spoilt, or which have been contaminated or which are no longer fit for human consumption shall not be admitted to the establishment. If identified during processing, such fish shall be isolated immediately and adequately disposed of without contaminating acceptable quality products.
Regulation 159. The fishery products shall be decontaminated as soon as they arrive in the preparation area. This shall include—
(a) the separation of extraneous material such as crabs, wood, detritus, mud; and
(b) the washing of fishery products with adequate quantities of clean potable water where necessary and chilled to below 5° C.
(2) Fishery products shall be cleaned and washed always under running water. Cleaning and washing shall not be done in stagnant water or with hyperchlorinated processing water.
Regulation 161. (5) The preparation of fishery products shall be carried out in compliance with following requirements-
(a) If they are not carried out on board, operations such as heading and gutting shall be carried out hygienically. The products shall be washed thoroughly with potable water or clean sea water immediately after such operations.
(b) The quantities of fish on the work tables at any one time should be kept to a minimum
(c) Fish which is held on the tables awaiting processing shall be protected by adequate quantities of ice. The fish should rest on a layer of ice, as well as being covered with it.
(d) Should operation cease the process fishery products should not be left on the work tables. Processing of fish already on the tables shall be completed before the workers leave their posts.
(e) The internal temperature of the fishery products should be maintained below a limit designated by management and approved by the Competent Authority during processing and handling on the worktables.
(f) Operations such as filleting and slicing shall be carried out in such a way as to avoid the contamination or spoilage of fillets and slices, and in a place other than that used for heading and gutting operations. Fillets and slices shall not remain on worktables any longer than is necessary for their preparation. Fillets and slices to be sold fresh shall be chilled as quickly as possible after preparation.
(g) All equipment used for the filleting of fish should be washed and disinfected regularly during the process. This applies to knives, cutting boards, tables, etc;
(h) Fillets should be rapidly rinsed immediately after filleting and prior to subsequent packing.
(i) All persons who fillet fish should wash their hands well and/or wear clean gloves before commencing their work.
(j) If the fillets are not immediately packed or frozen they shall be stored at 0° C with adequate quantities of ice, or in a chill storage room, different from the chill storage room for raw material.
(k) Containers used for the dispatch or storage of fresh fishery products shall be designed in such a way as to ensure both their protection from contamination and their preservation under sufficiently hygienic conditions and, more particularly, they shall provide adequate drainage of melt
Regulation 163. Establishments that carry out thawing operations shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) Fishery products shall be thawed under hygienic and controlled time- temperature conditions, their contamination shall be avoided and there shall be adequate drainage for any melt water produced. During thawing, the temperature of the products shall not increase excessively and shall be monitored.
(b) Fishery products shall be brought to its thawed state as quickly as possible without causing undesirable physical, biochemical and microbial changes to the food.
(c) If water to thaw the fishery products is used, a control system shall be implemented.
(d) After thawing, fishery products shall be handled in accordance with requirements of this regulation.
(i) Including where they are prepared or processed, these operations shall be carried out without delay.
(ii) If they are put directly onto the market, particulars as to the thawed state of the fish shall be clearly marked on the packaging.
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Regulation 9. (1) Fishery products, caught in natural environment and intended to be placed on the market shall:
(a) have been caught and where appropriate handled for bleeding, heading, gutting, and the removal of fins, chilled or frozen, prepared or processed, on board vessels in accordance with the hygiene rules established in Regulations 36 to 42 of Part LX.
(b) have been handled, during and after landing, in accordance with the requirements laid down in Part X of these regulations.
(c) have been handled and, where appropriate packaged, prepared, processed, frozen, defrosted or stored hygienically in plants approved in
accordance with regulation 6 of these Regulations in compliance with the requirements of Regulations 46 to 74 of Part XI.
(d) have been appropriately packaged in accordance with the requirements laid down in regulation 173 of these Regulations.
(e) have been given an identification mark in accordance with regulation 174 of these Regulations
(f) have been certified in accordance with the conditions laid down in regulation 15 of these Regulations
(g) be stored and transported under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(h) be prepared and/or processed in accordance with the Quality Assurance programme established in Part XI and in accordance with the Safety Assurance programme established in Part XIII of these Regulations.
