Suriname / Consumption use
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Article 7: In the rules laid down by or under this Act, hunting shall mean: the capture or killing of wild animals and any attempt to do so, as well as tracking down and driving up such, with the apparently aim to get hold of or kill it.
Anyone who is found in possession of hunting equipment and / or apparently newly caught or killed animals, as well as fresh body parts or eggs, or parts or products of wild animal species that have apparently been preserved since the time he left his primary residence, is supposed to be on a hunt.
Article 9: The Director or the Head as his designated deputy may issue and grant special licenses to persons designated by him to act on behalf of a scientific, educational or other useful purpose, to be set by him conditions, for a specific time and for a specific area to kill or to collect, without a hunting license (jachtacte), on animal species designated by him in particular, belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species", or collect eggs or nests of birds belonging to the categories "game species" and "cage animal species". With regard to the animals and / or objects thus obtained, the license holder will be allowed to have them in his possession, to transport them or to export them.
Article 1: For the purposes of the provisions of this Law, the following definitions shall apply:
c. Fishing means the obtaining or killing of fish, and attempting to do so, on, on, or on water, which is not situated within a yard and being secluded;
Article 2: Without prejudice to Articles 4 and 5(a) and (c), it shall be prohibited to fish within Suriname other than with the rod or with the handline, unless a written license to be issued by or on behalf of the Director may be submitted.
Article 2a:
1. The following fishing license fees shall be levied for the authorization referred to in the previous Article, i.e.
(a) for fish trap and line fishing in river mouths: f 25,-
(b) for seine fishing in rivers: f 25,-
(c) for gillnet fishing in pans and swatmps f 25,-
(d) for pair trawling from the riverbank: f 15,-
(e) for sport fishing (sports fishing subject to licence) and others: f 15,-
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Article 1: For the purposes of the provisions of this Law, the following definitions shall apply:
c. Fishing means the obtaining or killing of fish, and attempting to do so, on, on, or on water, which is not situated within a yard and being secluded;
Article 2: Without prejudice to Articles 4 and 5(a) and (c), it shall be prohibited to fish within Suriname other than with the rod or with the handline, unless a written license to be issued by or on behalf of the Director may be submitted.
Article 3(2): By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, hunting all game and cage species - with the exception of those subject to a closed season throughout the year - is authorized throughout the year in the Southern zone, as indicated in Article 8 paragraph 2 and according to the map enclosed as Annex V.
Article 4:
1. The authorized number of individuals per game and cage species is set as set out in Annexes II and III.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article do not apply in the southern zone as indicated in article 8, paragraph 2 and according to the map attached as Annex V, with the exception of the species for which a closed season applies throughout the year.
Article 1 (o):
Definition of communal forest: forest areas that are located around community land and that are designated as community forest for the benefit of tribal communities living in villages and settlements which serve to meet their own needs for food and forest production, as well as for possible commercial use of wood, collection of forest by-products and extraction for agricultural purposes.
Article 41:
(2) After consultation with the Minister in charge of regional development, the Minister designates certain forest areas as communal forest on behalf of the inhabitants of the interior who live in villages and settlements and also for the tribal inhabitants. The utilization and the control of the communal forest will be further regulated by State Order.
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Article 23: The areas to which this Act will apply in whole or in part will be designated by State Order.
Article 1: For the purposes of the provisions of this Law, the following definitions shall apply:
c. Fishing means the obtaining or killing of fish, and attempting to do so, on, on, or on water, which is not situated within a yard and being secluded;X
d.Within Suriname: in the inland waterways of Suriname, with the exception of the territorial sea, referred to and described in Articles 1 and 2 of the Act of 14 April 1978 concerning the extension of the territorial sea of the Republic of Suriname and the establishment of the adjacent economic zone (SRS 1978 No. 26) as well as with the exception of the economic zone, referred to and described in Article 3 of the said Act.
Article 2: Without prejudice to Articles 4 and 5(a) and (c), it shall be prohibited to fish within Suriname other than with the rod or with the handline, unless a written license to be issued by or on behalf of the Director may be submitted.
Article 3(2): By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, hunting all game and cage species - with the exception of those subject to a closed season throughout the year - is licensed throughout the year in the Southern zone, as indicated in Article 8 paragraph 2 and according to the map enclosed as Annex V.
Article 4:
1. The licensed number of individuals per game and cage species is set as set out in Annexes II and III.
2. The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article do not apply in the southern zone as indicated in article 8, paragraph 2 and according to the map attached as Annex V, with the exception of the species for which a closed season applies throughout the year.
Article 8 [extract]:
1. Without prejudice to the provisions of articles 3, paragraph 2 and 4, paragraph 2 of this State Order, the Game Act 1954 applies to the entire territory of the Republic of Suriname, including the territorial sea, […]
2. The area indicated in paragraph 1 shall be divided into a northern and a southern zone, the boundary of which runs from […]
Art. 4: The forest can be divided into permanent forest, conversion forest and forest to be preserved for the time being.
Art. 5:
(1) By State Order, areas are designated as permanent forest. This includes, in any case, those areas, which are or will be reforested or where forest improvement measures have been or will be taken.
(2) When designating permanent forest, a distinction can be made between permanent production forest, protected forest and specially protected forest.
Art. 7:
(1)The Minister designates the areas, as conversion forest. Such designation shall not be contrary to a valid national or regional development programme.
Article 41:
(2) After consultation with the Minister in charge of regional development, the Minister designates certain forest areas as communal forest on behalf of the inhabitants of the interior who live in villages and settlements and also for the tribal communities. The utilization and the control of the communal forest will be further regulated by State Order.
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Article 9 (7):
It is forbidden to possess a firearm without being authorised to do so. Referring to article 10, the power to possess a firearm shall be vested only in:
7) to him who is accompanied by a written or general or special written authorisation from the official responsible for issuing it in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down therein.
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Article 14:
1. The written authorisation shall be valid for a maximum period of one year, commencing on the day of issue, but also as a rule.
5. A firearms license shall be valid only for one firearm, which it shall indicate in particular and describe as precisely as possible.
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Article 13 [extract]:
1. The written authorization is requested in writing from and granted by the Attorney General.[…]
2. Each application for a written authorization, i.e. a firearms license and a general written authorization is accompanied by the payment of a fee from Sf. 5,000 , of which payment, in the event of no allocation, no refund will be made.
Article 1D:
Article 13 is amended as follows:
(2). Paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:
Each application for a firearms license and a general written authorization is accompanied by the payment of a fee of SRD 100,- (one hundred Surinamese Dollar), of which payment no refund is made.