Zambia / Animal production
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4(1); The functions of the Department are to- [...] (d) regulate the importation, manufacturing and use of animal feed.
12; Where at any place within or outside Zambia there exists, or is suspected to exist, any disease e which is likely to affect animals in Zambia, the Minister or Director may make such order as they consider necessary for all or any of the following purposes: [...] (g) to regulate the production, distribution and use of veterinary drugs, biologicals, vitamins, minerals, hormones, growth promoters, animal feed and feed additives for the purposes of animal disease e control, drug resistance, residue control and imbalances.
30(1); The Minister may, for the purpose of disease control and veterinary public health, approve a laboratory for- (a) the testing of animal feed, vaccines, animal products, veterinary products and animal by-products.
59(1); A person shall not import, manufacture or sell any animal feed without permit from the Director.
7; The Board shall promote the availability of high quality livestock feeds and fodder in order to ensure sustained increase of milk yields and long-term viability of the dairy industry- (a) provide clear guidelines on the supply of standardized quality feeds, in liaison with the appropriate regulatory agency; (b) promoting the even distribution of feed millers in milk shed areas; (c) encourage private sector participation and competition in the feed industry; (d) promoting the production of seed for crops including drought tolerant crops, pasture seed as well as legume seed and other fodder crops so as to enhance the availability of feed level for the improvement of productivity; (e) encourage the development of technological know how in feed management and storage
40(1); No person shall import into Zambia- (a) any fertilizer or farm feed which contains bone or any other substance derived from animal carcass; or (b) any bone or any other substance derived from animal carcass for use in the manufacturing or processing of or as an ingredient in any farming requisite; unless he has submitted to the Minister a certificate issued and signed in the country of origin of such fertilizer, farm feed, bone or other substance [...]
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2; Interpretations- "animal feed" means- (a) any; (i) substance obtained by process of crushing, gristing or grinding or by the addition to any substance or removal therefrom of any ingredient; (ii) condimental foodstuff or mineral substance which possesses, or is alleged to possess, nutritive properties; and (iii) substance of animal origin which is intended or offered for feeding of animals, or (b) any stock lick or substance which can be and is used as stock lick, whether or not it possesses medicinal properties or not; but does not include straw, chaff, hay, silage, cereal in the grain or any other substance which has been crushed, gristed or ground for a farmer in accordance with the farmer's direction for own use, unless such substance has been declared by the Minister, by notice in the Gazette, to be animal feed for the purpose of this Act.
2; Interpretations- "allied substances" includes acaricides, cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements, medical and surgical sundries, medical devices and condoms.
2; Interpretations- "farm feed" means any vegetable, animal, chemical or mineral substance, whether in its natural state or which has been artificially prepared, which is alleged to possess nutritive properties and is intended, or offered for sale, or sold, for use in the feeding of livestock; but does not include straw, chaff, unground hay, silage, cereal in the grain, or any substance which falls within this definition but which has been crushed, gristed or ground for a farmer in accordance with his directions for his own use, unless by regulation such substance has been prescribed to be a farm feed for the purpose of this Act; "farming requisite" means any fertiliser or farm feed, or any substance used in the manufacture of a fertiliser or farm feed;
2; Interpretations- "feed" means any substance whether processed, semi-processed or raw, which is intended for animal consumption; "ingredient" means any substance, including a food or feed additive or a component of a compound ingredient, used in the manufacture or preparation of a foodstuff or feed and present in the final product, whether or not in a modified form; "operator" means a natural or legal person who places a product on the market or who receives a product that has been placed on the market in Zambia, or from another country, at any stage of the production and distribution chain, but does not include the final consumer.
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60(1); A person shall not import without a permit from the Director- (a) any animal feed which contains bone or any other substance which derives from an animal carcass, or (b) bones or any other animal substance derived from animal carcass for the purpose of manufacturing animal feed. (2) A person shall not manufacture or sell any animal feed containing bone or any other substance derived from animal carcass unless such bone or animal carcass has been sterilized in a prescribed manner.
2; Interpretations- "farming requisite" means any fertilizer of farm feed, or any substance used in the manufacture of fertilizer or farm feed.
27(1); Any person who, by any process, in any plant not registered under this Act, purpots- (a) to produce, manufacture, compound or process any farming requisite; or (b) to sterilize, for the purpose of this Act, any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, for use by any person in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite; shall be guilty of an offense.
32(1); No person shall manufacture, sell, process or compound or offer to expose for sale any fertilizer or farm feed containing bone or other substances derived from animal carcass unless such bone or other substances have been sterilized in the prescribed manner, and has been certified in the manner as having been so sterilized.
33(1); Any person who, being the owner of any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, intends to offer or advertize the same for sale for use in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite, shall, prior to the making of such offer or publication of such advertisement, have the same bone or other substances sterilized at or by a registered sterilizing plant.
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60(1); A person shall not import without a permit from the Director- (a) any animal feed which contains bone or any other substance which derives from an animal carcass, or (b) bones or any other animal substance derived from animal carcass for the purpose of manufacturing animal feed. (2) A person shall not manufacture or sell any animal feed containing bone or any other substance derived from animal carcass unless such bone or animal carcass has been sterilized in a prescribed manner.
27(1); Any person who, by any process, in any plant not registered under this Act, purpots- (a) to produce, manufacture, compound or process any farming requisite; or (b) to sterilize, for the purpose of this Act, any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, for use by any person in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite; shall be guilty of an offense.
32(1); No person shall manufacture, sell, process or compound or offer to expose for sale any fertilizer or farm feed containing bone or other substances derived from animal carcass unless such bone or other substances have been sterilized in the prescribed manner, and has been certified in the manner as having been so sterilized.
