Suriname - International treaties – RAMSAR

Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (RAMSAR)
The legal framework provides for definitions (of key terms) identical in wording or effect as those set out in Article 1 (in particular "wetland" and "waterfowl")
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Ministerial Order to designate North Saramacca as a Multiple Use Management Area
Art. 1A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the eastern district boundary of the Saramacca district and the Coppename river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area. |
Ministerial Order to designate North Coronie as Multiple Use Management Area
Art. 1 A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the Coppename River and the Burnside Canal […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area. |
Ministerial Order to designate Bigi Pan as Multiple Use Management Area
Art. I A [extract]: From now on the Bigi Pan area between Burnside and the mouth of the Corantijn River […] will be made available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area. |
Ministerial Order to designate North Commewijne/Marowijne as Multiple Use Management Area
Art. 1 [extract]: To make the coastal strip between the Suriname and the Marowijne river, north of the Commewijne and Cottica river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area. |
The legal framework allows for the designation of suitable wetlands within the national territory for inclusion in a List of Wetlands of International Importance, which is maintained by the bureau of the Convention, with the boundaries of each wetland precisely described and also delimited on a map.
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Nature Conservation State Order 1966 Wia Wia, Estuary Coppenameriver, Brinckheuvel
Art. 1 [extract]: To protect and preserve the natural resources present in Suriname, the following areas belonging to the Land Domain are designated as a nature reserve, namely […] |
Nature Conservation Act
Art. 1: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the President may, after hearing the Council of State, designate land and waters belonging to the Land Domain as a nature reserve by Order. Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects. |
The legal framework allows for:
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
a) the selection of wetlands to be included on the List on account of their international significance in terms of ecology, botany, zoology, limnology or hydrology; and
b) the inclusion in the first instance of wetlands of international importance to waterfowl in any season.
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Nature Conservation Act
Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects. |
The legal framework allows:
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
a) adding to the List further wetlands situated within its territory and/or extending the boundaries of those wetlands already included in the List;
b) deleting and/or restricting the boundaries of wetlands already included in the List; and
c) communicating such changes to the convention bureau, at the earliest possible time.
No relevant elements identified/documented |
The legal framework allows:
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
- promoting the conservation of wetlands included in the List; and
- promoting, as far as possible, the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
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Ministerial Order Guidelines for land issuance in the estuarine management areas
Art 3 (1): The Head of the Department of the Domains also sends all requests for land in the Estuarine Management Areas for advice to the Head of the Land Forest Management Department (Nature Management Department). (2) After receiving the request, the Head of the Land Forest Management Department (Nature Management Department) will issue a written advice to the Head of the Domain Department. Art. 4: The following general conditions also apply to the issue of domain land in the Estuarine Management Areas: a. A strip of 500 meters of free domain land on both sides of the rivers and 200 meters on both sides of large creeks in the Estuarine Management Areas intended for designation as protective forest or specially protected forest, as referred to in Article 1 of the Forest Management Act, is NOT available for issue. b. The extraction of water from the estuarine swamps is NOT permitted. c. The discharge of water with residues of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) into the estuarine swamps is NOT allowed." |
Nature Conservation State Order 1966 Wia Wia, Estuary Coppenameriver, Brinckheuvel
Art. 1 [extract]: To protect and preserve the natural resources present in Suriname, the following areas belonging to the Land Domain are designated as a nature reserve, namely […] |
The legal framework allows for:
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
- the adoption of measures enabling the State to be informed as soon as possible if the ecological character of any wetland in its territory and included in the List has changed, is changing or is likely to change as the result of technological developments, pollution or other human interference; and
- the immediate communication of this information to the convention bureau.
