Suriname - International treaties – WHC

World Heritage Convention (WHC)
Art. 1 & 2
The legal framework provides for a definition of cultural heritage and natural heritage.
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Monuments Act 2002
Art.1: In this Act and the provisions based on it, the following definitions apply: (b)Monuments: 1.all real estate or parts thereof, which are at least fifty years old and are considered to be of general interest because of their beauty, their artistic value, their significance for science, archeology, the history of the country, their ethnological value or architecture; 2. sites which are of general interest because of the objects present there as referred to under 1; 3. sites, other than those referred to in paragraph 2, buildings and statues set up to commemorate a particular event or person and therefore have historical or artistic value, which are registered in the registers established by virtue of this Act; c. Archaeological monuments: the monuments referred to under b sub 2; (e) City and village views: groups of real estate that are of general interest because of their beauty, their mutual spatial or structural cohesion or their scientific or cultural-historical value and in which groups one or more monuments are located, which are registered in the registers established by this Act; |
Art. 4
The legal framework allows for the identification, protection and conservation of the cultural and natural heritage, ensuring their preservation and transmission to future generations.
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State Order for Designation of Historic Town, No. 74 (2001)
Art. 3(1): The Building Commission shall: a. advise the Director on special requirements to building plans within town and village areas with its own aesthetic character; b. Review plans to special requirements. (2) The review referred to in paragraph 1 under b of this article shall be based on special requirements for building projects in urban and village areas with their own aesthetic character, to be determined by the director. (3) The result of the review referred to in paragraph 1 b of this article, serves as advice to the Director for the provision of building permits in the city and village areas with its own aesthetic character. |
Constitution of the Republic of Suriname (S.B. 1987 no. 116)
Art. 38: (1) Everyone has the right to education and cultural experience. (4) The State promotes the democratization of culture through the enjoyment of culture and encourage cultural creation and through cultural and recreational associations, information media and other appropriate channels provide access for all citizens to those ensure cultural creations. Art. 47: the State shall safeguard and protect the cultural heritage of Suriname, stimulate its preservation and promote the use of science and technology in the context of the national development aims. |
Urban Planning Act 1972
Art. 3(3): The planning rules may provide that it it shall be prohibited to designate a certain work area, i.e. no construction or operations may be performed without written permission of the director.” |
Building Act 1952
Art. 4 (1): The authorization referred to in Article 1 shall be refused: a. If it does not meet the construction plan or the application or the documents or drawings the state requires with the decision pursuant to Article 1 or referred to in Article 3 of this law; b. if the construction plan covers a monument within the meaning of Article 3 of the Monuments and this is not in accordance with a license granted by the Minister charged with cultural affairs. (2) To promote a harmonious development in urban and village areas with an own aesthetic character, the Director may demand particular requirements on construction plans for those areas. The director allows itself to assess these requirements by requesting advice from an expert committee, whose role and powers be arranged by State Order. (3) Conditions may be attached to the building, which also includes conditions in respect of the color or decoration of the appearance of the structure, where visible from the Road. (4) Any refusal must be reasoned. |
Nature Conservation Act
Art. 1: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the President may, after hearing the Council of State, designate land and waters belonging to the Land Domain as a nature reserve by Order. Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects. |
Nature Conservation State Order 1998 Central Suriname Nature Reserve
Art. 1 [extract]: For the protection and conservation of the natural resources present in the Republic of Suriname is designated as "CENTRAL SURINAME NATURE RESERVE", the following area belonging to the State Domain with the boundaries described below and those on the the attached map - which forms an integral part of this State Order - are signed […] |
Monuments Act 2002