33(1); Any person who, being the owner of any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, intends to offer or advertize the same for sale for use in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite, shall, prior to the making of such offer or publication of such advertisement, have the same bone or other substances sterilized at or by a registered sterilizing plant.
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4(1); The Functions of the Department are to- [...] (c ) regulate the importation and exportation of animals, animal products, animal by-products and articles; (d) regulate the importation, manufacture and use of animal feed; (h) do all such acts and things as are necessary, incidental or conducive to the better carrying out of its functions under this Act or any other written law.
5(1); An officer may- (a) at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect any land, building or premises where animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed may be found or processed the for the purpose of inspection and data collection; (b) open and examine any container, conveyance, package, or wrapping suspected to contain an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance; (c) inspect any animal, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed destined for import into or export out from Zambia or to determine whether the consignment is sanitary compliant; (d) inspect any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an animal, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance with this Act; (e) search any person whom the officer the reasonable grounds to believe is carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or carrying out activities contrary to this Act.
60(1); A person shall not import without a permit from the Director- (a) any animal feed which contains bone or any other substance which derives from an animal carcass, or (b) bones or any other animal substance derived from animal carcass for the purpose of manufacturing animal feed. (2) A person shall not manufacture or sell any animal feed containing bone or any other substance derived from animal carcass unless such bone or animal carcass has been sterilized in a prescribed manner.
27(1); Any person who, by any process, in any plant not registered under this Act, purpots- (a) to produce, manufacture, compound or process any farming requisite; or (b) to sterilize, for the purpose of this Act, any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, for use by any person in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite; shall be guilty of an offense.
32(1); No person shall manufacture, sell, process or compound or offer to expose for sale any fertilizer or farm feed containing bone or other substances derived from animal carcass unless such bone or other substances have been sterilized in the prescribed manner, and has been certified in the manner as having been so sterilized.
33(1); Any person who, being the owner of any bone or other substances derived from animal carcass, intends to offer or advertize the same for sale for use in the manufacture or processing of, or as an ingredient in, any farming requisite, shall, prior to the making of such offer or publication of such advertisement, have the same bone or other substances sterilized at or by a registered sterilizing plant.
38; The Minister may, from time to time, by regulation, restrict, limit or prohibit the importation of any particular farming requisite, or class of farming requisites, into Zambia without the prior written consent of the Minister
52; The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for the better carrying out of this Act, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, such regulations may make provisions for- [...] (o) the restriction, prohibition or limitation of the importation of any particular farming requisite, class of farming requisites, into Zambia; and the conditions under which any particular farming requisites may be imported.
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62; The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for- […] (b) the manner of branding, labelling, marking or sealing packages or containers of any animal feed.
12; The statement of analysis for each class of farm feed specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations shall appear in English in lettering both durable and legible on the bag or container containing the same or on a label securely attached thereto.
13; concerns the statement of analysis for feeds sold in bulk.
14; Where any class of farm feed specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations is sold in a container or a package under a trade name, trade mark, trade label or trade brand, as provided by section thirty of the Act, there shall appear in English in lettering both durable and legible on the container or package, or on a label securely attached thereto, a statement of analysis in respect thereof and, in addition, the Registering Officer shall have access to such records relating thereto as are specified in the Third Schedule to these Regulations.
30(1); Where any farming requisite is sold in containers or packages, under any trade name, trade mark liable or trade brand which is a property of, or exclusive to, the packer thereof, whether he is the manufacturer, processor, compounder or mixer of the said farming requisite, or otherwise, or whether the said trade name is in common use in the trade as a general description of compound or mixture of certain chemical or other ingredients, there shall appear in legible letters and figures on the outside surface of each such container or package, or on a label attached thereto, a statement describing the prescribed analysis of the said farming requisite.
31(1); Where any person sells for use as a fertilizer any article which has been subjected to any artificial process in Zambia, or which has been imported into Zambia, and furnishes the purchaser with a statement of the prescribed analysis, in the form prescribed for use on the sale of such farming requisite, the said statement shall have effect as a warranty by the seller that on analysis the said fertilizer does not vary beyond the limits of variation of analysis prescribed for that fertilizer.
17(1); For products consisting of or containing genetically modified organisms, an operator ensure that- […] (2) An operator shall label genetically modified food and feed in a manner that ensures that the accurate information is available to operators and consumers to enable them exercise their freedom of choice in an effective manner and to enable the effective control of labelling and verification claims.
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2; Interpretations- "allied substances" includes acaricides, cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements, medical and surgical sundries, medical devices and condoms.
45(1); An advertisement of any medicine or allied substance shall conform to the information relating to the medicine or allied substance approved by the Authority as specified in the marketing authorization. (2) A medicine or allied substance which is sold by prescription only shall not be advertized to the general public without prior written approval of the Authority
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62; The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for- […] (b) the manner of branding, labelling, marking or sealing packages or containers of any animal feed. (c ) the prohibition or restriction of the disposal, acquisition or use of any animal feed; (d) the restriction, limitation or prohibition of the importation of any animal feed or class of animal feed into Zambia and the conditions under which the animal feed may be imported.
2; Interpretations- "allied substances" includes acaricides, cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements, medical and surgical sundries, medical devices and condoms.
45(1); An advertisement of any medicine or allied substance shall conform to the information relating to the medicine or allied substance approved by the Authority as specified in the marketing authorization. (2) A medicine or allied substance which is sold by prescription only shall not be advertized to the general public without prior written approval of the Authority
2; Interpretations- "allied substances" includes acaricides, cosmetics, disinfectants, food supplements, feed additives and supplements, medical and surgical sundries, medical devices and condoms.
52; The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations for the better carrying out of this Act, and without generality of the foregoing, such regulations may make provisions for- [...] (k) the manner of branding, labelling, marking or sealing packages or containers for particular farming requisites.