Food Safety

Suriname / Food safety
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Article 57: products must be maintained at the temperatures prescribed in this Ministerial Order during storage.
2. Fresh or thawed fish products and cooked and chilled crustaceans, whether pre-packaged or not, are stored at the temperature of melting ice:
a. fresh or thawed non-prepacked fish products are chilled on ice, with or without mechanical refrigeration;
b. Prepackaged fish products are chilled on ice or with a mechanical refrigeration device that provides comparable temperature conditions.
3. Frozen fish products must be kept refrigerated at a constant temperature of - 18 degrees Celsius or less in all parts of the product.
4. Processed fish products and other than those listed in paragraph 2 (a) of this Article must be stored as follows:
(a) if prepackaged, at a maximum temperature of 7 ° C unless the producer has indicated on the packaging a lower temperature for storage, in which case this lower temperature applies;
b. if not prepackaged, at the maximum temperature of 4 ° C;
c. In the case of dried fish products or preservation in hermetically sealed containers that can be kept for more than 18 months at ambient temperature in a microbiological sense, the ambient temperature is accepted.
5. fish products must not be stored together with other products that could adversely affect their hygiene quality, contaminate them or contribute to their deterioration, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection.
Article 14:
2. Operators of facilities are responsible for compliance with technical and hygiene regulations, procedures and other requirements regarding the transport and storage of animal products and other products of animal origin.
3. By or pursuant to a State Order, rules shall be laid down concerning the technical and hygiene requirements, procedures and other requirements that the facilities, vehicles, transport facilities, storage facilities and other infrastructure facilities used for the transport or storage of meat and other products from animal origin must comply.
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Article 20:
6.) fish products, viscera and parts likely to pose a risk to public health must be segregated and kept away from fish products fit for human consumption.
8.a)Unless special facilities are provided for the continuous disposal of waste, such waste must be stored in watertight, covered receptacles of corrosion-resistant material, which can be easily cleaned and disinfected.
b) The waste must be regularly removed from the workshops and taken in the waste containers to the special area for the storage of these containers, as provided for in Article I 7 (2) (c).
c) The receptacles, containers and room for the waste must be carefully cleaned and disinfected after each use.
d) The stored waste must not form a source of contamination for the establishment or cause nuisance to the surrounding area and must be regularly removed from the establishment, if not destroyed.
Article 22 (5): Animal by-products and carcasses or parts thereof unsuitable for human and/or animal consumption shall be kept separate from approved meat in order to prevent contamination and stored and treated in accordance with the established rules.
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Article 4:
2.When fish products are washed, this must be done either with process water, so that the quality and sanitary condition of the fish products is not compromised.
6.If ice is used for cooling fish products, this ice must be made from process water.
7. When fish products are decapitated or gutted on board, this must be done hygienically and the fish products must be sufficiently rinsed with process water immediately after these operations.
Article 18 (5): Process water may only be used on the understanding that, exceptionally, non-potable water may be used for cooling the machines, generating steam and fighting fire, provided that this water is not used for other purposes. purposes and does not present a risk of contamination of the fish products and provided that the pipes for non-potable water are clearly distinguishable from those for process water;
Article 20:
4: The operations, such as decapitation and stripping, must be carried out with the necessary hygiene and immediately followed by extensive washing of the products concerned with process water.
Article 7 (1b): fish products caught or harvested in the natural environment shall: be treated exclusively with process water that complies with standards to be laid down in the Ministerial Order;
Article 1: Process water means all water that is used untreated or after treatment for washing and / or manufacturing fish products intended for human consumption, regardless of its origin and whether the water is supplied via a distribution network, from a tanker or road tanker, its own water source or from the sea.
Article 2 [extract]: Process water is clean if the water:
(a) does not contain micro-organisms, parasites or other substances in quantities or concentrations that could endanger public health;
(b) meets the minimum requirements specified in Article 3. […]
Article 14 (1): The technical and hygiene regulations, procedures and other requirements as referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, Article 12, under b and Article 13, paragraph 5, under a, include:
(f) the quality of water used, which should be of drinking water quality, unless water of another quality can be used without resulting in contamination of meat or products of animal origin.
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Article 2 (2): By Ministerial Order, regulations are laid down with regard to the use of food additives in the preparation of fish products.
Article 2: The maximum levels specified in this Ministerial Order refer, unless otherwise specified, to foodstuffs as placed on the market.
The expression "quantum satis" in this Ministerial Order means that no maximum concentration has been set, which does not alter the fact that, in accordance with good manufacturing practice, food additives should be used at a concentration not higher than necessary to achieve the intended purpose, and provided that the consumer is not misled.
