Guyana / Food safety
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Section 8. (1) The Authority may from time to time appoint or designate, with the concurrence of any Minister or other public authority as may be necessary, any person with the prescribed qualifications as -
(a) an authorised officer to carry out the functions assigned to such officers under this Act;
(b) an official analyst for purposes of enforcement of this Act.
(2) The Authority may carry out an appointment or designation under subsection ( l) based on any memorandum of understanding.
(3) The Authority may from time to time designate any laboratory as an official laboratory for purposes of enforcement of this Act.
Section 9. (1) An authorised officer may, without a warrant -
(a) enter any abattoir, establishment, fish slaughtering premises, aquaculture facility, aquaculture site or other premises or area, except for a dwelling place, where activities in relation to animal health or aquatic animal health are being canied out or arc suspected of being canied out, and may, for the purpose of determining whether this Act is being violated -
(i) inspect or search such premises, and examrne any animal, appliance, product, material, object or substance which is being or is suspected of being, used in relation to animal health or aquatic animal health activities;
(ii) demand any information regarding any such animal, appliance, product, material, object or substance from the owner or person in charge of such premises;
(iii) weigh, count, measure, mark, open and take samples in the prescribed manner of anything found at that premises and submit it to an official laboratory for analysis by an official analyst, or lock, secure, seal or close any door giving access to it;
(iv) examine, make copies of or take extracts from any book, statement or other document found at such premises, and demand from the owner or any person in charge of the premises an explanation of any entry in it;
(v) inspect any operation or process carried out on such premises, and demand any information regarding such operation or process from the owner or person in charge
of such premises or from any person carrying out such operation or process;
(vi) read any values recorded by measuring instruments installed on the premises or by instrnments in the possession of the authorised officer;
(vii) take any photographs; or
(viii) seize any animal, appliance, product, material, object, substance, book, statement or document which appears to provide proof of a contravention of any provision of this Act, providing a si!,rned receipt in the prescribed form which shall be countersigned immediately by the owner or person in charge of such premises or object.
(b) stop and search without a warrant any container or vehicle, upon entry into, movement within or exit from Guyana; or
(c) stop, for a stipulated period, the distribution, sale or use of any animal, animal product or commodity which the authorised officer has reason to believe is infected with or may spread a prescribed disease or a national pathogen.
(2) An authorised officer exercising the requisite authority under this section may request the presence and assistance of such law enforcement personnel as the authorised officer considers necessary.
Section 11. If an authorised officer has reasonable grounds for believing that an owner or person in charge of an animal is failing to comply with this Act, including in relation to animal welfare, the authorised officer may serve an improvement notice on that owner or person in change -
(a) stating the authorised officer's grounds for believing that the Act is not being complied with;
(b) specifying the measures which the authorised officer deems that the owner or person in charge shall take in order to remedy the failures referred to in paragraph (a);
(c) requiring the owner or per on m charge to implement those measures; or
(d) measures which are at least equivalent to them, within the time period specified in the notice.
Regulation 4. In the appointment of health inspectors, the Minister may appoint persons, who meet the qualifications.