(i) not contain substances or food additives prohibited by these Regulations or not included in the positive list as referred to in Part XII of these regulations.
(j) not contain any substance in excess of any maximum quantity or proportion permitted by the provisions laid down in Part XII of these Regulations.
(k) be dispatched to harbours, for frozen products, and airports, for fresh products, and stored there under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with the requirements laid down in Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(2) Aquaculture products harvested and intended to be placed on the market shall:
(a) be slaughtered under appropriate conditions of hygiene.
(b) not be soiled with earth, slime or faeces.
(c) Be kept chilled in accordance with the requirements laid down in these regulations if not processed immediately after being slaughtered.
(d) have been handled and, where appropriate packaged, stored hygienically in plants approved in accordance with regulation 6 of these Regulations in compliance with the requirements of Regulations 46 to 74 of Part XI.
(e) have been appropriately packaged in accordance with the requirements laid down in regulation 173 of these
(f) have been given an identification mark in accordance with regulation 174 of these Regulations
(g) have been certified in accordance with the conditions laid down in regulation 15 of these Regulations
(h) be stored and transported under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(i) be prepared and/or processed in accordance with the Quality Assurance programme established in Part XI and in accordance with the Safety Assurance programme established in Part XIII of these Regulations.
(j) not contain substances or food additives prohibited by these Regulations or not included in the positive list as referred to in Part XII of these regulations.
(k) not contain any substance in excess of any maximum quantity or proportion permitted by the provisions laid down in Part XII of these Regulations.
(1) be dispatched to harbours, for frozen products, and airports, for fresh products, and stored there under satisfactory conditions of hygiene and temperature in accordance with the requirements laid down in Regulations 180 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations.
(3) Where gutting is possible from a technical commercial, and hygienical viewpoint—
(a) it shall be carried out as quickly as possible after the products have been caught or landed
(b) or, they shall be frozen on the vessel immediately in case the products are not gutted after having been caught.
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Regulation 36.
(3) The following conditions shall apply to the handling and storage of fishery products on board :
(a) as soon as they are taken on board, the fishery products shall be protected from contamination and from the effects of the sun or any other source of heat. When they are washed, the water used shall be either fresh water complying with the parameters set out in Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations or clean seawater, so as not to impair their quality or wholesomeness.
(b) the fishery products must be chilled immediately with ice, and stored in insulated containers or holds. However in the case of fishing vessels where cooling in not possible from a practicable point of view, the fishery products must not be kept on board for more than eight hours.
(c) the fishery products shall be handled and stored in such a way as to prevent bruising. The use of spiked instruments shall not be tolerated for the moving of large fish or fish, which might injure the handler, provided the flesh of these products, is not damaged;
(d) fishery products shall undergo, if applicable, cold treatment as soon as possible after loading, complying with the conditions laid down in Regulation 38 (3) (a) of this document,
(e) ice used for chilling of products shall be made from potable water or clean sea water. Before use it shall be stored under conditions which prevents its contamination, and
(f) where fish is headed and/or gutted on board such operation shall be carried out hygienically and the products shall be washed immediately and thoroughly with potable water or clean sea water. The viscera and parts, which may pose a threat to public health, shall be removed and set apart from products intended for human consumption. Livers and roes intended for human consumption shall be refrigerated or frozen.
(4) Staff assigned to handling of fishery products shall be required to maintain a high standard of cleanliness for themselves and their clothes.
Regulation 37.
(5) The following conditions concerning handling and storage of fishery products on board vessels shall apply:
(a) Ice for chilling of fishery products shall be used in such a way and in such quantities, so that by unloading of the fishery products, they still have the temperature of melting ice.
(b) The water inlet for vessels, having an intake system for seawater, shall be located in front of the outlet for waste and sewerage water.
(c) Fishing vessels that use seawater to wash up and process, shall do so in uncontaminated waters and whilst the vessel is moving in open waters.
(d) Fishing vessels that use seawater and anchor at secure harbourages to wash up and process shall ensure that:
(i) waters are uncontaminated and meet the requirements of clean seawater;
(ii) toilet facilities are not operated unless self contained;
(iii) the vessel is far enough from the shore and in deep water.
clauses (i), (ii) and (iii) shall not apply to vessels that use a self-contained water system and the water meets the requirements laid down in Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations.
