Food Safety

Suriname / Food safety
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Article 2 [extract]: Chapter 2 Hygienic Requirements on board fishing vessels – 2.1 General hygienic requirements applicable to all fishing vessels [...]
B. The parts of fishing vessels and [...] are designed to be easily cleaned and disinfected [...]
Article 3 [extract]: Requirements for use and maintenance
[...] The parts of fishing vessels, equipment and equipment which come into direct contact with fish products shall be cleaned and disinfected with process water or clean seawater after unloading these fish products.
Article 6 (1): Without prejudice to Articles 2 to 5, fishing vessels with a cold storage shall be equipped with spaces, tanks or containers in which the fish products may be refrigerated in accordance with temperatures prescribed in the State Order and in this Ministerial Order.
Article 7 (1): The working decks, installations, holds, tanks and containers must be completely clean before use and must always be cleaned and disinfected with process water after use
Article 8 [extract]:
1. The ice used in icing the fish products must be used in such quantities that the fish products reach the core temperature of melting ice when unloading and during further transport. […]
Article 16 [extract]:
1. With a view to slaughter, equipment in contact with aquaculture products must be easy to clean and disinfect and be clean and in good repair at all times. […]
Article 12:
1. Rules shall be laid down by or pursuant to State Order with regard to the registration of supply centers.
2. By Ministerial Order of the Minister, the public supply centers are determined, as well as the days and hours at which fish products may be landed at those supply centers.
Article 13:
1. Rules with regard to the approval of facilities are laid down by or pursuant to a State Order.
2. The management of an establishment is obliged to keep a detailed register, in which immediately and all incoming and outgoing fish products are accurately recorded, as well as the measurements, checks carried out and their results.
3. The management of an establishment must ensure that the general hygienic condition is regularly monitored, in accordance with the relevant rules.
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Article 2: Without prejudice to Articles 4 and 5(a) and (c), it shall be prohibited to fish within Suriname other than with the rod or with the handline, unless a written authorization to be issued by or on behalf of the Director may be submitted.
Article 2a:
1. The following fishing licence fees shall be levied for the authorization referred to in the previous Article, i.e.
(a) for barrel and line fishing in river mouths: f 25,-
(b) for sea network fishing in rivers: f 25,-
(c) for gillnet fishing in pans and swaths f 25,-
(d) for spannet and towing from the riverbank: f 15,-
(e) for sport fishing (sports fishing subject to licence) and others: f 15,-
Article 45: He who catches fish by intoxication shall be punished with detention of not more than one month or fine of not more than one hundred guilders.
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Article 4: By Ministerial Order, requirements will be laid down to be met during the production, trading, importing and exporting of live bivalve molluscs as referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2 of the Fish Inspection Act.
Article 5:
1. fish products placed on the market which are alive shall be continuously maintained under conditions optimal for their survival.
2. The water in the storage reservoirs of the farmers or traders where the fish products are kept alive must meet physical, chemical and biological quality requirements such that it cannot adversely affect the consumption fitness of the fish products.
3. Live fish products from fish farms must be accompanied during storage and transport by an accompanying document attesting that they:
(a.) have been subjected to the health examination as referred to in Article 25;
(b.) in case of import, comply with the provisions of Article 16.
4. Further rules may be laid down for the marketing of live fish products by Ministerial Order of the Minister.
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Article 4 [extract]:
1. Once on-board fish products care shall be taken as soon as possible to ensure that they are protected from contamination and exposure to the: sun or any other heat source. […]
Article 8 [extract]:
1. The ice used in icing the fish products must be used in such quantities that the fish products reach the core temperature of melting ice when unloading and during further transport. […]
Article 10 [extract]:
1 Equipment to be used for the unloading and landing of fish products must be so constructed as to be easy to clean and disinfect, while being properly maintained and clean. […]
Article 12 [extract]:
After landing or, where appropriate, after first sale, fish products must be transported immediately to their place of destination under the conditions laid down in Chapter 8 of this Ministerial Order. […]
Article 16 [extract]:
1. With a view to slaughter, equipment in contact with aquaculture products must be easy to clean and disinfect and be clean and in good repair at all times. […]
Article 2:
1. By Ministerial Order, the conditions for the use of fish products for first sale or transport shall be laid down:
(a) on board fishing vessels;
(b) and during unloading, transporting, storing and cooling in the supply centers.
2. By way of derogation from paragraph 1 of this Article, the Fish Inspection Institute may, under conditions to be determined by it, allow fresh fish products to be transshipped on the quay in containers intended for immediate dispatch to an approved establishment where they are checked and inspected.
3. Where stripping is technically and commercially possible and hygienically justified, this shall be done as soon as possible after capture.
4. fish products shall be protected as far as possible from dust, dirt or contamination from their catch and stored at a temperature approaching that of melting ice.
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Article 2 (3): Where gutting is technically and commercially possible and hygienically justified, this shall be done as soon as possible after capture.
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Article 17(10 a): Facilites keeping live animals, such as crustaceans and fish, must have suitable facilities available which give the animals maximum chances of survival, with water of such a quality that the animals do not come into contact with harmful organisms or substances.
Article 58 (6): fish products placed on the market live must be transported under conditions which do not adversely affect those products.
Article 5:
1. fish products placed on the market which are alive shall be continuously maintained under conditions optimal for their survival.
2. The water in the storage reservoirs of the farmers or traders where the fish products are kept alive must meet physical, chemical and biological quality requirements such that it cannot adversely affect the consumption fitness of the fish products.
3. Live fish products from fish farms must be accompanied during storage and transport by an accompanying document attesting that they:
(a.) have been subjected to the health examination as referred to in Article 25;
(b.) in case of import, comply with the provisions of Article 16.
4. Further rules may be laid down for the marketing of live fish products by Ministerial Order of the Minister.
Article 25(2): shall refer to live fish products from nurseries intended for human consumption shall be placed on the market or transported only if they do not show any clinical symptom of disease on the day of landing and if the requirements for identification and certification to be made by Ministerial Order are met.