Guyana / Food safety
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Section 21. (2) For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may -
(a) establish import requirements based on risk analysis;
(b) issue import permits;
Section 22. (1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free.
Section 27. No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities into the territory of Guyana unless the person is registered as an importer in accordance with this Act.
Section 28. (1) No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animals products or commodities without an import permit issued by the Authority.
(2) An application for an import permit under subsection (1) shall be submitted to the Authority in the prescribed fom1 and accompanied by any prescribed fee at least six weeks before the proposed date of importation.
Section 29. NO person shall import living aquatic animals for their introduction or transfer without the written approval of the Authority, application having been made in the prescribed form and manner and accompanied by any prescribed fee. Section 30 . ( 1) Any permit or approval granted under section 28 or 29 may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
Regulation 11. A person who holds an import licence shall notify the competent authority of each importation of fishery products in the form and manner prescribed and shall not market the fishery product without the competent authority's approval.
Section 17 (1) a person who wants to engage in the trade or export of livestock or process, trade or export of livestock shall apply to the Authority for a license to do so
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Section 21. (2) For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may -
(a) establish import requirements based on risk analysis;
(b) issue import permits;
Section 22. (1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free.
Section 27. No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities into the territory of Guyana unless the person is registered as an importer in accordance with this Act.
Section 28. (1) No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animals products or commodities without an import permit issued by the Authority.
(2) An application for an import permit under subsection (1) shall be submitted to the Authority in the prescribed fom1 and accompanied by any prescribed fee at least six weeks before the proposed date of importation.
Section 29. NO person shall import living aquatic animals for their introduction or transfer without the written approval of the Authority, application having been made in the prescribed form and manner and accompanied by any prescribed fee.
Section 30. ( 1) Any permit or approval granted under section 28 or 29 may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
Regulation 11. A person who holds an import licence shall notify the competent authority of each importation of fishery products in the form and manner prescribed and shall not market the fishery product without the competent authority's approval.
Section 17 (1) a person who wants to engage in the trade or export of livestock or process, trade or export of livestock shall apply to the Authority for a license to do so
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Section 4. poultry carcasses shall not be imported into Guyana unless they have been plucked, eviscerated, and the head and feat removed.
Section 22. (1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free. (2) Any permit granted under this section may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
(3) The Authority may exempt any terrestrial animal product or commodity from an import permit based on risk analysis.
(4) Any shipment of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animals products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(5) Upon inspection under subsection (4), an authorised officer may, where the authorised officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a vector or a prescribed disease, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine station or any other location identified by the Authority for testing or disinfection;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(6) The decision under subsection (5) shall be made based on risk analysis.
(7) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (5) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 25. The Authority shall develop -
(a) a list of species of aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities the importation of which into Guyana is restricted or expressly prohibited by international agreement or by the Authority's decision based on risk analysis;
(b) a list of those species of ornamental aquatic organisms that are pre-approved for importation based on risk analysis;
(c) a list of approved competent authorities of importing countries and their current contact information;
(d) requirements for health certificates for aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or other commodities to be imported into Guyana;
(e) official border posts.
(2) The Authority shall regularly update the import requirements under subsection (1) based on risk analysis.
(3) The Authority shall communicate the import requirements under subsection (1), and any subsequent amendments to them, to the Minister for approval and publication;
Section 27. No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities into the territory of Guyana unless the person is registered as an importer in accordance with this Act.
(1) No person shall import aquatic animals, aquatic animals products or commodities without an import permit issued by the Authority.
(2) An application for an import permit under subsection (1) shall be submitted to the Authority in the prescribed fom1 and accompanied by any prescribed fee at least six weeks before the proposed date of importation.
Section 29. NO person shall import living aquatic animals for their introduction or transfer without the written approval of the Authority, application having been made in the prescribed form and manner and accompanied by any prescribed fee.
