Food Safety

Suriname / Food safety
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Article 58: Hygienic transport requirements
1 With regard to temperature, the same requirements for the import of fish products as for storage, as set out in Article 57, in paragraphs 1 to 4, shall apply.
2. fish products must be transported under such conditions that they cannot be subject to spoilage by contamination, drying, pressing, heat, damage to the packaging or in any other way.
3.The packaging of fish products may only be used: once, except in the case of containers made of imprescriptible material that are easy to clean and disinfect.
4. fish products may not be transported:
- in vehicles or containers that are not clean and not disinfected;
-in vehicles which do not provide adequate protection for fish products against weather conditions and contamination, or contamination,
- together with other products which may adversely affect their sanitary quality, which may contaminate these fish products or contribute to their deterioration, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection.
5. When frozen fish products are transported from a cold store to an approved establishment for thawing on arrival for treatment or processing and when the distance to be covered does not exceed 50 km or takes no more than one hour, a deviation from the requirements laid down in Article 57 may be permitted.
6. fish products placed on the market alive must be transported under conditions which do not adversely affect those products.
Article 59: Hygiene requirements for means of transport for fish products
1. Means of transport intended for the transport of fish products must be constructed and arranged in such a way that the temperatures prescribed in Article 58 (1) to (4) can be maintained throughout the transport.
2. If fish products are chilled with ice, it must be ensured that melt water can drain away so that it does not remain in contact with the products.
3. The roof and internal walls of the means of transport must be smooth, easy to clean and disinfect, so that the hygienic condition of the fish products cannot be adversely affected.
4. The floor of the means of transport must be impermeable and made of a hard material that allows for easy cleaning and disinfection.
5. The coolant or cooling system must not add odor or adversely affect the transported fish products.
6. Means of transport for fish products shall not be used for the carriage of other products likely to affect or contaminate fish products unless it can be ensured by thorough cleaning and subsequent disinfection that the fish products will not be contaminated.
7. The means of transport must be kept in good repair and cleanliness.
8. The quality managers of the Fish Inspection Institute are authorized to check whether the requirements relating to the transport of fish products and the means of transport have been met and to supervise them
Article 2 (1): By Ministerial Order the conditions will be set with regard to the handling of fish products for first sale or transport:
a.on board fishing vessels,
b. and during unloading, transportation, storage and cooling at the supply centers.
Article 5 (3): Live fish products from fish farms shall be accompanied during storage and transport by : 1)an accompanying document attesting that they:
have been subjected to the health examination as referred to in Article 25;
2). in case of import, comply with the provisions of Article 16.
Article 14 [extract]:
The Minister will lay down further rules by ministerial order regarding the following specific self-checks: […]
Article 14(3): By or pursuant to a State Order, rules shall be laid down concerning the technical and hygiene requirements, procedures and other requirements that the facilities, vehicles, transport facilities, storage facilities and other infrastructure facilities used for the transport or storage of meat and other products from animal origin must comply.
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Article 58: Hygienic transport requirements
4. fish products may not be transported:
- in vehicles or containers that are not clean and not disinfected;
-in vehicles which do not provide adequate protection for fish products against weather conditions and contamination, or contamination,
- together with other products which may adversely affect their sanitary quality, which may contaminate these fish products or contribute to their deterioration, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection.
6. fish products placed on the market live must be transported under conditions which do not adversely affect those products.
Article 59: Hygiene requirements for means of transport for fish products
6. Means of transport for fish products shall not be used for the carriage of other products likely to affect or contaminate fish products unless it can be ensured by thorough cleaning and subsequent disinfection that the fish products will not be contaminated.
8. The quality managers of the Fish Inspection Institute are authorized to check whether the requirements relating to the transport of fish products and the means of transport have been met and to supervise them
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Article 58: Hygienic transport requirements
2. fish products must be transported under such conditions that they cannot be subject to spoilage by contamination, drying, pressing, heat, damage to the packaging or in any other way.
4. fish products may not be transported:
- in vehicles or containers that are not clean and not disinfected;
-in vehicles which do not provide adequate protection for fish products against weather conditions and contamination, or contamination,
- together with other products which may adversely affect their sanitary quality, which may contaminate these fish products or contribute to their deterioration, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection.
Article 59: Hygiene requirements for means of transport for fish products
6. Means of transport for fish products shall not be used for the carriage of other products likely to affect or contaminate fish products unless it can be ensured by thorough cleaning and subsequent disinfection that the fish products will not be contaminated.
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Article 31:
1. The following shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding four years and a fine of the sixth category:
(a.) the person who intentionally violates the prohibition in Article 10 paragraph 2, Article 11 paragraph 1, Article 17 paragraph 1, or Article 27 paragraphs 1 and 6;
(b.) a person who deliberately prevents, obstructs or foils that which takes place in implementation of the provisions of or pursuant to this Act.
2. The following shall be punished with a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months and a fine of the third category, or with one of the two penalties:
(a.) the person who otherwise than deliberately acts in violation of the prohibition in article 10 paragraph 2, article 11 paragraph 1, article 17 paragraph 1, article 27 paragraph 1 and 6;
(b.) a person who, other than deliberately, prevents, obstructs or thwarts what takes place in implementation of the provisions of or pursuant to this Act.
Article 19:
1. A person who, in the performance of an act referred to in Article 1(2), acts contrary to the provisions of or pursuant to Articles 4, 8, 9 and 14, shall be punishable by a prison sentence of not more than 6 years or a fine of not more than 12,000,000 (twelve million) guilders.
2. In the case of a prison sentence, the court may also impose a fine and forfeit the seized property.