Guyana / Food safety
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Regulation 42. (8) On-board storage of fishery products shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene.
(a) Fishery products shall, during storage be kept at the temperatures laid down in these Regulations and in particular:
(i) fresh or thawed fishery products and cooked and chilled crustacean shall be kept at the temperature of melting ice,
(ii) frozen fishery products, with the exception of frozen fish in brine intended for the manufacture of canned foods, shall be kept at an even temperature of-18° C or less in all parts of the product, allowing for the possibility of brief upward fluctuations of not more than 3° C, during transport;
(iii) processed products shall be kept at the temperature specified by the manufacturer.
Products may not be stored with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide satisfactory protection.
Regulation 161. (1)The chilling of fishery products shall be carried out under following conditions—
(a) The chilling of fishery products shall be performed with sufficient rapidity to prevent undesirable physical, chemical and microbiological deterioration.
(b) The temperature of fishery products that have been chilled shall reach at the end of the chilling cycle, the temperature of melting ice with a tolerance of ± -1° C.
(c) To control histamine formation, the internal temperature of the fishery products should be brought from ambient temperature to 10° C or below within 6 hours, and once chilled be maintained as close to the temperature of melting ice as possible. After chilling, during preparation or processing, the fishery products shall not be exposed to temperarures above 4° C for a cumulative period of more than 2 hours.
Regulation 161. (3) The chilling of unpackaged fishery products shall be carried out under following conditions—
(a) Where chilled, unpackaged fishery products (raw material) are not dispatched, prepared or processed immediately after reaching the establishment, they shall be stored or displayed under ice in the establishment's chill storage room. Re- icing shall be carried out as often as necessary;
(b) The ice used, with or without salt, shall be made from potable water or clean sea water and be stored under hygienic conditions in containers provided for the purpose; such containers shall be kept clean and in a good state of repairs.
(4) Prepacked fresh products shall be chilled with ice or mechanical refrigeration creating similar temperature conditions.
Regulation 172. (3) Measures to take before release for consumption are—
(a) Fish or parts of fish which are obviously infested with parasites, and which are removed, shall not be placed on the market for human consumption.
(b) The fish and fish products referred to in paragraph (c) here of which are to be consumed as they are, shall, in addition be subjected to freezing at a temperature of not more than -20° C in all parts of the product for no less than
24 hours. Products subjected to this freezing process shall be either raw or finished.
(c) Fish and products subjected to the condition in paragraph (b) are—
(i) fish to be consumed raw or almost raw;
(ii) the following species if they are to undergo a cold smoking process at which the internal temperature of the fish is less than 60° C.
- herring
- mackerel
- sprat
- (wild) Atlantic and Pacific salmon; and
(iii) marinated and/or salted herring where this process is insufficient to destroy the larvae of the nematodes
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Regulation 36. (3) The following conditions shall apply to the handling and storage of fishery products on board : (f) where fish is headed and/or gutted on board such operation shall be carried out hygienically and the products shall be washed immediately and thoroughly with potable water or clean sea water. The viscera and parts, which may pose a threat to public health, shall be removed and set apart.
Regulation 42. (4) Heading, gutting and filleting shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene: (c) Guts and parts that may constitute a danger to public health shall be separated from and removed from the vicinity of products intended for human consumption.
Regulation 108. (6) (d) only fish complying with the requirements laid down in regulations 112, 113 and 114 of these Regulations shall be stored. All product unfit for human consumption shall be removed and kept separately in the designated room;
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Section 22. (1) The owner of every animal slaughtered in the abattoir shall cause the hide or skin of every such animal to be removed before 9 a.m. on the following day.
(2) No such hide or skin shall be removed or carried in the same container as any fresh meat.
Regulation 40. No person shall use water other than potable water as an ingredient in the manufacture or preparation of any food.
Regulation 36.(1) The following conditions concerning construction and equipment shall apply to vessels: (d) Water used at any stage of processing shall comply with the parameters of potable water, laid down in Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations or of clean sea water. Sea water intakes for vessels shall be located forward of any toilet or bilge discharge.
Regulation 40. (3) Any cooking shall be followed by rapid cooling. Water used for this purpose shall be potable water or clean seawater. Cooling shall continue until the temperature approaching that of melting ice is reached (if no other method of preservation is used).