Regulation 10. (1) In application of section 47of the Fisheries Act 2002, the following additional import conditions are established—
The provisions applied to imports of fishery products from other countries shall in principle be at least equivalent to those governing the production and placing on the market, as described in these regulations of Guyana.
(2) Specific import conditions may be laid down
(a) to protect public health of the citizens of Guyana without prejudice to the possibility that imported products may be exported
(b) to allow importation of products for local consumption, under the condition that these products cannot be re-exported or used as raw material in an establishment approved to export fishery products.
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Section 7.(extract) ([…]) poultry carcasses imported shall be accompanied by a certificate of health signed by the proper authority in the country of origin .
Section 4 (2) (extract) ([…])poultry or poultry eggs imported shall be accompanied by a certificate of health signed by the proper authority in the country of origin
Section 25. The Authority shall develop - (d) requirements for health certificates for aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or other commodities to be imported into Guyana;
Section 4. (extract) ([…]) birds imported into Guyana must be accompanied by a certificate of health signed by the proper authority in the country of origin
Section 32(2) (extract) ([…]) no article of food shall be imported into Guyana unless the article wholly conforms to the law of the country in which it was manufactured or produced and is accompanied by a certificate
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Section 21. (1) No terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity shall be imported into Guyana except in accordance with this Act.
(2) For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may -
(a) establish import requirements based on risk analysis;
(b) issue import permits;
(c) designate official border posts: or
(d) carry out the inspection, testing, detention, disinfection, destruction, disposal, seizure and re-shipment of any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product, commodity, vehicle or container.
(3) The Authority shall regularly update any import requirements under subsection (2) (a) based on risk analysis.
(4) The Authority shall communicate the import requirements under subsection (2) (a) and the list of official border posts under subsection (2) (c), and any subsequent amendments to these, to the Minister for approval and publication.
Section 22. (1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free. (2) Any permit granted under this section may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
(3) The Authority may exempt any terrestrial animal product or commodity from an import permit based on risk analysis.
(4) Any shipment of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animals products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(5) Upon inspection under subsection (4), an authorised officer may, where the authorised officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a vector or a prescribed disease, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine station or any other location identified by the Authority for testing or disinfection;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(6) The decision under subsection (5) shall be made based on risk analysis.
(7) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (5) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 25. The Authority shall develop -
(a) a list of species of aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities the importation of which into Guyana is restricted or expressly prohibited by international agreement or by the Authority's decision based on risk analysis;
(b) a list of those species of ornamental aquatic organisms that are pre-approved for importation based on risk analysis;
(c) a list of approved competent authorities of importing countries and their current contact information;
(d) requirements for health certificates for aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or other commodities to be imported into Guyana;
(e) official border posts.
(2) The Authority shall regularly update the import requirements under subsection (1) based on risk analysis.
(3) The Authority shall communicate the import requirements under subsection (1), and any subsequent amendments to them, to the Minister for approval and publication;
Section 26. (1) The Authority may establish or designate aquatic quarantine facilities, including ornamental aquatic organism quarantine facilities and introduction and transfer quarantine facilities, at such places as it may deem necessary based on prescribed standards. (2) The Authority may establish rules for the confinement of aquatic animals in quarantine facilities. Section 30. ( 1) Any permit or approval granted under section 28 or 29 may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
(2) In cases of import of ornamental aquatic organisms listed under section 25 (1) \b) of this Act, the importer shall demonstrate that -
(a) the importer is the operator of an approved ornamental organism quarantine facility; or
(b) the importer has a contractual arrangement with an operator of such an approved quarantine facility.
(3) In cases of import of living aquatic animals approved for introduction or trnnsfer under section 29, the importer shall demonstrate that -
(a) the importer is the operator of an approved introduction and transfer quarantine facility; or
(b) the importer has a contractual arrangement with an operator of such an approved quarantine facility.