Regulation 42. (4) Heading, gutting and filleting shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene:
(a) Operations such as heading and gutting shall be carried out hygienically. The products shall be washed thoroughly with potable water or clean seawater immediately after such operations.
(b) Operations such as filleting and slicing shall be carried out in such a way as to avoid the contamination or spoilage of fillets and slices, and in a place other than that used for heading and gutting operations. Fillets and slices shall not remain on work tables any longer than is necessary for their preparation and shall be protected from contamination by appropriate packaging. Fillets and slices to be sold fresh shall be chilled as quickly as possible after preparation.
(c) Guts and parts that may constitute a danger to public health shall be separated from and removed from the vicinity of products intended for human consumption.
(5) On-board freezing of fishery products shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene:
(a) Fresh products to be frozen or quick- frozen shall comply with the requirements for fresh products laid down in regulation 162 of these Regulations.
(b) Storage rooms shall have temperature recording devices in a place where it can easily be read. The temperature sensor of the recorder shall be located in the area furthest away from the cold source, i.e. where the temperature in the storage room is the highest. Temperature charts shall be available for inspection by the supervisory authorities at least during the period in which the products are stored.
(6) On-board processing of fishery products shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene:
(a) The conditions of hygiene for fresh products laid down in regulation 161 of these Regulations.
(b) The conditions of hygiene for frozen products laid down in regulation 162 of these Regulations.
(c) The conditions of hygiene for thawing products laid down in regulation 163
(d) The conditions of hygiene for processed products laid down in regulation 165 to 171, of these Regulations.
(e) The conditions concerning parasites laid down in regulation 172 of these Regulations.
(7) Fishery products shall be wrapped and packaged under the following conditions of hygiene:
(a) Packaging shall be carried out under satisfactory conditions of hygiene, to preclude contamination of the fishery products.
(b) Packaging materials and products liable to enter into contact with fishery products shall comply with all the rules of hygiene, and in particular:
(i) they shall not be such as to impair the organoleptic characteristics of the fishery products;
(ii) they shall not be capable of transmitting to the fishery products substances harmful to human health; they shall be strong enough to protect the fishery products adequately.
(c) With the exception of certain containers made of impervious, smooth and corrosion-resistant
material which are easy to clean and disinfect, which may be re-used after cleaning and disinfecting, packaging materials may not be re-used.
(d) Unused packaging materials shall be stored in premises away from the production area and be protected from dust and contamination.
(8) On-board storage of fishery products shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene.
(a) Fishery products shall, during storage be kept at the temperatures laid down in these Regulations and in particular:
(i) fresh or thawed fishery products and cooked and chilled crustacean shall be kept at the temperature of melting ice,
(ii) frozen fishery products, with the exception of frozen fish in brine intended for the manufacture of canned foods, shall be kept at an even temperature of-18° C or less in all parts of the product, allowing for the possibility of brief upward fluctuations of not more than 3° C, during transport;
(iii) processed products shall be kept at the temperature specified by the manufacturer.
Products may not be stored with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide satisfactory protection.
Regulation 43. (2) During unloading and landing, contamination of fishery products shall be avoided. It shall in particular be ensured that—
(a) unloading and landing operations proceed rapidly;
(b) fishery products are placed without unnecessary delay in a protected environment at the temperature required on the basis of the nature of the product and, where necessary, in ice in transport, storage or market facilities, or in plant;
(c) equipment and handling practices that cause unnecessary damage to the edible parts of the fishery products are not authorised.
