Non consumption use

Suriname / Non consumption use
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Art. 1 [extract]: To protect and preserve the natural resources present in Suriname the following area belonging to the National Domain is designated as a nature reserve, namely: the area located on the Atlantic Ocean near the mouth of the Marowijne river and bounded as follows […]
Art. 1 [extract]: To protect and preserve the natural resources present in Suriname, the following areas belonging to the Land Domain are designated as a nature reserve, namely […]
Art. 1: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the President may, after hearing the Council of State, designate land and waters belonging to the Land Domain as a nature reserve by State Order.
Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects.
Art. 1 [extract]: For the protection and conservation of the natural resources present in the Republic of Suriname is designated as "CENTRAL SURINAME NATURE RESERVE", the following area belonging to the State Domain with the boundaries described below and those on the the attached map - which forms an integral part of this State Order - are signed […]
Art. 1 [extract]: In order to prevent the spread and control of an established disease among the banana plantation in Jarikaba in the district of Saramacca, the area in the radius of +/- 5 km from Jarikaba as described below is declared a protected area until further notice, i.e. the area bounded by [...]
Art. 3 [extract]: To protect and preserve the natural resources present in the Republic of Suriname, the following areas belonging to the State Domain, with the boundaries described below and which are on the the attached map - which forms an integral part of this State Order - are signed […]
Art. 1 [extract]: To protect and preserve the resources present in Suriname, the area belonging to the National Domain is designated as nature reserve, size of 99,89 ha. located in the Nickerie district to the north of the Kaaimanpolder in Wageningen, including the so-called "HERTENRITS" […]
Art. I A [extract]: From now on the Bigi Pan area between Burnside and the mouth of the Corantijn River […] will be made available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 1 [extract]: To make the coastal strip between the Suriname and the Marowijne river, north of the Commewijne and Cottica river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 7 (1c) [extract]: On the maps of a national development program, the following can be indicated, among other things: special management areas, i.e. areas for which a special form of management is considered desirable by or on behalf of the government [...]
Art. 1A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the eastern district boundary of the Saramacca district and the Coppename river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 1 [extract]: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the following area belonging to the Land Domain is designated as a nature reserve, namely: the area adjacent to the Southern border of Suriname and bounded as follows […]
Art. 1 A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the Coppename River and the Burnside Canal […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 4: The forest can be divided into permanent forest, forest to be cleared once and forest to be preserved for the time being.
Art. 5 (2): When designating permanent forest, a distinction can be made between permanent production forest, forest shelter belt and special protected forest.
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Article 23: By State Order the areas to which this Act will apply in whole or in part shall be identified.
Article 3 (2): By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, hunting all game and cage species - with the exception of those subject to a closed season throughout the year - is permitted throughout the year in the Southern zone, as indicated in Article 8 paragraph 2 and according to the map enclosed as Annex
Article 4 (2): The provisions of paragraph 1 of this article do not apply in the southern zone as indicated in article 8, paragraph 2 and according to the map attached as Annex V, with the exception of the species for which a closed season applies throughout the year.
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Art. 7 (1c) [extract]: On the maps of a national development program, the following can be indicated, among other things: special management areas, i.e. areas for which a special form of management is considered desirable by or on behalf of the government [...]
Art. 1A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the eastern district boundary of the Saramacca district and the Coppename river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 1: For the protection and preservation of the natural resources present in Suriname, the President may, after hearing the Council of State, designate land and waters belonging to the Land Domain as a nature reserve by State Order.
Art.2: To be designated as a nature reserve, an area must meet the following requirements: that it deserves government protection by virtue of alternating nature and landscape beauty and / or by the presence of scientifically or culturally important flora, fauna and geological objects.
Art. 1 A [extract]: From now on, to make the coastal strip between the Coppename River and the Burnside Canal […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 1 A [extract]: From now on the Bigi Pan area between Burnside and the mouth of the Corantijn River […] will be made available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
Art. 1 [extract]: To make the coastal strip between the Suriname and the Marowijne river, north of the Commewijne and Cottica river […] available to the Ministry of Natural Resources with the aim of rational management of this area.
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Article 5:
a) In a nature reserve it is prohibited to: (a) deliberately or by negligence cause damage to the soil conditions, natural beauty, fauna, flora or perform actions, thereby detracting the value from the reserve as such;
b) to camp, make a fire, cut wood or burn charcoal, unless with written permission from the Head of Suriname Forest Service (LBB- Dutch abbreviation) and with due observance of the conditions set therein;
c) Hunting and fishing and having a firearm, a dog or any hunting and trapping device is prohibited unless a license has been granted to that effect.
Article 6:
The prohibitions referred to in Articles 4 and 5 shall not apply to:
persons designated by the Head of the Suriname Forest Service, to whom a special license
has been granted or ordered, subject to the principal conditions laid down one or more of the conditions referred to in that Article to carry out acts for the benefit of scientific, educational, cultural or other purposes.
Article 7:
The Head of the Suriname Forest Service may grant written authorization to certain persons, in accordance with a plan approved by him, to carry on a business in an enclosed part of a nature reserve, or to cooperate in the exercise of a business, with the reservation, that the nature reserve is not harmed by these persons or companies as such.
The Head of the Suriname Forest Service may grant written authorization to certain persons, under conditions laid down by him, to collect forest and forest by-products in designated parts of nature reserves, and allow livestock for grazing or fishing.
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Article 8: Violation of the provisions by or pursuant to this Act will be punished with imprisonment of no more than 3 months or a fine of no more than one thousand guilders.
Article 9: The investigating officers are at all times authorized to seize susceptible objects. They can demand their extradition for this purpose.