Regulation 42. (2)(d) Drinking water, -within the meaning of Regulations 84 to 103 of Part XI of these Regulations, or clean seawater shall be used for all purposes. However, by way of an exception, non-drinking water may be used for steam production, fire fighting and the cooling of refrigeration equipment, provided that the pipes installed for purpose preclude the use of such water for other purposes and present no risk of contamination of the products.
Regulation 85. (2) The management of the establishment shall use only potable water for water:
(a) that comes in contact with fish or fish- contact surfaces;
(b) that is used in the manufacture of ice; and (c) that is used for cleaning and disinfecting in the establishment.
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Regulation 41. (1) No person shall use as a preservative in or upon food or sell as a preservative for food, any substance other than those classified in Part II of the Second Schedule as Class I, Class II, Class III or Class IV preservatives, respectively. (2) Where any Class II, Class III or Class IV preservative, as the case may be, is sold for use on food, the label thereof shall include adequate directions for use in accordance with the limits prescribed for that preservative in Part II of the Second Schedule.
Regulation 43. Notwithstanding section 5(a) of the Act, the foods specified in Part III of the Second Schedule may contain in or upon them any or all of the poisonous substances specified in that Part opposite to that food in amounts not exceeding the quantities stated therein in parts per million (p.p.m.) for that food, as determined by an acceptable method and no other poisonous or harmful substances or other poisonous or harmful substances in amounts not considered by the Government Analyst likely to be injurious to health.
Regulation 44. Notwithstanding section 5(a) of the Act and subject to regulation 45, a food not specified in Part III of the Second Schedule may contain in or upon it not more than –
(a) one part per million of arsenic,
(b) two parts per million of lead,
(c) twenty parts per million of copper, or
(d) fifty parts per million of zinc,
as determined by an acceptable method and no other poisonous or harmful substance or other poisonous or harmful substances in amounts not considered by the Government Analyst likely to be injurious to health.
Regulation 45. There is prescribed in Part IV of the Second Schedule standards for food and only those ingredients set out in relation to the prescribed standard shall be used in a food.
Regulation 220. (1) Fishery products, intended to be placed on the market shall not contain sweeteners, colours or food additives other than sweeteners and colours,
(a) not included in these regulations or (b) in excess of any maximum quantity or proportion permitted by the regulations of Part XII.
(2) In the context of these Regulations, "quantum satis" means that no maximum level is specified. However, colouring matters shall be used according to best manufacturing practices at a level not higher than is necessary to achieve the intended purpose and provided that they do not mislead the consumer.
(3) Maximum levels indicated in these Regulations refer to fishery products as marketed unless otherwise stated.
Regulation 221. (1) Sweeteners within the meaning of these Regulations are food additives which are used to impart a sweet taste to processed fishery products.
(2) Only the following sweeteners at the mentioned concentrations may be used in the manufacture of sweet- sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs :
E950 Acesulfame K at 200 mg/kg E951 Aspartame at 300 mg/kg
E954 Saccharine and its Na, K and Ca salts at 160 mg/kg
E959 Neohesperidine DC at 30 mg/kg
Regulation 222. (1) "Colours" within the meaning of these Regulations are :
(a) substances which add or restore colour in a food, and include natural constituents of foodstuffs and natural sources which are normally not consumed as foodstuffs as such and not normally used as characteristic ingredients of food; or
(b) preparations obtained from foodstuffs and other natural source materials obtained by physical and/or chemical extraction resulting in a selective extraction of the pigments relative to the nutritive or aromatic constituents.
(2) However, the following substances shall not be considered colours for the purposes of these Regulations:
(a) foodstuffs, whether dried or in concentrated form and flavourings incorporated during the manufacturing of compound foodstuffs, because of their aromatic, sapid or nutritive properties together with a secondary colouring effect, such as paprika, turmeric and saffron
(b) colours used for the colouring of the inedible external parts of foodstuffs.
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Regulation 42. No person shall sell any food in a container that may transmit to its contents any substance that may be injurious to the health of a consumer of the food.