Article 3 [extract]: Maximum permitted concentrations of sweeteners
In sweet and sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish, as well as marinades of fish, crustaceans, shellfish and molluscs, the following concentrations are allowed […]
Article 4 [extract]: Permitted maximum concentrations of dyes […]
Article 5 [extract]: Additives "quantum satis" allowed in processed fish products […]
Article 6 [extract]: Additives limited in processed fish products […]
Artcile 7 [extract]: Additives not allowed in processed fish products […]
Article 8 [extract]: Additives allowed in processed fish products […]
Article 9 [extract]: Additives limited in frozen, processed fish, crustaceans, molluscs and cephalopods […]
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Article 52:
1a. Packaging must take place under adequate hygienic conditions to avoid any contamination of the fish products.
b. In the case of fresh, non-prepacked fish products, they must be frozen, with a layer of ice insulating the fish products from the walls of the receptacle.
2. Packaging material and products which may come into contact with fish products must meet all hygiene requirements, in particular:
a) it must not alter the organoleptic characteristics of the processed and processed fish products;
b) it must not transfer substances harmful to public health to the fish products;
c) it must be of sufficient strength to provide effective protection for fish products;
3a. The packaging material must not be used again, unless it is a special impermeable, smooth container made of corrosion-resistant material, which is easy to clean and disinfect and can be reused after cleaning and disinfection.
b. Packaging materials for fresh fish products under ice must be designed in such a way that melt water can drain away.
4. Packaging material not yet used must be stored in a separate room, which is separate from the production area and must be protected from dust and contamination.
Article 57: products must be maintained at the temperatures prescribed in this Decision during storage.
2. Fresh or thawed fish products and cooked and chilled crustaceans, whether pre-packaged or not, are stored at the temperature of melting ice:
a. fresh or thawed non-prepacked fish products are chilled on ice, with or without mechanical refrigeration;
b. Prepackaged fish products are chilled on ice or with a mechanical refrigeration device that provides comparable temperature conditions.
3. Frozen fish products must be kept refrigerated at a constant temperature of - 18 degrees Celsius or less in all parts of the product.
4. Processed fish products and other than those listed in paragraph 2 (a) of this Article must be stored as follows:
(a) if prepackaged, at a maximum temperature of 7 ° C unless the producer has indicated on the packaging a lower temperature for storage, in which case this lower temperature applies;
b. if not prepackaged, at the maximum temperature of 4 ° C;
c. In the case of dried fish products or preservation in hermetically sealed containers that can be kept for more than 18 months at ambient temperature in a microbiological sense, the ambient temperature is accepted.
5. fish products must not be stored together with other products that could adversely affect their hygiene quality, contaminate them or contribute to their deterioration, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection.
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Article 13:
1. The documents referred to in Article 9 (e) shall be registered in such a way that they can be submitted immediately to the competent authority upon application.
2. The results of the various checks and analyzes as referred to in Article 12, paragraph 2, under a, must be kept for at least three years and must be available for inspection by the Fish Inspection Institute.
3. With regard to the preservation of the documents and results referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the persons responsible for the facilities shall keep a documentation containing all the information about the implementation of the self-checks and the checking thereof.
4. The documentation referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article consists of two types of information, which must be submitted to the competent authority, namely:
a).a detailed and complete document containing:
- the description of the product;
- the description of the manufacturing process with the main critical points;
- for each critical point: the identification of the hazard, the evaluation of the risks and the measures for risk management;
- the requirements for monitoring and control of the critical points, specifying the critical limits for the parameters to be controlled and any corrective measures in case of loss of risk control;
- the review and review requirements.
(b) the records of the observations or measurements referred to in Article 11 paragraph 1, the results of the sampling and analysis referred to in Article 12, the reports and the statements of decisions communicated in writing regarding any corrective measures taken.
5. An adequate document management system should ensure that documents relating to an identified batch can be retrieved easily and quickly.
Article 15:
1. Operators of facilities maintain records containing data from purchase, production and sales, from receipt to delivery, including export to final destination, as well as other data, further established by the Minister.
2. The records are kept for traceability and kept in good order for a period of three years. The operator must make his registers available to the Veterinary Service at all times, upon request.
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Article 19:
1. A person who, in the performance of an act referred to in Article 1(2), acts contrary to the provisions of or pursuant to Articles 4, 8, 9 and 14, shall be punishable by a prison sentence of not more than 6 years or a fine of not more than 12,000,000 (twelve million) guilders.
2. In the case of a prison sentence, the court may also impose a fine and forfeit the seized property.
Article 20:
1. A person who, in the performance of an act referred to in Article 1(2), acts contrary to the provisions of or pursuant to Article 3(2) and (3), Articles 12 and 13, shall be punishable by a prison sentence of not more than 3 years or a fine of not more than 6,000,000 (six million) guilders.
2. In the case of a prison sentence, the court may also impose a fine and forfeit the seized property.
Article 22:
A maximum penalty of imprisonment of not more than 1 year or a fine of not more than 2,400,000 (two million four hundred thousand) guilders may be imposed on conduct other than those referred to in Articles 19 and 20 of this Chapter, contrary to the provisions of or pursuant to this Act.
Artcile 31 (3): Violation of the other prohibitions and regulations given by or pursuant to this Act is punishable by imprisonment of a maximum of six months or a fine of the third category, or with one of the two penalties.