Food Safety

Suriname / Food safety
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Article 2 (1): The goods whose import or export is prohibited, subject to a permit or otherwise restricted, are listed on the Negative List that is included as an appendix to this State Decree.
Article 16:
(1) The quality requirements and conditions applicable to imports of fish products are equivalent to those applicable to the production and placing on the market of comparable fish products, as provided for in or pursuant to this State Decision.
(2) The imported fish products may not be released until a health certificate from the Fish Inspection Institute has been approved.
(3) The Minister may lay down conditions by decision for the issue of health certificates.
Article 14: Only those fish products which are found fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute may be subject to the conditions laid down by or pursuant to a State Order and modalities are offered for import or for export.
Article 26:
(1) Applications to obtain a veterinary license for the import of transit meat and / or other originating products shall be submitted to the Head, specifying the procedure and form established by the Minister, and payment of the corresponding fee.
Article 27:
(1) It is prohibited to import meat and / or other originating products, unless:
b. the importer is in possession of a veterinary import license issued by the Head;
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Article 17:
1. Only fish products may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Suriname which:
a. come from countries or territories:
-which appear on a list determined annually by Ministerial Order;
b. handled, worked and processed in facilities located in countries or areas as referred to in paragraph 1, under a of this article
c. originate from dispatch centers or purification centers as far as bivalve molluscs are concerned, - supply centers, auctions or wholesale markets or fish farms from countries or regions as referred to in paragraph 1, under a of this article and which appear on an annual list of goods determined by Ministerial Order including approved centers, auctions or wholesale markets or fish farms;
Article 14: Only those fish products which are found fit for human consumption by the Fish Inspection Institute may be subject to the conditions laid down by or pursuant to a State Order and modalities are offered for import or for export.
Article 26 (1):
(1) Applications to obtain a veterinary license for the import of transit meat and / or other originating products shall be submitted to the Head, specifying the procedure and form established by the Minister, and payment of the corresponding fee.
Article 27 :
1) It is prohibited to import meat and / or other originating products, unless:
a. the importer holds a veterinary license for his establishment
b. the importer is in possession of a veterinary import license issued by the Head;
c. the products meet the import requirements and come from facilities included in the list of approved facilities
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Article 16:
(1) The quality requirements and conditions applicable to imports of fish products are equivalent to those applicable to the production and placing on the market of comparable fish products, as provided for in or pursuant to this State Order.
(2) The imported fish products may not be released until a health certificate from the Fish Inspection Institute has been approved.
(3) The Minister may lay down conditions by decision for the issue of health certificates.
Article 17:
1. Only fish products may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Suriname which:
a. come from countries or territories:
-which appear on a list determined annually by Ministerial Order;
b. handled, worked and processed in facilities located in countries or areas as referred to in paragraph 1, under a of this article
c. originate from dispatch centers or purification centers as far as bivalve molluscs are concerned, - supply centers, auctions or wholesale markets or fish farms from countries or regions as referred to in paragraph 1, under a of this article and which appear on an annual list of goods determined by Ministerial Order including approved centers, auctions or wholesale markets or fish farms;
d. be accompanied by a health certificate issued by the competent authority of the country consigning, taking care that the certificates meet the following conditions:
- the certificate must be drawn up in Dutch or English,
- the certificate must be original,
- the certificate consists of a single sheet,
- the certificate has been drawn up for a single destination.
(2) The health certificate referred to in paragraph 1(d) of this Article should be in conformity with the model laid down by the Minister by decision and indicate the origin of the fish products concerned and that they satisfy the conditions for the placing on the market of fish products.
Article 26:
(1) Applications to obtain a veterinary license for the import of transit meat and / or other originating products shall be submitted to the Head, specifying the procedure and form established by the Minister, and payment of the corresponding fee.
Article 27:
1) It is prohibited to import meat and / or other originating products, unless:
a. the importer holds a veterinary license for his establishment
b. the importer is in possession of a veterinary import license issued by the Head;
c. the products meet the import requirements and come from facilities included in the list of approved facilities
d. the products shall be accompanied by an international veterinary certificate in the Dutch or English languages or by an official translation into Dutch or English issued by the authority of the country of origin and the executive country;
e. the products shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin issued by the country of origin authority.
2) The Head establishes additional import requirements for meat and other products of animal origin based on risk assessment and the international reference standard.
3) Before a consignment of meat and / or other products of animal origin arrives on Surinamese territory, the importer must notify the Head of this in the manner prescribed by him.
4)The above mentioned products shall be stored in the manner prescribed by him in an establishment approved by the Head until the prescribed veterinary procedures have been carried out.
5) The meat and / or other products of animal origin are available for inspection and sampling for analysis by the Head.
6) It is prohibited to remove meat and / or other products of animal origin stored in a facility as referred to in paragraph 4 from this facility, unless the Head has authorized the removal thereof.
9) The expenses shall be borne by the importer and the fees to be paid shall be determined by order by the Minister.
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Article 17 (1): Only fish products may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Suriname which:
(d) be accompanied by a health certificate issued by the competent authority of the country consigning, taking care that the certificates meet the following conditions:
- the certificate must be drawn up in Dutch or English,
- the certificate must be original,
- the certificate consists of a single sheet,
- the certificate has been drawn up for a single destination.
(2) The health certificate referred to in paragraph 1(d) of this Article should be in conformity with the model laid down by the Minister by decision and indicate the origin of the fish products concerned and that they satisfy the conditions for the placing on the market of fish products.
