Non consumption use

Guyana / Non consumption use
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Section 3 The objectives of this Act are - (a) to provide for the conservation of biological diversity, natural landscapes, seascapes and wetlands; (b) to safeguard ecosystem services; (e) to establish a national protected areas system;
Section 23(1) The Environmental Protection Agency may, by public notice, make an order- (a) declaring a specified area of State forest to be a specially protected area for a specified period not exceeding 25 years; and (b) prohibiting any disturbance of the soil, vegetation, rivers, or creeks in that specially protected area: shall - (2)Before making an order, the Environmental Protection Agency (a) publicly notify the proposed order, the reasons for making it (including environmental considerations), and the locations where the documents referred to in subsection (3) may be inspected or bought; (b) provide any other publicity that the Agency considers reasonably necessary to bring the notice to the attention of all persons whose interests may be affected by the order. (c) invite written submissions from interested persons, and receive them, for not less than 10 days from the date of publication of the proposed order in the Gazette under paragraph (a); (d) hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed order and receive oral or written submissions; and (e)consult the Commission on any submissions received on the proposed order. (3) The Commission shall make available for inspection at its offices, and for sale on a cost recovery basis, any documents that the Commission believes would assist the public to develop a reasonable understanding of the reasons for the proposed order. (4) No order may be made except with the approval of the Minister and on the advice of the Commission that the order is necessary to protect the area of State forest concerned from activities likely to cause damage to its soil or water resources. (5) No person shall breach an order made under this section. (6) An order under this section is subject to negative resolution of the National Assembly.
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Section 69 (extract): A management plan may include —[…] (d) provision for ecologically sustainable tourism within the protected area or in partnership with local communities.
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Regulation 7(1) The Commission may enter into an agreement with the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, the Guyana Forestry Commission or the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, upon such terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed, for any land or area under the control or authority of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission, the Guyana Forestry Commission or the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission for the use of the land or area for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife.
Regulation 8 (1) The Commission may enter into agreements upon such terms and conditions as shall be mutually agreed with a private landowner, for the use of the land for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife
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Section 42 (1) A protected area within the natíonal protected areas system may be classiíied as - (a) Strict Nature Reserve; (b) Wilderness Reserve; (c) Natíonal Park; (d) Natural Monument; (e) Management Area for Habitat or Species ; (f) Protected Landscape or Seascape; or (g) Managed Resource Protected Area. (2) The classification in subsection (1) should be consistent with the lnternational Union for the Conservation of Nature guidelines for applying protected area managemem categoríes.
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Section 23. Before making an order, the Environmental Protection Agency (a) publicly notify the proposed order, the reasons for making it (including environmental considerations), and the locations where the documents referred to in subsection (3) may be inspected or bought;
(b) provide any other publicity that the Agency considers reasonably necessary to bring the notice to the attention of all persons whose interests may be affected by the order; (c) invite written submissions from interested persons, and receive them, for not less than 10 days from the date of publication of the proposed order in the Gazette under paragraph (a);
(d) hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed order and
receive oral or written submissions; and
(e) consult the Commission on any submissions received on •
the proposed order.
(3) The Commission shall make available for inspection at its offices, and
for sale on a cost recovery basis, any documents that the Commission believes would assist the public to develop a reasonable understanding of the reasons for the proposed order.
(4) No order may be made except with the approval of the Minister and on the advice of the Commission that the order is necessary to protect the area of State forest concerned from activities likely to cause damage to its soil or water resources.
(5) No person shall breach an order made under this section.
(6) An order under this section is subject to negative resolution of the National Assembly.
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Section 69. A Management Plan may include: (d) provision for ecologically sustainable tourism within the protected area or in partnership with local communities.
Section 2 "forest conservation operations" includes -
(a) the preservation of forests for the purpose of carbon sequestration; or any other form of environmental services;
(b) the conservation of biological diversity;
(c) eco-tourism.
Section 10 (1) The Commission may on application, and after consultation with relevant stakeholders grant any person a Use Permit to enter, occupy, and use a specified area of State forest for one or more of the following purposes -
(a) conducting scientific research;
(b) education or training;
(c) recreation or eco-tourism, including hiking and camping;
(d) taking photographs or making films or videos or sound recordings;
(e) any other purpose publicly notified by the Commission.
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Section 69 A Management Plan may include: (d) provision for ecologically sustainable tourism within the protected area or in partnership with local communities.
Section 2 "forest conservation operations" includes -
(a) the preservation of forests for the purpose of carbon sequestration; or any other form of environmental services;
(b) the conservation of biological diversity;
(c) eco-tourism.
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Section 69 A Management Plan may include: (d) provision for ecologically sustainable tourism within the protected area or in partnership with local communities.
Section 1.4 (extract): […]Protected Areas. In keeping with the LCDS and the REDD+ is the maintenance of biodiversity and the ecological function of Guyana’s forests. Part of a way to ensure this is the establishment of a Protected Areas Commission and a Protected Area Management system that will: [...] distinguish between zones suitable for different types of eco-tourism [...]
Section 4.4.4 Pakaraima Mountains Development Options Coupled to improved access, low-impact eco-tourism can be promoted with activities such as walking between Amerindian communities in hilly and mountainous areas.
Section 4.4.5 Rupununi Savannas and SW Guyana Development Options The development of tourism is likely to be, as at present, in the eco-tourism market drawing on the region’s ecological value and incorporating elements of landscape, uniqueness, difference from the rest of Guyana and its Amerindian heritage.
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Regulation 29(l) Any person who is guilty of the contravention of any provision of these Regulations for which no penalty is otherwise expressly provided by these Regulations, shall be liable to the penalty prescribed under paragraph of A the Sixth Schedule of the Act. (2) Any person who is convicted of an offence relating to the collecting of wildlife is liable to an additional penalty of not more than twice the market value of the wildlife in relation to which the offence is committed.
SIXTH SCHEDULE, Paragraph A A fine of not less than seventy thousand dollars nor more than three hundred
thousand dollars