Art.3: 1. Buildings may or may not at the request of business Right holders be designated as a monument by the Minister. 2. A decision to classify monuments, must be based on the reasons. These reasons include the general characteristic of the monument, the material it is made, the construction period, the features, the facade construction, ornamentation, siting. 3. The Minister requests advice from the Commission before taking a decision on the matters in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. As far as it concerns archaeological monuments, the Minister seeks advice from the Archaeological Service. 4. The Commission and the Archaeological Service, referred to in the third paragraph of this article should deliver their advice to the Minister within sixty days. Art. 4 (1): The Minister is entitled to make its changes in the status of monument, whereby Article 3 shall apply. (2) Provisions for Paragraph 1 will be determined by or pursuant to State Order. (3) The decision to designate shall be brought to general knowledge of the Public by publishing it in the Government Gazette of the Republic of Suriname. Art. 5 (1): Monuments, which are designated in accordance with Article 3, will be registered in the Public Monuments Register. Art. 7 (1): It is prohibited to demolish a monument or bring changes to it. (2) It is prohibited without a license from the Minister or contrary to such license conditions: a. to demolish a monument, to disrupt or make changes in the appearance or structure; b. to restore a monument, to use or to use in any manner, making it flawed or compromised; c. to move a monument, thereby taking it out of its historical context; d. to withdraw a monument from the sight, which is visible from the public roade or place a disturbing billboard or other flashy object on a monument. (3) Before the Minister takes the decision referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, he asks advice from the Commission and / or the Archaeological Service. Art. 9 (1): Right holders entitled to a monument are obliged to timely perform or have performed work for maintenance or repair. (2) If right holders entitled to a monument grossly neglect their maintenance obligation, they must tolerate that the Minister performs maintenance work on behalf of the State. |
Art.5 (a)
The legal framework allows for:
a) the adoption of a general policy aiming to give the cultural and natural heritage a function in the life of the community and to integrate the protection of that heritage into comprehensive planning programs;
a) the adoption of a general policy aiming to give the cultural and natural heritage a function in the life of the community and to integrate the protection of that heritage into comprehensive planning programs;
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Constitution of the Republic of Suriname (S.B. 1987 no. 116)
Art. 38: (1) Everyone has the right to education and cultural experience. (4) The State promotes the democratization of culture through the enjoyment of culture and encourage cultural creation and through cultural and recreational associations, information media and other appropriate channels provide access for all citizens to those ensure cultural creations. Art. 47: the State shall safeguard and protect the cultural heritage of Suriname, stimulate its preservation and promote the use of science and technology in the context of the national development aims. |
Nature Conservation Act
Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects. |
Art. 5 (b)
The legal framework allows for:
b) the setting up of one or more services for the protection and conservation the cultural and natural heritage with an appropriate staff possessing the means to discharge their functions;
b) the setting up of one or more services for the protection and conservation the cultural and natural heritage with an appropriate staff possessing the means to discharge their functions;
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State Order for the establishment of the Building Committee and designation of historic city center
Art. 2 [extract]: There is a Building Committee in Suriname, consisting of […] Art. 3 : 1. Building Commission shall: a. advise the Director on special requirements to Building plans within town and village areas with its own aesthetic character; b. Review plans to special requirements. 2. The review referred to in paragraph 1 under b of this article shall be based on special requirements for building projects in urban and village areas with their own aesthetic character, to be determined by the director. 3.The result of the review referred to in paragraph 1 b of this article, serves as advice to the Director for the provision of building permits in the city and village areas with its own aesthetic character.” |
Environmental Framework Act
Art. 22 (1): The activities that may have adverse effects on the environment and for which the NMA is authorized to require an environmental impact analysis (EIA) are established by State Order. Art. 22 (5): If an EIA is required for an activity as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the activity will start after the environmental impact report containing the results of the EIA has been approved by the NMA. Art. 24 (2): The NMA is authorized to conduct or commission a strategic environmental impact analysis (SEA) with regard to a proposed government policy plan or government program. |
Nature Conservation Act
Art.3 [extract]: The general management of the nature reserves rests with the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, who seeks the advice of the Nature Conservation Commission- [….] Art.4: The Head of the Suriname Forest Service can, on the advice of the Nature Conservation Commission close or partially close a nature reserve to the public. It is prohibited to enter an area closed under the previous paragraph, unless with written permit from the Head of the Suriname Forest Service and with due observance of the conditions set therein. Art. 9: The investigating officers are at all times authorized to seize susceptible objects. They can demand their extradition for this purpose. Art. 11 [extract]: With the tracing of the offenses made punishable by or pursuant to this Act, are except for the persons designated in Article 134 of the Criminal Code Act, also entrusted the persons designated for this purpose by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, […] |