Article 27 (1): It shall be prohibited to import meat and/or other products of animal origin unless:
(d) the products shall be accompanied by an international veterinary certificate in the Dutch or English languages or by an official translation into Dutch or English issued by the authority of the country of origin and the executive country;
(e) the products shall be accompanied by a certificate of origin issued by the country of origin authority.
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Article 16:
(1) The quality requirements and conditions applicable to imports of fish products are equivalent to those applicable to the production and placing on the market of comparable fish products, as provided for in or pursuant to this State Decision.
(2) The imported fish products may not be released until a health certificate from the Fish Inspection Institute has been approved.
(3) The Minister may lay down conditions by decision for the issue of health certificates.
Article 17 (1): Only fish products may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Suriname which:
(a) come from countries or territories:
- which are not subject to restrictions or prohibitions related to the sanitary suitability of fish products, imposed by the Minister or by the Minister of Health
Article 27 (2): The Head shall lay down additional import requirements for meat and other animal products based on risk assessment and the international reference standard.
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Article 17 (1): Only fish products may be imported into the territory of the Republic of Suriname which: C) Come from dispatch centers or purification centers - as far as bivalve molluscs are concerned, - supply centers, auctions or wholesale markets or fish farms from countries or regions as referred to in paragraph 1, under (a) of this article, which appear on a list of approved centers, auctions or wholesale markets or fish farms determined by the Minister by Ministerial Order.
Article 27 (1): It shall be prohibited to import meat and/or other products of animal origin unless:
(c) the products satisfy the import requirements and come from facilities included in the list of approved facilities;
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Article 57: products must be maintained at the temperatures prescribed in this Decision during storage.
2. Fresh or thawed fish products and cooked and chilled crustaceans, whether pre-packaged or not, are stored at the temperature of melting ice:
a. fresh or thawed non-prepacked fish products are chilled on ice, with or without mechanical refrigeration;
b. Prepackaged fish products are chilled on ice or with a mechanical refrigeration device that provides comparable temperature conditions.
3. Frozen fish products must be kept refrigerated at a constant temperature of - 18 degrees Celsius or less in all parts of the product.
4. Processed fish products and other than those listed in paragraph 2 (a) of this Article must be stored as follows:
(a) if prepackaged, at a maximum temperature of 7 ° C unless the producer has indicated on the packaging a lower temperature for storage, in which case this lower temperature applies;
b. if not prepackaged, at the maximum temperature of 4 ° C;
c. In the case of dried fish products or preservation in hermetically sealed containers that can be kept for more than 18 months at ambient temperature in a microbiological sense, the ambient temperature is accepted.
5. fish products must not be stored together with other products that could adversely affect their hygiene quality, contaminate them or contribute to their deterioration, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection.
Article 27 (4): The above mentioned products shall be stored in the manner prescribed by him in an establishment approved by the Head until the prescribed veterinary procedures have been carried out.
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Article 16 :
(2) The imported fish products may not be released until a health certificate from the Fish Inspection Institute has been approved.
Article 20:
Only the following fish products may be placed on the market:
- which are subject to inspection and inspection at the inspection posts for imported products.
Article 27:
5) The meat and / or other products of animal origin are available for inspection and sampling for analysis by the Head.
6) It is prohibited to remove meat and / or other products of animal origin stored in a facility as referred to in paragraph 4 from this facility, unless the Head has authorized the removal thereof.
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Article 18: Imports of fish products referred to in Article 6 shall be prohibited
Article 27 (8): The Head may at any time prohibit imports of meat and/or other products of animal origin intended for commercial or personal use or to revoke any authorization issued in this field, if:
(a) there are suspicions of outbreaks of animal diseases in the areas of origin of consignments or products or in which the exporting establishment is situated;
(b) there are indications that the facilities of origin approved in accordance with the list of approved holdings do not or no longer comply with the specifications under which they were approved.
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Article 19:
(1) Anyone who, in performing an act as referred to in Article 1, paragraph 2, acts contrary to the provisions of or pursuant to Articles 4, 8, 9 and 14, will be punished with a term of imprisonment not exceeding 6 years. or a fine of a maximum of 12,000,000 (twelve million) guilders
(2) In case of imprisonment, the judge may also impose a fine and declare the seized property forfeited.
Article 31:
1. The following shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding four years and a fine of the sixth category:
(a.) the person who intentionally violates the prohibition in Article 10 paragraph 2, Article 11 paragraph 1, Article 17 paragraph 1, or Article 27 paragraphs 1 and 6;
(b.) a person who deliberately prevents, obstructs or foils that which takes place in implementation of the provisions of or pursuant to this Act.
2. The following shall be punished with a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months and a fine of the third category, or with one of the two penalties:
(a.) the person who otherwise than deliberately acts in violation of the prohibition in article 10 paragraph 2, article 11 paragraph 1, article 17 paragraph 1, article 27 paragraph 1 and 6;
(b.) a person who, other than deliberately, prevents, obstructs or thwarts what takes place in implementation of the provisions of or pursuant to this Act.
3. Violation of the other prohibitions and regulations given by or pursuant to this Act is punishable by imprisonment of a maximum of six months or a fine of the third category, or with one of the two penalties.
4. In the event of a conviction of the guilty person for the offenses referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the guilty person may be relieved from the exercise of the profession in which he repeatedly committed these offenses.
Article 32: The offenses made punishable in article 31 paragraphs I are crimes and the offenses made punishable in article 31 paragraphs 2 and 3 are offenses.