Regulation 10. (1) In application of section 47of the Fisheries Act 2002, the following additional import conditions are established—
The provisions applied to imports of fishery products from other countries shall in principle be at least equivalent to those governing the production and placing on the market, as described in these regulations of Guyana.
(2) Specific import conditions may be laid down
(a) to protect public health of the citizens of Guyana without prejudice to the possibility that imported products may be exported
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Section 23. (1) The Authority may establish or designate quarantine stations at such places as it may deem necessary based on prescribed standards.
(2) By order of an authorised officer, any terrestrial animal may be placed under quarantine in a quarantine station where the authorised officer suspects that the terrestrial animal-
(a) is suffering from a prescribed disease; or (b) may have been in contact, during its transportation, with any animal which is or may be suffering from a prescribed disease or with any animal which is not exempted from the requirement of being placed in quarantine; or
(c) has otherwise been exposed to the risk of contracting a prescribed disease.
(3) Every teJTestrial animal which is imported, unless exempted by virtue of regulations or subject to a different order of the Authority under section 22
(5) (c) or (d) of this Act, shall upon being landed be placed in quarantine for such period and be subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
(4) Where it appears to an authorised officer that a terrestrial animal which is otherwise exempt from the requirements of subsection (3) above, nonetheless -
(a) may be suffering from a prescribed disease; or
(b) may have come in contact, during its transportation, with any animal which is or may be suffering from a prescribed disease or with any animal which is not exempted from the requirement of being placed in quarantine; or
(c) ) has otherwise been exposed to the risk of contracting a prescribed disease,
the authorised officer may order the terrestrial animal placed in quarantine.
(5) Any terrestrial animal which develops any prescribed disease while in the quarantine station or, in the opinion of the authorised officer presents a risk for the spread of a prescribed disease in Guyana may, with the approval of the Minister, be destroyed without payment of compensation.
Section 31. (5) In cases of imports of species of ornamental aquatic organisms listed under section 25 (1) (b), the authorised officer shall, after the prescribed sealing and marking, transfer the shipment to the custody of the importer, who shall guarantee its secure transport, under quarantine conditions, to the approved ornamental aquatic organism quarantine facility.
(6) In cases of imports of living aquatic organisms approved by the Authority for introduction or transfer under section 29, the authorised officer shall, after the prescribed sealing and marking, transfer the shipment to the custody of the importer, who shall guarantee its secure transport of the shipment, under quarantine conditions, to the approved introduction and transfer quarantine facility.
Regulation 108. (5) Fishery products which are not processed immediately upon arrival at the establishment shall be washed with clean water at 0° C (if necessary), and stored with ice in suitable reception tanks or put in fish-bins, iced and stored in a chill room.
(6) The storage of raw material shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) if more fish than can be processed immediately, should arrive at the establishment the excess shall be stored in suitable tanks with ice and water, or alternatively be held in a chill storage room, in order that the temperature of the product is kept at 0° C;
(b) it is recommended that all product which is stored for more than one day before processing is eviscerated. The priority shall be to eviscerate the fish as soon as possible after arrival at the establishment (if not done previously) in order to maintain the intrinsic quality of the product;
(c) the evisceration of the fish should be done carefully in order to avoid the contamination of the fish flesh;
(d) only fish complying with the requirements laid down in regulations 112, 113 and 114 of these Regulations shall be stored. All product unfit for human consumption shall be removed and kept separately in the designated room;
(e) fish shall not be stored in heaps, and the depth of storage tanks should be kept to a minimum to prevent damage. Tanks should contain water before filling with fish in order to prevent damage;
(f) the duration of storage of raw material shall be kept to a minimum;
(g) the water contained in the storage tanks should be changed at regular intervals during the storage period, and also between the storage of different batches of fish.
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Section 22. (4) Any shipment of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animals products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(5) Upon inspection under subsection (4), an authorised officer may, where the authorised officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a vector or a prescribed disease, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine station or any other location identified by the Authority for testing or disinfection;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(6) The decision under subsection (5) shall be made based on risk analysis.
