Zambia / Animal production
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46(1); A person shall not use any water for purposes of diluting any effluents without a permit issued under this Act. (2) A person, trade or industrial undertaking who or which, as the case may be, wishes to discharge any effluent into a water resource shall do so in accordance with the Environmental Management Act, 2011.
43; An aquaculture license may contain conditions- […] (g) stipulating measures to be taken to minimise the escape of waste products and pollution of the water in, or the land surrounding, an aquaculture facility; (h) regulating the disposal of dead fish or waste from an aquaculture facility operated by a licensee including consents and notifications required in respect thereof; (i) respecting the control and monitoring of water quality in the aquaculture facility.
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41(1); An application for a licence to engage in aquaculture shall be made to the Director or such other officer designated for that purpose by the Director in the prescribed manner and form and shall be accompanied by a prescribed fee, an environmental impact assessment report prepared pursuant to section
forty-five and such other information as may be prescribed.
45. A person who intends to engage in aquaculture shall conduct an environmental impact assessment in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Management Act, 2011, and prepare a report thereon for the purposes of this Act.
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48(1); A person shall not use any drug, chemical or substance for the treatment of fish diseases or for the enhancement of fish growth in an aquaculture facility or for the disinfection of any equipment used in an aquaculture facility, except a drug, chemical or substance approved by the Director for such purpose in consultation with the Environmental Management Agency.
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48(2; A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both
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2; Interpretations- "release" means any intentional introduction into the environment, of a genetically modified organism for any commercial purposes, for food aid, remediation, research purpose in any facility, use of genetically modified organism or product of a genetically modified organism in any greenhouse, aquaculture facility, animal accommodation [...]
3; This Act applies to the import, development, export, research, transit, contained use, release or placing on the market of any genetically modified organism whether intended for release into the environment, for use as a pharmaceutical, for food, feed or processing, or a product of genetically modified organism.
5(1); The functions of the Authority are to- [...] (h) to keep any genetically modified organism or any product of genetically modified organism under review and where the Authority has reasonable grounds to believe that the genetically modified organism or product thereof poses any risk to human health, animal health, biological diversity, or the environment, to ban its transit, import, development, export, research, use or release in Zambia.
7; The Scientific Advisory Committee shall- (a) conduct risk assessments; (b) review risk assessments and risk assessment measures; (c) recommend containment measures, limitations on the duration of authorizations, reporting mechanisms , remedial measures, monitoring procedures and other appropriate and scientifically sound conditions and risk assessment measures.
10(1); A person shall not research on, develop, produce, import, export, transit, carry out any contained use, release or place on the market any genetically modified organism or deal in any manner with any genetically modified organism or product of genetically modified organism without prior approval of the Authority.
19(1); A person shall not without the written permission of the Director— (a) introduce or cause to be introduced into any water any fish of a species not native either to the water into which it is introduced or to waters naturally connected therewith; (b) import into the Republic any live fish; (c) stock, cause to be stocked or attempt to stock any fishery waters or any part thereof with live fish; (d) translocate, transfer, cause to be translocated or attempt to translocate live fish from one fishery area to another or from one place to another; or (e) land fish or attempt to land fish at any site other than at the designated landing site. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years, or to both. 20. Where at any place within or outside
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48(2); A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both.
61; A person who is convicted of an offense under the provisions of this Act, unless some other penalty is specifically provided therefor, liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or to both.