Non consumption use

Suriname / Non consumption use
Does the law provide for a specific licensing system to run ESBs?
1 answer
document title
Article 22
(1)The activities that may have adverse effects on the environment and for which the NMA (National Environmental Authority) is authorized to require an environmental impact analysis (EIA) are established by State Order.
(5) If an EIA is required for an activity as referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the activity will start after the environmental impact report containing the results of the EIA has been approved by the NMA.
If a licence is required, does the law provide for consideration of social and environmental factors when issuing ESB licences?
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If a licence is required, what does the law prescribe as constituting elements for an ESB licence? (i.e. rights and duties)
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If a licence is required, does the law specify rights and duties of ESBs inside and outside ecotourism areas, including with regard to wildlife monitoring?
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If a licence is required, does the law require multi-stakeholder consultations when granting/regulating ESB licences?
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If a licence is required, does the law provide for appropriate forms of appeal for local communities against decisions related to ESB activities?
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If a licence is required, does the law provide for specific conflict resolution mechanisms to address conflicts between ESB and other types of wildlife use by local communities?
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If a licence is required, does the law limit, through licences, the areas where ESB may be performed?
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If a licence is required, does the law limit, through licences, the activities that ESBs may perform?
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If a licence is required, does the law limit, through licences, the period when ESBs may perform activities?
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If a licence is required, does the law prescribe the costs for obtaining the licence?
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If a licence is required, does the law provide for a collective licensing system (i.e. for communities)?
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If a licence is required, does the law establish rules for the issuance, suspension and termination of such licences?
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If a licence is required, does the law provide for the transfer of licences among holders?
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If a licence is required, are the monitoring measures of ESB licence holders established at central or local level?
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If monitoring measures exist, are they science-based?
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If monitoring measures exist, does the law prescribe that they should include the participation of local communities?
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If so, does the law provide for local communities' women and members of marginalized/vulnerable groups to be associated with existing monitoring measures? How?
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If a licence is required, does the law provide for any cost/tax in relation to licences?
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Does the law provide for any form of “authorization” for individuals conducting tourism activities (e.g. photo, filming, viewing, etc.) in ecotourism areas?
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Does the law provide for wildlife welfare within ecotourism areas through licensing?
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Which kind of sanctions are imposed in case of offences (criminal, administrative) related to ecotourism licensing?