(7) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (5) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 31. (1) Any shipment of aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(2) Upon inspection under subsection (1), an authorised officer may, where the officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a listed pathogen, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine facility;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(3) The decision under subsection (2) shall be made based on risk
(4) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (2) shall be borne by the importer.
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Section 21. (1) No terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity shall be imported into Guyana except in accordance with this Ac:t.
(2) For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may -
(a) establish import requirements based on risk analysis;
(b) issue import permits;
(c) designate official border posts: or
(d) carry out the inspection, testing, detention, disinfection, destruction, disposal, seizure and re-shipment of any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product, commodity, vehicle or container.
(3) The Authority shall regularly update any import requirements under subsection (2) (a) based on risk analysis.
(4) The Authority shall communicate the import requirements under subsection (2) (a) and the list of official border posts under subsection (2) (c), and any subsequent amendments to these, to the Minister for approval and publication.
Section 22. (1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free. (2) Any permit granted under this section may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
(3) The Authority may exempt any terrestrial animal product or commodity from an import permit based on risk analysis.
(4) Any shipment of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animals products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(5) Upon inspection under subsection (4), an authorised officer may, where the authorised officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a vector or a prescribed disease, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine station or any other location identified by the Authority for testing or disinfection;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(6) The decision under subsection (5) shall be made based on risk analysis.
(7) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (5) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 23. (1) The Authority may establish or designate quarantine stations at such places as it may deem necessary based on prescribed standards.
(2) By order of an authorised officer, any terrestrial animal may be placed under quarantine in a quarantine station where the authorised officer suspects that the terrestrial animal-
(a) is suffering from a prescribed disease; or (b) may have been in contact, during its transportation, with any animal which is or may be suffering from a prescribed disease or with any animal which is not exempted from the requirement of being placed in quarantine; or
(c) has otherwise been exposed to the risk of contracting a prescribed disease.
(3) Every teJTestrial animal which is imported, unless exempted by virtue of regulations or subject to a different order of the Authority under section 22
(5) (c) or (d) of this Act, shall upon being landed be placed in quarantine for such period and be subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
(4) Where it appears to an authorised officer that a terrestrial animal which is otherwise exempt from the requirements of subsection (3) above, nonetheless -
(a) may be suffering from a prescribed disease; or
(b) may have come in contact, during its transportation, with any animal which is or may be suffering from a prescribed disease or with any animal which is not exempted from the requirement of being placed in quarantine; or
(c) has otherwise been exposed to the risk of contracting a prescribed disease,
the authorised officer may order the terrestrial animal placed in quarantine.
(5) Any terrestrial animal which develops any prescribed disease while in the quarantine station or, in the opinion of the authorised officer presents a risk for the spread of a prescribed disease in Guyana may, with the approval of the Minister, be destroyed without payment of compensation.
Section 31. (1) Any shipment of aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(2) Upon inspection under subsection (1), an authorised officer may, where the officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a listed pathogen, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine facility;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(3) The decision under subsection (2) shall be made based on risk analysis.
(4) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (2) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 22. (extract) ([...)]When it is evidenced after an investigation or analysis that imported food contravenes the Food and Drugs Act, it will not be admitted into Guyana.
Section 23. (2) (extract) ([...]) Where an inspector has seized an article under this act and the owner thereof consents to the destruction thereof the article shall thereupon be forfeited to the state and may be destroyed.
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Section 21. (1) No terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity shall be imported into Guyana except in accordance with this Ac:t.
(2) For the purpose of preventing the introduction, establishment or spread of any prescribed disease or listed pathogen in Guyana through the import of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animal products or commodities, the Authority may -
(a) establish import requirements based on risk analysis;
(b) issue import permits;
(c) designate official border posts: or
(d) carry out the inspection, testing, detention, disinfection, destruction, disposal, seizure and re-shipment of any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product, commodity, vehicle or container.
