Non consumption use

Guyana / Non consumption use
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Section 4. (1) the functions of the Authority shall be to promote the development of the tourism industry. (2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the functions of the Authority are to- (a) design and implement suitable marketing strategies for the promotion of the tourism industry; (b) promote throughout Guyana awareness on the implications, importance and benefits of tourism; (c) promote increased, efficient and sustainable air, sea and land transport services to, from and within, Guyana; (d) encourage and facilitate the development of amenities and facilities designed to attract tourists to Guyana; (e) develop, recommend and implement training programmes for persons employed or seeking employment in the tourism industry; (f) promote or assist in the provision of training facilities for persons providing services in tourism related industries; (g) regulate in collaboration with other relevant agencies with the approval of the Minister, standards to be maintained by all sectors of the tourism industry and institutions that provide training programmes for persons employed or seeking employment in the tourism industry; (h) facilitate, conduct and evaluate research in tourism and related subjects; (i) obtain, collate and evaluate all information the Authority considers necessary for the purpose of carrying out its functions under this Act; (j) compile and publish information relevant to tourism; (k) formulate and institute measures designed to enhance the role and image of Guyana as a tourist destination; (l) advise and recommend integrated, complementary, sustainable land use practices and environmental strategies for the development of tourism facilities in Guyana; (m) advise the Government on all aspects of tourism and matters affecting tourism; (n) do all such other acts and things that in the opinion of the Authority, would facilitate the proper discharge of its functions.