Regulation 115. No manufacturer shall sell a food, cosmetic or device unless –
(a) the food, cosmetic or device has been manufactured, packaged and stored –
(i) in a building the construction, fittings and furnishings of which are of such material and finishing as accord with good manufacturing practices, permit the efficient cleaning of all surfaces and prevent migration of dust and the introduction of extraneous material into the food, cosmetic or device;
(ii) in a building that is maintained in a clean, sanitary and orderly condition free from vermin, infestation, accumulated waste or debris;
(iii) under the supervision of persons who have had such training as the Government Analyst considers satisfactory having regard to the duties and responsibilities involved;
(b) each batch or lot of the raw material used in the manufacture of the food, cosmetic or device has been tested for identity and purity; and
(c) each batch or lot of the finished food, cosmetic or device has been tested for identity and purity.
Regulation 42. (7) Fishery products shall be wrapped and packaged under the following conditions of hygiene:
(a) Packaging shall be carried out under satisfactory conditions of hygiene, to preclude contamination of the fishery products.
(b) Packaging materials and products liable to enter into contact with fishery products shall comply with all the rules of hygiene, and in particular:
(i) they shall not be such as to impair the organoleptic characteristics of the fishery products;
(ii) they shall not be capable of transmitting to the fishery products substances harmful to human health; they shall be strong enough to protect the fishery products adequately.
(c) With the exception of certain containers made of impervious, smooth and corrosion-resistant material which are easy to clean and disinfect, which may be re-used after cleaning and disinfecting, packaging materials may not be re-used.
(d) Unused packaging materials shall be stored in premises away from the production area and be protected from dust and contamination.
(8) On-board storage of fishery products shall be carried out under the following conditions of hygiene.
(a) Fishery products shall, during storage be kept at the temperatures laid down in these Regulations and in particular:
(i) fresh or thawed fishery products and cooked and chilled crustacean shall be kept at the temperature of melting ice,
(ii) frozen fishery products, with the exception of frozen fish in brine intended for the manufacture of canned foods, shall be kept at an even temperature of-18° C or less in all parts of the product, allowing for the possibility of brief upward fluctuations of not more than 3° C, during transport;
(iii) processed products shall be kept at the temperature specified by the manufacturer.
Products may not be stored with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide satisfactory protection.
Regulation 108. (5) Fishery products which are not processed immediately upon arrival at the establishment shall be washed with clean water at 0° C (if necessary), and stored with ice in suitable reception tanks or put in fish-bins, iced and stored in a chill room.
(6) The storage of raw material shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) if more fish than can be processed immediately, should arrive at the establishment the excess shall be stored in suitable tanks with ice and water, or alternatively be held in a chill storage room, in order that the temperature of the product is kept at 0° C;
(b) it is recommended that all product which is stored for more than one day before processing is eviscerated. The priority shall be to eviscerate the fish as soon as possible after arrival at the establishment (if not done previously) in order to maintain the intrinsic quality of the product;
(c) the evisceration of the fish should be done carefully in order to avoid the contamination of the fish flesh;
(d) only fish complying with the requirements laid down in regulations 112, 113 and 114 of these Regulations shall be stored. All product unfit for human consumption shall be removed and kept separately in the designated room;
(e) fish shall not be stored in heaps, and the depth of storage tanks should be kept to a minimum to prevent damage. Tanks should contain water before filling with fish in order to prevent damage;
(f) the duration of storage of raw material shall be kept to a minimum;
(g) the water contained in the storage tanks should be changed at regular intervals during the storage period, and also between the storage of different batches of fish.
Regulation 173. (1) The time that elapses between processing and packaging shall not cause the food to suffer any undesirable physical, chemical or microbiological deterioration.
(2) Packaging shall be carried out under satisfactory conditions of hygiene, to preclude contamination of the fishery products.
(3) Labels, tags and adhesives used in packaging shall not contaminate food
(4) A container of food for export shall not contain any foreign objects except the food.
(5) Packaging materials and products liable to enter into contact with fishery products shall comply with all the rules of hygiene and in particular—
(a) they shall not be such as to impair the organoleptic characteristics of the fishery products;
(b) they shall not be capable of transmitting to the fishery products substances harmful to human health that is :
(i) the ink used to apply description markings, inks and colourants applied to food shall not contaminate the food and shall be non-toxic,
(ii) inks applied to food or packaging shall not contain any of the following substances—
(A) antimony,
(B) arsenic;
(C) cadmium,
(D) chromium;
(E) lead,
(F) mercury, and
(G) other toxic metals.