(3) The Authority shall regularly update any import requirements under subsection (2) (a) based on risk analysis.
(4) The Authority shall communicate the import requirements under subsection (2) (a) and the list of official border posts under subsection (2) (c), and any subsequent amendments to these, to the Minister for approval and publication.
Section 22. (1) Any person intending to import any terrestrial animal, terrestrial animal product or commodity into Guyana shall apply to the authority for an import permit, if so established by the import requirements, and pay any prescribed free.
(2) Any permit granted under this section may contain such terms and conditions as the Authority may impose based on risk analysis.
(3) The Authority may exempt any terrestrial animal product or commodity from an import permit based on risk analysis.
(4) Any shipment of terrestrial animals, terrestrial animals products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(5) Upon inspection under subsection (4), an authorised officer may, where the authorised officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a vector or a prescribed disease, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine station or any other location identified by the Authority for testing or disinfection;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(6) The decision under subsection (5) shall be made based on risk analysis.
(7) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (5) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 23. (1) The Authority may establish or designate quarantine stations at such places as it may deem necessary based on prescribed standards.
(2) By order of an authorised officer, any terrestrial animal may be placed under quarantine in a quarantine station where the authorised officer suspects that the terrestrial animal-
(a) is suffering from a prescribed disease; or (b) may have been in contact, during its transportation, with any animal which is or may be suffering from a prescribed disease or with any animal which is not exempted from the requirement of being placed in quarantine; or
(c) has otherwise been exposed to the risk of contracting a prescribed disease.
(3) Every terrestrial animal which is imported, unless exempted by virtue of regulations or subject to a different order of the Authority under section 22
(5) (c) or (d) of this Act, shall upon being landed be placed in quarantine for such period and be subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
(4) Where it appears to an authorised officer that a terrestrial animal which is otherwise exempt from the requirements of subsection (3) above, nonetheless -
(a) may be suffering from a prescribed disease; or
(b) may have come in contact, during its transportation, with any animal which is or may be suffering from a prescribed disease or with any animal which is not exempted from the requirement of being placed in quarantine; or
(c) ) has otherwise been exposed to the risk of contracting a prescribed disease,
the authorised officer may order the terrestrial animal placed in quarantine.
(5) Any terrestrial animal which develops any prescribed disease while in the quarantine station or, in the opinion of the authorised officer presents a risk for the spread of a prescribed disease in Guyana may, with the approval of the Minister, be destroyed without payment of compensation.
Section 31. (1) Any shipment of aquatic animals, aquatic animal products or commodities shall be subject to inspection by an authorised officer at an official border post.
(2) Upon inspection under subsection (1), an authorised officer may, where the officer is satisfied that the import of the shipment would result or is likely to result in the introduction or spread in Guyana of a listed pathogen, or where the documentation accompanying the shipment fails to meet the prescribed requirements, order any of the following measures at the expense of the importer -
(a) the taking of samples for submission to an official laboratory for analysis;
(b) transfer to a quarantine facility;
(c) return to the country of origin; or
(d) destruction.
(3) The decision under subsection (2) shall be made based on risk
(4) The cost of any action taken by the Authority under subsection (2) shall be borne by the importer.
Section 40. (1) Any person who commits an offence under this Act shall be liable on summary conviction -
(a) in the case of a first offence, to a fine not less than twenty thousand dollars or to imprisonment for six months;
(b) in the case of a subsequent offence, to a fine not less than forty thousand dollars or to imprisonment for two years;
(c) where the offence is a continuing offence. to an additional fine of not less than one thousand dollars or imprisonment for two days for each day, on which the offence continues.
(2) Upon the conviction of any person for any offence under this Act, the court may, in addition to any other sentence imposed, declare any animal, animal product, commodity or other object in respect of which the offence has been cornmitted or which was used in connection with the offence forfeited to the State and disposed of as the court may direct.