Zambia / Animal production
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8(1); The Scientific Advisory Committee shall consist of nine scientific experts from any of the following fields: (a) breeding and genetics [veterinary] (b) agronomy [agriculture] (c ) weed science [agriculture] (d) pathology [veterinary and health] (e) molecular biology [veterinary and health] (f) food science [food safety commission] (g) toxicology [veterinary and health] (h) ecology [environment] (i) entomology [agriculture] (j) virology [veterinary and health] (k) microbiology [veterinary and health] and (l) pharmacology [veterinary, health and medicines and allied substances].
9(1); Any institution that is involved in the import, development, research, transit, export, handling, contained use, release or placing on the market of any genetically modified organism shall establish an institutional biosafety committee to institute and control safety mechanisms and approval procedures at the institutional level
5; No person shall directly or indirectly obstruct or resist the Meat Inspector, the Medical Officer of Health, the Veterinary Officer or other duly authorized officer in the lawful execution of any of the provisions of these Regulations.
3(1); There is established the Food Safety Coordinating Committee which is responsible for the implementation of the provisions of this Act.(3) The Committee consists of the following members appointed by the Minister: (a) a representative of the ministry responsible for health, who shall be the chairperson; (b) one representative each of the ministries resposnible for- (i) animal health [coordination with the department of veterinary services] (ii) commerce [coordination with the department of commerce and industry] (iii) higher education [coordination with the ministry of Higher Education] (iv) agriculture [coordination with the department of agriculture] (v) local government [ coordination with the local authorities] and (vi) water, sanitation and environment [coordination with the ministry of water, sanitation and environmental protection].
4(1); The functions of the Committee are to- (a) coordinate activities and responses relating to food safety among enforcement agencies in order to have a unified scientific basis in the food control system; (c) facilitate consumer protection in relation to food safety in collaboration with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission; (d) facilitate information sharing among enforcement agencies; (f) liaise with other agencies in matters relating to food safety.(2) The Committee shall, in performance of its functions- (a) consult and cooperate with any other state institutions in the implementation of this Act; (b) recognize the role of other agencies in implementing matters relating to food safety.
24(1); Where a license, certificate or permit is obtained under any written law in accordance with the procedures specified under the Business Regulatory Act, 2014, and requires regulatory health clearance, an authorized officer or regulatory service center shall endorse on the license [coordination with the Business Regulation Agency].
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36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part-time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary; (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity predominant in the ward as determined by the local authority; (c) an extension officer from the department responsible for education; (d) an extension officer from the department responsible for health; (e) an extension officer from the department responsible for community development; (f) a representative from a local non-governmental organization in the ward; (g) a representative of the Zambia Agency for persons with disability; (h) a representative from a marginalized group; (i) a representative of the chief in the ward; (j) ward counsellor; (k) a trustee from the local authority; (l) a youth, sports and recreation focal point person; (m) a gender focal person.
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36(1); There is established in each ward a Ward Development Committee in the area of the local authority consisting of the following part-time members appointed by the Town Clerk or Council Secretary; (a) an elected zonal representative from each zone; (b) an extension officer from the department responsible for agriculture, fisheries and livestock or economic sectors appointed based on the economic activity predominant in the ward as determined by the local authority; (c) an extension officer from the department responsible for education; (d) an extension officer from the department responsible for health; (e) an extension officer from the department responsible for community development; (f) a representative from a local non-governmental organization in the ward; (g) a representative of the Zambia Agency for persons with disability; (h) a representative from a marginalized group; (i) a representative of the chief in the ward; (j) ward counsellor; (k) a trustee from the local authority; (l) a youth, sports and recreation focal point person; (m) a gender focal person.