(iii) fluorescent brighteners or carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens shall not be used in inks applied to food or packaging; and
(iv) a lacquer applied to the inner surface or part of the inner surface of covering shall—
(A) cover the inner surface in a continuous film,
(B) be uniform in thickness;
(C) leave no area of the surface uncoated,
(D) firmly adhere to the covering; and
(E) be compatible and non- toxic with the food being packed
(c) They shall be strong enough to protect the fishery products adequately.
(i) The first envelope, which is in direct contact with the food can be plastic food packing materials, a foam box or a can; and
(ii) The second envelope, which is not in direct contact with the food is a cardboard box or a master carton,
(d) Fishery products shall not be transported unless they are packed and covered in such a way that will enable the goods to reach their destination in a satisfactory and wholesome condition;
(e) With the exception of certain containers made of impervious, smooth and corrosion-resistant materials which are easy to clean and disinfect, which may be re-used after cleaning and disinfecting, packaging materials may not be re-used;
(f) Packaging materials used for fresh products held under ice shall provide adequate drainage for melt water;
(g) Unused packaging materials shall be stored in premises connected with the production area and protected from dust and contamination in accordance with the requirements laid down in regulation 59 of these Regulations.
Regulation 180. The storage of fishery products including raw materials and finished products, packing material, cleaned recipients, tubs, baskets and equipment and other products as ingredients, additives, chemicals, shall be organised in accordance to the requirements with respect to temperature, humidity, quality and safety of the products, imposed by customers but at least to the requirements stipulated by this Section.
(2) Storage shall be under conditions that will protect materials against physical, chemical and microbiological contamination as well as against deterioration of the materials and the containers.
Regulation 185. (1) Fishery products shall, during storage, be kept at the temperatures prescribed in these Regulations, and, in particular—
(a) Fresh or thawed fishery products and cooked and chilled crustaceans and molluscan shellfish products shall be kept at the temperature of melting ice :
(i) fresh or thawed fishery products shall always be chilled with ice, whether or not completed with mechanical refrigeration; and
(ii) prepacked fishery products may be chilled with ice or with mechanical refrigeration.
(b) Frozen fishery products with the exception of frozen fish in brine intended for the manufacture of canned foods shall be kept at an even temperature of-18° C or less in all parts of the product, allowing for the possibility of brief upward fluctuations of not more than 3° C.
(c) To prevent Scombrotoxin formation of fish that has first been chilled and then frozen for a long time, fish should not be exposed to a temperature rise above 4.4 ° C from the time it is frozen for a cumulative period of more than 12 hours. An uninterrupted period of exposure should not exceed 6 hours.
(d) Processed products shall be kept at the temperature specified by the manufacturer.
Regulation 186. (2) Fishery products may not be stored with other products, which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packed in such a way as to provide satisfactory protection.
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Regulation 39. (3) Fishing vessels equipped for chilling of fishery products in cooled seawater (CSW) (chilled by ice) or in refrigerated sea water (RSW) (chilled by mechanical means) shall comply with the following requirements. (e) The date and the number of the tank shall be clearly indicated on the temperature recordings, which shall be kept available for the Inspection Service.
Regulation 42. (1) A qualified person on board the factory vessel shall be responsible for applying best practices. That person shall have the authority to ensure that the provisions of this Division are applied and shall make available to inspectors the programme for inspecting and checking control points and critical control points as supplied on board, a register containing that person's comments and the temperature recordings that may be required.
Regulation 235. (1) All procedures, instructions, specifications control and check activities shall be thoroughly documented.
(2) The person responsible for the establishment shall take all necessary measures to comply with these regulations. To this end the following must be done:
(a) The person responsible for an establishment shall keep records of each lot of fish processed and shall keep a register of the processing carried out.
(b) The person responsible shall keep a written record or a record registered in an indelible fashion concerning the auto control systems, laid down in part VIII of these Regulations and concerning the checks (HACCP) laid down in part XHI of these Regulations, with a view to submitting them to the competent authority.
(c) Records shall show processing details including records of quantities, and depending on the type of process employed, processing temperatures and time, salt content, pH, water content, details of sampling and other records relevant to show that fishery products have been processed in accordance with this regulation.
(d) Records of the different checks and tests must be kept at least for the expected storage life of the products and for a period of two years be available to the inspection service
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Section 45. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these by-laws or who refuses, neglects or fails to comply with any order or direction given by an inspector or the clerk in charge for carrying any by-law into effect shall, on summary conviction be liable to a fine of two thousand five hundred dollars