Food Safety

Suriname / Food safety
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Article 2 (1): The goods whose import or export is prohibited, subject to a permit or otherwise restricted, are listed on the Negative List that is included as an appendix to this State Decree.
Article 19:
1. Only the following fish products are exported, namely:
(a)which have been processed in an establishment that complies with the applicable regulations for approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 and is inspected in accordance with the provisions of Article 24;
(b) which have been declared fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute
(c) which bear an identification mark on the packaging and on the accompanying documents in accordance with the provisions regarding identification and inspection certification, as set by the Minister;
(d) which have been introduced in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of this State Order.
Article 14: Only those fish products which are found fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute may be subject to the conditions laid down by or pursuant to a State Order and modalities are offered for import or for export.
Article 28(1): It is permitted to export meat and / or other products of animal origin if:
(a.) the products comply with the import requirements set by the authority of the importing country;
(b.) the products come from facilities included on the list of approved facilities;
(c.) is accompanied by an international veterinary certificate issued by the Head.
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Article 19 (1): Only the following fish products are exported, namely:
(a) which have been processed in an establishment that complies with the applicable regulations for approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 and is inspected in accordance with the provisions of Article 24;
(b) which have been declared fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute
(c) which bear an identification mark on the packaging and on the accompanying documents in accordance with the provisions regarding identification and inspection certification, as set by the Minister;
(d) which have been introduced in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of this State Order.
Article 14: Only fish products found to be suitable by the Fish Inspection Institute for Human Consumption may be offered for import or export under the conditions and modalities laid down by or by State Order.
Article 28(1): It is permitted to export meat and / or other products of animal origin if:
(a.) the products comply with the import requirements set by the authority of the importing country;
(b.) the products come from facilities included on the list of approved facilities;
(c.) is accompanied by an international veterinary certificate issued by the Head.
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Article 19
1. Only the following fish products are exported, namely:
(a)which have been processed in an establishment that complies with the applicable regulations for approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 and is inspected in accordance with the provisions of Article 24;
(b) which have been declared fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute
(c) which bear an identification mark on the packaging and on the accompanying documents in accordance with the provisions regarding identification and inspection certification, as set by the Minister;
(d) which have been imported in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of this State Order
2. fish products shall, where appropriate, comply with the additional health and animal disease control conditions that must be met in order to meet specific requirements of the country of destination and, after verification by the Fish inspection institute, to be transported in sealed means of transport.
3. Each establishment must keep a register in which each export is recorded, stating the date, nature and specifications of the fish products exported, weight, country of destination and the numbers of the export certificates.
4. The management of the establishment must ensure that the register referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article is immediately updated with every export, indicating the country of destination for each consignment or partial consignment.
5. The management of the establishment must ensure that a copy of every health certificate is kept and kept at the disposal of the Fish Inspection Institute for at least three years.
Article 28:
(1) It is permitted to export meat and / or other products of animal origin if:
(a.) the products comply with the import requirements set by the authority of the importing country;
(b.) the products come from facilities included on the list of approved facilities;
(c.) is accompanied by an international veterinary certificate issued by the Head.
(2) The application for an international veterinary certificate shall be submitted to the Head, in accordance with the procedure and form established by the Minister by Ministerial Order, and payment of the fee specified therein.
(3) The International Veterinary Certificate is issued when the import requirements set by the authority of the importing country are met.
(4) If, taking into account the requirements of the importing country, the Head, after the inspection, finds that:
(a.) the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 for the issue of an international veterinary certificate are met, he shall issue the international veterinary certificate;
(b.) the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 are not met, he shall not issue the international veterinary certificate.
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Article 19
(1) Only the following fish products may be exported, namely:
(a) which have been processed or processed in an establishment which complies with the rules in force for approval in accordance with the provisions of Article 29 and which are checked in accordance with the provisions of Article 24;
(b) which have been declared fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute;
(c) which bear an identification mark on the packaging and accompanying documents in accordance with the provisions on identification and certification, as laid down by the Minister;
(d) imported in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of this State Order.
(2) fish products shall, where appropriate, comply with the additional health conditions and conditions relating to the control of animal diseases to be met in order to meet specific requirements of the country of destination and, after the inspection by the Fish Inspection Institute, be transported in sealed means of transport.
Article 18 (1): Meat and/or other products of animal origin shall be exported if:
(c) is accompanied by an international veterinary certificate issued by the Head.
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Article 19:
(1) Anyone who, in performing an act as referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2, acts contrary to the provisions of or pursuant to Articles 4, 8, 9 and 14, will be punished with a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 years. or a fine of a maximum of 12,000,000 (twelve million) guilders
(2) In case of imprisonment, the judge may also impose a fine and declare the seized property forfeited.
Article 31:
3.Violation of the other prohibitions and regulations given by or pursuant to this Act is punishable by imprisonment of a maximum of six months or a fine of the third category, or with one of the two penalties.
Article 32: The offences punishable by Article 31(I) are serious offences and the offences laid down in Article 31(2) and (3) are minor offences.