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Environmental Framework Act
Art. 9: 1. Any person on the territory of the State of Suriname shall observe sufficient care for the environment. 2.The care as referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, implies that any person who knows or can reasonably suspect that his acts or omissions could create an adverse impact on the environment, is obliged not to perform the said acts insofar as such may be demanded on reasonable grounds. 3. Any person with knowledge of any act or omission that has or potentially has an adverse impact on the environment, shall forthwith report this to the Environmental Authority, subject to the authorities in charge of investigation and prosecution. 4. In addition, measures shall be taken that may be reasonably demanded from any person as referred to in paragraph 2 of this article in order to prevent the said impact or insofar as the said impact cannot be prevented, to mitigate or undo the same as far as possible. Art. 16 (1): The NMA (National Environmental Authority) publishes a scientific report centrally every four years in which the evaluation is included of the previous four years and which describes the intended development of the quality of the environment over a period of time to be indicated by the NMA at least for the next ten years. Art. 17 (1): The NMA is authorized to collect all environment-related data and to obtain information, including for years that have already passed, which it deems necessary to draw up a complete picture of the status of the environment. Art. 18: 1. In those cases in which Suriname is a party to an either bilateral and multilateral international treaty, convention or agreement concerning the management of the environment, the Environmental Authority shall in close cooperation with the relevant ministries or other government agencies: a) initiate legislative proposals aimed at implementing the ratified treaty, convention or agreement and to enable the State of Suriname, to meet its obligations that arise from being a party and at the same time to claim the rights it is entitled to. b) identify other appropriate measures to implement the ratified treaty, convention or agreement. 2.By State decree further rules may be laid down with regard to the implementation of the aforesaid treaties. Art. 29 (1): The NMA must be notified within a specified period if a person or legal entity: a. on the entry into force of this Act engages in an existing activity or process that causes or results in the production of any contaminant on a continuous or alternating basis; or b. after the entry into force of this Act an activity or a process that starts or continues that causes or results in the production of a contaminant. Art 31 (1): If it appears that the environment was contaminated before the entry into force of this Act, the NMA is authorized to oblige the person or legal entity that is partly or wholly responsible for causing or permitting the pollution to clean up or restoration of the environment in accordance with standards to be set by the NMA. |
The legal framework allows for the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether included in the List or not, and for their wardening.
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Ministerial Order Guidelines for land issuance in the estuarine management areas
Art 3 (1): The Head of the Department of the Domains also sends all requests for land in the Estuarine Management Areas for advice to the Head of the Land Forest Management Department (Nature Management Department). (2) After receiving the request, the Head of the Land Forest Management Department (Nature Management Department) will issue a written advice to the Head of the Domain Department. Art. 4: The following general conditions also apply to the issue of domain land in the Estuarine Management Areas: a. A strip of 500 meters of free domain land on both sides of the rivers and 200 meters on both sides of large creeks in the Estuarine Management Areas intended for designation as protective forest or specially protected forest, as referred to in Article 1 of the Forest Management Act, is NOT available for issue. b. The extraction of water from the estuarine swamps is NOT permitted. c. The discharge of water with residues of chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers, etc.) into the estuarine swamps is NOT allowed." |
Nature Conservation State Order 1966 Wia Wia, Estuary Coppenameriver, Brinckheuvel
Art. 1 [extract]: To protect and preserve the natural resources present in Suriname, the following areas belonging to the Land Domain are designated as a nature reserve, namely […] |
Nature Conservation Act
Art. 1: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the President may, after hearing the Council of State, designate land and waters belonging to the Land Domain as a nature reserve by Order. Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects. |
The legal framework allows that, whenever a wetland is exceptionally deleted or restricted, any loss of wetland resources is compensated, in particular by creating additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.
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The legal framework allows for the promotion of research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.
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Nature Conservation Act
Art.6: The prohibitions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to persons appointed by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, to whom a special license has been granted or an order has been given, with due observance of the conditions set by the Head, for performing one or more acts referred in the mentioned article for scientific, educational, cultural or other purposes. |
The legal framework allows for increase of waterfowl populations through management on appropriate wetlands.
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The legal framework allows for the training of personnel in wetland research, management and wardening.
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The legal framework encourages:
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
- inter-State consultation for the fulfillment of obligations under the Convention in transboundary wetlands and shared river basins; and
- inter-State coordination on present and future policies and regulations relating to the conservation of wetlands, their flora and fauna.
No relevant elements identified/documented |