Zambia / Animal health
5 answers
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4(1); The functions of the Department and the Director- [national]
5(1); Powers of officers- [national]
6(1); Powers of veterinary officers- [national and local]
9(1); The Director's powers to appoint veterinary inspectors [national and local]
12; Powers to control introduction and spread of diseases- [local]
13; Officers' Power to declare an infected area- [local]
19; Officers' power to enter any land- [local]
21; Director's power of identification and animal traceability- [national and local]
22; The Director's Power to declare a disease control zone- [national and local]
23; The Director's power declare a quarantine area- [local]
24; The Director's power to designate animal quarantine station- [local]
31; Ministerial powers to promulgate regulatory mechanisms- [National]
Sections 5 and 7 of the Animal Health Act 2010 concern powers of officer; Section 6 concerns powers of veterinary officers. According to section 42, concerning exemption to cleanse livestock, The Director shall notify any exemption granted under this section to the local authority of the area in which such exemption is granted. According to section 46 (2), concerning dipping tanks or spraying races, the Minister may, in any livestock cleansing area, direct local authorities to provide dipping or spraying races for the common use of owners of livestock within the areas under the control of the local authorities and the local authorities may charge the fees prescribed pursuant to subsection (1).
31; The National Government shall, in relation to powers and functions of the local authority conferred by this Act- […] (f) assist in the implementation of resolutions of the local authority relating to the national government's development agenda; (g) recognize and enhance the role of the local government authorities in the delivery of services and supervison of national government development activities within the area; (h) finance local authority in order to execute their devolved functions.
36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary- (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity pre dominant in the ward as determined by the local authority; (c) an extension officer from the department responsible for education; (d) an extension officer from the department responsible for health; (e) an extension officer from the department responsible for community development [...]
11; Responsibility of the Medical Officer of Health- [local]
12; Ministerial powers to promulgate regulatory instrument in respect of disease notification- [National]
15; Inspection powers of Medical Officer of Health- [Local]
16; Duty of Local Authority to disinfect premises- [Local]
23; Obligation of every owner or driver of conveyances- [Local]
26; Obligation of every citizen to notify the local authority- [Local]
28; Ministerial powers to regulate infectious diseases through statutory instrument- [National and central]
2; Responsibility of every owner or occupier of land to notify the Medical Officer of Health or the Local Authority- [Local]
3; Responsibility of chief or village headman to notify the Medical Officer of Health or the Local Authority- [Local]
7; Responsibility of the Medical Officer of Health to keep records of notifications-[Central and local]
8; Responsibility of the Director or Deputy Director of Medical Service to inspect the Register of notifications- [National and Central]
11; Powers and Responsibility of the Medical Officer to control infectious disease- [Local]
12; Powers of Medical Officers of Health to enter upon and search any premises- [Local]
13; Duty of the Police and local Authority to assist the Medical Officer of Health in effecting isolation of infected cases, suspects or contacts- [Local]
14; The Minister's powers to declare an infected area- [National]
3; The Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority- [National]
5; Functions of the Authority- [National]
6; Powers of the Authority- [National]
7; Board of the Authority- [National]
9; Expert Committee of the Board- [National and Central]
10; Committees- [Central]
12; Director General- [National and Central]
54; The National Drug Quality Control Laboratory- [National]
55; Inspectors- [Local]
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20(2); The Minister shall appoint a Tribunal in accordance with Part XIV of this Act.
44(1) Subject to subsection (2), any person making an appeal under this Act shall lodge the appeal with the Minister and the Minister shall for the purpose of hearing and determining an appeal against any refusal to grant a permit of authorization, revoke a permit or authorization or an order of destruction, appoint a tribunal consisting of three members.