Food Safety

Suriname / Food safety
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Article 5:
1. A Fish Inspection Institute shall be established.
2. The Fish Inspection Institute is a legal person under Surinamese law.
3. The authority to carry out quality inspections and checks and the necessary training of personnel shall be entrusted by the Minister to the Fish Inspection Institute.
Article 6 (1): The tasks of the Fish Inspection Institute include:
(e) training or having trained quality managers, their assistants and other personnel necessary for the proper performance of the tasks of the Fish Inspection Institute;
Article 7:
(1) Inspections and controls, which form part of the tasks of the Fish Inspection Institute, as referred to in Article 6, are carried out by quality managers assisted in the performance of their duties by fish inspectors, who work under the authority and responsibility of the quality managers.
(3) The Minister appoints and dismisses the quality managers after consultation with the Fish Inspection Institute.
(4) The Minister determines by Ministerial Order who may act as '' Fish Inspector ''.
Article 24:
(1) In addition to the persons designated in Article 134 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the persons designated by the Minister of Justice and Police, having heard the Fisheries Service and the Fish Inspection Institute, are also responsible for investigating the offenses made punishable by this Act. Fisheries Service and the Fish Inspection Institute after being sworn in by the Attorney General.
(2)The quality managers are responsible for supervising compliance with the offenses made punishable in this Act.
Article 3:
1.The Veterinary Service is responsible for the implementation of the procedures and regulations established by or pursuant to state decree for slaughter, inspection, treatment, processing, packaging, repackaging, quality control, facilities, transport, storage and technical and hygiene regulations.
2. The Minister appoints a veterinarian who has the necessary qualifications and / or competences in areas such as animal health, animal diseases, zoonoses and food safety as Head.
Article 4:
(1) The Head has the following responsibilities under this Act:
(b) Establish and monitor a system for pre- and post-mortem inspections, as well as propose for appointment by the Minister of Veterinary Inspectors
(2) On the nomination of the Head, the Minister appoints Veterinary Inspectors from among the officers who meet the prescribed training and qualifications to conduct official inspections.
(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Head, appoint private veterinarians and other qualified experts as Special Veterinary Inspector.
(4) The private veterinarians and qualified experts referred to in paragraph 3 must meet the prescribed technical and training requirements and be entrusted with specific duties and powers and reporting obligations. The duties and powers are exercised under the supervision of the Head.
(9)The Head may delegate or transfer any authority or task assigned to him under this Act to any Veterinary Inspector or Special Veterinary Inspector under his direction.
Article 5 (1): The Veterinary Inspectors referred to in Article 4 paragraph 2 have control and inspection tasks.
Article 33 (1): In addition to the officials designated by Article 134 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Head and the Veterinary Inspectors under him are also responsible for supervising compliance with and detecting violations of regulations set by or pursuant to this Act.
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Article 7 (2): Quality managers must have successfully completed the in-service training “Fish Inspection and Quality Management in the Fisheries Sector” recognized by the Ministry of Education and Community Development.
Article 4:
(2.) On a proposal from the Head, the Minister appoints Veterinary Inspectors from among the officials who meet the required training and qualifications for carrying out official inspections.
(3.) Without prejudice to paragraph 2, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Head of Private Veterinarians and other qualified experts, appoint as Special Veterinary Inspector.
(4.) The private veterinarians and qualified experts referred to in paragraph 3 shall comply with the required technical and training requirements and shall be entrusted with specific tasks and powers and reporting obligations. The tasks and powers shall be exercised under the supervision of the Head.
(5.) The Head shall ensure that veterinary inspectors and Special Veterinary Inspectors are properly trained and competent before accepting their appointment and that they are constantly retrained according to the circumstances.
(6.) For the appointment of persons to Veterinary Inspectors and Special Veterinary Inspectors, they may not have previously been convicted of a crime and shall not have interests in facilities to which their official inspections are directed. The Head shall ensure that these requirements are always met.
(7.) Without prejudice to paragraph 6, Veterinary Inspectors and Special Veterinary Inspectors shall be required to disclose to the Head a possible conflict of interest or the existence of a criminal record.