Monuments Act 2002
Art. 2: (1)There is a Conservation Committee consisting of at least five members. (4): The Commission has the task: advise the Minister on request or on his own initiative in the field of the application of this Act; b. to keep themselves regularly informed of the condition of the monuments and to report on this to the Minister at least once a year. (5) The Commission also carries out activities in the field of monument conservation, which are assigned to it by or pursuant to the law or by the Minister. (6) The Minister shall arrange the organization and working method of the Commission, insofar as necessary, and appoint a secretary to it. |
Art. 5 (c)
The legal framework allows for:
c) the development of studies, research and methods to counteract the dangers that threaten cultural or natural heritage;
c) the development of studies, research and methods to counteract the dangers that threaten cultural or natural heritage;
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Nature Conservation Act
Art.6: The prohibitions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to persons appointed by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, to whom a special license has been granted or an order has been given, with due observance of the conditions set by the Head, for performing one or more acts referred in the mentioned article for scientific, educational, cultural or other purposes. |
Art. 5 (d)
The legal framework allows for:
d) the adoption of legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures necessary for the identification, protection, conservation and rehabilitation of cultural or natural heritage.
d) the adoption of legal, scientific, technical, administrative and financial measures necessary for the identification, protection, conservation and rehabilitation of cultural or natural heritage.
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Constitution of the Republic of Suriname (S.B. 1987 no. 116)
Art. 38: (1) Everyone has the right to education and cultural experience. (4) The State promotes the democratization of culture through the enjoyment of culture and encourage cultural creation and through cultural and recreational associations, information media and other appropriate channels provide access for all citizens to those ensure cultural creations. Art. 47: the State shall safeguard and protect the cultural heritage of Suriname, stimulate its preservation and promote the use of science and technology in the context of the national development aims. |
Nature Conservation Act
Art. 1: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the President may, after hearing the Council of State, designate land and waters belonging to the Land Domain as a nature reserve by Order. Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects. |
Art. 27
The legal framework allows for the adoption of measures to:
- strengthen the respect and attachment of peoples to the cultural and natural heritage, in particular through educational and information programs; and to
- broadly inform the public of the dangers threatening this heritage and of the activities carried on in pursuance of this Convention.
- strengthen the respect and attachment of peoples to the cultural and natural heritage, in particular through educational and information programs; and to
- broadly inform the public of the dangers threatening this heritage and of the activities carried on in pursuance of this Convention.
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Constitution of the Republic of Suriname (S.B. 1987 no. 116)
Art. 38 (extract): (1) Everyone has the right to education and cultural experience.[...] (4) The State promotes the democratization of culture through the enjoyment of culture and encourage cultural creation and through cultural and recreational associations, information media and other appropriate channels provide access for all citizens to those ensure cultural creations. Art. 47: the State shall safeguard and protect the cultural heritage of Suriname, stimulate its preservation and promote the use of science and technology in the context of the national development aims. |
Policy Development Plan Part 1 2017-2021
[extract]: Based on […] vision for the cultural sector, the development goal reads as follows: Stimulated by more and better media productions, educational and training activities as well as guidance and development opportunities, citizens experience their culture intensively, they appreciate cultures from their own country more, and professional cultural practitioners are better able to present and to sell their products on local, regional and international markets. |
Nature Conservation Act
Art.6: The prohibitions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to persons appointed by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, to whom a special license has been granted or an order has been given, with due observance of the conditions set by the Head, for performing one or more acts referred in the mentioned article for scientific, educational, cultural or other purposes. |