Regulation 44. (1) If fishery products are displayed for sale in auctions, parts of auctions shall—
(a) be covered and have walls which are easy to clean;
(b) have water-proof flooring which is easy to wash and disinfect and laid in such a way to facilitate the drainage of water and have a hygienic waste water disposal system;
(c) be equipped with sanitary facilities with an appropriate number of wash basins and flush lavatories. Wash basins shall be supplied with materials for cleaning the hands and single use hand towels;
(d) be well lit to facilitate the inspection of fishery products provided for in regulation 26 of these Regulations;
(e) when they are used for display or storage of fishery products, not be used for other purposes; vehicles emitting exhaust fumes which may impair the quality of the fishery products shall not be admitted to markets; crates shall, after each sale, be cleaned and rinsed inside and outside with drinking water or clean sea water; where required, they shall be disinfected. Undesirable animals shall not be admitted;
(f) have displayed in a prominent position, signs prohibiting smoking, spitting, eating or drinking
(g) be kept closed when the Competent Authority considers it necessary;
(h) have facilities to provide adequate supplies of drinking water within the meaning of Regulations 84 to 103 of part XI of these Regulations or alternatively of clean seawater or seawater treated by an appropriate system, under pressure and in sufficient quantity. However, by way of exception, a supply of non-drinking water is permissible for steam production, fire- fighting and the cooling of refrigeration equipment, provided that the pipes installed for the purpose preclude the use of such water for other purpose and present no risk of contamination of the products. Non-drinking water pipes shall be clearly distinguished from those used for drinking water or clean sea water;
(i) have special watertight receptacles made of corrosion-resistant materials for fishery products which are unfit for human consumption; and
(j) in so far as they do not have their own premises on the spot or in the immediate vicinity on the basis of the quantities displayed for sale, have, for the purpose of the Competent Authority, an adequately-equipped lockable room, and the equipment necessary for carrying out inspection.
(2) After landing or, where appropriate, after first sale, fishery products shall be transported without delay, under the conditions laid down in Regulations 196 to 209 of Part XI of these Regulations to their place of destination.
(3) However, if the conditions laid down in paragraph (2) of this regulation hereof are not fulfilled, the markets in which fishery products may be stored before being displayed for sale or after being sold and pending transport to their place of destination shall have sufficiently large cold and/or chill storage rooms which satisfy the following conditions. They shall have:
(a) waterproof flooring which is easy to clean and disinfect and laid down in such a way as to facilitate the drainage of the water or provided with equipment to remove water;
(b) walls, which have, smooth surfaces and are easy to clean, durable and impermeable;
(c) ceilings or roof linings which are easy to clean;
(d) doors in durable materials which are easy to clean;
(e) adequate natural or artificial lighting, and
(f) where necessary a sufficiently powerful refrigeration plant to keep products at temperature prescribed in these Regulations.
In such cases, fishery products shall be stored at a temperature approaching that of melting ice.
Regulation 45.
(1) General conditions of hygiene for auctions and markets in which fishery products are displayed for sale or stored are:
(a) Floors, walls and partitions, ceilings or roof linings, equipment and instruments used for working on fishery products shall be kept in a satisfactory state of cleanliness and repair, so that they do not constitute a source of contamination for the products.
(b) Rodents, insects and any other vermin shall be systematically exterminated in the premises or on the equipment; rodenticides, insecticides, disinfectants and any other potentially toxic substances shall be stored on the premises or cupboards which can be locked; their use shall not present any risk of contamination of the products.
(c) Working areas, instruments and working equipment, shall be used only for work on fishery products. However, following authorisation by the competent authority, they may be used at the same time or other times for work on other foodstuffs.
(d) Potable water, satisfying Regulations
84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations shall be available. However, by way of an exception, non- drinking water may be used for steam production, all fire-fighting and the cooling of refrigeration equipment, provided that the pipes installed for the purpose preclude the use of such water for other purposes and present no risk of contamination of the products.
(e) Detergents, disinfectants and similar sub-stances shall be approved by the Competent Authority and used in such a way that they do not have adverse effects on the machinery, equipment and products.
(2) General conditions of hygiene applicable to
staff are:
(a) The highest possible standard of cleanliness is required of staff more specifically—
(i) Staff shall wear suitable clean working clothes.
(ii) Staff assigned to the handling and preparation of fishery products shall be required to wash their hands at least each time work is resumed; wounds to the hands shall be covered by a waterproof dressing.
(iii) Smoking, spitting, eating and drinking in work and storage premises of fishery products shall be prohibited.
(b) The employer shall take all the requisite measures to prevent persons liable to contaminate fishery products from working on and handling them, until there is evidence that such persons can do without risk.
(3) When recruited, any person working on and handling fishery products shall be required to prove, by a medical certificate, that there is no impediment to such employment