Guyana- Statutory law - Human wildlife conflict
Human wildlife conflicts

According to the Wildlife Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use Regulations, any person can kill or wound wild animals in self-defence or in defence of any other person, when it is immediately and absolutely necessary. Private landowners or occupiers may kill animals causing or threatening to cause damage to livestock, crops, water installations or fences in their land. Any such killings must be reported as soon as possible to the nearest officer or police station. Animals killed or wounded under these circumstances cannot be sold or offered for sale.
In terms of institutional arrangements, the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC) is the competent body for relocating or authorizing the relocation of wildlife causing nuisance. The GWCMC may delegate its functions related to human-wildlife conflict.
The Wildlife Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use Regulations include some provisions related to threat or nuisance by wildlife. According to the regulations, any person can kill or wound a wild animal in self-defence or in defence of any other person, when it is immediately and absolutely necessary. Moreover, private landowners or occupiers may kill animals causing or threatening to cause damage to livestock, crops, water installations or fences in their land. Any killings in the above circumstances must be reported as soon as possible to the nearest officer or police station. The animals killed or wounded under these circumstances cannot be sold or offered for sale.
The Wildlife Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use Regulations also establish that the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC) may relocate or authorize the relocation of wildlife causing nuisance.
There is no system to collect data on lawful killings. Moreover, there is no compensation system in case of wildlife damages.
The Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC) is the management authority in charge of wildlife issues. With respect to human-wildlife conflicts, it may relocate or authorize the relocation of wildlife causing nuisance as per the Wildlife Conservation, Management and Sustainable Use Regulations.
Officers and police stations are responsible for handling and processing reports on the killing of nuisance wildlife.
The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act enables the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission (GWCMC) to delegate its powers and functions under the Act (except the power of delegation) to any institution, person or body. It is thus possible for the powers to be delegated to non-governmental stakeholders. The GWCMC may only delegate its powers with the written consent by the Ministry and subject to such limitations, conditions and qualifications as the Minister considers appropriate. The Act also establishes that the delegation shall be in a written document, and the name of the institution, person or body delegated shall be published in the official gazette. The delegation must also specify if sub-delegation is possible and to which institution, person, or body. The delegated institution, person or body shall comply with any directions of the GWCMC in exercising powers or functions under the delegation.